Closes#174, Don't load images and attached files when detecting content type in linkFromURL()
If mime type not provided, Scholar.Files.linkFromURL() now uses XMLHTTPRequest HEAD request to get the content type without loading file (thanks Simon for the idea)
If title not provided, try to figure it out from URL, though not particularly intelligently (last slash)
Note that order of title and mimeType parameters is now swapped
This code should be a bit smarter about unexpected conditions
Fixed ignoreCase logic (and also set all but CharacterSets to false, since there's no reason for them to be true)
Also made CachedTypes.getID() and getName() return false and '', respectively, on unknown types rather than letting them hit the error (there's still the 'invalid * type' debug message)
Returns the first 80 characters of the note content as the title
Also changed setField() to use the loadIn parameter for primary fields so it can be used instead of this._data without affected _changedItems
Not finished, but enough to give David something to work with
No BLOBs -- just linking/importing of files and loaded documents
New Scholar.Item methods:
incrementFileCount() (used internally)
decrementFileCount() (used internally)
getFile() -- returns nsILocalFile or false if associated file doesn't exist (note: always returns false for items with LINK_MODE_LINKED_URL, since they have no files -- use getFileURL() instead)
getFileURL() -- returns URL string
getFileLinkMode() -- compare to Scholar.Files.LINK_MODE_* constants: LINKED_FILE, IMPORTED_FILE, LINKED_URL, IMPORTED_URL
getFileMimeType() -- mime type of file (e.g. text/plain)
getFileCharset() -- charsetID of file
getFiles() -- array of file itemIDs this file is a source for
New Scholar.Files methods:
importFromFile(nsIFile file [, int sourceItemID])
linkFromFile(nsIFile file [, int sourceItemID])
importFromDocument(nsIDOMDocument document [, int sourceItemID])
linkFromDocument(nsIDOMDocument document [, int sourceItemID])
New class Scholar.FileTypes -- partially implemented, not yet used
New class Scholar.CharacterSets -- same as other *Types classes:
getTypes() (aliased to getAll(), which I'll probably change the others to as well)
Charsets table with all official character sets (copied from Mozilla source)
Renamed Item.setNoteSource() to setSource() and Item.getNoteSource() to getSource() and adjusted to handle both notes and files
Item.getSeeAlso() -- array of linked items
Relationships are mutual
Closes#82, Notes: see also table
New methods:
Item.getTags() -- array of tagIDs
Tags.add(text) -- returns tagID of new tag
Tags.purge() -- purge obsolete tags
The last two are for use by Item.addTag() and Item.removeTag(), respectively, and probably don't need to be used elsewhere. changed to not call notify() if a transaction is in progress, which is totally going to trip someone up at some point, and probably me, but it's better than a new parameter
Item.toArray() implemented -- builds up a multidimensional array of item data, converting all type ids to their textual equivalents -- currently has empty placeholder arrays for tags and seeAlso
Sample source output:
'itemID' => "2"
'itemType' => "book"
'title' => "Computer-Mediated Communication: Human-to-Human Communication Across the Internet"
'dateAdded' => "2006-03-12 05:25:50"
'dateModified' => "2006-03-12 05:25:50"
'publisher' => "Allyn & Bacon Publishers"
'year' => "2002"
'pages' => "347"
'ISBN' => "0-205-32145-3"
'creators' ...
'0' ...
'firstName' => "Susan B."
'lastName' => "Barnes"
'creatorType' => "author"
'notes' ...
'0' ...
'note' => "text"
'tags' ...
'seeAlso' ...
'1' ...
'note' => "text"
'tags' ...
'seeAlso' ...
'tags' ...
'seeAlso' ...
Sample note output:
'itemID' => "17"
'itemType' => "note"
'dateAdded' => "2006-06-27 04:21:16"
'dateModified' => "2006-06-27 04:21:16"
'note' => "text"
'sourceItemID' => "2"
'tags' ...
'seeAlso' ...
sourceItemID won't exist if it's an independent note.
We'll use the same format in reverse for fromArray, so Simon, let me know if you need more data (preserving type ids, etc) or want anything in a different form.
- Added 'note' item type
- Updated API to support independent note creation
Notes are, more or less, just regular items, with an item type of 1. They're created through Scholar.Notes.add(text, sourceItemID), which returns the itemID of the new note. sourceItemID is optional--if left out, an independent note will be created. (There's currently nothing stopping you from doing getNewItemByType(1) yourself, but the note would be contentless and broken, so you shouldn't do that.) Note data could've been stuffed into itemData, but I kept it separate in itemNotes to keep metadata searching faster and to keep things cleaner.
Methods calls that can be called on all items:
isNote() (same as testing for itemTypeID 1)
Method calls that can be called on source items only:
getNotes() (array of note itemIDs for a source)
Method calls that can be called on note items only:
setNoteSource(sourceItemID) (for changing source--use empty or false to make independent, which is currently what happens when you delete a note--will get option with #91)
getNote() (note content)
getNoteSource() (sourceItemID of a note)
Calling the above methods on the wrong item types will throw an error.
*** This will break note creation/display until David updates interface code. ***
- Added methods getID(idOrName) and getName(idOrName) to Scholar.CreatorTypes and Scholar.ItemTypes to take either typeID or typeName
- Removed getTypeName() in each and changed references accordingly
- Streamlined both classes to be as similar as possible
Fix in Collection.erase() -- when the DB methods started returning values in their native type, the collection id became an int rather than a string and "new Array(this._id)" became a length declaration rather than an elements declaration