also adds a parameter to disable proxy redirection by domain (although if I had known how much work would be involved in implementing this before I started, I wouldn't have bothered)
- Store one item per IA bucket, with attachments stored as objects
- Use proper mediatype field based on Zotero item type
- Commons list is now pulled dynamically based on RDF stored at IA, without need for corresponding local item (which may have been deleted, etc.)
- Once available, OCRed PDFs can be pulled down by right-clicking on Commons and selecting Refresh
- Downloaded OCRed PDFs are now named the same as the existing attachment, with "(OCR)" appended
- The relations table is used to link downloaded OCRed PDFs to the IA file, so the downloaded file can be renamed without triggering another download
- The Commons view is marked for automatic refresh after an item is uploaded
- Added some progress notifications, though more are probably needed
- Other things
- Added Zotero.File.getBinaryContents(file)
- Erase an item's relations when the item is deleted, and purge orphaned ones
- Zotero.URI.eraseByPathPrefix(prefix) no longer prepends '' (which has been moved to Zotero.URI.defaultPrefix)
- New function Zotero.URI.eraseByURI(prefix)
Known Issues:
- Slow (some IA changes should be able to speed it up)
- Identifier format is likely temporary
- Sometimes it stops during setTimeout() calls for no apparent reason whatsoever
- Didn't test items with multiple attachments
- Not sure if Commons view will auto-refresh if you switch to it before the upload is done
- IA translator not yet updated
- Deleting items not supported by IA
- Date Added/Date Modified don't show up properly in Zotero for Commons items
- Group file sync via Zotero File Storage
- Split file syncing into separate modules for ZFS and WebDAV
- Dragging items between libraries copies child notes, snapshots/files, and links based on checkboxes for each (enabled by default) in the Zotero preferences
- Sync errors now trigger an exclamation/error icon separate from the sync icon, with a popup window displaying the error and an option to report it
- Various errors that could cause perpetual sync icon spinning now stop the sync properly
- Zotero.Utilities.md5(str) is now md5(strOrFile, base64)
- doPost(), doHead(), and retrieveSource() now takes a headers parameter instead of requestContentType
- doHead() can now accept an nsIURI (with login credentials), is a background request, and isn't cached
- When library access or file writing access is denied during sync, display a warning and then reset local group to server version
- Perform additional steps (e.g., removing local groups) when switching sync users to prevent errors
- Compare hash as well as mod time when checking for modified local files
- Don't trigger notifications when removing groups from the client
- Clear relation links to items in removed groups
- Zotero.Item.attachmentHash property to get file MD5
- importFromFile() now takes libraryID as a third parameter
- Zotero.Attachments.getNumFiles() returns the number of files in the attachment directory
- Zotero.Attachments.copyAttachmentToLibrary() copies an attachment item, including files, to another library
- Removed Zotero.File.getFileHash() in favor of updated Zotero.Utilities.md5()
- Zotero.File.copyDirectory(dir, newDir) copies all files from dir into newDir
- Preferences shuffling: OpenURL to Advanced, import/export character set options to Export, "Include URLs of paper articles in references" to Styles
- Other stuff I don't remember
Suffice it to say, this could use testing.
- dropping Zotero items into a bucket puts them in that IA bucket
- double clicking a bucket takes you to that IA bucket
In order to enable Zotero Commons:
1) Get an access key and secret key at
2) Go to about:config
3) Search "commons" (no quotes)
4) Set "extensions.zotero.commons.enabled" to true
5) Enter your S3 access key into "extensions.zotero.commons.accessKey"
6) Enter your S3 secret key into "extensions.zotero.commons.secretKey"
7) Enter your buckets into "extensions.zotero.commons.buckets" as a comma separated list
Note: Steps 4-7 take effect in new windows
- Make note font configurable through extensions.zotero.note.fontFamily hidden pref (for now)
- Additional CSS rules can be added through extensions.zotero.note.css hidden pref
- Give TinyMCE note body #zotero-tinymce-note id for more specific external customization
- Remove status bar position option from visible preferences...
(Smith, 2006)
The database is scanned for each citation, and positioning is adjusted automatically for footnotes. Currently, this won't work with names with accents, but I'll get to that.
- Only one preference for recognizing proxies for transparent redirection
- Blacklists sites and http://%h/%p
- Fixes to EZProxy
This will clear all existing proxies from Zotero
- Disable unresponsive script warning during items list refresh
- Zotero.UnresponsiveScriptIndicator.disable() now returns true if it disables the indicator and false if it was already disabled
- Still experimental and incomplete, with no lock support and not much error handling
- New expiry date for sync functions
- Attachment character set was being dropped during syncing
- Possibly improves sizing issues with preferences window
- Fixes problems with attachment filenames with extended characters
- Fixes some problem with tags that I don't remember
- Makes XMLHTTPRequest calls are now background requests (no auth windows or other prompts)
- Z.U.HTTP.doOptions() now takes an nsIURI instead of a URL spec
- New methods:
- Zotero.Utilities.rand(min, max)
- Zotero.Utilities.probability(x)
- Zotero.Utilities.Base64.encode(str) and decode(str)
- Zotero.getTempDirectory()
- Zotero.Date.dateToISO(date) - convert JS Date object to ISO 8601 UTC date/time
- Zotero.Date.isoToDate(isoDate) - convert an ISO 8601 UTC date/time to a JS Date object
changes default behavior. transparent redirection is now enabled by default, and a caution dialog appears when proxies are first accessed. when transparent redirection is turned off, no dialog appears, and proxies get saved automatically. when the user switches transparent redirection on, there is a warning that s/he should check that there are only trusted proxies in the list. i'm not sure how well i've worded the messages, so feel free to suggest better alternatives.
also, a bit of jsdoc cleanup on proxy.js
closes#831, transparent EZProxy support
adds a proxy pane to the preferences
asks before saving proxies to the DB (to avoid the potential phishing risk #831 would otherwise pose)
- Inspired by Dan Chudnov's Python/MODS-based Zeroconf demo at THATcamp
- Enabled by extensions.zotero.zeroconf.enabled (off by default)
- Currently supports only OS X (tested on Leopard, not sure about earlier versions)
- Uses Apple's dns-sd and mDNS command-client clients, but should be able to be extended to other clients, though a native library would be far superior
- Discovery is on-demand for now via Actions menu ("Search for Shared Libraries")
- Includes rudimentary web server (code copied from integration.js) that serves items as sync XML -- no authentication yet!
- Only supports top-level items
- Remote libraries show up in left pane (under remote computer name, for now)
- Items can be dragged into collections (but not the library yet, for some reason)
- On first run, might cause a long pause and the "This file was downloaded from the Internet" message on Leopard -- can't manage to get around the quarantine for the script file that we need to access stdout from Firefox
- Needs a lot of work, and without a real JS (or otherwise Mozilla-native) Zeroconf library we can't do proper discovery without intermittent polling
- But it works, at least for me
Also includes some data/sync-layer changes that I needed along the way (and that we'll need for shared collections of any type)
Apologies for the massive (and, due to data_access.js splitting, difficult-to-follow) commit. Please note that external code that accesses the data layer may need to be tweaked for compatibility. Here's a comprehensive-as-possible changelog:
- Added server sync functionality (incomplete)
- Overhaul of data layer
- Split data_access.js into separate files (item.js, items.js, creator.js, etc.)
- Made creators and collections first-class objects, similar to items
- Constructors now take id as first parameter, e.g. new Zotero.Item(1234, 'book'), to allow explicit id setting and id changing
- Made various data layer operations (including attachment fields) require a save() rather than making direct DB changes
- Better handling of unsaved objects
- Item.setCreator() now takes creator objects instead of creator ids, and will auto-save unsaved creators
- clone() now works on unsaved objects
- Newly created object instances are now disabled after save() to force refetch of globally accessible instance using Zotero.(Items|Creators|etc.).get()
- Added secondary lookup key to data objects
- Deprecated getID() and getItemType() methods in favor of .id and .itemTypeID properties
- toArray() deprecated in favor of serialize(), which has a somewhat modified format
- Added support for multiple creators with identical data -- currently unimplemented in interface and most of data layer
- Added Item.diff() for comparing item metadata
- Database changes
- Added SQLite triggers to enforce foreign key constraints
- Added Zotero.DB.transactionVacuum flag to run a VACUUM after a transaction
- Added Zotero.DB.transactionDate, .transactionDateTime, and transactionTimestamp to retrieve consistent timestamps for entire transaction
- Properly store 64-bit integers
- Set PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE on database
- Set SQLite page size to 4096 on new databases
- Set SQLite page cache to 8MB
- Do some database cleanup and integrity checking on migration from 1.0 branch
- Removed IF NOT EXISTS from userdata.sql CREATE statements -- userdata.sql is now processed only on DB initialization
- Removed itemNoteTitles table and moved titles into itemNotes
- Abstracted metadata edit box and note box into flexible XBL bindings with various modes, including read-only states
- Massive speed-up of item tree view
- Several fixes from 1.0 branch for Fx3 compatibility
- Added Notifier observer to log delete events for syncing
- Zotero.Utilities changes
- New methods getSQLDataType() and md5()
- Removed onError from Zotero.Utilities.HTTP.doGet()
- Don't display more than 1024 characters in doPost() debug output
- Don't display passwords in doPost() debug output
- Added Zotero.Notifier.untrigger() -- currently unused
- Added Zotero.reloadDataObjects() to reset all in-memory objects
- Added |chars| parameter to Zotero.randomString(len, chars)
- Added Zotero.Date.getUnixTimestamp() and Date.toUnixTimestamp(JSDate)
- Adjusted zotero-service.js to simplify file inclusion
Various things (such as tags) are temporarily broken.
At least some scrapers (NYT and WashPo, for sure) should be updated to follow this pref
Addresses #327, Scrapers should either take snapshots or use URL field
Changed "Scholar" to "Zotero", everywhere
Apologies to anyone with working copy changes, but there are probably the fewer at this moment than there will be again.
Hopefully this won't break anything, though existing prefs will be lost. I avoided you know any other legitimate "scholar"s in the code, be sure to fix them once I'm done here.
This is a multi-commit change--there's at least one more coming. *Do not update to this version! It won't work!*
closes#160, cache regular expressions
closes#188, rewrite MARC handling functions
MARC-based translators should now produce item types besides "book." right now, artwork, film, and manuscript are available. MARC also has codes for various types of audio (speech, music, etc.) and maps.
the EBSCO translator does not yet produce attachments. i sent them an email because their RIS export is invalid (the URLs come after the "end of record" field) and i'm waiting to see if they'll fix it before i try to fix it myself.
the EBSCO translator is unfortunately a bit slow, because it has to make 5 requests in order to get RIS export. the alternative (scraping individual item pages) would be even slower.
regular expression caching can be turned off by disabling extensions.scholar.cacheTranslatorData in about:config. if you leave it on, you'll have to restart Firefox after updating translators.
closes#3, Overflow metadata dumps into "extra" field
add "extra" data where such data is useful and conveniently accessible (not available for XML-based export or MARC formats yet)
add links to permanent URLs
download associated files from full text sources (if extensions.scholar.downloadAssociatedFiles preference is enabled)
fix WorldCat translator
improve InnoPAC translator (it now works on Georgetown search results pages, albeit slowly, because it must first realize the catalog is misconfigured)
tag items from SIRSI and WorldCat
return to putting the full lengths of books into "pages," because some citation styles require it
fix COinS (broken a few revisions ago)
Scholar should now attempt to process citation information from EndNote download links (MIME types application/x-endnote-refer and application/x-research-info-systems). in situations where Scholar cannot process the information, a standard helper app dialog will appear. this behavior is controlled by the preference extensions.scholar.parseEndNoteMIMETypes.