Our modifications no longer include a custom yield handler to
automatically call all() on yielded arrays (which maintained Bluebird
1.x behavior). It's now necessary to call all() or similar explicitly.
Also fixed a few incorrect yields hidden by that behavior.
Previously, 'collection' and 'savedSearch' conditions used
"[libraryID]_[key]" format. Now, the condition should contain only a
key, and the libraryID will be drawn from either the search itself or a
libraryID search condition. Old-style conditions are still parsed if
- Protocol handler extensions can now handle promises and can also make
data available as it's ready instead of all at once (e.g., reports now
output one entry at a time)
- zotero:// URL syntaxes are now more consistent and closer to the web
API (old URLs should work, but some may currently be broken)
- Code to generate server API, currently available for testing via
zotero://data URLs but eventually moving to HTTP -- zotero://data URLs match
web API URLs, with a different prefix for the personal library (/library vs.
- Miscellaneous fixes to data objects
Under the hood:
- Extensions now return an AsyncChannel, which is an nsIChannel implementation
that takes a promise-yielding generator that returns a string,
nsIAsyncInputStream, or file that will be used for the channel's data
- New function Zotero.Utilities.Internal.getAsyncInputStream() takes a
generator that yields either promises or strings and returns an async input
stream filled with the yielded strings
- Zotero.Router parsers URLs and extract parameters
- Zotero.Item.toResponseJSON()
And remove UDF setup code
Duplicates view also used REGEXP, so we'll need to figure out another approach
for the async rewrite of that (#519). There are no other current UDF consumers,
so this closes#528.
And catch other errors and throw StopIteration so that they stop the
search. (Non-StopIteration errors in onRow don't stop Sqlite.jsm
queries. We were logging them but then re-throwing them, which didn't do
This required doing additional caching at startup (e.g., item types and fields)
so that various methods can remain synchronous.
This lets us switch back to using the current Sqlite.jsm. Previously we were
bundling the Fx24 version, which avoided freezes with locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE
with both sync and async queries.
Known broken things:
- Autocomplete
- Database backup
- UDFs (e.g., REGEXP function used in Zotero.DB.getNextName())
- Zotero.Item.prototype.getFilePath() is now synchronous, with a separate async getFilePathAsync()
- getFile() no longer takes a skipExistsCheck parameter, since that shouldn't happen synchronously
- Zotero.Items.getByLibraryAndKey() is now synchronous again, with a
separate Zotero.Items.getByLibraryAndKeyAsync() - I haven't fully
tested this, so I'm not sure if there will need to be any async
- Some of the full-text indexing functions now take file paths instead of nsIFile objects
- Zotero.File.getContentsAsync() can now take a string path as well