Prior to fdfa8052d1, it was possible to create an item in a feed
library using Add Item by Identifier. If you did that, and then copied
it to a collection in your personal library, it would somehow end up
with an owl:sameAs relation to a `/users/local` URI (probably because
the URI functions don't work properly on a feed library).
This will clean up such relations in a schema update.
- When changing type based on 'type:' line, move existing fields that
are no longer valid to Extra
- Remove 'type:' line with CSL type if the item's existing type is one
of the types mapped to it
- Fixes autocomplete text remaining in field after selection in Fx60
- No more text or icon shifting on select (tested on macOS)
- Tags are now selected on mousedown with no active state, as in web
- Tooltip with tag type doesn't appear when hovering over icon
- Pressing Tab after modifying a tag loses focus
- Right-click in textbox shows custom menu instead of default text
editing context menu (Cut/Copy/Paste)
- Switch to this version for note tags box
- Style colored tags in autocomplete drop-down? Sort to top?
- Only show delete button on row hover, as in web library?
This changes the way item types, item fields, creator types, and CSL
mappings are defined and handled, in preparation for updated types and
Instead of being predefined in SQL files or code, type/field info is
read from a bundled JSON file shared with other parts of the Zotero
ecosystem [1], referred to as the "global schema". Updates to the
bundled schema file are automatically applied to the database at first
run, allowing changes to be made consistently across apps.
When syncing, invalid JSON properties are now rejected instead of being
ignored and processed later, which will allow for schema changes to be
made without causing problems in existing clients. We considered many
alternative approaches, but this approach is by far the simplest,
safest, and most transparent to the user.
For now, there are no actual changes to types and fields, since we'll
first need to do a sync cut-off for earlier versions that don't reject
invalid properties.
For third-party code, the main change is that type and field IDs should
no longer be hard-coded, since they may not be consistent in new
installs. For example, code should use `Zotero.ItemTypes.getID('note')`
instead of hard-coding `1`.
Pulling from chrome/content/zotero/modules/
This may or may not be what we want to do, but it's better than
intermingling our modules with third-party modules in 'resource/'.
- The Mozilla CommonJS loader is no longer available, so bundle the
Fx52 version of it
- Strict mode is enforced
- `this` is only defined as a global object in .jsm files, not .js files
- `this` can't be converted to a string for BackstagePass test, so check
for presence of Components.utils.import instead
- The return value from import() is no longer available
Separate flags for hiding the retraction altogether and for hiding
citation warnings for it
New functions:
Addresses #1710
This shouldn't be possible, but there've been a couple reports of people
ending up on version 103 without the table, so create it again with IF
NOT EXISTS. This is obviously a bad fix, but until we know how this
happened it's the best we can do.
- Check for retracted items using data from Retraction Watch
- Show an X next to retracted items in the items list, and show a
scary message at the top of the item pane with more info and links.
- Lookup is done in a privacy-preserving manner using k-anonymity --
the server is unable to determine the specific items that exist in
the client, so people who don't sync don't need to share any library
data (though the server doesn't log the lookups anyway).
- Pop up an alert when new items are found
- Show a confirmation prompt when citing a retracted item
- Support items without DOIs or PMIDs
- Add a proper PMID field and expand DOI to more item types so these
values don't need to be parsed out of Extra
- Clear the banner immediately when all possible fields are cleared
instead of waiting a few seconds
This adds "English (UK)" to the locale list, which allows for "tag
colours" and allows dates to be recognized in d/m/y form.
I changed "color" and "license" on Transifex, but I'll leave other words
for others to change. If we stick to Oxford spelling, there probably
won't be too much else.
- Use react-virtualized to render tags on demand, reducing the number
of DOM elements from potentially tens of thousands to <100. This
requires tags to be absolutely positioned, so sizing and
positioning need to be precomputed rather than relying on CSS.
- Avoid unnecessary refreshes, speed up tag retrieval, and optimize
- Debounce reflowing when resizing tag selector
- Scroll to top when changing collections
- Allow tags to take up full width of tag selector without truncation
- Added icon-button UI code for the menubutton
- Upgrade to React 16 to allow non-standard attrs, such as `tooltiptext`
to support XUL tooltips
- Add i18n support for React UI elements
- Update tests for reactified tag selector