Update locales from Transifex
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 144 additions and 144 deletions
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<!ENTITY fileMenu.label "ملف">
<!ENTITY fileMenu.accesskey "م">
<!ENTITY fileMenu.accesskey "F">
<!ENTITY saveCmd.label "حفظ...">
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@ -22,25 +22,25 @@
<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "P">
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<!ENTITY closeCmd.accesskey "C">
<!ENTITY manageAttachments.label "إدارة المرفقات">
<!ENTITY convertToStored.label "تحويل الملفات المرتبطة إلى ملفات مخزنة...">
<!ENTITY importCmd.label "استيراد...">
<!ENTITY importCmd.key "I">
<!ENTITY importFromClipboardCmd.label "استيراد من الحافظة">
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@ -83,19 +83,19 @@
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<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "D">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.label "معلومات المساعدة والتنويه">
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<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.label "منتديات المناقشة">
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<!ENTITY helpReportErrors.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.label "سجل تصويب المخرجات">
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<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.submit "إرسال المخرجات">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.view "عرض المخرجات">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.clear "مسح المخرجات">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.clear "تفريغ المخرجات">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.restartWithLoggingEnabled "أعاده التشغيل مع تمكين التسجيل...">
<!ENTITY helpCheckForUpdates.label "تحقق من التحديثات">
<!ENTITY helpCheckForUpdates.accesskey "ت">
<!ENTITY helpCheckForUpdates.accesskey "U">
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.import.label "استيراد...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.importFromClipboard "استيراد من الحافظة">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.export.label "تصدير المكتبة...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.rtfScan.label "RTF Scan">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.rtfScan.label "فحص ملف RTF">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.timeline.label "إنشاء خط زمني">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.preferences.label "التفضيلات...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.supportAndDocumentation "الدعم و الوثائق">
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ general.serverError=قام الخادم بارجاع خطأ. الرجاء اعا
general.pleaseRestart=فضلاً أعد تشغيل %S
general.pleaseRestartAndTryAgain=فضلاً أعد تشغيل %S و حاول مرة أخرى.
general.checkForUpdate=البحث عن تحديث
general.checkForUpdates=Check for Updates
general.checkForUpdates=البحث عن تحديثات
general.actionCannotBeUndone=لا يمكن تجاهل هذا الاجراء.
general.updateAvailable=تحديث متاح
@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ general.keys.ctrlShift=Ctrl+Shift+
general.dontShowAgain=لا تعرض مرة اخرى
general.tryAgain=Try Again
general.tryLater=Try Later
general.showDirectory=Show Directory
general.tryAgain=حاول مرة أخرى
general.tryLater=حاول لاحقاً
general.showDirectory=اعرض المجلد
general.copyToClipboard=انسخ إلى الحافظة
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinishedAndTryAgain=يرجى الانتظا
networkError.connectionNotSecure=%S لايمكن اجراء اتصال آمن.
networkError.errorViaProxy=خطأ في الاتصال عبر الخادم الوكيل
about.createdBy=Zotero is a project of the [Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media] and is developed by a [global community].
about.createdBy=زوتيرو مشروع من [مركز روي روزينزويغ للتاريخ والإعلام الجديد] طوره [مجموعة عالمية].
about.getInvolved=هل تريد المساعدة ؟ [شارك] اليوم!
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ install.quickStartGuide.message.welcome=مرحباً بك في زوتيرو!
install.quickStartGuide.message.view=قم بعرض دليل الاستخدام المبسط لمعرفة كيفية البدء في الجمع، و الإدارة، و الاستشهاد، و المشاركة لمصادر البحث الخاصة بك.
install.quickStartGuide.message.thanks=شكراً لتنصيبك زوتيرو.
upgrade.status=Upgrading database…
upgrade.status=ترقية قاعدة البيانات ...
upgrade.failed.title=فشلت الترقية
upgrade.failed=فشلت الترقية لقاعدة بيانات زوتيرو:
upgrade.advanceMessage=اضغط %S للترقية الآن.
@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ upgrade.nonupgradeableDB2=للمتابعة ، قم أولاً بترقية قا
errorReport.reportError=الإبلاغ عن خطأ...
errorReport.reportErrors=الإبلاغ عن أخطاء...
errorReport.reportInstructions=يمكن الإبلاغ عن هذا الخطأ بالنقر على "%S" من قائمة المساعدة.
errorReport.followingReportWillBeSubmitted=The following report will be submitted:
errorReport.noErrorsLogged=No errors have been logged since %S started.
errorReport.followingReportWillBeSubmitted=سوف يسلم التقرير التالي:
errorReport.noErrorsLogged=لم تسجيل أي أخطاء منذ بدء %S .
errorReport.advanceMessage=اضغط على %S لارسال التقرير لمطوري زوتيرو
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=خطوات لإعادة ظهور الخطأ:
errorReport.expectedResult=النتيجة المتوقعة:
@ -135,9 +135,9 @@ attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=سيتم تحويل
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=مسح إعدادات الدليل الأساسي
dataDir.dirCannotBeCreated=The %S data directory (%S) cannot be created.
dataDir.checkDirWriteAccess=Make sure you have write access to this directory and that security software isn’t preventing %S from writing to the disk.
dataDir.checkDirWriteAccess=تأكد من حصولك على حق الوصول للكتابة إلى هذا الدليل وأن برنامج الأمان لا يمنع ٪ S من الكتابة إلى القرص.
dataDir.databaseCannotBeOpened=لايمكن فتح قاعدة البيانات %S .
dataDir.checkPermissions=Make sure you have read and write permissions for all files in the %1$S data directory and that security software isn’t preventing %1$S from accessing that directory.
dataDir.checkPermissions=تأكد من أن لديك أذونات للقراءة والكتابة لجميع الملفات في دليل بيانات %1$S وأن برنامج الأمان لا يمنع %1$S من الوصول إلى هذا الدليل.
dataDir.moveToDefaultLocation=You may be able to fix this problem by moving the data directory to the new default location in your home directory. %S will automatically detect the new location.
dataDir.location=دليل البيانات: %S
dataDir.notFound=تعذر العثور على دليل بيانات٪ S.
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ dataDir.default=Default (%S)
dataDir.useDefaultLocation=استخدم الموقع الافتراضي
dataDir.selectDir=تحديد مجلد بيانات زوتيرو
dataDir.selectNewDir=Select a new %S data directory
dataDir.changeDataDirectory=Change Data Directory…
dataDir.changeDataDirectory=تغيير دليل البيانات...
dataDir.chooseNewDataDirectory=Choose New Data Directory…
dataDir.unsafeLocation.selected.dropbox=Choosing a data directory within Dropbox may corrupt your database.
dataDir.unsafeLocation.selected.useAnyway=Use this directory anyway?
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ pane.collections.newSavedSeach=بحث مخزن جديد
pane.collections.savedSearchName=أدخل اسماً لهذا البحث المخزن:
pane.collections.rename=إعادة تسمية مجموعة العناصر:
pane.collections.publications=My Publications
pane.collections.libraryAndFeeds=My Library & Feeds
pane.collections.groupLibraries=مكتبات المجموعات
@ -244,9 +244,9 @@ pane.collections.menu.duplicate.savedSearch=تكرار البحث المحفوظ
pane.collections.menu.edit.savedSearch=تحرير البحث المحفوظ
pane.collections.menu.edit.feed=Edit Feed…
pane.collections.menu.remove.library=إزالة المكتبة...
pane.collections.menu.delete.collection=Delete Collection…
pane.collections.menu.delete.collection=امسح مجموعة العناصر...
pane.collections.menu.delete.collectionAndItems=Delete Collection and Items…
pane.collections.menu.delete.savedSearch=Delete Saved Search…
pane.collections.menu.delete.savedSearch=امسح البحث المخزن...
pane.collections.menu.delete.feedAndItems=Unsubscribe from Feed…
pane.collections.menu.export.collection=تصدير مجموعة العناصر...
pane.collections.menu.export.savedSearch=تصدير البحث المخزن...
@ -302,12 +302,12 @@ pane.items.menu.findAvailablePDF=ابحث عن ملف PDF متاح
pane.items.menu.findAvailablePDF.multiple=ابحث عن ملفات PDF متاحة
pane.items.menu.remove=ازالة العنصر من المجموعة...
pane.items.menu.remove.multiple=ازالة العناصر من المجموعة...
pane.items.menu.removeFromPublications=Remove Item from My Publications…
pane.items.menu.removeFromPublications.multiple=Remove Items from My Publications…
pane.items.menu.moveToTrash=Move Item to Trash…
pane.items.menu.moveToTrash.multiple=Move Items to Trash…
pane.items.menu.delete=Delete Item…
pane.items.menu.delete.multiple=Delete Items…
pane.items.menu.removeFromPublications=أزل العنصر من منشوراتي...
pane.items.menu.removeFromPublications.multiple=أزل العناصر من منشوراتي...
pane.items.menu.moveToTrash=انقل العنصر لسلة المحذوفات...
pane.items.menu.moveToTrash.multiple=انقل العناصر لسلة المحذوفات...
pane.items.menu.delete=امسح العنصر...
pane.items.menu.delete.multiple=امسح العناصر...
pane.items.menu.export=تصدير العنصر المحدد...
pane.items.menu.export.multiple=تصدير العناصر المحددة...
pane.items.menu.createBib=إنشاء ببليوجرافية من العنصر المحدد...
@ -345,8 +345,8 @@ pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=مطلوبٌ إذن كتابة المك
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=يمكن دمج عناصر المستوى الأعلى الكاملة من فقط.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Merged items must all be of the same item type.
pane.item.markAsRead=Mark As Read
pane.item.markAsUnread=Mark As Unread
pane.item.markAsRead=ميِّزهُ كمقروء
pane.item.markAsUnread=ميِّزهُ كغير مقروء
pane.item.addTo=Add to “%S”
pane.item.showInMyPublications=إعرض في منشوراتي
pane.item.hideFromMyPublications=Hide from My Publications
@ -1007,12 +1007,12 @@ sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=اختر هذه النسخة
sync.status.notYetSynced=لم تتم مزامنته بعد
sync.status.lastSync=آخر تزامن:
sync.status.waiting=Waiting for other operations to finish
sync.status.preparing=Preparing sync
sync.status.waiting=في الانتظار لانتهاء عمليات أخرى
sync.status.preparing=إعداد المزامنة
sync.status.loggingIn=تسجيل الدخول لخادم التزامن
sync.status.gettingUpdatedData=جاري تحديث البيانات من خادم التزامن
sync.status.processingUpdatedData=جاري معالجة البيانات المحدثة
@ -1192,12 +1192,12 @@ publications.cc.moreInfo.text=Be sure you have read the Creative Commons %S befo
publications.cc.moreInfo.linkText=اعتبارات للمرخصين
publications.cc0.moreInfo.text=Be sure you have read the Creative Commons %S before applying CC0 to your work. Please note that dedicating your work to the public domain is irreversible, even if you later choose different terms or cease publishing the work.
publications.cc0.moreInfo.linkText=CC0 FAQ
publications.error.linkedFilesCannotBeAdded=Linked files cannot be added to My Publications
publications.error.linkedFilesCannotBeAdded=الملفات المرتبطة لا يمكن إضافتها إلى منشوراتي
publications.buttons.next=Next: %S
publications.buttons.next=التالي: %S
publications.buttons.choose-license=اختر رخصة
publications.buttons.addToMyPublications=Add to My Publications
publications.buttons.addToMyPublications=أضف إلى منشوراتي
licenses.cc-by=Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
licenses.cc-by-nd=Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
@ -1208,19 +1208,19 @@ licenses.cc-by-nc-sa=Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 I
retraction.alert.single=An item in your database has been retracted.
retraction.alert.multiple=Items in your database have been retracted.
retraction.alert.view.single=View Item
retraction.alert.view.multiple=View Items
retraction.banner=This work has been retracted.
retraction.date=Retracted on %S
retraction.notice=Retraction Notice
retraction.details=More details:
retraction.credit=Data from %S
retraction.replacedItem.hide=Hide warning for replaced work…
retraction.replacedItem.title=Retracted and Replaced Work
retraction.replacedItem.text1=This work has been retracted and replaced by its publisher, and this item may not represent the final version.
retraction.replacedItem.text2=Unfortunately, some publishers incorrectly reuse the original DOI and/or PMID when replacing a work. If you’ve checked that this is the latest version, you can permanently hide the retraction warning for this item.
retraction.replacedItem.button=Hide Retraction Warning
retraction.citeWarning.text1=The item you are citing has been retracted. Do you still want to add it to your document?
retraction.citeWarning.text2=You can view the item in your library for further details on the retraction.
retraction.citationWarning=A citation in your document has been retracted:
retraction.citationWarning.dontWarn=Don’t warn me about this item again
retraction.alert.view.single=اعرض عنصر
retraction.alert.view.multiple=اعرض عناصر
retraction.banner=هذا العمل مسحوب.
retraction.date=سُحِب في %S
retraction.notice=ملاحظة السحب
retraction.details=للمزيد من التفاصيل:
retraction.credit=البيانات من %S
retraction.replacedItem.hide=إخفاء التحذير للعمل المستبدل ...
retraction.replacedItem.title=العمل المسحوب والمستبدل
retraction.replacedItem.text1=هذا العمل سحبه واستبدله الناشر، وهذا العنصر قد لايكون النسخة الأخيرة.
retraction.replacedItem.text2=بعض الناشرين للأسف يخطؤون إذ يستخدمون DOI و / أو PMID الأصلي مرة أخرى عند استبدال العمل. إذا تأكدت أن هذه النسخة هي الأحدث ، فيمكنك إخفاء تحذير السحب لهذا العنصر نهائيًا.
retraction.replacedItem.button=إخفاء تحذير السحب
retraction.citeWarning.text1=سبق أن استشهدت بهذا العنصر. ألا زلت تريد إضافته إلى مستندك؟
retraction.citeWarning.text2=يمكنك عرض العنصر في مكتبتك لمزيد من التفاصيل عن السحب.
retraction.citationWarning=سُحِب أحد الاقتباسات في مستندك:
retraction.citationWarning.dontWarn=لا تحذرني حول هذا العنصر ثانية
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.menu.showInLibrary "Mostra a la biblioteca">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.menu.attach.note "Afegeix una nota">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.menu.attach "Afegeix un adjunt">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.menu.attach.link.uri "Adjunta un enllaç a l'identificador uniforme de recursos...">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.menu.attach.link.uri "Adjunta un enllaç a l'URI...">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.menu.attach.file "Adjunta la còpia emmagatzemada del fitxer...">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.menu.attach.fileLink "Adjunta un enllaç al fitxer...">
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.import.label "Importa...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.importFromClipboard "Importa del porta-retalls">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.export.label "Exporta la biblioteca...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.rtfScan.label "RTF Scan">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.rtfScan.label "Escaneig de l'RTF">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.timeline.label "Crea línia del temps">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.preferences.label "Preferències...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.supportAndDocumentation "Assistència i documentació">
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ itemTypes.videoRecording=Enregistrament de vídeo
itemTypes.tvBroadcast=Emissió de televisió
itemTypes.radioBroadcast=Emissió de ràdio
itemTypes.computerProgram=Programa informàtic
itemTypes.conferencePaper=Text d'una conferència
itemTypes.encyclopediaArticle=Article enciclopèdic
@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin=Nom d'usuari o contrasenya no vàlid
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=El servidor de sincronització del Zotero no ha acceptat el vostre nom d'usuari i contrasenya.\n\nComproveu que heu introduït la informació d'inici de sessió correctament en les preferències de sincronització del Zotero.
sync.error.enterPassword=Introduïu una contrasenya.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=El Zotero no pot accedir a la vostra informació d'inici de sessió, possiblement a causa d'una base de dades de sessió de %S corrupta.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert9.db, key4.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the %1$S preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Tanqueu el %1$S, suprimiu els fitxers cert9.db, key4.db i logins.json del directori de perfils del %1$S. A continuació torneu a introduir la informació de sessió del Zotero en el tauler de sincronització de les preferències del %1$S.
sync.error.syncInProgress=Ja està en marxa una operació de sincronització.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Wait for the previous sync to complete or restart Firefox.
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=Ja no teniu permisos d'escriptura al grup «%1$S», i els canvis que heu fet localment no es poden pujar. Si continueu, la vostra còpia del grup es reiniciarà al seu estat en %2$S, i els canvis locals als elements i fitxers es perdran.
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
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<!ENTITY manageAttachments.label "Hallitse liitteitä">
<!ENTITY convertToStored.label "Convert Linked Files to Stored Files…">
<!ENTITY importCmd.label "Tuo...">
<!ENTITY importCmd.key "I">
@ -44,15 +44,15 @@
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@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
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<!ENTITY zotero.general.bigger "Suurempi">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.smaller "Pienempi">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.reset "Palauta">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Zoteron virheraportti">
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.import.lastModified "Viimeksi muokattu">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.size "Koko">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.createCollection "Place imported collections and items into new collection">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.fileHandling "File Handling">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.fileHandling "Tiedostojen käsittely">
<!ENTITY zotero.exportOptions.title "Vie...">
<!ENTITY zotero.exportOptions.format.label "Muoto:">
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ general.serverError=Palvelin antoi virheilmoituksen. Yritä myöhemmin uudestaan
general.pleaseRestart=Käynnistä %S uudelleen.
general.pleaseRestartAndTryAgain=Käynnistä %S uudelleen ja yritä uudestaan.
general.checkForUpdate=Tarkista päivitykset
general.checkForUpdates=Check for Updates
general.checkForUpdates=Tarkista päivitykset
general.actionCannotBeUndone=Tätä toimintoa ei voi perua.
general.updateAvailable=Päivitys on saatavana
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ general.clear=Tyhjennä
general.thanksForHelpingImprove=Thanks for helping to improve %S!
general.thanksForHelpingImprove=Kiitos, että autat parantamaan %Sa!
general.describeProblem=Kuvaile ongelma lyhyesti:
general.nMegabytes=%S Mt
@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinishedAndTryAgain=Odota, kunnes se on val
networkError.connectionNotSecure=%S ei voinut muodostaa turvallista yhteyttä.
networkError.errorViaProxy=Virhe otettaessa yhteyttä välityspalvelimen kautta
about.createdBy=Zotero is a project of the [Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media] and is developed by a [global community].
about.getInvolved=Want to help? [Get involved] today!
about.createdBy=Zoteron taustalla on [Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media] ja sitä kehittää [maailmanlaajuinen yhteisö].
about.getInvolved=Haluatko auttaa? [Tule mukaan!]
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ itemTypes.videoRecording=Videotallenne
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ itemFields.conferenceName=Konferenssin nimi
itemFields.encyclopediaTitle=Tietosanakirjan otsake
itemFields.dictionaryTitle=Sanakirjan otsake
itemFields.programmingLanguage=Prog. Language
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ fileInterface.OPMLFeedFilter=OPML-syötelista
import.fileHandling.store=Copy files to the %S storage folder
import.fileHandling.link=Link to files in original location
import.fileHandling.description=Linked files cannot be synced by %S.
import.fileHandling.description=%S ei voi synkronoida linkitettyjä tiedostoja.
quickCopy.copyAs=Copy as %S
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Only %S tags in each library can have colors ass
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Up to %S tags in each library can have colors assigned.
pane.items.intro.text1=Welcome to %S!
pane.items.intro.text1=Üdvözli a %S!
pane.items.intro.text2=View the [Quick Start Guide] to learn how to begin building your library, and be sure to [install a %S] so you can add items to %S as you browse the web.
pane.items.intro.text3=Already using %S on another computer? [Set up syncing] to pick up right where you left off.
@ -345,8 +345,8 @@ pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to mer
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Az összefésült elemeknek mind ugyanabba a típusba kell tartozniuk.
pane.item.markAsRead=Mark As Read
pane.item.markAsUnread=Mark As Unread
pane.item.markAsRead=Megjelölés olvasottként
pane.item.markAsUnread=Megjelölés olvasatlanként
pane.item.addTo=Hozzáadás a következőhöz: „%S”
pane.item.showInMyPublications=Mutatás a Saját publikációk között
pane.item.hideFromMyPublications=Elrejtés a Saját publikációkból
@ -365,12 +365,12 @@ pane.item.notes.delete.confirm=Jegyzet törlésének megerősítése?
pane.item.notes.count.zero=%S jegyzet:
pane.item.notes.count.singular=%S jegyzet:
pane.item.notes.count.plural=%S jegyzet:
pane.item.notes.editingInWindow=Editing in separate window
pane.item.notes.editingInWindow=Szerkesztés külön ablakban
pane.item.attachments.rename.title=Új cím
pane.item.attachments.rename.renameAssociatedFile=Kapcsolódó fájl átnevezése
pane.item.attachments.rename.error=Hiba a fájl átnevezése közben.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.title=A fájl nem található
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text1=The attached file could not be found.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text1=A csatolt fájl nem található.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text1.path=A csatolt fájl nem található a következő útvonalon:
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.stored=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or, if the file was added on another computer, it may not yet have been synced to or from %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.stored.notOnServer=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or, if the file was added on another computer, it may not yet have been synced to %2$S.
@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S címke:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S címke:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=Felhasználó által adott címke
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=Automatikus címke
pane.item.tags.removeAll=Remove all tags from this item?
pane.item.tags.removeAll=Eltávolítja az összes címkét ebből az elemből?
pane.item.related.count.zero=%S kapcsolat:
pane.item.related.count.singular=% kapcsolat:
pane.item.related.count.plural=% kapcsolat:
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ itemTypes.videoRecording=Videófelvétel
itemTypes.tvBroadcast=Televíziós program
itemTypes.radioBroadcast=Rádiós program
itemTypes.computerProgram=Számítógépes program
itemTypes.encyclopediaArticle=Lexikon szócikk
@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ zotero.preferences.search.clearIndex=Index törlése
zotero.preferences.search.clearWarning=Az index törlése után a csatolmányok szövegében nem lehet keresni.\n\nA webhivatkozásokat nem lehet újraindexelni anélkül, hogy újra meglátogatná őket. A webhivatkozások törlésének kihagyásához válassza a %S-t.
zotero.preferences.search.clearNonLinkedURLs=A webhivatkozások kivételével az összes törlése
zotero.preferences.search.indexUnindexed=Nem indexelt elemek indexelése
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationStyles=Citation Styles
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationStyles=Hivatkozási stílusok
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.exportFormats=Exportálási formátumok
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.instructions=Quick Copy allows you to quickly export items in a given format. You can copy selected items to the clipboard by pressing %S or drag items directly into a text box in another program.
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationInstructions=For citation styles, you can copy citations or footnotes by pressing %S or holding down Shift before dragging items.
@ -930,13 +930,13 @@ styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.syncWith=Sync with %S
sync.syncWith=Szinkronizálás %S-(v)el
sync.cancel=Szinkronizáció elvetése
sync.openSyncPreferences=Szinkronizációs beállítások megnyitása
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Csoport és szinkronizáció visszaállítása
sync.resetGroupFilesAndSync=Reset Group Files and Sync
sync.skipGroup=Skip Group
sync.resetGroupFilesAndSync=Állítsa vissza a csoportfájlokat és a szinkronizálást
sync.skipGroup=Kilépés csoportból
sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Csoport és szinkronizáció eltávolítása
sync.error.usernameNotSet=Felhasználónév nincs megadva
@ -970,13 +970,13 @@ sync.error.reportSiteIssuesToForums=If you receive this message repeatedly for i
sync.error.invalidDataError=Some data in %S could not be downloaded. It may have been saved with a newer version of %S.
sync.error.invalidDataError.otherData=Az egyéb adatok tovább szinkronizálódnak.
account.unlinkWarning=Unlinking your account will prevent %S from syncing your data.
account.unlinkWarning=A fiók leválasztása megakadályozza, hogy a(z) %S szinkronizálja adatait.
account.unlinkWarning.removeData=A(z) %S adataim eltávolítása a számítógépről
account.unlinkWarning.button=Unlink Account
account.unlinkWarning.button=Fiók csatlakoztatása
account.warning.emptyLibrary=You are about to sync the ‘%1$S’ account to an empty %2$S database. This could happen if you removed your previous database or if the location of your %2$S data directory changed.
account.warning.existingDataElsewhere=If your %S data exists elsewhere on this computer, you should move it to the current data directory or change the data directory location to point to your existing data.
account.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This %1$S database was last synced with a different account (‘%2$S’) from the current one (‘%3$S’). If you continue, data associated with the ‘%2$S’ account will be removed from this computer.
account.confirmDelete=Remove existing data
account.confirmDelete=Távolítsa el a meglévő adatokat
account.confirmDelete.button=Felhasználói fiók váltása
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=Egy vagy több helyileg törölt Zotero %S távolról módosítottak a legutóbbi szinkronizálás óta.
@ -1011,8 +1011,8 @@ sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Válassza ezt a verziót
sync.status.notYetSynced=Nincs szinkronizálva
sync.status.lastSync=Utoljára szinkronizálva:
sync.status.waiting=Waiting for other operations to finish
sync.status.preparing=Preparing sync
sync.status.waiting=Várakozás a többi művelet befejezésére
sync.status.preparing=Szinkronizálás előkészítése
sync.status.loggingIn=Bejelentkezés a szinkronizációs szerverre
sync.status.gettingUpdatedData=Frissített adatok fogadása a szinkronizációs szerverről
sync.status.processingUpdatedData=A frissített adatok feldolgozása
@ -1021,11 +1021,11 @@ sync.status.uploadAccepted=A feltöltés elfogadva — várakozás a szinkroniz
sync.status.syncingFiles=Fájlok szinkronizálása
sync.status.syncingFilesInLibrary=Fájlok szinkronizálása a %S-ba(n)
sync.status.syncingFilesInLibraryWithRemaining=Syncing files in %1$S (%2$S remaining);Syncing files in %1$S (%2$S remaining)
sync.status.syncingFullText=Syncing full-text content
sync.status.syncingFullText=A teljes szöveges tartalom szinkronizálása
sync.storage.mbRemaining=%SMB remaining
sync.storage.kbRemaining=%SKB remaining
sync.storage.filesRemaining=%1$S/%2$S files
sync.storage.mbRemaining=%SMB maradt
sync.storage.kbRemaining=%SKB maradt
sync.storage.filesRemaining=%1$S/%2$S fájlok
sync.storage.none=Egyik sem
@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ sync.storage.error.serverCouldNotBeReached=A %S szerver nem elérhető.
sync.storage.error.permissionDeniedAtAddress=Nincs jogosultsága az alábbi címen Zotero könyvtárat létrehozni:
sync.storage.error.checkFileSyncSettings=Ellenőrizze a fájl szinkronizációs beállításokat vagy forduljon a rendszergazdához.
sync.storage.error.verificationFailed=A %S szerver ellenőrzése sikertelen. Ellenőrizze a fájl szinkronizációs beállításokat a Zoteto beállítások Szinkronizáció lapján.
sync.storage.error.fileNotCreated=The file '%S' could not be created in the Zotero 'storage' directory.
sync.storage.error.encryptedFilenames=Error creating file '%S'.\n\nSee http://www.zotero.org/support/kb/encrypted_filenames for more information.
sync.storage.error.fileNotCreated=A '% S' fájlt nem sikerült létrehozni a Zotero 'storage' könyvtárban.
sync.storage.error.encryptedFilenames=Hiba a fájl létrehozásakor '%S'.\n\nLásd a http://www.zotero.org/support/kb/encrypted_filenames weboldalt további információért.
sync.storage.error.fileEditingAccessLost=Nincs módosítási jogosultsága a '%S' csoporthoz, ezért az új vagy módosított fájlokat nem lehet szinkronizálni a szerverrel.
sync.storage.error.copyChangedItems=Ha jogosultságot szeretne kérni vagy egy másik csoporttal szinkronizálni, vesse el a szinkronizációt.
sync.storage.error.fileUploadFailed=A fájl feltöltése sikertelen.
@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ styles.preview.instructions=Select one or more items in Zotero and click the "Re
publications.intro.text1=My Publications allows you to create a list of your own work and share it on your profile page on %S. You can add notes about each item and even share PDFs or other files under a license you specify.
publications.intro.text2=To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library. You’ll be able to choose whether to include attached notes and files.
publications.intro.text3=<b>Only add work you yourself have created</b>, and only include files if you have the rights to distribute them publicly and wish to do so.
publications.intro.authorship=I created this work.
publications.intro.authorship=Én készítettem ezt a munkát.
publications.intro.authorship.files=Én készítettem ezt a munkát, és jogosult vagyok a mellékelt fájlok terjesztésére.
publications.sharing.keepRightsField=Keep the existing Rights field
publications.sharing.keepRightsFieldWhereAvailable=Keep the existing Rights field where available
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.submit "Send inn output">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.view "Vis output">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.clear "Fjern output">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.restartWithLoggingEnabled "Start på ny med logging aktivert…">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.restartWithLoggingEnabled "Start på nytt med logging aktivert…">
<!ENTITY helpCheckForUpdates.label "Se etter oppdateringer...">
<!ENTITY helpCheckForUpdates.accesskey "S">
@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.include.adjustAtAnyTime "你可以在任何时间从“我的出版物”中调整显示的项目。">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.title "选择你分享论文的方式">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.text "You can reserve all rights to your work, license it under a Creative Commons license, or dedicate it to the public domain. In all cases, the work will be made publicly available via zotero.org.">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.prompt "Would you like to allow your work to be shared by others?">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.cc "Yes, under a Creative Commons license">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.cc0 "Yes, and place my work in the public domain">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.reserved "No, only publish my work on zotero.org">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.text "您可以保留您作品的所有权利,可以在知识共享许可下获得许可,也可以将其专用于公共领域。 在所有情况下,这些作品都可以通过zotero.org公开获得。">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.prompt "您想允许他人共享您的作品吗?">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.cc "是的,根据知识共享许可">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.cc0 "是的,将我的工作放在公共领域">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.sharing.reserved "不,仅在zotero.org上发布我的作品">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.title "Choose a Creative Commons license">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.text "A Creative Commons license allows others to copy and redistribute your work as long as they give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. Additional conditions can be specified below.">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.adaptations.prompt "Allow adaptations of your work to be shared?">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.title "选择一个知识共享许可">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.text "创用CC许可允许其他人复制并重新分发您的作品,只要他们提供适当的信誉,提供许可的链接并指出是否进行了更改。 可以在下面指定其他条件。">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.adaptations.prompt "是否允许分享您的改编作品?">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.adaptations.sharealike "是的,如果其他人也分享同样的">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.commercial.prompt "允许你的工作的商业使用吗?">
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
<!ENTITY viewMenu.label "查看">
<!ENTITY layout.label "布局">
<!ENTITY standardView.label "标准视图">
<!ENTITY stackedView.label "堆栈视图<br>">
<!ENTITY stackedView.label "堆栈视图">
<!ENTITY collectionsPane.label "集合面板">
<!ENTITY itemPane.label "条目面板">
<!ENTITY tagSelector.label "标签选择器">
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.import.label "导入…">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.importFromClipboard "从剪贴板导入">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.export.label "导出文献库...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.rtfScan.label "RTF Scan">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.rtfScan.label "RTF 扫描">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.timeline.label "创建时间轴">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.preferences.label "首选项...">
<!ENTITY zotero.toolbar.supportAndDocumentation "支持与文档">
@ -372,9 +372,9 @@ pane.item.attachments.rename.error=重命名文件时出错。
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.stored=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or, if the file was added on another computer, it may not yet have been synced to or from %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.stored.notOnServer=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or, if the file was added on another computer, it may not yet have been synced to %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.linked=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or a Linked Attachment Base Directory may be set incorrectly on one of your computers.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.stored.notOnServer=可能已将其移至 %1$S 之外或删除,或者,如果文件已添加到另一台计算机上,则可能尚未同步到 %2$S。
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.linked=它可能已被移动或删除到 %1$S 之外,或者一台计算机上的链接附件基本目录可能设置不正确。
pane.item.attachments.count.zero=%S 个附件:
pane.item.attachments.count.singular=%S 个附件:
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ itemTypes.videoRecording=视频剪辑
itemTypes.tvBroadcast=TV 广播
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ itemFields.conferenceName=学术会议名称
itemFields.programmingLanguage=Prog. Language
itemFields.programmingLanguage=Prog. 语言
@ -615,9 +615,9 @@ findPDF.noPDFFound=未找到 PDF
attachment.convertToStored.title=Convert to Stored File;Convert to Stored Files
attachment.convertToStored.text=%1$S attachment will be converted from a linked file to a stored file.;%1$S attachments will be converted from linked files to stored files.
attachment.convertToStored.deleteOriginal=Delete original file after storing;Delete original files after storing
attachment.convertToStored.text=%1$S 附件将从链接文件转换为存储文件。%1$S 附件将从链接文件转换为存储文件。
db.dbCorrupted.restart=请重启 %S 以尝试自动还原到最近的一次备份。
@ -656,10 +656,10 @@ zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=您必须在 %S 标签页里输入
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=%1$S will replace data in “%2$S” on %3$S with data from this computer.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.button=Replace Data in Online Library
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=On the next sync, %1$S will check all attachment files in “%2$S” against the storage service. Any remote attachment files that are missing locally will be downloaded, and local attachment files missing remotely will be uploaded.\n\nThis option is not necessary during normal usage.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory.cleared=The file sync history for “%S” has been cleared.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=%1$S 将用此计算机中的数据替换 %3$S 中“%2$S”中的数据。
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=在下一次同步时,%1$S 将对照存储服务检查“%2$S”中的所有附件文件。 将下载本地丢失的所有远程附件文件,并上传远程丢失的本地附件文件。\n\n正常使用期间不需要此选项。
zotero.preferences.search.rebuildWarning=要重建整个索引吗?这可能会花上一些时间。\n\n如果只想索引未索引的条目,请用 %S。
@ -866,7 +866,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=在 %S 中打开
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=此版本的 Zotero word 插件($INTEGRATION_VERSION)与当前安装的 Zotero Firefox 扩展 (%1$S)不兼容。请确保您所使用的两个组件均为最新版本。
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S 要求 %2$S %3$S 或更新。请从 zotero.org 下载最新的 %2$S。
integration.error.title=Zotero 整合错误
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero无法加载与文字处理器通信所需的组件。 在Zotero中转到工具→附加组件→扩展,并确保已启用文字处理器的扩展。
integration.error.generic=Zotero 在更新文档时出错。
@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ integration.error.styleNotFound=找不到引用样式 %S。
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing=Zotero没有权限控制Word。授予此权限需要:\n\n1) 打开系统偏好设置\n2) 点击 “安全与隐私”\n3) 选择“隐私”选项卡\n4) 在左侧找到并勾选“自动化”\n5) 勾选“Zotero”下的“Microsoft Word”\n6) 重启Word
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing.pre2016=如果 “Microsoft Word” 未在 “自动化" 下出现,确保您在运行 Word 2011 14.7.7 或更高版本。
integration.error.viewTroubleshootingInfo=Would you like to view troubleshooting instructions?
integration.replace=要替换该 Zotero 域代码吗?
integration.missingItem.single=高亮的引文已经不在您的Zotero 文库中了。您想要选择一个替代的条目吗?
@ -899,20 +899,20 @@ integration.citationChanged.description=点击“确定”将在您添加其它
integration.citationChanged.edit=在 Zotero 创建此引文后,您做了修改。编辑操作将清除您的变更。您确定要继续吗?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=更新本文档中的引用需要很长时间。 您要禁用自动引文更新吗?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2.toolbar=插入引文时,您需要在 Zotero 工具栏中单击刷新。
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2.tab=插入引文时,您需要在 Zotero 标签页中单击刷新。
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography.toolbar=自动引文更新被禁用。要查看参考书目,请单击 Zotero 工具栏中的刷新。
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography.tab=自动引文更新被禁用。要查看参考书目,请单击 Zotero 标签页中的刷新。
integration.importDocument.title=Transferred Document
integration.importDocument.description=Would you like to restore the %S citations in this document for use in %S?
integration.importDocument.button=Restore Citations
integration.importDocument.notAvailable=Your version of %S does not support document transfer. Please update to a newer version.
integration.importDocument.description=您是否要还原本文档中的 %S 引用以用于 %S?
integration.importDocument.notAvailable=您的 %S 版本不支持文档传输。 请更新到较新的版本。
integration.exportDocument.description1=Zotero will convert citations in the document to a format that can be safely transferred to another supported word processor.
integration.exportDocument.description1=Zotero 会将文档中的引文转换为可以安全转移到另一个受支持的文字处理器的格式。
integration.importInstructions=The Zotero citations in this document have been converted to a format that can be safely transferred between word processors. Open this document in a supported word processor and press Refresh in the Zotero plugin to continue working with the citations.
integration.importInstructions=本文档中的 Zotero 引文已转换为可以在文字处理器之间安全传输的格式。 在受支持的文字处理器中打开此文档,然后按 Zotero 插件中的 Refresh 继续使用引文。
styles.install.unexpectedError=安装 "%1$S" 时发生未可预知的错误
@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ sync.error.invalidLogin=无效的用户名或密码
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=Zotero 无法访问您的登录信息,可能是由于%s 的登录数据库已损坏。
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Close %1$S, remove cert9.db, key4.db, and logins.json from your %1$S profile directory, and re-enter your Zotero login information in the Sync pane of the %1$S preferences.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=关闭 %1$S,从 %1$S 配置文件目录中删除 cert9.db,key4.db 和 logins.json,然后在 %1$S 首选项的“同步”窗格中重新输入 Zotero 登录信息。
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=您已不具备群组"%1$S"的写入权限,您在本地所作的更改也无法上传至服务器。如果继续,现有更改和文件将会被群组在 %2$S 时的状态所覆盖。
@ -961,13 +961,13 @@ sync.error.checkConnection=连接至服务器时发生错误。请检查网络
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=文件名 “%S” 包含无效的字符。\n\n重新命名文件然后重试。如果您在操作系统里重命名了文件,您需要重新将文件链接至Zotero。
sync.error.apiKeyInvalid=%S 无法对您的账户进行认证。请重新输入账户信息。
sync.error.collectionTooLong=The collection name “%S” is too long to sync. Shorten the name and sync again.
sync.error.fieldTooLong=The %1$S value “%2$S” in one of your items is too long to sync. Shorten the field and sync again.
sync.error.creatorTooLong=The creator name “%S” in one of your items is too long to sync. Shorten the field and sync again.
sync.error.noteEmbeddedImage=Notes with embedded images cannot currently be synced. Syncing of embedded images may be supported in a future version.
sync.error.noteTooLong=The note “%S” is too long to sync. Shorten the note and sync again.
sync.error.reportSiteIssuesToForums=If you receive this message repeatedly for items saved from a particular site, you can report this issue in the %S Forums.
sync.error.invalidDataError=Some data in %S could not be downloaded. It may have been saved with a newer version of %S.
sync.error.collectionTooLong=集合名称“%S”太长,无法同步。 缩短名称并再次同步。
sync.error.fieldTooLong=您其中一项的 %1$S 值“%2$S”太长,无法同步。 缩短字段并再次同步。
sync.error.creatorTooLong=您其中一项的创建者名称“%S”太长,无法同步。 缩短字段并再次同步。
sync.error.noteEmbeddedImage=带有嵌入式图像的注释当前无法同步。 将来的版本可能会支持嵌入式图像的同步。
sync.error.noteTooLong=注释“%S”太长,无法同步。 缩短便笺并再次同步。
sync.error.invalidDataError=无法下载%S中的某些数据。 可能已使用%S的较新版本保存。
account.unlinkWarning=解除您的账户管理将使得 %S 无法同步您的数据。
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 6dedc4e940ec10d622defd3b08978990e7646b10
Subproject commit 593449c3223da059a650fed5667a195ce37b67eb
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