Update the HTML tree to allow extension via Zotero plugins
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 217 additions and 187 deletions
@ -1196,6 +1196,7 @@ var Columns = class {
columnWidths[column.dataKey] = column.width;
else {
column.flex = column.flex || 1;
columnWidths[column.dataKey] = column.width = containerWidth / visibleColumns * (column.flex || 1);
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ const ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
const { IntlProvider } = require('react-intl');
const LibraryTree = require('./libraryTree');
const VirtualizedTable = require('components/virtualized-table');
const { renderCell, TreeSelectionStub } = VirtualizedTable;
const { renderCell } = VirtualizedTable;
const Icons = require('components/icons');
const { getDOMElement } = Icons;
const { COLUMNS } = require('./itemTreeColumns');
@ -43,170 +43,6 @@ const COLORED_TAGS_RE = new RegExp("^[0-" + Zotero.Tags.MAX_COLORED_TAGS + "]{1}
const COLUMN_PREFS_FILEPATH = OS.Path.join(Zotero.Profile.dir, "treePrefs.json");
const EMOJI_RE = /\p{Emoji_Modifier_Base}\p{Emoji_Modifier}?|\p{Emoji_Presentation}|\p{Emoji}\uFE0F/gu;
function makeItemRenderer(itemTree) {
function renderPrimaryCell(index, data, column) {
let span = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", 'span');
span.className = `cell ${column.className}`;
// Add twisty, icon, tag swatches and retraction indicator
let twisty;
if (itemTree.isContainerEmpty(index)) {
twisty = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", 'span');
else {
twisty = getDOMElement("IconTwisty");
if (itemTree.isContainerOpen(index)) {
twisty.style.pointerEvents = 'auto';
twisty.addEventListener('mousedown', event => event.stopPropagation());
twisty.addEventListener('mouseup', event => itemTree.handleTwistyMouseUp(event, index),
{ passive: true });
const icon = itemTree._getIcon(index);
const item = itemTree.getRow(index).ref;
let retracted = "";
if (Zotero.Retractions.isRetracted(item)) {
retracted = getDOMElement('IconCross');
let tags = item.getColoredTags().map(x => itemTree._getTagSwatch(x.tag, x.color));
let textSpan = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", 'span');
textSpan.className = "cell-text";
textSpan.innerText = data;
span.append(twisty, icon, retracted, ...tags, textSpan);
// Set depth indent
const depth = itemTree.getLevel(index);
let firstChildIndent = 0;
if (column.ordinal == 0) {
firstChildIndent = 6;
span.style.paddingInlineStart = ((CHILD_INDENT * depth) + firstChildIndent) + 'px';
return span;
function renderHasAttachmentCell(index, data, column) {
let span = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", 'span');
span.className = `cell ${column.className}`;
if (itemTree.collectionTreeRow.isTrash()) return span;
const item = itemTree.getRow(index).ref;
if ((!itemTree.isContainer(index) || !itemTree.isContainerOpen(index))
&& Zotero.Sync.Storage.getItemDownloadImageNumber(item)) {
return span;
if (itemTree.isContainer(index)) {
if (item.isRegularItem()) {
const state = item.getBestAttachmentStateCached();
let icon = "";
if (state === 1) {
icon = getDOMElement('IconBulletBlue');
else if (state === -1) {
icon = getDOMElement('IconBulletBlueEmpty');
// TODO: With no cell refreshing this is possibly somewhat inefficient
// Refresh cell when promise is fulfilled
.then(bestState => bestState != state && itemTree.tree.invalidateRow(index));
if (item.isFileAttachment()) {
const exists = item.fileExistsCached();
let icon = "";
if (exists !== null) {
icon = exists ? getDOMElement('IconBulletBlue') : getDOMElement('IconBulletBlueEmpty');
// TODO: With no cell refreshing this is possibly somewhat inefficient
// Refresh cell when promise is fulfilled
.then(realExists => realExists != exists && itemTree.tree.invalidateRow(index));
return span;
return function (index, selection, oldDiv=null, columns) {
let div;
if (oldDiv) {
div = oldDiv;
div.innerHTML = "";
else {
div = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", 'div');
div.className = "row";
div.classList.toggle('selected', selection.isSelected(index));
div.classList.remove('drop', 'drop-before', 'drop-after');
const rowData = itemTree._getRowData(index);
div.classList.toggle('context-row', !!rowData.contextRow);
div.classList.toggle('unread', !!rowData.unread);
if (itemTree._dropRow == index) {
let span;
if (Zotero.DragDrop.currentOrientation != 0) {
span = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", 'span');
span.className = Zotero.DragDrop.currentOrientation < 0 ? "drop-before" : "drop-after";
} else {
for (let column of columns) {
if (column.hidden) continue;
if (column.primary) {
div.appendChild(renderPrimaryCell(index, rowData[column.dataKey], column));
else if (column.dataKey === 'hasAttachment') {
div.appendChild(renderHasAttachmentCell(index, rowData[column.dataKey], column));
else {
div.appendChild(renderCell(index, rowData[column.dataKey], column));
if (!oldDiv) {
if (itemTree.props.dragAndDrop) {
div.setAttribute('draggable', true);
div.addEventListener('dragstart', e => itemTree.onDragStart(e, index), { passive: true });
div.addEventListener('dragover', e => itemTree.onDragOver(e, index));
div.addEventListener('dragend', itemTree.onDragEnd, { passive: true });
div.addEventListener('dragleave', itemTree.onDragLeave, { passive: true });
div.addEventListener('drop', (e) => {
itemTree.onDrop(e, index);
}, { passive: true });
return div;
var ItemTree = class ItemTree extends LibraryTree {
static async init(domEl, opts={}) {
Zotero.debug(`Initializing React ItemTree ${opts.id}`);
@ -282,8 +118,6 @@ var ItemTree = class ItemTree extends LibraryTree {
this.collectionTreeRow.view.itemTreeView = this;
this.renderItem = makeItemRenderer(this);
this._itemTreeLoadingDeferred = Zotero.Promise.defer();
@ -310,6 +144,15 @@ var ItemTree = class ItemTree extends LibraryTree {
componentWillUnmount() {
* Extension developers: use this to monkey-patch additional columns. See
* itemTreeColumns.js for available column fields.
getColumns() {
return Array.from(this.props.columns);
* NOTE: In XUL item tree waitForLoad() just returned this._waitForEvent('load').
@ -1130,7 +973,7 @@ var ItemTree = class ItemTree extends LibraryTree {
id: this.id,
ref: ref => this.tree = ref,
treeboxRef: ref => this._treebox = ref,
renderItem: this.renderItem,
renderItem: this._renderItem.bind(this),
hide: showMessage,
key: "virtualized-table",
label: Zotero.getString('pane.items.title'),
@ -2662,6 +2505,172 @@ var ItemTree = class ItemTree extends LibraryTree {
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
_renderPrimaryCell(index, data, column) {
let span = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", 'span');
span.className = `cell ${column.className}`;
// Add twisty, icon, tag swatches and retraction indicator
let twisty;
if (this.isContainerEmpty(index)) {
twisty = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", 'span');
else {
twisty = getDOMElement("IconTwisty");
if (this.isContainerOpen(index)) {
twisty.style.pointerEvents = 'auto';
twisty.addEventListener('mousedown', event => event.stopPropagation());
twisty.addEventListener('mouseup', event => this.handleTwistyMouseUp(event, index),
{ passive: true });
const icon = this._getIcon(index);
const item = this.getRow(index).ref;
let retracted = "";
if (Zotero.Retractions.isRetracted(item)) {
retracted = getDOMElement('IconCross');
let tags = item.getColoredTags().map(x => this._getTagSwatch(x.tag, x.color));
let textSpan = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", 'span');
textSpan.className = "cell-text";
textSpan.innerText = data;
span.append(twisty, icon, retracted, ...tags, textSpan);
// Set depth indent
const depth = this.getLevel(index);
let firstChildIndent = 0;
if (column.ordinal == 0) {
firstChildIndent = 6;
span.style.paddingInlineStart = ((CHILD_INDENT * depth) + firstChildIndent) + 'px';
return span;
_renderHasAttachmentCell(index, data, column) {
let span = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", 'span');
span.className = `cell ${column.className}`;
if (this.collectionTreeRow.isTrash()) return span;
const item = this.getRow(index).ref;
if ((!this.isContainer(index) || !this.isContainerOpen(index))
&& Zotero.Sync.Storage.getItemDownloadImageNumber(item)) {
return span;
if (this.isContainer(index)) {
if (item.isRegularItem()) {
const state = item.getBestAttachmentStateCached();
let icon = "";
if (state === 1) {
icon = getDOMElement('IconBulletBlue');
else if (state === -1) {
icon = getDOMElement('IconBulletBlueEmpty');
// TODO: With no cell refreshing this is possibly somewhat inefficient
// Refresh cell when promise is fulfilled
.then(bestState => bestState != state && this.tree.invalidateRow(index));
if (item.isFileAttachment()) {
const exists = item.fileExistsCached();
let icon = "";
if (exists !== null) {
icon = exists ? getDOMElement('IconBulletBlue') : getDOMElement('IconBulletBlueEmpty');
// TODO: With no cell refreshing this is possibly somewhat inefficient
// Refresh cell when promise is fulfilled
.then(realExists => realExists != exists && this.tree.invalidateRow(index));
return span;
_renderCell() {
return renderCell.apply(this, arguments);
_renderItem(index, selection, oldDiv=null, columns) {
let div;
if (oldDiv) {
div = oldDiv;
div.innerHTML = "";
else {
div = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", 'div');
div.className = "row";
div.classList.toggle('selected', selection.isSelected(index));
div.classList.remove('drop', 'drop-before', 'drop-after');
const rowData = this._getRowData(index);
div.classList.toggle('context-row', !!rowData.contextRow);
div.classList.toggle('unread', !!rowData.unread);
if (this._dropRow == index) {
let span;
if (Zotero.DragDrop.currentOrientation != 0) {
span = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", 'span');
span.className = Zotero.DragDrop.currentOrientation < 0 ? "drop-before" : "drop-after";
} else {
for (let column of columns) {
if (column.hidden) continue;
if (column.primary) {
div.appendChild(this._renderPrimaryCell(index, rowData[column.dataKey], column));
else if (column.dataKey === 'hasAttachment') {
div.appendChild(this._renderHasAttachmentCell(index, rowData[column.dataKey], column));
else {
div.appendChild(this._renderCell(index, rowData[column.dataKey], column));
if (!oldDiv) {
if (this.props.dragAndDrop) {
div.setAttribute('draggable', true);
div.addEventListener('dragstart', e => this.onDragStart(e, index), { passive: true });
div.addEventListener('dragover', e => this.onDragOver(e, index));
div.addEventListener('dragend', this.onDragEnd, { passive: true });
div.addEventListener('dragleave', this.onDragLeave, { passive: true });
div.addEventListener('drop', (e) => {
this.onDrop(e, index);
}, { passive: true });
return div;
_handleSelectionChange = (selection, shouldDebounce) => {
// Update aria-activedescendant on the tree
if (this.collectionTreeRow.isDuplicates() && selection.count == 1) {
@ -2770,7 +2779,8 @@ var ItemTree = class ItemTree extends LibraryTree {
row.numNotes = treeRow.numNotes() || "";
row.title = treeRow.ref.getDisplayTitle();
for (let col of this.props.columns) {
const columns = this.getColumns();
for (let col of columns) {
let key = col.dataKey;
let val = row[key];
if (val === undefined) {
@ -2820,10 +2830,9 @@ var ItemTree = class ItemTree extends LibraryTree {
Zotero.debug(`Storing itemTree ${this.id} column prefs`, 2);
this._columnPrefs = prefs;
if (!this._columns) {
Zotero.debug(new Error(), 1);;
Zotero.debug(new Error(), 1);
this._columns = this._columns.map(column => Object.assign(column, prefs[column.dataKey]))
.sort((a, b) => a.ordinal - b.ordinal);
this._columns = this._columns.map(column => Object.assign(column, prefs[column.dataKey]));
@ -2918,10 +2927,11 @@ var ItemTree = class ItemTree extends LibraryTree {
let columnsSettings = this._getColumnPrefs();
let hasDefaultIn = this.props.columns.some(column => 'defaultIn' in column);
for (let column of this.props.columns) {
const columns = this.getColumns();
let hasDefaultIn = columns.some(column => 'defaultIn' in column);
for (let column of columns) {
if (this.props.persistColumns) {
if (column.disabledIn && column.disabledIn.includes(visibilityGroup)) continue;
if (column.disabledIn && column.disabledIn.includes(visibilityGroup)) continue;;
const columnSettings = columnsSettings[column.dataKey];
if (!columnSettings) {
column = this._setLegacyColumnSettings(column);
@ -2936,7 +2946,7 @@ var ItemTree = class ItemTree extends LibraryTree {
// If column does not have an "ordinal" field it means it
// is newly added
if (!("ordinal" in column)) {
column.ordinal = this.props.columns.findIndex(c => c.dataKey == column.dataKey);
column.ordinal = columns.findIndex(c => c.dataKey == column.dataKey);
else {
@ -3312,13 +3322,15 @@ var ItemTree = class ItemTree extends LibraryTree {
const columns = this._getColumns();
const columns = this._getColumns()
.sort((a, b) => a.ordinal - b.ordinal);
for (let i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
const column = columns[i];
if (column.inMenu === false) continue;
if (column.ignoreInColumnPicker === true) continue;
let label = Zotero.Intl.strings[column.label] || column.label;
let menuitem = doc.createElementNS(ns, 'menuitem');
menuitem.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox');
menuitem.setAttribute('label', Zotero.Intl.strings[column.label]);
menuitem.setAttribute('label', label);
menuitem.setAttribute('colindex', i);
menuitem.addEventListener('command', () => this.tree._columns.toggleHidden(i));
if (!column.hidden) {
@ -3408,7 +3420,8 @@ var ItemTree = class ItemTree extends LibraryTree {
if (field == primaryField || (primaryField == 'date' && field == 'year')) {
let label = Zotero.Intl.strings[columns.find(c => c.dataKey == field).label];
let column = columns.find(c => c.dataKey == field);
let label = Zotero.Intl.strings[column.label] || column.label;
let sortMenuItem = doc.createElementNS(ns, 'menuitem');
sortMenuItem.setAttribute('fieldName', field);
@ -27,15 +27,35 @@
const React = require('react');
const Icons = require('components/icons');
* @type Column {
* dataKey: string, // Required, see use in ItemTree#_getRowData()
* defaultIn: Set<string>, // Types of trees the column is default in. Can be [default, feed];
* disabledIn: Set<string>, // Types of trees where the column is not available
* flex: number, // Default: 1. When the column is added to the tree how much space it should occupy as a flex ratio
* width: string, // A column width instead of flex ratio. See above.
* fixedWidth: boolean // Default: false. Set to true to disable column resizing
* label: string, // The column label. Either a string or the id to an i18n string.
* iconLabel: React.Component, // Set an Icon label instead of a text-based one
* ignoreInColumnPicker: boolean // Default: false. Set to true to not display in column picker.
* submenu: boolean, // Default: false. Set to true to display the column in "More Columns" submenu of column picker.
* primary: boolean, // Should only be one column at the time. Title is the primary column
* zoteroPersist: Set<string>, // Which column properties should be persisted between zotero close
* }
const COLUMNS = [
dataKey: "title",
primary: true,
defaultIn: new Set(["default", "feed"]),
label: "zotero.items.title_column",
ignoreInColumnPicker: "true",
ignoreInColumnPicker: true,
flex: 4,
inMenu: false,
zoteroPersist: new Set(["width", "hidden", "sortDirection"])
@ -268,13 +288,9 @@ const COLUMNS = [
zoteroPersist: new Set(["width", "hidden", "sortDirection"])
for (const column of COLUMNS) {
DATA_KEY_TO_COLUMN[column.dataKey] = column;
function getDefaultColumnByDataKey(dataKey) {
return Object.assign({}, DATA_KEY_TO_COLUMN[dataKey], {hidden: false});
return Object.assign({}, COLUMNS.find(col => col.dataKey == dataKey), {hidden: false});
function getDefaultColumnsByDataKeys(dataKeys) {
Add table
Reference in a new issue