A rough interface to add, remove and reorder item type fields -- at the moment just to make my life easier, but eventually could be adapted to allow end-user type/field editing, if we decide that's necessary

This commit is contained in:
Dan Stillman 2006-06-24 08:23:54 +00:00
parent 42578ace59
commit 22df47a0d3
2 changed files with 300 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
var Scholar_ItemTypeManager = new function(){
this.init = init;
this.handleTypeSelect = handleTypeSelect;
this.addField = addField;
this.removeField = removeField;
this.moveSelectedFieldUp = moveSelectedFieldUp;
this.moveSelectedFieldDown = moveSelectedFieldDown;
var _typesList;
var _fieldsList;
function init(){
// Populate the listbox with item types
_typesList = document.getElementById('item-type-list');
_typeFieldsList = document.getElementById('item-type-fields-list');
_fieldsList = document.getElementById('fields-list');
var types = Scholar.ItemTypes.getTypes();
for (var i in types){
_typesList.appendItem(types[i]['name'], types[i]['id']);
* Update the used and unused fields listboxes when an item type is selected
function handleTypeSelect(){
var id = _typesList.selectedItem.value;
* Add a field to an item type
* _item_ is a listitem in the _fieldsList listbox
function addField(item){
Scholar.debug('Adding field ' + item.value + ' to item type '
+ _getCurrentTypeID());
// Get the next available position
var sql = "SELECT IFNULL(MAX(orderIndex)+1,1) FROM itemTypeFields "
+ "WHERE itemTypeID=?";
var nextIndex = Scholar.DB.valueQuery(sql, [_getCurrentTypeID()]);
var sql = "INSERT INTO itemTypeFields VALUES (?,?,?)";
Scholar.DB.query(sql, [_getCurrentTypeID(), item.value, nextIndex]);
var pos = _fieldsList.getIndexOfItem(item);
* Remove a field from an item type
* _item_ is a listitem in the _typeFieldsList listbox
function removeField(item){
Scholar.debug('Removing field ' + item.value + ' from item type '
+ _getCurrentTypeID());
// Get the old position
var sql = "SELECT orderIndex FROM itemTypeFields WHERE itemTypeID=? "
+ "AND fieldID=?";
var orderIndex = Scholar.DB.valueQuery(sql, [_getCurrentTypeID(), item.value]);
var sql = "DELETE FROM itemTypeFields WHERE itemTypeID=? AND fieldID=?";
Scholar.DB.query(sql, [_getCurrentTypeID(), item.value]);
// Shift other fields down
var sql = "UPDATE itemTypeFields SET orderIndex=orderIndex-1 WHERE "
+ "itemTypeID=? AND orderIndex>?";
Scholar.DB.query(sql, [_getCurrentTypeID(), orderIndex]);
var pos = _typeFieldsList.getIndexOfItem(item);
function moveSelectedFieldUp(){
if (_typeFieldsList.selectedItem){
function moveSelectedFieldDown(){
if (_typeFieldsList.selectedItem){
* Return the currently selected item type
function _getCurrentTypeID(){
return _typesList.selectedItem.value;
* Return the field name for a given fieldID
function _getFieldName(fieldID){
return Scholar.DB.valueQuery("SELECT fieldName FROM fields "
+ "WHERE fieldID=" + fieldID);
* Populate the listbox of fields used by this item type
function _populateTypeFieldsList(itemTypeID){
var sql = 'SELECT fieldID FROM itemTypeFields '
+ 'WHERE itemTypeID=' + itemTypeID + ' ORDER BY orderIndex';
var fields = Scholar.DB.columnQuery(sql);
// Clear fields box
while (_typeFieldsList.getRowCount()){
for (var i in fields){
var item = _typeFieldsList.appendItem(_getFieldName(fields[i]), fields[i]);
item.addEventListener('dblclick', new function(){
return function(){
}, true);
* Populate the listbox of fields NOT used by this item type
function _populateFieldsList(itemTypeID){
var sql = "SELECT fieldID FROM fields ORDER BY fieldName COLLATE NOCASE";
var fields = Scholar.DB.columnQuery(sql);
// Clear fields box
while (_fieldsList.getRowCount()){
// Add all fields to listbox
for (var i in fields){
var item = _fieldsList.appendItem(_getFieldName(fields[i]), fields[i]);
item.addEventListener('dblclick', new function(){
return function(){
}, true);
var sql = "SELECT fieldID FROM fields WHERE fieldID NOT IN "
+ "(SELECT fieldID FROM itemTypeFields WHERE itemTypeID="
+ itemTypeID + ")";
var unusedFields = Scholar.DB.columnQuery(sql);
// Remove fields that are already used
for (var i=0; i<_fieldsList.getRowCount(); i++){
if (!Scholar.inArray(_fieldsList.getItemAtIndex(i).value, unusedFields)){
function _moveFieldUp(item){
if (!_typeFieldsList.getPreviousItem(item, 1)){
return false;
var sql = "SELECT orderIndex FROM itemTypeFields WHERE itemTypeID=? "
+ "AND fieldID=?";
var orderIndex = Scholar.DB.valueQuery(sql, [_getCurrentTypeID(), item.value]);
// Move down field above
var sql = "UPDATE itemTypeFields SET orderIndex=orderIndex+1 WHERE "
+ "itemTypeID=? AND orderIndex=?";
Scholar.DB.query(sql, [_getCurrentTypeID(), orderIndex-1]);
// Move field up
var sql = "UPDATE itemTypeFields SET orderIndex=orderIndex-1 WHERE "
+ "itemTypeID=? AND fieldID=?";
Scholar.DB.query(sql, [_getCurrentTypeID(), item.value]);
var index = _typeFieldsList.getIndexOfItem(item);
var newItem = _typeFieldsList.insertItemAt(index-1, item.label, item.value);
function _moveFieldDown(item){
if (!_typeFieldsList.getNextItem(item, 1)){
return false;
var sql = "SELECT orderIndex FROM itemTypeFields WHERE itemTypeID=? "
+ "AND fieldID=?";
var orderIndex = Scholar.DB.valueQuery(sql, [_getCurrentTypeID(), item.value]);
// Move up field below
var sql = "UPDATE itemTypeFields SET orderIndex=orderIndex-1 WHERE "
+ "itemTypeID=? AND orderIndex=?";
Scholar.DB.query(sql, [_getCurrentTypeID(), orderIndex+1]);
// Move field down
var sql = "UPDATE itemTypeFields SET orderIndex=orderIndex+1 WHERE "
+ "itemTypeID=? AND fieldID=?";
Scholar.DB.query(sql, [_getCurrentTypeID(), item.value]);
var index = _typeFieldsList.getIndexOfItem(item);
if (_typeFieldsList.getRowCount()==index+1){
var newItem = _typeFieldsList.appendItem(item.label, item.value);
else {
var newItem = _typeFieldsList.insertItemAt(index+1, item.label, item.value);
window.addEventListener('load', Scholar_ItemTypeManager.init, true);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://scholar/skin/scholar.css" type="text/css"?>
<!DOCTYPE window SYSTEM "chrome://scholar/locale/scholar.dtd">
title="Item Type Manager"
<script src="../include.js"/>
<script src="itemTypeManager.js"/>
<hbox style="height:38em">
<listbox id="item-type-list" seltype="single" onselect="Scholar_ItemTypeManager.handleTypeSelect()" >
<listheader label="Item Types"/>
<listbox id="item-type-fields-list" onselect="">
<listheader label="Used Fields"/>
<button label="Move up" oncommand="Scholar_ItemTypeManager.moveSelectedFieldUp()" />
<button label="Move down" oncommand="Scholar_ItemTypeManager.moveSelectedFieldDown()" />
<listbox id="fields-list" onselect="">
<listheader label="Unused Fields"/>
<hbox style="margin:1em 0 0 .2em; font-size:small">
<description>Double-click a field to add or remove it from an item type.</description>