Update locales from Transifex
This commit is contained in:
64 changed files with 471 additions and 563 deletions
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Local File
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Remote File
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Local File
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Remote File
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Local File
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Remote File
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
@ -44,42 +44,42 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.openurl.server "Diskoulmer:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.openurl.version "Stumm:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.sync "Sinkroneladur">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.sync "Sinkro">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.username "Anv-implijer:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.password "Ger-tremen:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.syncServer "Sinkroneladur ar roadennoù">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.setUpSync "Termeniñ ar sinkroneladur">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.syncServer "Sinkro ar roadennoù">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.setUpSync "Termeniñ ar sinkro">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.unlinkAccount "Diliammañ ar gont">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.createAccount "Krouiñ ur gont">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.lostPassword "Ger-tremen ankouaeet?">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.syncAutomatically "Em-sinkronelaat">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.syncFullTextContent "Sinkr testenn a-bezh ar stagadennoù">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.syncFullTextContent.desc "Zotero a c'hall sinkronelaat testenn a-bezh ar pezhioù-stag indekset e-barzh ho levraouegoù Zotero gant zotero.org hag, e-giz-se, gant ho trevnadoù kevreet. An dra-se a ro an aotre da glask en un doare aeset e-barzh endalc'had ho restroù ne vern e pelec'h e vefec'h. Ne vo ket rannet en un doare foran testenn a-bezh ho restroù.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.about "Diwar-benn ar sinkroneladur">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing "Sinkroneladur ar restroù">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.syncAutomatically "Em-sinkroaat">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.syncFullTextContent "Sinkro testenn a-bezh ar stagadennoù">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.syncFullTextContent.desc "Zotero a c'hall sinkroaat testenn a-bezh ar pezhioù-stag indekset e-barzh ho levraouegoù Zotero gant zotero.org hag, e-giz-se, gant ho trevnadoù kevreet. An dra-se a ro an aotre da glask en un doare aeset e-barzh endalc'had ho restroù ne vern e pelec'h e vefec'h. Ne vo ket rannet en un doare foran testenn a-bezh ho restroù.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.about "Diwar-benn ar sinkro">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing "Sinkro ar restroù">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.url "URL:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Sinkr ar restroù stagadenn e-barzh Ma Levraoueg en ur implijout">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Sinkr ar restroù stagadenn e-barzh al levraouegoù strollad en ur implijout stokadur Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.myLibrary "Sinkro ar restroù stagadenn e-barzh Ma Levraoueg en ur implijout">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.groups "Sinkro ar restroù stagadenn e-barzh al levraouegoù strollad en ur implijout stokadur Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.download "Pellgargañ ar restroù">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.download.atSyncTime "da vare ar sinkroneladur">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.download.atSyncTime "da vare ar sinkro">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.download.onDemand "pa vez ezhomm">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.verifyServer "Gwiriañ ar servijer">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "En ur implijout stokadur Zotero, ec'h asantit bezañ liammet gant e">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "termoù ha koñdisionoù">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync "Levraouegoù da sinkronelaat">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync "Levraouegoù da sinkroaat">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync.button "Dibab al levraouegoù...">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync.sync "Sinkroneladur">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync.sync "Sinkro">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync.library "Levraoueg">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "An oberiadurioù da-heul a zo da vezañ implijet e plegoù ral hag ispisial ha ne rankont ket bezañ implijet evit un distankañ hollek. E-barzh kalz a zegouezhioù, adloc'hañ a zegaso kudennoù ouzhpenn. Sellit ouzh">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Dibarzhioù adloc'hañ sinkroneladur">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Dibarzhioù adloc'hañ sinkro">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 "evit muioc'h a ditouroù.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetDataSyncHistory "Adloc'hañ roll-istor ar sinkroneladur roadennoù">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetDataSyncHistory.desc "Kendeuziñ ar roadennoù lec'hel gant ar roadennoù a-bell, ober fae ouzh ar roll-istor sinkroneladur">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetDataSyncHistory "Adloc'hañ roll-istor ar sinkro roadennoù">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetDataSyncHistory.desc "Kendeuziñ ar roadennoù lec'hel gant ar roadennoù a-bell, ober fae ouzh ar roll-istor sinkro">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer "Adsevel adalek al levraoueg enlinenn">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer.desc "Flastrañ ar roadennoù Zotero lec'hel gant roadennoù o tont eus al levraoueg enlinenn">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer "Erlec'hiañ al levraoueg enlinenn">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.desc "Flastrañ roadennoù al levraoueg enlinenn gant roadennoù lec'hel Zotero">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Adloc'hañ roll-istor sinkroneladur ar restroù">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Adloc'hañ roll-istor sinkro ar restroù">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Keñveriañ an holl restroù kenstag gant ar servijer stokañ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Adderaouekaat">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Adderaouekaat...">
@ -257,14 +257,14 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.references.label "Arroudennoù el levrlennadur">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.stop "Paouez ar sinkr">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.error "Fazi sinkr">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.stop "Paouez ar sinkro">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.error "Fazi sinkro">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.storage.progress "Araokadur:">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.storage.downloads "Gwech pellgarget:">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.storage.uploads "Lakaet enlinenn:">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.followingTagTooLong "Ar baliz da-heul en ho levraoueg Zotero a zo re hir anezhañ da sinkr d'ar servijer:">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.syncedTagSizeLimit "Ar balizoù sinkronelaet a rank bezañ berroc'h evit 256 arouezenn.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.followingTagTooLong "Ar baliz da-heul en ho levraoueg Zotero a zo re hir anezhañ da sinkro d'ar servijer:">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.syncedTagSizeLimit "Ar balizoù sinkroaet a rank bezañ berroc'h evit 256 arouezenn.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.splitEditDelete "Gellout a rit skarat ar baliz e meur a valiz, pe aozañ ar baliz gant an dorn evit berraat anezhañ, pe dilemel anezhañ.">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.split "Skarat">
<!ENTITY zotero.sync.longTagFixer.splitAtThe "Skarat d'an/ar/al">
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ general.pleaseRestart=Adloc'hit %S mar plij.
general.pleaseRestartAndTryAgain=Adloc'hit %S mar plij ha klaskit en-dro.
general.checkForUpdate=Klask hizivadurioù
general.checkForUpdates=Check for Updates
general.actionCannotBeUndone=N'hall ket bezañ nullaet an ober-mañ.
general.actionCannotBeUndone=N'hall ket bezañ nullet an ober-mañ.
general.updateAvailable=Hizivadur hegerz
general.noUpdatesFound=Hizivadur ebet kavet
@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ punctuation.closingQMark="
install.quickStartGuide=Hencher dillo evit stagañ e-barzh
install.quickStartGuide=Heñcher dillo evit stagañ e-barzh
install.quickStartGuide.message.welcome=Degemer mat e-barzh Zotero!
install.quickStartGuide.message.view=Gwelet an hencher dillo evit deskiñ penaos kregiñ dastum, merañ, arroudenniñ ha rannañ ho mammennoù-enklask.
install.quickStartGuide.message.view=Gwelet an heñcher dillo evit deskiñ penaos kregiñ dastum, merañ, arroudennañ ha rannañ ho mammennoù-enklask.
install.quickStartGuide.message.thanks=Trugarez vras da vezañ staliet Zotero.
upgrade.status=Oc'h hizivaat an diaz-roadennoù...
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ errorReport.reportErrors=Danevell fazioù...
errorReport.reportInstructions=Gellout a rit danevelliñ ar fazi-mañ en ur ziuzañ "%S" diwar al lañser Sikour.
errorReport.followingReportWillBeSubmitted=Kaset e vo an danevell da-heul:
errorReport.noErrorsLogged=Fazi ebet renablet abaoe loc'hadur %S.
errorReport.advanceMessage=Pouezit war %S evit kas an danevell da diorroerien Zotero.
errorReport.advanceMessage=Pouezit war %S evit kas an danevell da ziorroerien Zotero.
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Pazennoù da adober:
errorReport.expectedResult=Disoc'h gortozet:
errorReport.actualResult=Disoc'h bet:
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ dataDir.databaseCannotBeOpened=Diaz-roadennoù %S n'hall ket bezañ digoret.
dataDir.checkPermissions=Bezit asur da gaout an aotreoù lenn ha skrivañ evit an holl restroù er c'havlec'h-roadennoù %S hag ivez ne virfe ket ur meziant surentez ouzh %1$S da gellout tizhout ar c'havlec'h-se.
dataDir.moveToDefaultLocation=Gellout a rafec'h sur-mat dont a-benn eus ar gudenn-mañ en ur fiñval ar c'havlec'h roadennoù betek al lec'hiadur dre ziouer nevez e-barzh ho kavlec'h personel. %S a vo em-ziguzhiet gantañ al lec'hiadur nevez.
dataDir.location=Kavlec'h roadennoù: %S
dataDir.notFound=N'eus ket gallet bezañ kavet ar c'havlec'h roadennoù %S.
dataDir.notFound=N'eo ket bet posupl kavout ar c'havlec'h roadennoù %S.
dataDir.notFound.defaultFound=N'hall ket bezañ kavet ar c'havlec'h roadennoù %S amañ %S, ur c'havlec'h roadennoù a zo bet kavet aze %S avat. Implijout ar c'havlec'h-mañ e-plas?
dataDir.useNewLocation=Implijout ul lec'hiadur nevez
dataDir.previousDir=Kavlec'h kent:
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ dataDir.unsafeLocation.selected.dropbox=Dibab ur c'havlec'h roadennoù e-barzh D
dataDir.unsafeLocation.selected.useAnyway=Implijout ar c'havlec'h-mañ memestra?
dataDir.unsafeLocation.existing.dropbox=Ho kavlec'h roadennoù Zotero a zo e-diabarzh Dropbox, ar pezh a c'hall degas ur breinadur roadennoù.
dataDir.unsafeLocation.existing.chooseDifferent=Ha c'hoant ho peus da zibab ul lec'hiadur disheñvel bremañ?
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=Kavlec'h ket goullo
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=Kavlec'h nann goullo
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=Neket goullo ar c'havlec'h ho peus diuzet ha ne ziskouez ket bezañ ur c'havlec'h roadennoù Zotero.\n\nKrouiñ restroù Zotero e-barzh ar c'havlec'h-mañ daoust da-se?
dataDir.mustSelectEmpty.title=Kavlec'h ket goullo
dataDir.mustSelectEmpty.text=Neket goullo ar c'havlec'h ho peus diuzet. Rankout a rit diuzañ ur c'havlec'h goullo evit kenderc'hel.
@ -187,11 +187,11 @@ app.firefox=Zotero evit Firefox
startupError=Ur fazi a zo bet en ur loc'hañ Zotero.
startupError.databaseInUse=War-implij emañ ho tiaz-roadennoù Zotero. Er mare-mañ ne c'hall ket bezañ digoret ouzhpenn evit un iñstañs Zotero hag a implijfe ar memes diaz-roadennoù.
startupError.closeStandalone=Ma vez digoret Zotero Standalone, serrit anezhañ hag adloc'hit Firefox.
startupError.closeFirefox=Ma vez digoret Firefox gant an astenn Zotero, serrit anezhañ ha adloc'hit Zotero Standalone.
startupError.closeFirefox=Ma vez digoret Firefox gant an astenn Zotero, serrit anezhañ hag adloc'hit Zotero Standalone.
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder=Ar stumm-mañ eus Zotero a zo koshoc'h evit ar stumm implijet ar wech ziwezhañ gant ho tiaz-roadennoù.
startupError.incompatibleDBVersion=An diaz-roadennoù %1$S-mañ a c'houlenn %1$S %2$S pe nevesoc'h.
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder.current=Stumm war-implij: %S
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder.upgrade=Hizivait betek ar stumm diwezhañ diwar %S mar plij.
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder.upgrade=Hizivait betek ar stumm diwezhañ adalek %S mar plij.
startupError.databaseUpgradeError=Fazi hizivadur diaz-roadennoù
startupError.internetFunctionalityMayNotWork=Ne 'z aio ket en-dro an arc'hweladurioù a c'houlenn ur gevreadenn internet.
startupError.bundledFileUpdateError=N'en deus ket gallet %S kargañ an troerioù hag ar stiloù.
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ tagColorChooser.maxTags=Betek %S baliz e-barzh pep levraoueg a c'hall kaout ul l
pane.items.intro.text1=Degemer mat e-barzh %S!
pane.items.intro.text2=Gwelet an [Hencher Deraouiñ Dillo] evit deskiñ penaos stagañ gant sevel ho levraoueg, ha bezit sur da [staliañ un/ur/ul %S] e-se e c'hallit ouzhpennañ elfennoù da %S p'emaoc'h o verdeiñ a-dreuz ar web.
pane.items.intro.text3=Implijout a rit %S war un urzhiataer all? [Keflunit ar sinkroneladur] evit adstagañ gant ho labour el lec'h ma oa chomet.
pane.items.intro.text3=Implijout a rit %S war un urzhiataer all? [Keflunit ar sinkro] evit adstagañ gant ho labour el lec'h ma oa chomet.
pane.items.loading=O kargañ an elfennoù...
pane.items.columnChooser.moreColumns=Muioc'h a vannoù
@ -365,13 +365,13 @@ pane.item.notes.count.zero=%S a notennoù:
pane.item.notes.count.singular=%S notenn:
pane.item.notes.count.plural=%S a notennoù:
pane.item.notes.editingInWindow=Oc'h aozañ en ur prenestr nevez
pane.item.attachments.rename.title=Titl nevez
pane.item.attachments.rename.title=Titl nevez:
pane.item.attachments.rename.renameAssociatedFile=Adenvel ar restr kevelet
pane.item.attachments.rename.error=Ur fazi a zo c'hoarvezet en ur adenvel ar restr.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.title=Restr digavus
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text1=Ar pezh-stag n'eus ket gallet bezañ kavet.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2=Ar restr a zo bet fiñvet pe dilemet en diavaez eus %1$S, pe, m'eo bet ouzhpennet war un urzhiataer all, posupl eo ne vefe ket bet sinkronelaet da pe adalek %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.notOnServer=Ar restr a zo bet fiñvet pe dilemet en diavaez eus %1$S, pe, m'eo bet ouzhpennet war un urzhiataer all, posupl eo ne vefe ket bet sinkronelaet da %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2=Ar restr a zo bet fiñvet pe dilemet en diavaez eus %1$S, pe, m'eo bet ouzhpennet war un urzhiataer all, posupl eo ne vefe ket bet sinkroaet da pe adalek %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.notOnServer=Ar restr a zo bet fiñvet pe dilemet en diavaez eus %1$S, pe, m'eo bet ouzhpennet war un urzhiataer all, posupl eo ne vefe ket bet sinkroaet da %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.delete.confirm=Ha fellout a ra deoc'h dilemel da vat ar pezh-stag-mañ?
pane.item.attachments.count.zero=%S a bezhioù-stag:
@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ itemTypes.webpage=Lec'hienn Web
itemTypes.bill=Raktres/kinnig lezenn
itemTypes.statute=Akta lezennel
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ itemFields.history=Istor
itemFields.numberOfVolumes=# a levrennoù
itemFields.patentNumber=Niver breved
itemFields.priorityNumbers=Niver priorelezh
@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ itemFields.shortTitle=Titl berr
itemFields.docketNumber=Niver reked
itemFields.numPages=# a bajennoù
itemFields.programTitle=Titl ar program
itemFields.issuingAuthority=Aozadur oc'h embann
itemFields.issuingAuthority=Aozadur a embann
itemFields.filingDate=Deiziad leuniadur
@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ creatorTypes.seriesEditor=Embanner heuliadennoù
creatorTypes.interviewee=Aterset gant
creatorTypes.castMember=Ezel ar c'homedianeta
@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ creatorTypes.performer=Jubenner
creatorTypes.wordsBy=Gerioù gant
@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ zotero.preferences.locale.automaticWithLocale=Emgefreek (%S)
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Spurjañ ar restroù stag war servijerioù Zotero?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=M'emaoc'h en soñj implijout WebDAV evit sinkronelaat restroù hag ho peus sinkronelaet restroù stag nevez 'zo Em Levraoueg betek servijerioù Zotero, bez e c'hellit spurjañ ar restroù-se diwar servijerioù Zotero evit reiñ muioc'h a blas stokiñ evit ar strolladoù.\n \n Gellout a rit spurjañ ar restroù forzh peur adalek arventennoù ho kont war zotero.org.
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=M'emaoc'h en soñj implijout WebDAV evit sinkronelaat restroù hag ho peus sinkroet restroù stag nevez 'zo Em Levraoueg betek servijerioù Zotero, bez e c'hellit spurjañ ar restroù-se diwar servijerioù Zotero evit reiñ muioc'h a blas stokiñ evit ar strolladoù.\n\nGellout a rit spurjañ ar restroù forzh peur adalek arventennoù ho kont war zotero.org.
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Spurjañ ar restroù a vank
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=Chom hep spurjañ
zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync.loadingLibraries=O kargañ al levraouegoù...
@ -656,8 +656,8 @@ zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Erlec'hiañ ar roadennoù lec'hel
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Rankout a ra bezañ adloc'het Zotero evit klokaat an argerzh adpakadur.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=%1$S a erlec'hio roadennoù e-barzh “%2$S” war %3$S gant roadennoù diwar an urzhiataer-mañ.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.button=Erlec'hiañ ar roadennoù e-barzh al levraouegoù enlinenn
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=Da vare ar sinkroneladur da-heul, %1$S a geñverio an holl restroù stag e-barzh "%2$S" gant ar servijoù stokadur. An holl restroù stag a vank en un doare lec'hel a vo pellgarget, hag ar restroù stag lec'hel a vank a-bell a vo pellgaset.\n\nNeket ret an dibarzh-mañ evit un implij boaz.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory.cleared=Roll-istor ar sinkroneladur "%S" a zo bet dilamet.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=Da vare ar sinkro da-heul, %1$S a geñverio an holl restroù stag e-barzh "%2$S" gant ar servijoù stokadur. An holl restroù stag a vank en un doare lec'hel a vo pellgarget, hag ar restroù stag lec'hel a vank a-bell a vo pellgaset.\n\nNeket ret an dibarzh-mañ evit un implij boaz.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory.cleared=Roll-istor ar sinkro "%S" a zo bet dilamet.
zotero.preferences.search.rebuildIndex=Adsevel an indeks
zotero.preferences.search.rebuildWarning=Ha fellout a ra deoc'h adsevel an indeks a-bezh? Kemer a raio amzer d'en ober.\n\nEvit indeksiñ elfennoù ha n'int ket bet indekset, hepken, implijit %S.
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ zotero.preferences.styles.addStyle=Ouzhpennañ ur stil
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslatorsAndStyles=Adloc'hañ an troerioù hag ar stiloù
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslatorsAndStyles.changesLost=Kement troer pe stil nevez pe gemmet, zoken, a vo kollet.
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators=Adloc'hañ an droerioù
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators=Adloc'hañ an troerioù
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=Kement troer nevez pe gemmet a vo kollet.
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Adloc'hañ ar stiloù
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=An holl stiloù nevez pe kemmet a vo kollet.
@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=Gwelet ar stummoù degemeret...
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Levrlennadur hep titl
fileInterface.importError=Ur fazi a zo c'hoarvezet en ur glask emporzhiañ ar restr ziuzet. Klaskit gwelet hag-eñ eo ur restr talvoudus ha klaskit en-dro, mar plij.
fileInterface.importClipboardNoDataError=Roadenn ebet emporzhius a c'hall bezañ lennet adalek ar golver.
fileInterface.importClipboardNoDataError=N'eus roadenn ebet emporzhius a c'hall bezañ lennet adalek ar golver.
fileInterface.noReferencesError=Ne endalc'h tamm daveenn ebet an elfennoù a zo bet diuzet ganeoc'h. Diuzit un daveenn pe vuioc'h ha klaskit en-dro mar plij.
fileInterface.bibliographyGenerationError=Ur fazi a zo c'hoarvezet en ur c'henel ho levrelennadur. Klaskit en-dro, mar plij.
fileInterface.exportError=Ur fazi a zo c'hoarvezet en ur glask ezporzhiañ ar restr ziuzet.
@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ fileInterface.OPMLFeedFilter=Listenn froudoù OPML
import.fileHandling.store=Eilañ ar restroù d'an teuliad stokañ %S
import.fileHandling.link=Liammañ d'ar restroù el lec'hiadur orin
import.fileHandling.description=Ar restroù liammet n'hallont ket bezañ sinkronelaet gant %S.
import.fileHandling.description=Ar restroù liammet n'hallont ket bezañ sinkroet gant %S.
quickCopy.copyAs=Eilañ evel %S
@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ charset.UTF8withoutBOM=Unikod (UTF-8 hep BOM)
date.daySuffixes=st, nd, rd, th
@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ annotations.close.tooltip=Dilemel an ennotadur
annotations.move.tooltip=Fiñval an ennotadur
annotations.collapse.tooltip=Bihanaat an ennotadur
annotations.expand.tooltip=Brasaat an ennotadur
annotations.oneWindowWarning=An ennotadurioù evit un dapadenn-skramm a rank bezañ digoret e-barzh ur prenestr merdeer war ar memes tro, hepken. An tapadenn-skramm-mañ a vo digoret hep ket a ennotadur.
annotations.oneWindowWarning=An ennotadurioù evit un dapadenn-skramm a rank bezañ digoret e-barzh ur prenestr merdeer war ar memes tro, hepken. An tapadenn-skramm-mañ a vo digoret hep ennotadur.
integration.fields.label=Maeziennoù (aliet)
integration.referenceMarks.label=Merkoù daveenn (aliet)
@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ styles.install.unexpectedError=Ur fazi dic'hortoz a zo c'hoarvezet en ur stalia
styles.installStyle=Staliañ ar stil "%1$S" adalek %2$S?
styles.updateStyle=Hizivaat ar stiloù "%1$S" a zo anezho "%2$S" adalek %3$S?
styles.installed=Ar stil "%S" a zo bet staliet gant berzh.
styles.installError=N'es ket eus %S ur restr stil mat.
styles.installError=N'eus ket eus %S ur restr stil mat.
styles.validationWarning="%S" n'eo ket ur stil restroù CSL 1.0.1 mat, ha ne 'z aio ket en-dro mat gant Zotero.\n\nHa sur oc'h ho peus c'hoant da genderc'hel ganti?
styles.installSourceError=%1$S a ra dave d'ur restr CSL nann-talvoudus pe n'eus ket anezhi he devez %2$S evel mammenn.
styles.deleteStyle=Ha fellout a ra deoc'h dilemel da vat ar stil "%1$S"?
@ -927,56 +927,56 @@ styles.abbreviations.title=Kargañ ar berradurioù
styles.abbreviations.parseError=Ar restr berradurioù "%1$S" neket ur restr JSON mat.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=Ar restr berradurioù "%1$S" na spisa ket ur bloc'had-titour klok.
sync.syncWith=Sinkronelaat gant %S
sync.syncWith=Sinkroaat gant %S
sync.stopping=O paouez...
sync.cancel=Nullañ ar sinkroneladur
sync.openSyncPreferences=Digeriñ an arventennoù sinkroneladur
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Adloc'hañ ar strollad ha sinkronelaat
sync.resetGroupFilesAndSync=Adloc'hañ restroù ar strollad ha sinkronelaat
sync.cancel=Nullañ ar sinkro
sync.openSyncPreferences=Digeriñ an arventennoù sinkro
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Adloc'hañ ar strollad ha sinkro
sync.resetGroupFilesAndSync=Adloc'hañ restroù ar strollad ha sinkro
sync.skipGroup=Tremen ar strollad
sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Tennañ ar strolladoù ha sinkronelaat
sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Tennañ ar strolladoù ha sinkro
sync.error.usernameNotSet=Anv-implijer didermenet:
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Rankout a rit ebarzhiñ hoc'h anv-implijer hag ho ker-tremen zotero.org e-barzh arventennoù Zotero evit sinkronelaat gant ar servijer Zotero.
sync.error.usernameNotSet.text=Rankout a rit ebarzhiñ hoc'h anv-implijer hag ho ker-tremen zotero.org e-barzh arventennoù Zotero evit sinkro gant ar servijer Zotero.
sync.error.passwordNotSet=Ger-tremen didermenet:
sync.error.invalidLogin=Anv-implijer pe ger-tremen fall
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=Neket bet asantet gant servijer Zotero hoc'h anv-implijer hag ho ker-tremen.\n\nGwirit bremañ ho peus ebarzhet ho titouroù zotero.org anaout en un doare reizh e-barzh panell arventennoù Zotero.
sync.error.invalidLogin.text=Neket bet asantet gant servijer Zotero hoc'h anv-implijer hag ho ker-tremen.\n\nGwirit bremañ ho peus ebarzhet ho titouroù zotero.org anaout en un doare reizh e-barzh panell arventennoù sinkro Zotero.
sync.error.enterPassword=Skrivit ur ger-tremen mar plij.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted1=N'hall ket tizhout Zotero ho titouroù kevreañ, sur-mat abalamour d'ur breinadur %S anaouadurioù diaz-roadennoù.
sync.error.loginManagerCorrupted2=Serrit %1$S, dilamit ar restroù cert8.db, key3.db, ha logins.json diwar ho kavlec'h profil %2$S, hag ebarzhit en-dro hoc'h anaouadurioù kevreañ Zotero e panell sinkro arventennoù Zotero.
sync.error.syncInProgress=Un oberiadenn sinkr a zo war ober endeo.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Gortozit ma vefe echu ar sinkroneladur kent pe adloc'hit %S.
sync.error.syncInProgress=Un oberiadenn sinkro a zo war ober endeo.
sync.error.syncInProgress.wait=Gortozit ma vefe echu ar sinkro kent pe adloc'hit %S.
sync.error.groupWriteAccessLost=N'ho peus ket ar gwir skrivañ ken e-barzh ar strollad "%1$S", hag ar cheñchamantoù a zo bet graet ganeoc'h en un doare lec'hel n'hallont ket bezañ pellgaset. Ma kendalc'hit, hoc'h eilenn strollad a vo adlakaet er stad %2$S, ha cheñchamantoù lec'hel d'an elfennoù hag ar restroù a vo kollet.
sync.error.groupFileWriteAccessLost=N'ho peus ket ar gwir aozañ restroù ken evit ar strollad "%1$S", hag ar restroù ho peus cheñchet en un doare lec'hel n'hallont ket bezañ pellgaset. Ma kendalc'hit, holl restroù ar strollad a vo adlakaet er stad %2$S.
sync.error.groupCopyChangedItems=M'ho peus c'hoant da gaout ur chañs da eilañ ho cheñchamantoù forzh pelec'h pe goulenn ar gwir skrivañ digant ur merour strollad, gellout a rit tremen e-bioù da sinkroneladur gant ar strollad bremañ.
sync.error.groupCopyChangedFiles=M'ho peus c'hoant da gaout ur chañs da eilañ restroù eilet forzh pelec'h pe goulenn ar gwir aozañ restroù digant ur merour strollad, gellout a rit tremen e-bioù da sinkroneladur gant ar strollad-mañ.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=Dizemglevioù o deus ehanet an em-sinkronelaat.
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Klikit war an ikon sinkr evit dont a-benn outo.
sync.error.invalidClock=An horolaj sistem a zo termenet war un eurvezh amreizh. Ret e vo deoc'h reizhañ an dra-se evit sinkronelaat gant ar servijer Zotero.
sync.error.groupCopyChangedItems=M'ho peus c'hoant da gaout ur chañs da eilañ ho cheñchamantoù forzh pelec'h pe goulenn ar gwir skrivañ digant ur merour strollad, gellout a rit tremen e-bioù da sinkro gant ar strollad bremañ.
sync.error.groupCopyChangedFiles=M'ho peus c'hoant da gaout ur chañs da eilañ restroù eilet forzh pelec'h pe goulenn ar gwir aozañ restroù digant ur merour strollad, gellout a rit tremen e-bioù da sinkro gant ar strollad-mañ.
sync.error.manualInterventionRequired=An dizemglevioù o deus ehanet an em-sinkro
sync.error.clickSyncIcon=Klikit war an ikon sinkro evit dont a-benn outo.
sync.error.invalidClock=An horolaj sistem a zo termenet war un eurvezh amreizh. Ret e vo deoc'h reizhañ an dra-se evit sinkroaat gant ar servijer Zotero.
sync.error.sslConnectionError=Fazi kevreañ SSL
sync.error.checkConnection=Fazi en ur gevreañ ouzh ar servijer. Taolit ur sell ouzh ho kevreadur ouzh an internet.
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Respont goullo a-berzh ar servijer.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=An anv-restr "%S" a endalc'h ennañ arouezioù direizh.\n\nAdenvit ar restr ha klaskit en-dro. Ma vez adanvet ganeoc'h ar restr dre an OS, bez ho po da stagañ anezhi en-dro e-barzh Zotero.
sync.error.apiKeyInvalid=Ne c'hall ket %S anaouat ho kont. Ebarzhit hoc'h anaouadurioù.
sync.error.collectionTooLong=Anv an dastumadeg "%S" a zo re hir evit ar sinkroneladur. Berrait an anv ha sinkronelait adarre.
sync.error.fieldTooLong=Talvoudegezh %1$S "%2$S" e-barzh unan hoc'h elfennoù a zo re hir evit ar sinkroneladur. Berrait ar vaezienn ha sinkronelait adarre.
sync.error.creatorTooLong=Anv ar c'hrouer "%S" e-barzh unan hoc'h elfennoù a zo re hir evit ar sinkroneladur. Berrait ar vaezienn ha sinkronelait adarre.
sync.error.noteEmbeddedImage=An notennoù gant skeudennoù enframmet enno na vezont ket sinkronelaet evit ar mare. Sinkronelaat ar skeudennoù enframmet a c'hallfe bezañ degemeret e-barzh ur stumm da zont.
sync.error.noteTooLong=An notenn "%S" a zo re hir evit ar sinkroneladur. Berrait an notenn ha sinkronelait adarre.
sync.error.collectionTooLong=Anv an dastumadeg "%S" a zo re hir evit ar sinkro. Berrait an anv ha sinkroit adarre.
sync.error.fieldTooLong=Talvoudegezh %1$S "%2$S" e-barzh unan hoc'h elfennoù a zo re hir evit ar sinkro. Berrait ar vaezienn ha sinkroit adarre.
sync.error.creatorTooLong=Anv ar c'hrouer "%S" e-barzh unan hoc'h elfennoù a zo re hir evit ar sinkro. Berrait ar vaezienn ha sinkroit adarre.
sync.error.noteEmbeddedImage=An notennoù gant skeudennoù enframmet enno na vezont ket sinkroet evit ar mare. Sinkroaat ar skeudennoù enframmet a c'hallfe bezañ degemeret e-barzh ur stumm da zont.
sync.error.noteTooLong=An notenn "%S" a zo re hir evit ar sinkro. Berrait an notenn ha sinkroit adarre.
sync.error.reportSiteIssuesToForums=M'ho peus resevet ar c'hemenn-mañ dibaouez evit elfennoù enrollet diwar ul lec'hienn ispisial, bez e c'hallit danevelliñ ar gudenn-mañ war foromoù %S.
account.unlinkWarning=Diliammañ ho kont a viro ouzh %S da sinkronelaat ho roadennoù.
account.unlinkWarning=Diliammañ ho kont a viro ouzh %S da sinkroaat ho roadennoù.
account.unlinkWarning.removeData=Dilemel ma roadennoù %S diwar an urzhiataer-mañ da virviken
account.unlinkWarning.button=Diliammañ ar gont
account.warning.emptyLibrary=War-nes sinkronelaat ar gont "%1$S" emaoc'h gant un diaz-roadenn %2$S goullo. Gellout a ra c'hoarvezout an dra-se m'ho peus dilamet ho tiaz-roadennoù kent pe e vefe cheñchet lec'hiadur d'ho kavlec'h roadenn %2$S.
account.warning.emptyLibrary=War-nes sinkroaat ar gont "%1$S" emaoc'h gant un diaz-roadenn %2$S goullo. Gellout a ra c'hoarvezout an dra-se m'ho peus dilamet ho tiaz-roadennoù kent pe e vefe cheñchet lec'hiadur d'ho kavlec'h roadenn %2$S.
account.warning.existingDataElsewhere=Ma 'z eus eus ho roadennoù %S en ul lec'h all war hoc'h urzhiataer, rankout a rafec'h lakaat anezho da fiñval betek ar c'havlec'h roadennoù pe cheñch lec'hiadur ar c'havlec'h roadennoù evit ma poentfe war-zu ho roadennoù a zo anezho.
account.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=An diaz-roadennoù %1$S-mañ a zo bet sinkronelaet evit ar wech diwezhañ gant ur gont disheñvel ("%2$S") hag an hini a-vremañ ("%3$S"). Ma kendalc'hit, ar roadennoù stag ouzh ar gont "%2$S" a vo dilamet diwar an urzhiataer-mañ.
account.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=An diaz-roadennoù %1$S-mañ a zo bet sinkroaet evit ar wech diwezhañ gant ur gont disheñvel ("%2$S") hag an hini a-vremañ ("%3$S"). Ma kendalc'hit, ar roadennoù stag ouzh ar gont "%2$S" a vo dilamet diwar an urzhiataer-mañ.
account.confirmDelete=Dilemel roadennoù a zo anezho
account.confirmDelete.button=Cheñch ar gont
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=Unan pe meur a %S Zotero dilamet a zo bet kemmet a-bell abaoe ar sinkroneladur diwezhañ.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=Un/ur %S Zotero a zo bet kemmet en un doare lec'hel met ivez a-bell abaoe ar sinkroneladur diwezhañ:
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=Unan pe meur a %S Zotero dilamet a zo bet kemmet a-bell abaoe ar sinkro diwezhañ.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=Un/ur %S Zotero a zo bet kemmet en un doare lec'hel met ivez a-bell abaoe ar sinkro diwezhañ:
sync.conflict.remoteVersionsKept=Ar stummoù a-bell a zo bet miret warno.
sync.conflict.remoteVersionKept=Ar stumm a-bell a zo bet miret warnañ.
sync.conflict.localVersionsKept=Ar stummoù lec'hel a zo bet miret.
@ -987,10 +987,10 @@ sync.conflict.viewErrorConsole=Sellit ouzh ar fazi koñsol %S evit al listenn gl
sync.conflict.localVersion=Stumm lec'hel: %S
sync.conflict.remoteVersion=Stumm a-bell: %S
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=Unan pe meur a elfenn Zotero a zo bet ouzhpennet ha/pe dilamet diwar ar memes dastumadeg war meur a urzhiataer abaoe ar sinkroneladur diwezhañ.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=An elfennoù Zotero e-barzh an dastumadeg "%S" a zo bet ouzhpennet ha/pe dilamet diwar meur a urzhiataer abaoe ar sinkroneladur diwezhañ. An elfennoù da-heul a zo bet ouzhpennet d'an dastumadeg:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=Unan pe meur a valiz Zotero a zo bet ouzhpennet ha/pe dilamet diwar an elfennoù war meur a urzhiataer abaoe ar sinkroneladur diwezhañ. Ar rolladoù-baliz disheñvel a zo bet kenstrollet.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=Ar baliz Zotero "%S" a zo bet ouzhpennet war ha/pe dilamet diwar an elfennoù war meur a urzhiataer abaoe ar sinkroneladur diwezhañ.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.alert=Unan pe meur a elfenn Zotero a zo bet ouzhpennet ha/pe dilamet diwar ar memes dastumadeg war meur a urzhiataer abaoe ar sinkro diwezhañ.
sync.conflict.collectionItemMerge.log=An elfennoù Zotero e-barzh an dastumadeg "%S" a zo bet ouzhpennet ha/pe dilamet diwar meur a urzhiataer abaoe ar sinkro diwezhañ. An elfennoù da-heul a zo bet ouzhpennet d'an dastumadeg:
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.alert=Unan pe meur a valiz Zotero a zo bet ouzhpennet ha/pe dilamet diwar an elfennoù war meur a urzhiataer abaoe ar sinkro diwezhañ. Ar rolladoù-baliz disheñvel a zo bet kenstrollet.
sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=Ar baliz Zotero "%S" a zo bet ouzhpennet war ha/pe dilamet diwar an elfennoù war meur a urzhiataer abaoe ar sinkro diwezhañ.
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=Ouzhpennet eo bet d'an elfennoù a-bell da-heul:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=Ouzhpennet eo bet d'an elfennoù lec'hel da-heul:
@ -1001,25 +1001,23 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Restr lec'hel
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Restr a-bell
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Implijout ar stumm lec'hel evit an holl zizemglevioù a chom
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Implijout ar stumm a-bell evit an holl zizemglevioù a chom
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Implijout ar maeziennoù lec'hel evit an holl zizemglevioù a chom
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Implijout ar maeziennoù a-bell evit an holl zizemglevioù a chom
sync.conflict.itemChanged=Ar restr da-heul a zo bet cheñchet e meur a lec'h. Klikit ar stumm da implijout evit diskoulmañ maeziennoù dizemglev, ha klikit neuze war %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=Ar restr da-heul a zo bet cheñchet e meur a lec'h. Dibabit ar stumm ho peus c'hoant mirout, ha klikit neuze war %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Dibab ar stumm-mañ
sync.status.notYetSynced=Ket sinkronelaet c'hoazh.
sync.status.lastSync=Sinkr diwezhañ:
sync.status.notYetSynced=Neket sinkroet c'hoazh.
sync.status.lastSync=Sinkro diwezhañ:
sync.status.waiting=War c'hortoz e vefe echu gant oberiadurioù all
sync.status.preparing=O prientién ar sinkro
sync.status.loggingIn=O kevreañ ouzh ar servijer sinkroneladur
sync.status.gettingUpdatedData=O kaout ar roadennoù hizivadur adalek ar servijer sinkroneladur
sync.status.processingUpdatedData=O tretiñ ar roadennoù hizivaet adalek ar servijer sinkroneladur
sync.status.uploadingData=Oc'h pellgas roadennoù d'ar servijer sinkroneladur
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Pellgasadenn asantet — o c'hortoz war-lerc'h ar servijer sinkroneladur
sync.status.syncingFiles=O sinkronelaat ar restroù
sync.status.syncingFilesInLibrary=O sinkronelaat restroù %S
sync.status.syncingFilesInLibraryWithRemaining=O sinkronelaat restroù %1$S (%2$S a chom);O sinkronelaat restroù %1$S (%2$S a chom)
sync.status.syncingFullText=O sinkronelaat testenn a-bezh ar stagadennoù
sync.status.preparing=O prientiñ ar sinkro
sync.status.loggingIn=O kevreañ ouzh ar servijer sinkro
sync.status.gettingUpdatedData=O kaout ar roadennoù hizivadur adalek ar servijer sinkro
sync.status.processingUpdatedData=O tretiñ ar roadennoù hizivaet adalek ar servijer sinkro
sync.status.uploadingData=Oc'h pellgas roadennoù d'ar servijer sinkro
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Pellgasadenn asantet — o c'hortoz war-lerc'h ar servijer sinkro
sync.status.syncingFiles=O sinkroaat ar restroù
sync.status.syncingFilesInLibrary=O sinkroaat restroù %S
sync.status.syncingFilesInLibraryWithRemaining=O sinkroaat restroù %1$S (%2$S a chom);O sinkroaat restroù %1$S (%2$S a chom)
sync.status.syncingFullText=O sinkroaat testenn a-bezh ar stagadennoù
sync.storage.mbRemaining=%Mo a chom
sync.storage.kbRemaining=%SKo a chom
@ -1031,26 +1029,26 @@ sync.storage.localFile=Restr lec'hel
sync.storage.remoteFile=Restr a-bell
sync.storage.savedFile=Restr enrollet
sync.storage.serverConfigurationVerified=Kefluniadur ar servijer gwiriet
sync.storage.fileSyncSetUp=Kefluniadur ar restr graet gant berzh.
sync.storage.fileSyncSetUp=Sinkro ar restr kefluniet gant berzh.
sync.storage.openAccountSettings=Digeriñ arventennoù ar gont
sync.storage.error.default=Ur fazi sinkroneladur restr a zo c'hoarvezet. Klaskit sinkronelaat adarre.\n\nMa resevit ar c'hemenn-mañ dibaouez, adloc'hit %S ha/pe hoc'h urzhiataer ha klaskit en-dro. Ma kendalc'hit da resevout ar c'hemenn-mañ, kasit un danevell fazi hag embannit ID an danevell en ur sujed nevez e-barzh foromoù Zotero.
sync.storage.error.defaultRestart=Ur fazi sinkroneladur restr a zo c'hoarvezet. Adloc'hit %S ha pe hoc'h urzhiataer ha klaskit sinkronelaat adarre.\n\nMa resevit ar c'hemenn-mañ dibaouez, kasit un danevell fazi hag embannit ID an danevell en ur sujed nevez e-barzh foromoù Zotero.
sync.storage.error.default=Ur fazi sinkro restr a zo c'hoarvezet. Klaskit sinkroaat adarre.\n\nMa resevit ar c'hemenn-mañ dibaouez, adloc'hit %S ha/pe hoc'h urzhiataer ha klaskit en-dro. Ma kendalc'hit da resevout ar c'hemenn-mañ, kasit un danevell fazi hag embannit ID an danevell en ur sujed nevez e-barzh foromoù Zotero.
sync.storage.error.defaultRestart=Ur fazi sinkro restr a zo c'hoarvezet. Adloc'hit %S ha pe hoc'h urzhiataer ha klaskit sinkroaat adarre.\n\nMa resevit ar c'hemenn-mañ dibaouez, kasit un danevell fazi hag embannit ID an danevell en ur sujed nevez e-barzh foromoù Zotero.
sync.storage.error.serverCouldNotBeReached=N'eus ket gallet bezañ tizhet ar servijer %S.
sync.storage.error.permissionDeniedAtAddress=N'ho peus ket an aotre da grouiñ ur c'havlec'h Zotero d'ar chomlec'h da-heul:
sync.storage.error.checkFileSyncSettings=Gwiriekait hoc'h arventennoù sinkronelaat restroù pe kit e darempred gant merour ho servijer WebDAV.
sync.storage.error.verificationFailed=C'hwitet he deus ar wiriekadenn %S. Taolit ur sell hoc'h arventennoù sinkroneladur e panell sinkroneladur arventennoù Zotero.
sync.storage.error.checkFileSyncSettings=Gwiriekait hoc'h arventennoù sinkro restroù pe kit e darempred gant merour ho servijer WebDAV.
sync.storage.error.verificationFailed=C'hwitet he deus ar wiriekadenn %S. Taolit ur sell hoc'h arventennoù sinkro e panell sinkroneladur arventennoù Zotero.
sync.storage.error.fileNotCreated=N'eo ket bet posupl krouiñ ar restr '%S' e kavlec'h 'storage' Zotero.
sync.storage.error.encryptedFilenames=Fazi en ur grouiñ ar restr "%S".\n\nKit da welet http://www.zotero.org/support/kb/encrypted_filenames evit gouzout hiroc'h.
sync.storage.error.fileEditingAccessLost=N'ho peus ket an aotre da dizhout an aozañ restroù evit ar strollad Zotero '%S', hag ar restroù a zo bet ouzhpennet pe aozet ganeoc'h n'hallont ket bezañ sinkronelaet d'ar servijer.
sync.storage.error.copyChangedItems=M'ho peus c'hoant da gaout ur chañs da eilañ an elfennoù hag ar restroù bet cheñchet en ul lec'h bennaket all, nullit ar sinkroneladur bremañ.
sync.storage.error.fileEditingAccessLost=N'ho peus ket an aotre da dizhout an aozañ restroù evit ar strollad Zotero '%S', hag ar restroù a zo bet ouzhpennet pe aozet ganeoc'h n'hallont ket bezañ sinkroet d'ar servijer.
sync.storage.error.copyChangedItems=M'ho peus c'hoant da gaout ur chañs da eilañ an elfennoù hag ar restroù bet cheñchet en ul lec'h bennaket all, nullit ar sinkro bremañ.
sync.storage.error.fileUploadFailed=Hizivadur ar restr c'hwitet.
sync.storage.error.directoryNotFound=Neket bet kavet ar c'havlec'h
sync.storage.error.doesNotExist=N'eus ket eus %S.
sync.storage.error.createNow=Ha fellout a ra deoc'h e grouiñ bremañ?
sync.storage.error.webdav.default=Ur fazi sinkroneladur restr WebDAV a zo c'hoarvezet. Klaskit sinkronelaat adarre.\n\nMa resevit ar c'hemenn-mañ dibaouez, kit da welet hoc'h arventennoù servijer WebDAV e panell sinkronelaat arventennoù Zotero.
sync.storage.error.webdav.defaultRestart=Ur fazi sinkroneladur restr WebDAV a zo c'hoarvezet. Adloc'hit %S ha klaskit sinkronelaat adarre.\n\nMa resevit ar c'hemenn-mañ dibaouez, kit da welet hoc'h arventennoù servijer WebDAV e panell sinkronelaat arventennoù Zotero.
sync.storage.error.webdav.default=Ur fazi sinkro restr WebDAV a zo c'hoarvezet. Klaskit sinkroaat adarre.\n\nMa resevit ar c'hemenn-mañ dibaouez, kit da welet hoc'h arventennoù servijer WebDAV e panell sinkro arventennoù Zotero.
sync.storage.error.webdav.defaultRestart=Ur fazi sinkro restr WebDAV a zo c'hoarvezet. Adloc'hit %S ha klaskit sinkroaat adarre.\n\nMa resevit ar c'hemenn-mañ dibaouez, kit da welet hoc'h arventennoù servijer WebDAV e panell sinkro arventennoù Zotero.
sync.storage.error.webdav.enterURL=Ebarzhit un URL WebDAV.
sync.storage.error.webdav.invalidURL=%S neket un URL WebDAV mat.
sync.storage.error.webdav.invalidLogin=N'en deus ket degemeret ar servijer WebDAV an anv-implijer hag ar ger-tremen ho peus ebarzhet.
@ -1061,7 +1059,7 @@ sync.storage.error.webdav.sslConnectionError=Fazi kevreañ SSL en ur gevreañ ou
sync.storage.error.webdav.loadURLForMoreInfo=Ebarzhit hoc'h URL WebDAV er merdeer evit kaout muioc'h a ditouroù.
sync.storage.error.webdav.seeCertOverrideDocumentation=Gwelet an titouroù diwar-benn an dreist-skrivañ testeni evit gouzout hiroc'h.
sync.storage.error.webdav.loadURL=Kargañ an URL WebDAV
sync.storage.error.webdav.fileMissingAfterUpload=Ur gudenn gallus a zo bet kavet en ho servijer WebDAV.\n\nUr restr bellgaset d'ar servijer na oa ket hegerz da vezañ pellgarget. Bez e vo ur mareig gortoz etre ar mare ma pellgasit restroù hag ar mare ma teuont da vezañ hegerz, dreist-holl ma implijit ur servij koumoulenn stokiñ.\n\nMa 'z a en-dro en un doare normal sinkroneladur ar restroù Zotero, e c'hallit ober van ar c'hemenn-mañ. M'ho peus kudennoù, kasit ur gemennadenn e-barzh foromoù Zotero.
sync.storage.error.webdav.fileMissingAfterUpload=Ur gudenn gallus a zo bet kavet en ho servijer WebDAV.\n\nUr restr bellgaset d'ar servijer na oa ket hegerz da vezañ pellgarget. Bez e vo ur mareig gortoz etre ar mare ma pellgasit restroù hag ar mare ma teuont da vezañ hegerz, dreist-holl ma implijit ur servij koumoulenn stokiñ.\n\nMa 'z a en-dro en un doare normal sinkro ar restroù Zotero, e c'hallit ober van ar c'hemenn-mañ. M'ho peus kudennoù, kasit ur gemennadenn e-barzh foromoù Zotero.
sync.storage.error.webdav.nonexistentFileNotMissing=Ho servijer WebDAV a ro da grediñ ez eus eus ur restr ha n'eus ket anezhi. Kit e darempred gant merour ho servijer WebDAV evit kaout sikour gantañ.
sync.storage.error.webdav.serverConfig.title=Fazik kefluniañ ar servijer WebDAV
sync.storage.error.webdav.serverConfig=Ho servijer WebDAV a zo bet distroet gantañ ur fazi diabarzh.
@ -1069,11 +1067,11 @@ sync.storage.error.webdav.requestError=Ho servijer WebDAV a zo bet distroet gant
sync.storage.error.webdav.checkSettingsOrContactAdmin=Ma resevit ar c'hemenn-mañ dibaouez, gwirit hoc'h arventennoù servijer WebDAV pe kit e darempred gant merour ho servijer WebDAV.
sync.storage.error.webdav.url=URL: %S
sync.storage.error.zfs.restart=Ur fazi sinkroneladur restr a zo c'hoarvezet. Adloc'hit %S ha/pe hoc'h urzhiataer ha klaskit sinkronelaat adarre.\n\nMa dreistpad ar gudenn, e c'hallfe bezañ ur gudenn pe gant hoc'h urzhiataer pe gant ho kenrouedad: meziantoù surentez, servijer proksi, VPN, hag all hag all. Klaskit lazhañ kement meziant surentez a vez implijet ganeoc'h, ha ma 'z eo un urzhiataer hezoug, klaskit gant ur genrouedad nevez.
sync.storage.error.zfs.restart=Ur fazi sinkro restr a zo c'hoarvezet. Adloc'hit %S ha/pe hoc'h urzhiataer ha klaskit sinkroaat adarre.\n\nMa pad ar gudenn e c'hallfe bezañ ur gudenn pe gant hoc'h urzhiataer pe gant ho kenrouedad: meziantoù surentez, servijer proksi, VPN, hag all hag all. Klaskit lazhañ kement meziant surentez a vez implijet ganeoc'h, ha ma 'z eo un urzhiataer hezoug, klaskit gant ur genrouedad nevez.
sync.storage.error.zfs.tooManyQueuedUploads=Bez ho peus re a restroù da bellgas war-c'hortoz. Klaskit en-dro a-benn %S munutenn.
sync.storage.error.zfs.personalQuotaReached1=Tizhet ho peus ho kota stokadur restroù Zotero. N'eus ket bet pellgaset restroù 'zo. Roadenoù Zotero all a gendalc'ho da sinkronelaat gant ar servijer.
sync.storage.error.zfs.personalQuotaReached1=Tizhet ho peus ho kota stokadur restroù Zotero. N'eus ket bet pellgaset restroù 'zo. Roadenoù Zotero all a gendalc'ho da sinkroaat gant ar servijer.
sync.storage.error.zfs.personalQuotaReached2=Sellit ouzh hoc'h arventennoù zotero.org evit tizhout dibarzhioù stokadur ouzhpenn.
sync.storage.error.zfs.groupQuotaReached1=Tizhet eo bet gant ar strollad '%S' kota stokadur restroù Zotero. N'eus ket bet pellgaset restroù 'zo. Roadenoù Zotero all a gendalc'ho da sinkronelaat gant ar servijer.
sync.storage.error.zfs.groupQuotaReached1=Tizhet eo bet gant ar strollad '%S' kota stokadur restroù Zotero. N'eus ket bet pellgaset restroù 'zo. Roadenoù Zotero all a gendalc'ho da sinkroaat gant ar servijer.
sync.storage.error.zfs.groupQuotaReached2=Perc'henner ar strollad a c'hall brasaat an dalc’had stokañ eus ar strollad adalek ar gevrenn arventennoù war zotero.org.
sync.storage.error.zfs.fileWouldExceedQuota=Ar restr "%S" a zibaso kota ho stokadur restroù Zotero
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.version "versió">
<!ENTITY zotero.whatsNew "What’s new">
<!ENTITY zotero.whatsNew "Novetats">
<!ENTITY zotero.createdby "Creat per:">
<!ENTITY zotero.director "Director:">
<!ENTITY zotero.directors "Directors:">
@ -8,14 +8,14 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.general "General">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fileHandling "File Handling">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fileHandling "Gestió de fitxers">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.automaticSnapshots "Crea automàticament una captura quan es creïn elements des de pàgines web">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.downloadAssociatedFiles "Adjunta automàticament documents PDF associats i altres fitxers quan es desin els elements">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.autoRecognizeFiles "Automatically retrieve metadata for PDFs">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.autoRenameFiles "Automatically rename attachment files using parent metadata">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.autoRenameFiles.renameLinked "Rename linked files">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fileHandler.openPDFsUsing "Open PDFs using">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fileHandler.systemDefault "System Default">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.autoRecognizeFiles "Recupera les metadades dels PDF automàticament">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.autoRenameFiles "Reanomena els fitxers adjunts automàticament fent servir les metadades de l'element pare">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.autoRenameFiles.renameLinked "Reanomena els fitxers enllaçats">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fileHandler.openPDFsUsing "Obre els PDF fent servir">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.fileHandler.systemDefault "Predeterminat del sistema">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.miscellaneous "Miscel·lània">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.autoUpdate "Comprova automàticament si hi ha traductors o estils actualitzats">
@ -33,10 +33,10 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.childLinks "enllaços descendents">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.groups.tags "etiquetes">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.feeds "Feeds">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.feeds.sorting.label "Sorting:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.feeds.sorting.newest "Newest items first">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.feeds.sorting.oldest "Oldest items first">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.feeds "Canals">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.feeds.sorting.label "Ordenació:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.feeds.sorting.newest "Els elements més nous primer">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.feeds.sorting.oldest "Els elements més antics primer">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.feeds.feedDefaults "Feed Defaults">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.openurl.search "Cerca resolutors">
@ -47,9 +47,9 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.sync "Sincronitza">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.username "Nom d'usuari">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.password "Contrasenya">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.syncServer "Data Syncing">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.syncServer "Sincronització de dades">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.setUpSync "Set Up Syncing">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.unlinkAccount "Unlink Account…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.unlinkAccount "Desvincula el compte…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.createAccount "Crea un compte">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.lostPassword "Has oblidat la contrasenya?">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.syncAutomatically "Sincronitza automàticament">
@ -63,13 +63,13 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.download "Descarrega els fitxers">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.download.atSyncTime "quan es sincronitzi">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.download.onDemand "segons sigui necessari">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.verifyServer "Verify Server">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.verifyServer "Verifica el servidor">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos1 "Amb l'ús de l'emmagatzematge del Zotero, accepteu quedar obligat pels">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.fileSyncing.tos2 "termes i condicions">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync "Libraries to Sync">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync "Biblioteques per sincronitzar">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync.button "Choose Libraries…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync.sync "Sync">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync.library "Library">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync.sync "Sincronitza">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync.library "Biblioteca">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning1 "The following operations are for use only in rare, specific situations and should not be used for general troubleshooting. In many cases, resetting will cause additional problems. See ">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning2 "Sincronitza les opcions de reinicialització">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.warning3 "per obtenir més informació.">
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory "Reinicia l'historial de sincronització dels fitxers">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.resetFileSyncHistory.desc "Compare all attachment files with the storage service">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset "Reinicia">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Reset…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.sync.reset.button "Reinicia…">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.search "Cerca">
@ -104,11 +104,11 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.export.citePaperJournalArticleURL.description "Quan aquesta opció està deshabilitada, el Zotero inclou les URL quan se citen articles de premsa, revistes i revistes acadèmiques només si l'article no té un ran dge pàgines assignat.">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.caption "Còpia ràpida">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.defaultFormat "Default Format:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.defaultFormat "Format per defecte:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.copyAsHTML "Copia com a HTML">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.siteEditor.setings "Configuració específica per a llocs web:">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.siteEditor.domainPath "Domini/Ruta">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.siteEditor.domainPath.example "(e.g., wikipedia.org)">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.siteEditor.domainPath.example "(p. ex., wikipedia.org)">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.siteEditor.format "Format">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.siteEditor.locale "Llengua">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.quickCopy.dragLimit "Desactiva la còpia ràpida quan arrosseguis més de">
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles "Estils">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.wordProcessors "Processadors de textos">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.wordProcessors.useClassicAddCitationDialog "Utilitza el diàleg clàssic Afegeix cita">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.styleEditor "Style Editor">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.styleEditor "Editor d'estils">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.stylePreview "Style Preview">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.cite.styles.styleManager "Gestor d'estils">
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.filesAndFolders "Fitxers i carpetes">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.keys "Dreceres de teclat">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.advancedConfiguration "Advanced Configuration">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.advanced.advancedConfiguration "Configuració avançada">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.prefpane.locate "Localitza">
<!ENTITY zotero.preferences.locate.locateEngineManager "Gestor del motor de cerca d'articles">
@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
<!ENTITY closeCmd.accesskey "C">
<!ENTITY manageAttachments.label "Manage Attachments">
<!ENTITY convertToStored.label "Convert Linked Files to Stored Files…">
<!ENTITY importCmd.label "Import…">
<!ENTITY importCmd.label "Importa…">
<!ENTITY importCmd.key "I">
<!ENTITY importFromClipboardCmd.label "Import from Clipboard">
<!ENTITY importFromClipboardCmd.label "Importa del portaretalls">
<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmdWin.label "Surt">
<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmdWin.accesskey "x">
<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmd.label "Surt">
@ -50,18 +50,18 @@
<!ENTITY stackedView.label "Stacked View">
<!ENTITY collectionsPane.label "Collections Pane">
<!ENTITY itemPane.label "Item Pane">
<!ENTITY tagSelector.label "Tag Selector">
<!ENTITY tagSelector.label "Selector d'etiquetes">
<!ENTITY recursiveCollections.label "Show Items from Subcollections">
<!ENTITY fontSize.label "Font Size">
<!ENTITY fontSize.label "Mida de la lletra">
<!ENTITY noteFontSize.label "Note Font Size">
<!ENTITY toolsMenu.label "Eines">
<!ENTITY toolsMenu.accesskey "T">
<!ENTITY installConnector.label "Install Browser Connector">
<!ENTITY installConnector.accesskey "C">
<!ENTITY toolsMenu.accesskey "n">
<!ENTITY installConnector.label "Instal·la el connector del navegador">
<!ENTITY installConnector.accesskey "c">
<!ENTITY addons.label "Complements">
<!ENTITY developer.label "Developer">
<!ENTITY developer.label "Desenvolupament">
<!ENTITY minimizeWindow.key "m">
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
<!ENTITY helpMenu.label "Ajuda">
<!ENTITY helpMenu.accesskey "H">
<!ENTITY helpMenu.accesskey "j">
<!ENTITY helpMenuWin.label "Ajuda">
@ -84,10 +84,10 @@
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "H">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.label "Informació de resolució de problemes">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.accesskey "T">
<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.label "Discussion Forums">
<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.label "Fòrums de debat">
<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.accesskey "F">
<!ENTITY helpReportErrors.label "Report Errors…">
<!ENTITY helpReportErrors.label "Informa d'errors…">
<!ENTITY helpReportErrors.accesskey "R">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.label "Debug Output Logging">
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.setColor "Estableix el color">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.removeColor "Elimina el color">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Enter ISBNs, DOIs, PMIDs, or arXiv IDs to add to your library:">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Introduïu un ISBN, DOI, PMID o ID d'arXiv per afegir a la vostra biblioteca:">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.button.search "Cerca">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "Selecciona elements">
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ general.unknownErrorOccurred=S'ha produït un error desconegut.
general.invalidResponseServer=Resposta invàlida del servidor.
general.tryAgainLater=Torneu-ho a intentar d'aquí a uns minuts.
general.serverError=El servidor ha enviat un missatge d'error. Torneu-ho a intentar.
general.pleaseRestart=Please restart %S.
general.pleaseRestartAndTryAgain=Please restart %S and try again.
general.pleaseRestart=Reinicieu el %S.
general.pleaseRestartAndTryAgain=Reinicieu el %S i torneu-ho a provar.
general.checkForUpdate=Cerca si hi ha cap actualització
general.checkForUpdates=Check for Updates
general.actionCannotBeUndone=Aquesta acció no es pot desfer.
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ general.character.plural=caràcters
general.moreInformation=Més informació
general.seeForMoreInformation=Mira %S per a més informació.
general.open=Obre %S
@ -58,22 +58,22 @@ general.numMore=%S més...
general.openPreferences=Obre les preferències
general.dontShowAgain=Don’t Show Again
general.dontShowAgain=No ho tornis a mostrar
general.tryAgain=Try Again
general.tryLater=Try Later
general.showDirectory=Show Directory
general.copyToClipboard=Copy to Clipboard
general.tryAgain=Torna-ho a provar
general.tryLater=Prova-ho després
general.showDirectory=Mostra el directori
general.copyToClipboard=Copia al portaretalls
general.processing=S'està processant
general.finished=Ha acabat
general.submitted=S'ha enviat
general.thanksForHelpingImprove=Thanks for helping to improve %S!
general.describeProblem=Briefly describe the problem:
general.describeProblem=Descriviu breument el problema:
general.nMegabytes=%S MB
general.operationInProgress=Una operació del Zotero està actualment en curs.
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ install.quickStartGuide.message.welcome=Us donem la benvinguda al Zotero
install.quickStartGuide.message.view=Llegiu la Guia d'inici ràpid per a saber com començar a recollir, gestionar, citar i compartir les vostres fonts d'investigació.
install.quickStartGuide.message.thanks=Gràcies per instal·lar Zotero.
upgrade.status=Upgrading database…
upgrade.status=S'està actualitzant la base de dades…
upgrade.failed.title=No s'ha pogut actualitzar
upgrade.failed=L'actualització de la base de dades del Zotero ha fallat:
upgrade.advanceMessage=Premu %S per a actualitzar ara.
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ upgrade.nonupgradeableDB2=To continue, upgrade your database using Zotero %S fir
errorReport.reportError=Notifica un error...
errorReport.reportErrors=Notifica errors...
errorReport.reportInstructions=You can report this error by selecting "%S" from the Help menu.
errorReport.followingReportWillBeSubmitted=The following report will be submitted:
errorReport.followingReportWillBeSubmitted=S'enviarà l'informe següent:
errorReport.noErrorsLogged=No errors have been logged since %S started.
errorReport.advanceMessage=Premeu %S per enviar un informe als desenvolupadors de Zotero.
errorReport.stepsToReproduce=Passos per a reproduir-lo:
@ -139,24 +139,24 @@ dataDir.checkDirWriteAccess=Make sure you have write access to this directory an
dataDir.databaseCannotBeOpened=The %S database cannot be opened.
dataDir.checkPermissions=Make sure you have read and write permissions for all files in the %1$S data directory and that security software isn’t preventing %1$S from accessing that directory.
dataDir.moveToDefaultLocation=You may be able to fix this problem by moving the data directory to the new default location in your home directory. %S will automatically detect the new location.
dataDir.location=Data Directory: %S
dataDir.location=Directori de dades: %S
dataDir.notFound=The %S data directory could not be found.
dataDir.notFound.defaultFound=The %S data directory could not be found at %S, but a data directory was found at %S. Use this directory instead?
dataDir.useNewLocation=Use New Location
dataDir.useNewLocation=Utilitza una ubicació nova
dataDir.previousDir=Directori anterior:
dataDir.default=Default (%S)
dataDir.useDefaultLocation=Use Default Location
dataDir.default=Per defecte (%S)
dataDir.useDefaultLocation=Utilitza la ubicació per defecte
dataDir.selectDir=Selecciona el directori de dades per al Zotero
dataDir.selectNewDir=Select a new %S data directory
dataDir.changeDataDirectory=Change Data Directory…
dataDir.chooseNewDataDirectory=Choose New Data Directory…
dataDir.selectNewDir=Seleccioneu un nou directori de dades del %S
dataDir.changeDataDirectory=Canvia el directori de dades…
dataDir.chooseNewDataDirectory=Trieu un directori de dades nou…
dataDir.unsafeLocation.selected.dropbox=Choosing a data directory within Dropbox may corrupt your database.
dataDir.unsafeLocation.selected.useAnyway=Use this directory anyway?
dataDir.unsafeLocation.selected.useAnyway=Voleu utilitzar aquest directori igualment?
dataDir.unsafeLocation.existing.dropbox=Your Zotero data directory is within Dropbox, which may lead to data corruption.
dataDir.unsafeLocation.existing.chooseDifferent=Would you like to choose a different location now?
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.title=El directori no està buit
dataDir.selectedDirNonEmpty.text=El directori que has seleccionat no està buit i no sembla que sigui un directori de dades del Zotero.\n\n Vols crear arxius de Zotero en aquest directori de totes maneres?
dataDir.mustSelectEmpty.title=Directory Not Empty
dataDir.mustSelectEmpty.title=El directori no està buit
dataDir.mustSelectEmpty.text=The directory you selected is not empty. You must select an empty directory to continue.
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.title=Directori buit
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=The directory you selected is empty. To move an existing Zotero data directory, you will need to manually move files from the existing data directory to the new location after %1$S has closed.
@ -168,16 +168,16 @@ dataDir.migration.inProgress=Data directory migration in progress…
dataDir.migration.failure.title=Data Directory Migration Error
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.automatic.text=%1$S attempted to move your data directory to a new default location, but some files could not be transferred. Close any open attachment files and try again. You can also quit %2$S and attempt to move the remaining files manually.
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.manual.text=Some files in your %1$S data directory could not be transferred to the new location. Close any open attachment files and try again. You can also quit %2$S and attempt to move the remaining files manually.
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.old=Old directory: %S
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.new=New directory: %S
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.showDirectoriesAndQuit=Show Directories and Quit
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.old=Directori antic: %S
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.new=Directori nou: %S
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.showDirectoriesAndQuit=Mostra els directoris i surt
dataDir.migration.failure.full.automatic.text1=%S attempted to move your data directory to a new default location, but the migration could not be completed.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.automatic.text2=It is recommended that you close %S and move your data directory manually.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.automatic.newDirOnDifferentDrive=%S attempted to move your data directory to a new default location, but the old directory is on a different drive and cannot be migrated automatically.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.manual.text1=Your %S data directory could not be migrated.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.manual.text2=It is recommended that you close %S and manually move your data directory to the new default location.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.firefoxOpen=Your data directory cannot be migrated while Zotero for Firefox is open. Please close Firefox and try again.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.current=Current location: %S
dataDir.migration.failure.full.current=Ubicació actual: %S
dataDir.migration.failure.full.recommended=Recommended location: %S
dataDir.migration.failure.full.showCurrentDirectoryAndQuit=Show Current Directory and Quit
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ startupError.closeFirefox=Si Firefox amb l'extensió Zotero és obert, tanqueu i
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder=Aquesta versió de Zotero és més vella que la darrera versió què s'utilitzà amb la teva base de dades.
startupError.incompatibleDBVersion=This %1$S database requires %1$S %2$S or later.
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder.current=Versió actual: %S
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder.upgrade=Please upgrade to the latest version from %S.
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder.upgrade=Actualitzeu a la darrera versió del %S.
startupError.databaseUpgradeError=Error d'actualització de la base de dades
startupError.internetFunctionalityMayNotWork=Functionality that depends on an internet connection may not work.
startupError.bundledFileUpdateError=%S was unable to load translators and styles.
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ pane.collections.delete=Segur que voleu eliminar la col·lecció seleccionada?
pane.collections.delete.keepItems=Els elements d'aquesta col·lecció no s'esborraran
pane.collections.deleteWithItems.title=Esborra la col·lecció i els elements
pane.collections.deleteWithItems=Segur que voleu esborrar la col·lecció seleccionada i enviar tots els elements que conté a la paperera?
pane.feed.deleteWithItems.title=Cancel·la la subscripció
pane.feed.deleteWithItems=Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from this feed?
pane.collections.deleteSearch.title=Esborra la cerca
@ -226,41 +226,41 @@ pane.collections.newSavedSeach=Nova cerca desada
pane.collections.savedSearchName=Entra un mom per aquesta cerca desada
pane.collections.rename=Canvia el nom de la col·lecció:
pane.collections.library=La meva biblioteca
pane.collections.publications=My Publications
pane.collections.libraryAndFeeds=My Library & Feeds
pane.collections.publications=Les meves publicacions
pane.collections.libraryAndFeeds=La meva biblioteca i canals
pane.collections.groupLibraries=Agrupa les biblioteques
pane.collections.untitled=Sense títol
pane.collections.unfiled=Elements sense emplenar
pane.collections.retracted=Retracted Items
pane.collections.duplicate=Duplica els elements
pane.collections.retracted=Elements retractats
pane.collections.duplicate=Elements duplicats
pane.collections.removeLibrary=Remove Library
pane.collections.removeLibrary.text=Are you sure you want to permanently remove “%S” from this computer?
pane.collections.menu.rename.collection=Canvia el nom de la col·lecció...
pane.collections.menu.duplicate.savedSearch=Duplicate Saved Search
pane.collections.menu.duplicate.savedSearch=Duplica la cerca desada
pane.collections.menu.edit.savedSearch=Edit Saved Search…
pane.collections.menu.edit.feed=Edit Feed…
pane.collections.menu.edit.feed=Edita el canal…
pane.collections.menu.remove.library=Remove Library…
pane.collections.menu.delete.collection=Esborra la col·lecció...
pane.collections.menu.delete.collectionAndItems=Esborra la col·lecció i els elements...
pane.collections.menu.delete.savedSearch=Esborra la cerca desada...
pane.collections.menu.delete.feedAndItems=Unsubscribe from Feed…
pane.collections.menu.delete.feedAndItems=Cancel·la la subscripció del canal…
pane.collections.menu.export.collection=Exporta la col·lecció...
pane.collections.menu.export.savedSearch=Exporta la cerca desada...
pane.collections.menu.export.feed=Export Feed…
pane.collections.menu.export.feed=Exporta el canal…
pane.collections.menu.createBib.collection=Create Bibliography from Collection…
pane.collections.menu.createBib.savedSearch=Create Bibliography from Saved Search…
pane.collections.menu.createBib.feed=Create Bibliography from Feed…
pane.collections.showCollectionInLibrary=Show Collection in Library
pane.collections.showCollectionInLibrary=Mostra la col·lecció en la biblioteca
pane.collections.menu.generateReport.collection=Genera un informe a partir de la col·lecció...
pane.collections.menu.generateReport.savedSearch=Genera un informe a partir de la cerca desada...
pane.collections.menu.generateReport.feed=Generate Report from Feed…
pane.collections.menu.generateReport.feed=Genera un informe del canal…
pane.collections.menu.refresh.feed=Refresh Feed
pane.collections.menu.refresh.feed=Refresca el canal
pane.tagSelector.rename.title=Si us plau entra un nou nom per aquesta etiqueta.
pane.tagSelector.rename.message=Aquesta etiqueta es canviarà per a tots els elements associats.
@ -276,13 +276,13 @@ pane.tagSelector.maxColoredTags=Només a %S etiquetes de cada biblioteca poden t
tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=You can add this tag to selected items by pressing the $NUMBER key on the keyboard.
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Fins a %S etiquetes de cada biblioteca poden tenir colors assignats.
pane.items.intro.text1=Welcome to %S!
pane.items.intro.text1=Us donem la benvinguda a %S!
pane.items.intro.text2=View the [Quick Start Guide] to learn how to begin building your library, and be sure to [install a %S] so you can add items to %S as you browse the web.
pane.items.intro.text3=Already using %S on another computer? [Set up syncing] to pick up right where you left off.
pane.items.loading=Loading items…
pane.items.loading=S'estan carregant els elements…
pane.items.columnChooser.moreColumns=Més columnes
pane.items.columnChooser.secondarySort=Secondary Sort (%S)
pane.items.columnChooser.secondarySort=Ordenació secundària (%S)
pane.items.attach.link.uri.unrecognized=Zotero did not recognize the URI you entered. Please check the address and try again.
pane.items.attach.link.uri.file=To attach a link to a file, please use “%S”.
pane.items.trash.title=Mou a la paperera
@ -297,8 +297,8 @@ pane.items.remove.multiple=Segur que voleu eliminar els elements seleccionats d'
pane.items.removeFromPublications.title=Remove from My Publications
pane.items.removeFromPublications=Are you sure you want to remove the selected item from My Publications?
pane.items.removeFromPublications.multiple=Are you sure you want to remove the selected items from My Publications?
pane.items.menu.findAvailablePDF=Find Available PDF
pane.items.menu.findAvailablePDF.multiple=Find Available PDFs
pane.items.menu.findAvailablePDF=Cerca els PDF disponibles
pane.items.menu.findAvailablePDF.multiple=Cerca els PDF disponibles
pane.items.menu.remove=Elimina l'element de la col·lecció...
pane.items.menu.remove.multiple=Elimina els elements de la col·lecció...
pane.items.menu.removeFromPublications=Remove Item from My Publications…
@ -344,11 +344,11 @@ pane.item.duplicates.writeAccessRequired=Library write access is required to mer
pane.item.duplicates.onlyTopLevel=Only top-level full items can be merged.
pane.item.duplicates.onlySameItemType=Els elements combinats han de ser elements del mateix tipus.
pane.item.markAsRead=Mark As Read
pane.item.markAsUnread=Mark As Unread
pane.item.addTo=Add to “%S”
pane.item.showInMyPublications=Show in My Publications
pane.item.hideFromMyPublications=Hide from My Publications
pane.item.markAsRead=Marca com a llegit
pane.item.markAsUnread=Marca com a no llegit
pane.item.addTo=Afegeix a «%S»
pane.item.showInMyPublications=Mostra en les meves publicacions
pane.item.hideFromMyPublications=Oculta de les meves publicacions
pane.item.changeType.title=Canvia el tipus d'element
pane.item.changeType.text=Segur que voleu canviar el tipus d'element?\n\n Es perdran els camps següents:
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ pane.item.defaultLastName=últim
pane.item.defaultFullName=Nom complet
pane.item.switchFieldMode.one=Canvia a un sol camp
pane.item.switchFieldMode.two=Canvia a dos camps
pane.item.creator.moveToTop=Move to Top
pane.item.creator.moveToTop=Mou a dalt
pane.item.creator.moveUp=Mou amunt
pane.item.creator.moveDown=Mou avall
pane.item.notes.untitled=Nota sense títol
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ pane.item.attachments.rename.title=Nou títol:
pane.item.attachments.rename.renameAssociatedFile=Canvia el nom del fitxer associat
pane.item.attachments.rename.error=S'ha produït un error quan es canviava el nom del fitxer.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.title=No s'ha trobat el fitxer
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text1=The attached file could not be found.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text1=No s'ha pogut trobar el fitxer adjunt.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or, if the file was added on another computer, it may not yet have been synced to or from %2$S.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.text2.notOnServer=It may have been moved or deleted outside of %1$S, or, if the file was added on another computer, it may not yet have been synced to %2$S.
@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ itemFields.runningTime=Durada
itemFields.postType=Tipus d'escrit
itemFields.audioFileType=Tipus de fitxer
itemFields.conferenceName=Títol de la conferència
@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ fileTypes.document=Document
save.error.cannotMakeChangesToCollection=No podeu fer canvis a la col·lecció seleccionada actualment.
save.error.cannotAddFilesToCollection=No podeu afegir fitxers a la col·lecció seleccionada actualment.
save.error.cannotAddToMyPublications=You cannot save items directly to My Publications. To add items, drag them from elsewhere in your library.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=You cannot save items to feeds.
save.error.cannotAddToFeed=No es poden desar els elements als canals.
ingester.scraping=Desant l'element...
ingester.scrapingTo=Desa a
@ -602,17 +602,17 @@ ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Importar a una nova col·lecció
ingester.lookup.performing=Realitzant una cerca...
ingester.lookup.error=S'ha produït un error mentre se cercava aquest element.
findPDF.searchingForAvailablePDFs=Searching for available PDFs…
findPDF.searchingForAvailablePDFs=S'estan cercant els PDF disponibles…
findPDF.checkingItems=Checking %1$S item;Checking %1$S items
findPDF.pdfsAdded=%1$S PDF added;%1$S PDFs added
findPDF.openAccessPDF=Open-Access PDF
findPDF.openAccessPDF=PDF d'accés obert
findPDF.pdfWithMethod=PDF (%S)
findPDF.noPDFsFound=No PDFs found
findPDF.noPDFFound=No PDF found
attachment.fullText=Full Text
attachment.acceptedVersion=Accepted Version
attachment.submittedVersion=Submitted Version
attachment.fullText=Text complet
attachment.acceptedVersion=Versió acceptada
attachment.submittedVersion=Versió enviada
attachment.convertToStored.title=Convert to Stored File;Convert to Stored Files
attachment.convertToStored.text=%1$S attachment will be converted from a linked file to a stored file.;%1$S attachments will be converted from linked files to stored files.
attachment.convertToStored.deleteOriginal=Delete original file after storing;Delete original files after storing
@ -642,14 +642,14 @@ zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=Obre els PDF i la resta de fitxers a %S
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.zero=No s'ha trobat cap resoledor
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=%S resoledor trobat
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=%S resoledor found
zotero.preferences.locale.automaticWithLocale=Automatic (%S)
zotero.preferences.locale.automaticWithLocale=Automàtic (%S)
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Purge Attachment Files on Zotero Servers?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=If you plan to use WebDAV for file syncing and you previously synced attachment files in My Library to the Zotero servers, you can purge those files from the Zotero servers to give you more storage space for groups.\n\nYou can purge files at any time from your account settings on zotero.org.
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.confirmButton=Purga els fitxers ara
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.cancelButton=No els purguis
zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync.loadingLibraries=Loading libraries…
zotero.preferences.sync.librariesToSync.loadingLibraries=S'estan carregant les biblioteques…
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=You must enter a username and password in the %S tab before using the reset options.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=All data in this copy of Zotero will be erased and replaced with data belonging to user '%S' on the Zotero server.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Substituteix les dades locals
@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ zotero.preferences.search.clearIndex=Neteja l'índex
zotero.preferences.search.clearWarning=Després de netejar l'índex el contingut dels fitxers adjunts no serà cercable.\n\nEls enllaços web no es poden reindexar sense tornar a visitar la pàgina. Per a deixar els enllaços web indexats escull %S.
zotero.preferences.search.clearNonLinkedURLs=Neteja-ho to excepte els enllaços web
zotero.preferences.search.indexUnindexed=Indexa els elements no indexats
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationStyles=Citation Styles
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationStyles=Estils de cita
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.exportFormats=Formats d'exportació
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.instructions=Quick Copy allows you to quickly export items in a given format. You can copy selected items to the clipboard by pressing %S or drag items directly into a text box in another program.
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationInstructions=For citation styles, you can copy citations or footnotes by pressing %S or holding down Shift before dragging items.
@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators=Reinicialitza els traductors
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetTranslators.changesLost=Qualsevol traductor nou o modificat es perdrà
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles=Reinicialitza els estils
zotero.preferences.advanced.resetStyles.changesLost=Qualsevol estil nou o modificat es perdrà
zotero.preferences.advanced.migrateDataDir.title=Migrate Data Directory
zotero.preferences.advanced.migrateDataDir.title=Migra el directori de dades
zotero.preferences.advanced.migrateDataDir.directoryExists1=A directory already exists at %S.
zotero.preferences.advanced.migrateDataDir.directoryExists2=Please move or rename it and try again.
zotero.preferences.advanced.migrateDataDir.directoryWillBeMoved=Your %1$S data directory will be moved to %2$S.
@ -705,8 +705,8 @@ zotero.debugOutputLogging.enabledAfterRestart=Debug output logging will be enabl
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=Els fitxers següents ja existeixen al directori de destinació i no es poden copiar:
dragAndDrop.filesNotFound=Els fitxers següents no s'han trobat i no s'han pogut copiar:
fileInterface.importComplete=Import Complete
fileInterface.importing=S'està important…
fileInterface.importComplete=S'ha completat la importació
fileInterface.itemsWereImported=%1$S item was imported;%1$S items were imported
fileInterface.itemsExported=Exportant elements...
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ import.fileHandling.store=Copy files to the %S storage folder
import.fileHandling.link=Link to files in original location
import.fileHandling.description=Linked files cannot be synced by %S.
quickCopy.copyAs=Copy as %S
quickCopy.copyAs=Copia com a %S
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Títol, autor, any
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=Tots els camps i etiquetes
@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ searchConditions.annotation=Anotació
fulltext.indexState.queued=En cua
exportOptions.exportNotes=Exporta les notes
exportOptions.exportFileData=Exporta els fitxers adjunts
@ -806,12 +806,12 @@ citation.citations=Cites
@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ citation.locator.part=Part
citation.locator.subverbo=Sub verbo
report.title.default=Informe del Zotero
report.parentItem=Element pare:
@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ annotations.collapse.tooltip=Col·lapsa l'anotació.
annotations.expand.tooltip=Expandeix l'anotació.
annotations.oneWindowWarning=Les anotacions en una captura només es poden obrir en una finestra del navegador simultàniament. Aquesta captura s'obrirà sense anotacions.
integration.fields.label=Fields (recommended)
integration.fields.label=Camps (recomanat)
integration.referenceMarks.label=ReferenceMarks (recommended)
integration.fields.caption=Fields cannot be shared with LibreOffice.
integration.fields.fileFormatNotice=The document must be saved as .doc or .docx.
@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ integration.error.invalidStyle=L'estil que heu seleccionat no sembla vàlid. Si
integration.error.fieldTypeMismatch=Zotero cannot update this document because it was created by a different word processing application with an incompatible field encoding. In order to make a document compatible with both Word and LibreOffice, open the document in the word processor with which it was originally created and switch the field type to Bookmarks in the Zotero Document Preferences.
integration.error.styleMissing=The citation style used in this document is missing. Would you like to install it from %S?
integration.error.styleNotFound=The citation style %S could not be found.
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing.title=Missing Permission
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing.title=Hi manca el permís
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing=Zotero does not have permission to control Word. To grant this permission:\n\n1) Open System Preferences\n2) Click on “Security & Privacy”\n3) Select the “Privacy” tab\n4) Find and select “Automation” on the left\n5) Check the checkbox for “Microsoft Word” under “Zotero”\n6) Restart Word
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing.pre2016=If “Microsoft Word” does not appear under “Automation”, make sure you are running Word 2011 version 14.7.7 or later.
integration.error.viewTroubleshootingInfo=Would you like to view troubleshooting instructions?
@ -896,16 +896,16 @@ integration.citationChanged=Heu modificat aquesta cita des que Zotero la va gene
integration.citationChanged.description=En feu clic a "Sí" evitareu que el Zotero actualitzi aquesta cita si n'afegiu més de cites, commuteu els estils, o modifiqueu la referència a què es refereix. Si feu clic a "No", s'eliminaran els canvis.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Heu modificat aquesta cita des que el Zotero la generà. Si l'editeu netejareu les modificacions. Voleu continuar?
integration.citationChanged.original=Original: %S
integration.citationChanged.modified=Modified: %S
integration.citationChanged.modified=Modificat: %S
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2.toolbar=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero toolbar when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2.tab=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero tab when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography.toolbar=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero toolbar.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography.tab=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero tab.
integration.importDocument.title=Transferred Document
integration.importDocument.title=Document transferit
integration.importDocument.description=Would you like to restore the %S citations in this document for use in %S?
integration.importDocument.button=Restore Citations
integration.importDocument.button=Restaura les cites
integration.importDocument.notAvailable=Your version of %S does not support document transfer. Please update to a newer version.
integration.exportDocument.title=Prepare Citations for Transfer
integration.exportDocument.description1=Zotero will convert citations in the document to a format that can be safely transferred to another supported word processor.
@ -927,14 +927,14 @@ styles.abbreviations.title=Carrega les abreviacions
styles.abbreviations.parseError=The abbreviations file "%1$S" is not valid JSON.
styles.abbreviations.missingInfo=The abbreviations file "%1$S" does not specify a complete info block.
sync.syncWith=Sync with %S
sync.syncWith=Sincronitza amb %S
sync.stopping=S'està aturant…
sync.cancel=Cancel·la la sincronització
sync.openSyncPreferences=Obre les preferències de sincroització...
sync.resetGroupAndSync=Reinicia el grup i sincronitza
sync.resetGroupFilesAndSync=Reset Group Files and Sync
sync.skipGroup=Skip Group
sync.skipGroup=Omet el grup
sync.removeGroupsAndSync=Elimina el grup i sincronitza
sync.error.usernameNotSet=No s'ha establit un nom d'usuari
@ -968,12 +968,12 @@ sync.error.reportSiteIssuesToForums=If you receive this message repeatedly for i
account.unlinkWarning=Unlinking your account will prevent %S from syncing your data.
account.unlinkWarning.removeData=Remove my %S data from this computer
account.unlinkWarning.button=Unlink Account
account.unlinkWarning.button=Desvincula el compte
account.warning.emptyLibrary=You are about to sync the ‘%1$S’ account to an empty %2$S database. This could happen if you removed your previous database or if the location of your %2$S data directory changed.
account.warning.existingDataElsewhere=If your %S data exists elsewhere on this computer, you should move it to the current data directory or change the data directory location to point to your existing data.
account.lastSyncWithDifferentAccount=This %1$S database was last synced with a different account (‘%2$S’) from the current one (‘%3$S’). If you continue, data associated with the ‘%2$S’ account will be removed from this computer.
account.confirmDelete=Remove existing data
account.confirmDelete.button=Switch Accounts
account.confirmDelete.button=Canvia de compte
sync.conflict.autoChange.alert=One or more locally deleted Zotero %S have been modified remotely since the last sync.
sync.conflict.autoChange.log=A Zotero %S has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync:
@ -994,15 +994,13 @@ sync.conflict.tagItemMerge.log=The Zotero tag '%S' has been added to and/or remo
sync.conflict.tag.addedToRemote=S'ha afegit als següents elements remots:
sync.conflict.tag.addedToLocal=S'ha afegit als següents elements locals:
sync.conflict.localItem=Local Item
sync.conflict.remoteItem=Remote Item
sync.conflict.mergedItem=Merged Item
sync.conflict.localFile=Local File
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Remote File
sync.conflict.localItem=Element local
sync.conflict.remoteItem=Element remot
sync.conflict.mergedItem=Element fusionat
sync.conflict.localFile=Fitxer local
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Fitxer remot
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Tria aquesta versió
@ -1106,8 +1104,8 @@ recognizePDF.error=S'ha produït un error inesperat
recognizePDF.recognizing.label=Retrieving Metadata…
recognizePDF.complete.label=Recuperació de metadades completa
recognizePDF.reportMetadata=Report Incorrect Metadata
recognizePDF.pdfName.label=PDF Name
recognizePDF.itemName.label=Item Name
recognizePDF.pdfName.label=Nom del PDF
recognizePDF.itemName.label=Nom de l'element
rtfScan.openTitle=Selecciona un fitxer per escanejar
rtfScan.scanning.label=Scanning RTF Document...
@ -1116,13 +1114,13 @@ rtfScan.rtf=Format de text enriquit (.rtf)
rtfScan.saveTitle=Selecciona una ubicació per desar el fitxer formatat
extractedAnnotations=Extracted Annotations
extractedAnnotations=Anotacions extretes
file.accessError.theFileCannotBeCreated=The file '%S' cannot be created.
file.accessError.theFileCannotBeUpdated=The file '%S' cannot be updated.
file.accessError.theFileCannotBeDeleted=The file '%S' cannot be deleted.
file.accessError.aFileCannotBeCreated=A file cannot be created.
file.accessError.aFileCannotBeUpdated=A file cannot be updated.
file.accessError.aFileCannotBeCreated=No es pot crear un fitxer.
file.accessError.aFileCannotBeUpdated=No es pot actualitzar un fitxer.
file.accessError.aFileCannotBeDeleted=A file cannot be deleted.
file.accessError.message.windows=Comproveu que el fitxer no estigui actualment en ús, perquè té permisos que permeten l'escriptura i el nom del fitxer és vàlid.
file.accessError.message.other=Comproveu que el fitxer no estigui obert i que tingui els permisos per poder-hi escriure.
@ -1172,7 +1170,7 @@ firstRunGuidance.saveButton=Click this button to save any web page to your Zoter
styles.editor.save=Desa l'estil de cita
styles.editor.warning.noItems=No items selected in Zotero.
styles.editor.warning.noItems=No s'han seleccionat elements en Zotero.
styles.editor.warning.parseError=Error parsing style:
styles.editor.warning.renderError=Error generating citations and bibliography:
styles.editor.output.individualCitations=Cites individuals
@ -1194,7 +1192,7 @@ publications.error.linkedFilesCannotBeAdded=Linked files cannot be added to My P
publications.buttons.next=Next: %S
publications.buttons.choose-license=Choose a License
publications.buttons.choose-license=Trieu una llicència
publications.buttons.addToMyPublications=Add to My Publications
licenses.cc-by=Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
@ -1206,12 +1204,12 @@ licenses.cc-by-nc-sa=Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 I
retraction.alert.single=An item in your database has been retracted.
retraction.alert.multiple=Items in your database have been retracted.
retraction.alert.view.single=View Item
retraction.alert.view.multiple=View Items
retraction.alert.view.single=Mostra l'element
retraction.alert.view.multiple=Mostra els elements
retraction.banner=This work has been retracted.
retraction.date=Retracted on %S
retraction.notice=Retraction Notice
retraction.details=More details:
retraction.details=Més detalls:
retraction.credit=Data from %S
retraction.replacedItem.hide=Hide warning for replaced work…
retraction.replacedItem.title=Retracted and Replaced Work
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Lokální soubor
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Vzdálený soubor
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Použít místní verzi pro všechny zbývající konflikty
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Použít vzdálenou verzi pro všechny zbývající konflikty
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Použít místní pole pro všechny zbývající konflikty
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Použít vzdálené pole pro všechny zbývající konflikty
sync.conflict.itemChanged=Následující položka byla změněna na více místech. Klepněte na verzi, která má být použita pro vyřešení konfliktů, a potom klepněte na tlačítko% S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=Následující soubor byl změněn na více místech. Vyberte verzi, kterou chcete zachovat, a potom klepněte na tlačítko %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Vybrat tuto verzi
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Lokal fil
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Ekstern fil
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Anvend den lokale version for alle tilbageværende konflikter
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sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Anvend lokale felter for alle tilbageværende konflikter
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Anvend eksterne felter for alle tilbageværende konflikter
sync.conflict.itemChanged=Følgende element er blevet ændret på flere placeringer. Vælg den version, du vil bruge til at løse konflikter i felter, og klik på %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=Følgende fil er blevet ændret på flere placeringer. Vælg den version, du vil beholde, og klik på %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Vælge denne version
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Lokale Datei
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Remote Datei
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Lokal gespeicherte Version für alle weiteren Konflikte verwenden
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Auf dem Server gespeicherte Version für alle weiteren Konflikte verwenden
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Lokal gespeicherte Felder für alle weiteren Konflikte verwenden
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Auf dem Server gespeicherte Felder für alle weiteren Konflikte verwenden
sync.conflict.itemChanged=Der folgende Eintrag wurde an mehreren Datei-Standorten verändert. Wählen Sie die Version, die Sie für die Auflösungen von Konflikten in Feldern verwenden wollen, und klicken Sie dann auf %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=Die folgende Datei wurde an mehreren Datei-Standorten verändert. Wählen Sie die Version, die Sie beibehalten möchten, und klicken Sie dann auf %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Diese Version auswählen
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Local File
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Remote File
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
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sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Local File
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Remote File
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Archivo local
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Archivo remoto
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Usar la versión local para todos los conflictos restantes
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Usar la versión remota para todos los conflictos restantes
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Usar los campos locales para todos los conflictos restantes
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Usar los campos remotos para todos los conflictos restantes
sync.conflict.itemChanged=El siguiente elemento ha sido cambiado en distintas ubicaciones. Haz clic en la versión a utilizar para resolver los campos en conflicto y luego haz clic en %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=El siguiente archivo ha sido cambiado en distintas ubicaciones. Elige la versión que deseas conservar y, a continuación, haz clic en %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Elegir esta versión
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Local File
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Remote File
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Local File
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Remote File
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Local File
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Remote File
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Paikallinen tiedosto
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Käytä paikallista versiota kaikissa jäljellä olevissa konflikteissa
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Käytä etäversiota kaikissa jäljellä olevissa konflikteissa
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Valitse tämä versio
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
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@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Fichier local
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Fichier distant
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Utiliser la version locale pour tous les conflits restants
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Utiliser la version distante pour tous les conflits restants
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Utiliser les champs locaux pour tous les conflits restants
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Utiliser les champs distants pour tous les conflits restants
sync.conflict.itemChanged=Le document suivant a été modifié depuis plusieurs endroits. Cliquez sur la version à utiliser pour résoudre les champs en conflit, puis cliquez sur %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=Le fichier suivant a été modifié depuis plusieurs endroits. Choisissez la version que vous souhaitez conserver, puis cliquez sur %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choisir cette version
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Ficheiro local
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Ficheiro remoto
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Empregar todos os ficheiros locais para os demais conflitos.
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Empregar todos os ficheiros remotos para os demais conflitos.
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Empregar todos os campos locais para os demais conflitos.
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Empregar todos os ficheiros locais para os demais conflitos.
sync.conflict.itemChanged=Mudou o seguinte elemento en varios lugares. Preme primeiro na versión que queres empregar para solucionar os campos en conflitos e logo dálle a %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=O seguinte ficheiro aparece en varios sitios. Primeiro escolle cal é a versión que queres manter e logo dálle a %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Escoller esta versión
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Local File
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Remote File
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Local File
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Remote File
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Helyi fájl
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Távoli fájl
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Válassza ezt a verziót
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Local File
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Remote File
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Staðbundin skrá
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Fjartengd skrá
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Framvegis nota staðværa útgáfu við alla árekstra
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Framvegis nota fjartengda útgáfu við alla árekstra
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Veldu þessa útgáfu
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=File Locale
sync.conflict.remoteFile=File Remoto
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=ローカルのファイル
sync.conflict.itemChanged=以下のアイテムは複数の場所で変更を受けています。残したいヴァージョンをクリックしてフィールド間の矛盾を解消してから、%S をクリックして下さい。
sync.conflict.fileChanged=以下のファイルは複数の場所で変更を受けています。残したいヴァージョンを選び、%S をクリックしてください。
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Local File
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Remote File
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=로컬 파일
sync.conflict.remoteFile=원격 파일
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=남아있는 모든 충돌에 대해 로컬 버전 사용
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=남아있는 모든 충돌에 대해 원격 버전 사용
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=남아있는 모든 충돌에 대해 로컬 필드 사용
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=남아있는 모든 충돌에 대해 원격 필드 사용
sync.conflict.itemChanged=다음 항목이 여러 위치에서 변경되었습니다. 필드 충돌 해결에 쓰일 버전을 선택한 후, %S 버튼을 클릭하세요.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=다음 파일이 여러 위치에서 변경되었습니다. 유지하려는 버전을 선택한 후, %S 버튼을 클릭하세요.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=이 버전 선택
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<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.adaptations.sharealike "Yes, as long as others share alike">
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<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.text "„Creative Commons“ licencija leidžia kitiems kopijuoti ir platinti jūsų darbą su sąlyga, kad jie nurodo jus kaip autorių, pateikia nuorodą į licenciją ir nurodo, ar jūsų originalus darbas buvo pakeistas. Žemiau galite pasirinkti papildomas sąlygas.">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.adaptations.prompt "Ar leisti platinti pakeistą/perdarytą jūsų darbą?">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.adaptations.sharealike "Taip, jeigu kiti platina tokiomis pačiomis licencijos sąlygomis">
<!ENTITY zotero.publications.chooseLicense.commercial.prompt "Leisti jūsų darbus naudoti komerciniais tikslais?">
@ -44,24 +44,24 @@
<!ENTITY bidiSwitchTextDirectionItem.commandkey "X">
<!ENTITY viewMenu.label "View">
<!ENTITY layout.label "Layout">
<!ENTITY standardView.label "Standard View">
<!ENTITY viewMenu.label "Rodymas">
<!ENTITY layout.label "Išdėstymas">
<!ENTITY standardView.label "Įprastas rodymas">
<!ENTITY stackedView.label "Stacked View">
<!ENTITY collectionsPane.label "Collections Pane">
<!ENTITY itemPane.label "Item Pane">
<!ENTITY tagSelector.label "Tag Selector">
<!ENTITY collectionsPane.label "Rinkinių skydelis">
<!ENTITY itemPane.label "Įrašo skydelis">
<!ENTITY tagSelector.label "Gairių parinkiklis">
<!ENTITY recursiveCollections.label "Show Items from Subcollections">
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<!ENTITY noteFontSize.label "Note Font Size">
<!ENTITY fontSize.label "Šrifto dydis">
<!ENTITY noteFontSize.label "Pastabos šrifto dydis">
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<!ENTITY toolsMenu.accesskey "P">
<!ENTITY installConnector.label "Install Browser Connector">
<!ENTITY installConnector.label "Įdiegti papildinį naršyklei">
<!ENTITY installConnector.accesskey "C">
<!ENTITY addons.label "Priedai">
<!ENTITY developer.label "Developer">
<!ENTITY developer.label "Progarmuotojams">
<!ENTITY minimizeWindow.key "r">
@ -84,18 +84,18 @@
<!ENTITY productHelp.accesskey "P">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.label "Informacija nesklandumų šalinimui">
<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.accesskey "I">
<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.label "Discussion Forums">
<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.label "Diskusijų forumai">
<!ENTITY helpFeedbackPage.accesskey "F">
<!ENTITY helpReportErrors.label "Pranešti apie klaidas...">
<!ENTITY helpReportErrors.accesskey "r">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.label "Debug Output Logging">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.label "Derinimo pranešimų išvedimas">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.accesskey "L">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.submit "Submit Output">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.view "View Output">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.clear "Clear Output">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.restartWithLoggingEnabled "Restart with Logging Enabled…">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.submit "Siųsti išvedimą">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.view "Rodyti išvedimą">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.clear "Išvalyti išvedimą">
<!ENTITY debugOutputLogging.restartWithLoggingEnabled "Paleisti iš naujo įgalinus derinimo pranešimus...">
<!ENTITY helpCheckForUpdates.label "Tikrinti, ar yra atnaujinimų...">
<!ENTITY helpCheckForUpdates.accesskey "T">
@ -10,17 +10,17 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.general.cancel "Atšaukti">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.refresh "Atnaujinti">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.saveAs "Įrašyti kaip...">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.options "Options">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.options "Parinktys">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.advancedOptions.label "Kitos parinktys">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.tools "Priemonės">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.more "Daugiau">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.loading "Įkeliama...">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.close "Close">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.minimize "Minimize">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.other "Other…">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.bigger "Bigger">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.smaller "Smaller">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.close "Užverti">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.minimize "Suskleisti">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.other "Kita...">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.bigger "Didesnis">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.smaller "Mažesnis">
<!ENTITY zotero.general.reset "Iš naujo">
<!ENTITY zotero.errorReport.title "Pranešimas apie klaidą Zotero programoje">
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.itemType "Įrašo tipas">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.type_column "Įrašo tipas">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.title_column "Antraštė">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.title_column "Pavadinimas">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.creator_column "Autorius">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.date_column "Data">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.year_column "Metai">
@ -98,8 +98,8 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.menu.restoreToLibrary "Atkurti į biblioteką">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.menu.duplicateItem "Sukurti įrašo kopiją">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.menu.mergeItems "Apjungti įrašus...">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.menu.unrecognize "Undo Retrieve Metadata">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.menu.reportMetadata "Report Incorrect Metadata">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.menu.unrecognize "Atšaukti metaduomenų gavimą">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.menu.reportMetadata "Pranešti apie klaidingus metaduomenis">
<!ENTITY zotero.duplicatesMerge.versionSelect "Pasirinkite pagrindinę įrašo versiją:">
<!ENTITY zotero.duplicatesMerge.fieldSelect "Pasirinkite senesnių įrašo versijų laukus:">
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.item.add "Pridėti">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.attachment.file.show "Atverti failo aplanką">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform "Teksto trasformavimas">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "Antraštės raidžių lygis">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.titlecase "Pavadinimo raidžių lygis">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.textTransform.sentencecase "Sakinio pavidalu">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.creatorTransform.nameSwap "Sukeisti vardus ir pavardes">
<!ENTITY zotero.item.viewOnline "Rodyti Internete">
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.setColor "Naudoti spalvą">
<!ENTITY zotero.tagColorChooser.removeColor "Pašalinti spalvą">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Enter ISBNs, DOIs, PMIDs, or arXiv IDs to add to your library:">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.description "Įveskite ISBN, DOI, PMID ar arXiv identifikatorius, kuriuos norite įtraukti į biblioteką:">
<!ENTITY zotero.lookup.button.search "Ieškoti">
<!ENTITY zotero.selectitems.title "Pasirinkti įrašus">
@ -199,15 +199,15 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.progress.title "Eiga">
<!ENTITY zotero.import "Import">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.whereToImportFrom "Where do you want to import from?">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.source.file "A file (BibTeX, RIS, Zotero RDF, etc.)">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.importing "Importing…">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.database "Database">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.lastModified "Last Modified">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.size "Size">
<!ENTITY zotero.import "Importavimas">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.whereToImportFrom "Iš kur norėtumėte importuoti?">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.source.file "iš rinkmenos (BibTeX, RIS, Zotero RDF ar kt.)">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.importing "Importuojama...">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.database "iš duombazės">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.lastModified "Paskiausiai pakeista">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.size "Dydis">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.createCollection "Place imported collections and items into new collection">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.fileHandling "File Handling">
<!ENTITY zotero.import.fileHandling "Rinkmenų tvarkymas">
<!ENTITY zotero.exportOptions.title "Eksportuoti...">
<!ENTITY zotero.exportOptions.format.label "Formatas:">
@ -243,14 +243,14 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.label "Žymelės">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.bookmarks.caption "Žymelės išlaikomos tiek „Word“, tiek „LibreOffice“ programose, tačiau netyčia jas pakeitus, gali atsirasti klaidų. Žymelių negalite įterpti į išnašas ar galines išnašas.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatically update citations">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citations with pending updates will be highlighted in the document">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Disabling updates can speed up citation insertion in large documents. Click Refresh to update citations manually.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.label "Automatiškai atnaujinti citavimus">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.tooltip "Citavimai, kurių laukia atnaujinimai, dokumente paryškinsimi">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Atnaujinimų išjungimas gali pagreitinti citavimų įterpimą dideliuose dokumentuose. Tuomet spauskite „atnaujinti“, jei norite tą padaryti rankiniu būdu.">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.label "Naudoti MEDLINE žurnalų santrumpas">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticJournalAbbeviations.caption "Ignoruosima reikšmė „žurnalo santrumpos“ laukelyje">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.exportDocument "Switch to a Different Word Processor…">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.exportDocument "Persijungti į kitą raštinės programą...">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.showEditor.label "Rodyti rengyklę">
<!ENTITY zotero.integration.classicView.label "Klasikinis rodinys">
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ general.character.plural=rašmenys
general.moreInformation=Daugiau informacijos
general.seeForMoreInformation=Daugiau informacijos %S
general.open=Atverti „%S“
@ -65,26 +65,26 @@ general.tryLater=Bandyti vėliau
general.showDirectory=Parodyti katalogą
general.copyToClipboard=Kopijuoti į iškarpinę
general.thanksForHelpingImprove=Thanks for helping to improve %S!
general.describeProblem=Briefly describe the problem:
general.thanksForHelpingImprove=Ačiū, kad padedate tobulinti %S!
general.describeProblem=Glaustai aprašykite nesklandumą:
general.nMegabytes=%S MB
general.operationInProgress=Šiuo metu Zotero atlieka tam tikrus veiksmus.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinished=Palaukite, kol bus baigta.
general.operationInProgress.waitUntilFinishedAndTryAgain=Palaukite, kol bus baigta, ir bandykite iš naujo.
networkError.connectionNotSecure=%S could not make a secure connection.
networkError.errorViaProxy=Error connecting via proxy server
networkError.connectionNotSecure=%S negali užmegzti saugaus ryšio.
networkError.errorViaProxy=Klaida jungiantis per įgaliotąjį serverį
about.createdBy=Zotero is a project of the [Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media] and is developed by a [global community].
about.getInvolved=Want to help? [Get involved] today!
about.getInvolved=Norite padėti? [Įsitraukite] jau dabar!
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ punctuation.ellipsis=…
install.quickStartGuide=Zotero pradžiamokslis
install.quickStartGuide.message.welcome=Jus sveikina Zotero!
install.quickStartGuide.message.view=Pradžiamokslis padės jums įsisavinti darbą su tyrimų literatūros rinkimu, tvarkymu, citavimu ir viešinimu.
install.quickStartGuide.message.view=Pradžiamokslis padės jums įsisavinti darbą su literatūros rinkimu, tvarkymu, citavimu ir tyrimų viešinimu.
install.quickStartGuide.message.thanks=Ačiū, kad įsidiegėte Zotero.
upgrade.status=Duomenų bazė naujovinama...
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ upgrade.nonupgradeableDB2=Norėdami tęsti, galite arba pirmiau atnaujinti duomb
errorReport.reportError=Pranešti apie klaidą...
errorReport.reportErrors=Pranešti apie klaidas...
errorReport.reportInstructions=You can report this error by selecting "%S" from the Help menu.
errorReport.reportInstructions=Galite pranešti apie šią klaidą per Pagalbos meniu pasirinkę „%S“.
errorReport.followingReportWillBeSubmitted=Išsiūsime tokią ataskaitą:
errorReport.noErrorsLogged=Nuo pat %S paleidimo nepasitaikė klaidų.
errorReport.advanceMessage=Ataskaitą Zotero programuotojams išsiųssite nuspaudę %S.
@ -134,15 +134,15 @@ attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.singular=Vienas prisegtas f
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.existingAttachments.plural=%S prisegtų(-i) failų(-ai) senajame pagrindiniame kelyje bus konvertuota(-i) į absoliutų kelią.
attachmentBasePath.clearBasePath.button=Išvalyti pagrindinio katalogo nuostatas
dataDir.dirCannotBeCreated=The %S data directory (%S) cannot be created.
dataDir.dirCannotBeCreated=Nepavyksta sukurti %S duomenų katalogo (%S).
dataDir.checkDirWriteAccess=Make sure you have write access to this directory and that security software isn’t preventing %S from writing to the disk.
dataDir.databaseCannotBeOpened=The %S database cannot be opened.
dataDir.databaseCannotBeOpened=Nepavyksta atverti %S duombazės.
dataDir.checkPermissions=Make sure you have read and write permissions for all files in the %1$S data directory and that security software isn’t preventing %1$S from accessing that directory.
dataDir.moveToDefaultLocation=You may be able to fix this problem by moving the data directory to the new default location in your home directory. %S will automatically detect the new location.
dataDir.location=Data Directory: %S
dataDir.notFound=The %S data directory could not be found.
dataDir.location=Duomenų katalogas: %S
dataDir.notFound=Nepavyko rasti %S duomenų katalogo.
dataDir.notFound.defaultFound=The %S data directory could not be found at %S, but a data directory was found at %S. Use this directory instead?
dataDir.useNewLocation=Use New Location
dataDir.useNewLocation=Naudoti naują vietą
dataDir.previousDir=Ankstesnis katalogas:
dataDir.default=Numatytoji (%S)
dataDir.useDefaultLocation=Naudoti numatytąją vietą
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.text=Jūsų pasirinktas katalogas yra tuščias. Norėd
dataDir.selectedDirEmpty.useNewDir=Naudoti naują katalogą?
dataDir.moveFilesToNewLocation=Prieš vėl atverdami %1$S, būtinai perkelkite savo failus iš Zotero duomenų katalogo į kitą vietą.
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.title=Nesuderinama duomenų bazės versija
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=The selected data directory is too old to be used with this version of Zotero. Please first upgrade the data directory using Zotero 4.0 for Firefox or select a different directory.
dataDir.incompatibleDbVersion.text=Pasirinktas duomenų katalogas yra per senas ir nėra suderinamas dabartine Zotero programos versija. Pirmiausia atnaujinkite duomenų katalogą naudodamiesi Firefox programai skirta Zotero versija arba pasirinkite kitą duomenų katalogą.
dataDir.migration.inProgress=Perkeliamas duomenų katalogas...
dataDir.migration.failure.title=Duomenų katalogo perkėlimo klaida
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.automatic.text=%1$S bandė perkelti duomenų katalogą į naują numatytąją vietą, bet kai kurių failų perkelti nepavyksta. Užverkite atvertus dokumentus arba programas, kuriose jie buvo atverti, ir bandykite iš naujo. Arba galite užverti %2$S ir bandyti perkelti likusius failus rankiniu būdu.
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ dataDir.migration.failure.partial.new=Naujas katalogas: %S
dataDir.migration.failure.partial.showDirectoriesAndQuit=Parodyti katalogus ir išeiti
dataDir.migration.failure.full.automatic.text1=%1$S bandė perkelti duomenų katalogą į naują numatytąją vietą, bet veiksmo užbaigti nepavyko.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.automatic.text2=Patariama užverti %S ir duomenų katalogą perkelti rankiniu būdu.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.automatic.newDirOnDifferentDrive=%S attempted to move your data directory to a new default location, but the old directory is on a different drive and cannot be migrated automatically.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.automatic.newDirOnDifferentDrive=%S bandė perkelti jūsų duomenų katalogą į naują numatytąją vietą, bet senasis katalogas yra kitoje laikmenoje ar diske, tad negalima perkelti automatiškai.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.manual.text1=Nepavyksta perkelti duomenų katalogo %S .
dataDir.migration.failure.full.manual.text2=Patariama užverti %S ir duomenų katalogą į naują numatytąją vietą perkelti rankiniu būdu.
dataDir.migration.failure.full.firefoxOpen=Negalite perkelti duomenų katalogo, jei atverta Firefox naršyklė su Zotero papildiniu. Užverkite Firefox ir bandykite vėl.
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ startupError.incompatibleDBVersion=Šiai %1$S duomenų bazei reikia %1$S %2$S ar
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder.current=Dabartinė versija: %S
startupError.zoteroVersionIsOlder.upgrade=Prašome atnaujinti iki naujausios versijos nuo %S.
startupError.databaseUpgradeError=Klaida atnaujinant duomenų bazę
startupError.internetFunctionalityMayNotWork=Functionality that depends on an internet connection may not work.
startupError.internetFunctionalityMayNotWork=Funkcijos, kurioms reikalingas interneto ryšys, gali neveikti.
startupError.bundledFileUpdateError=%S was unable to load translators and styles.
startupError.startedFromDiskImage1=%S was started from a disk image, which can break some functionality.
startupError.startedFromDiskImage2=To install %1$S properly, quit the program, open the disk image you downloaded, and drag “%1$S” to the alias of the Applications folder shown in the window. Then eject the disk image and launch Zotero by opening it from your Applications folder.
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ pane.collections.menu.export.feed=Eksportuoti naujienų kanalą...
pane.collections.menu.createBib.collection=Sukurti bibliografiją iš rinkinio...
pane.collections.menu.createBib.savedSearch=Sukurti bibliografiją iš įsimintos paieškos...
pane.collections.menu.createBib.feed=Sukurti bibliografiją iš naujienų kanalo...
pane.collections.showCollectionInLibrary=Show Collection in Library
pane.collections.showCollectionInLibrary=Rodyti rinkinį bibliotekoje
pane.collections.menu.generateReport.collection=Sukurti ataskaitą iš rinkinio...
pane.collections.menu.generateReport.savedSearch=Sukurti ataskaitą iš įsimintų paieškų...
@ -266,8 +266,8 @@ pane.tagSelector.rename.title=Pervadinti gairę
pane.tagSelector.rename.message=Gairei suteikite naują pavadinimą.\n\nŠi gairė pakeisima visuose susijusiuose įrašuose.
pane.tagSelector.delete.title=Šalinti gairę
pane.tagSelector.delete.message=Tikrai norite pašalinti šią gairę?\n\nŠi gairė pašalinsima visuose įrašuose.
pane.tagSelector.deleteAutomatic.title=Delete Automatic Tags
pane.tagSelector.deleteAutomatic.message=Are you sure you want to delete %1$S automatic tag in this library?;Are you sure you want to delete %1$S automatic tags in this library?
pane.tagSelector.deleteAutomatic.title=Pašalinti automatines gaires
pane.tagSelector.deleteAutomatic.message=Tikrai norite pašalinti šios bibliotekos %1$S automatinę gairę?;Tikrai norite pašalinti šios bibliotekos %1$S automatines gaires?
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.none=Nepasirinkote gairių
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.singular=Pasirinkote %S gairę
pane.tagSelector.numSelected.plural=Pasirinkote gairių: %S
@ -277,8 +277,8 @@ tagColorChooser.numberKeyInstructions=Įrašams šią gairę galite priskirti sp
tagColorChooser.maxTags=Spalvas galite priskirti ne daugiau kaip %S gairėms(-ių).
pane.items.intro.text1=Jus sveikina %S!
pane.items.intro.text2=View the [Quick Start Guide] to learn how to begin building your library, and be sure to [install a %S] so you can add items to %S as you browse the web.
pane.items.intro.text3=Already using %S on another computer? [Set up syncing] to pick up right where you left off.
pane.items.intro.text2=[Pradžiamokslis] supažindins jus su literatūros rinkimu, bibliotekos tvarkymu. [Įsidiegę %S] galėsite pridėti įrašus į %S tiesiai iš žiniatinklio naršyklės.
pane.items.intro.text3=Jau naudojate %S kitame kompiuteryje? [Sukonfigūruokite sinchronizavimą] ir galėsite čia tęsti darbus nuo ten, kur nebaigėte kitur.
pane.items.loading=Įkeliami įrašai...
pane.items.columnChooser.moreColumns=Papildomi stulpeliai
@ -297,8 +297,8 @@ pane.items.remove.multiple=Tikrai pašalinti pasirinktus įrašus iš šio rinki
pane.items.removeFromPublications.title=Pašalinti iš „Nuosavų publikacijų“
pane.items.removeFromPublications=Tikrai norite pašalinti pasirinktą įrašą iš „Nuosavų publikacijų“?
pane.items.removeFromPublications.multiple=Tikrai norite pašalinti pasirinktus įrašus iš „Nuosavų publikacijų“?
pane.items.menu.findAvailablePDF=Find Available PDF
pane.items.menu.findAvailablePDF.multiple=Find Available PDFs
pane.items.menu.findAvailablePDF=Ieškoti prieinamo PDF
pane.items.menu.findAvailablePDF.multiple=Ieškoti prieinamų PDF
pane.items.menu.remove=Įrašą pašalinti iš rinkinio...
pane.items.menu.remove.multiple=Įrašus pašalinti iš rinkinio...
pane.items.menu.removeFromPublications=Pašalinti iš „Nuosavų publikacijų“...
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ pane.item.defaultLastName=pavardė
pane.item.defaultFullName=visas vardas
pane.item.switchFieldMode.one=Rodyti viename lauke
pane.item.switchFieldMode.two=Rodyti dviejuose laukuose
pane.item.creator.moveToTop=Move to Top
pane.item.creator.moveToTop=Perkelti į viršų
pane.item.creator.moveUp=Kelti aukštyn
pane.item.creator.moveDown=Nuleisti žemyn
pane.item.notes.untitled=Bevardė pastaba
@ -364,8 +364,8 @@ pane.item.notes.delete.confirm=Tikrai pašalinti šią pastabą?
pane.item.notes.count.zero=%S pastabos:
pane.item.notes.count.singular=%S pastaba:
pane.item.notes.count.plural=%S pastabų:
pane.item.notes.editingInWindow=Editing in separate window
pane.item.attachments.rename.title=Nauja antraštė:
pane.item.notes.editingInWindow=Redaguojama atskirame lange
pane.item.attachments.rename.title=Naujas pavadinimas:
pane.item.attachments.rename.renameAssociatedFile=Pervadinti susijusį failą
pane.item.attachments.rename.error=Klaida pervadinant failą.
pane.item.attachments.fileNotFound.title=Failo neradome
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ pane.item.tags.count.singular=%S gairė:
pane.item.tags.count.plural=%S gairių:
pane.item.tags.icon.user=Naudotojo pridėta gairė
pane.item.tags.icon.automatic=Automatiškai pridėta gairė
pane.item.tags.removeAll=Remove all tags from this item?
pane.item.tags.removeAll=Pašalinti visas šio įrašo gaires?
pane.item.related.count.zero=%S susijęs:
pane.item.related.count.singular=%S susijęs:
pane.item.related.count.plural=%S susiję:
@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ itemTypes.bookSection=Knygos skyrius
itemTypes.journalArticle=Žurnalo straipsnis
itemTypes.magazineArticle=Periodinio žurnalo straipsnis
itemTypes.newspaperArticle=Laikraščio straipsnis
itemTypes.thesis=Disertacija, baigiamasis darbas
@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ itemTypes.encyclopediaArticle=Straipsnelis enciklopedijoje
itemTypes.dictionaryEntry=Žodyno įrašas
@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ itemFields.system=Sistema
itemFields.conferenceName=Konferencijos pavadinimas
itemFields.encyclopediaTitle=Enciklopedijos pavadinimas
itemFields.dictionaryTitle=Žodyno antraštė
itemFields.dictionaryTitle=Žodyno pavadinimas
@ -602,26 +602,26 @@ ingester.importFile.intoNewCollection=Importavimas į naują kolekciją
ingester.lookup.error=Klaida ieškant šio įrašo.
findPDF.searchingForAvailablePDFs=Searching for available PDFs…
findPDF.checkingItems=Checking %1$S item;Checking %1$S items
findPDF.pdfsAdded=%1$S PDF added;%1$S PDFs added
findPDF.openAccessPDF=Open-Access PDF
findPDF.searchingForAvailablePDFs=Ieškoma prieinamų PDF...
findPDF.checkingItems=Tikrinama įrašų: %1$S;Tikrinama įrašų: %1$S
findPDF.pdfsAdded=Pridėta PDF: %1$S;Pridėta PDF: %1$S
findPDF.openAccessPDF=Atviros prieigos PDF
findPDF.pdfWithMethod=PDF (%S)
findPDF.noPDFsFound=No PDFs found
findPDF.noPDFFound=No PDF found
findPDF.noPDFsFound=PDF rinkmenos nerastos
findPDF.noPDFFound=PDF rinkmena nerasta
attachment.fullText=Full Text
attachment.acceptedVersion=Accepted Version
attachment.submittedVersion=Submitted Version
attachment.fullText=Pilnas tekstas
attachment.acceptedVersion=Priimta versija
attachment.submittedVersion=Išsiųsta versija
attachment.convertToStored.title=Convert to Stored File;Convert to Stored Files
attachment.convertToStored.text=%1$S attachment will be converted from a linked file to a stored file.;%1$S attachments will be converted from linked files to stored files.
attachment.convertToStored.deleteOriginal=Delete original file after storing;Delete original files after storing
db.dbCorrupted=Regis Zotero duomenų bazė „%S“ sugadinta.
db.dbCorrupted.restart=Iš naujo paleidę %S galėsite pamėginti automatiškai atkurti iš paskiausios atsarginės kopijos.
db.dbCorruptedNoBackup=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted, and no automatic backup is available.\n\nA new database has been created. The damaged file was saved to your Zotero data directory.
db.dbRestored=The Zotero database '%1$S' appears to have become corrupted.\n\nYour data was restored from the last automatic backup made on %2$S at %3$S. The damaged file was saved to your Zotero data directory.
db.dbRestoreFailed=The Zotero database '%S' appears to have become corrupted, and an attempt to restore from the last automatic backup failed.\n\nA new database has been created. The damaged file was saved to your Zotero data directory.
db.dbCorruptedNoBackup=Regis Zotero duomenų bazė „%S“ sugadinta, o prieinamų automatiškai sukurtų atsarginių kopijų nėra.\n\nSukūrėme naują duomenų bazės failą. Sugadintas failas įrašytas Zotero kataloge.
db.dbRestored=Regis Zotero duomenų bazė „%1$S“ sugadinta.\n\nJūsų duomenys atkurti iš paskiausios atsarginės kopijos, kuri sukurta %2$S %3$S. Sugadintas failas įrašytas Zotero duomenų kataloge.
db.dbRestoreFailed=Regis Zotero duomenų bazė „%S“ sugadinta, o atkurti duomenų iš automatiškai sukurtos atsarginės kopijos nepavyko.\n\nSukūrėme naują duomenų bazės failą. Sugadintas failas įrašytas Zotero duomenų kataloge.
db.integrityCheck.passed=Zotero duomenų bazė tvarkinga.
db.integrityCheck.failed=Zotero duomenų bazėje rasta klaidų.
@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ db.integrityCheck.errorsFixed=Klaidos Zotero duomenų bazėje ištaisytos.
db.integrityCheck.errorsNotFixed=Zotero nesugebėjo surinkti visų duomenų bazės klaidų.
db.integrityCheck.reportInForums=Apie šį nesklandumą galite pranešti Zotero forume.
zotero.preferences.chooseApplication=Choose Application
zotero.preferences.chooseApplication=Pasirinkite programą
@ -642,8 +642,8 @@ zotero.preferences.launchNonNativeFiles=PDF dokumentus atverti su %S, kai tik ta
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.zero=Aptikta sprendiklių: %S
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.singular=Aptiktas %S sprendiklis
zotero.preferences.openurl.resolversFound.plural=Aptikta sprendiklių: %S
zotero.preferences.locale.automaticWithLocale=Automatic (%S)
zotero.preferences.locale.automaticWithLocale=Automatinė (%S)
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.title=Iš Zotero serverio pašalinti prisegtus failus?
zotero.preferences.sync.purgeStorage.desc=Jei failų sinchronizavimui ketinate naudotis WebDAV, nors prieš tai failus, susietus su bibliotekos įrašais, sinchronizavote su Zotero serveriu, galite išimti tuos failus iš Zotero serverio, kad jame būtų daugiau vietos grupės duomenims.
@ -654,10 +654,10 @@ zotero.preferences.sync.reset.userInfoMissing=Pieš naudodamiesi atkūrimo parin
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreFromServer=Ištrinsime visus dabartinius duomenius, esančius šioje Zotero kopijoje. Po to iš Zotero serverio parsiųsime „%S“ naudotojo duomenis.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.replaceLocalData=Pakeisti vietinius duomenis
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restartToComplete=Prieš užbaigiant atkūrimą, reikia iš naujo paleisti Firefox.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=%1$S will replace data in “%2$S” on %3$S with data from this computer.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.button=Replace Data in Online Library
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=On the next sync, %1$S will check all attachment files in “%2$S” against the storage service. Any remote attachment files that are missing locally will be downloaded, and local attachment files missing remotely will be uploaded.\n\nThis option is not necessary during normal usage.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory.cleared=The file sync history for “%S” has been cleared.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer=%1$S pakeis „%2$S“ %3$S duomenis į šiame kompiuteryje esančius duomenis.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.restoreToServer.button=Pakeisti duomenis nuotolinėje saugykloje
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory=Kito sinchronizavimo metu, %1$S patikrins visas „%2$S“ įrašų rinkmenas, esančias saugykloje. Rinkmenos, kurių nėra vietiniame kompiuteryje, bus parsiųstos; o vietinės rinkmenos, kurių nėra nuotolinėje saugykloje, bus nusiųstos į tą saugyklą.\n\nPaprastai ši parinktis nėra reikalinga.
zotero.preferences.sync.reset.fileSyncHistory.cleared=„%S“ rinkmenų sinchronizavimo žurnalas išvalytas.
zotero.preferences.search.rebuildIndex=Iš naujo perindeksuoti
zotero.preferences.search.rebuildWarning=Ar norėtumėte visą indeksą sukurti iš naujo? Tai gali užtrukti.\n\nNorėdami suindeksuoti tik dar nesuindeksuotus įrašus, spauskite „%S“.
@ -667,8 +667,8 @@ zotero.preferences.search.clearNonLinkedURLs=Valyti viską, išskyrus internetin
zotero.preferences.search.indexUnindexed=Indeksuoti dar nesuindeksuotus įrašus
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationStyles=Citavimo stiliai
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.exportFormats=Eksportavimo formatai
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.instructions=Quick Copy allows you to quickly export items in a given format. You can copy selected items to the clipboard by pressing %S or drag items directly into a text box in another program.
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationInstructions=For citation styles, you can copy citations or footnotes by pressing %S or holding down Shift before dragging items.
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.instructions=Greitasis kopijavimas leidžia greitai eksportuoti įrašus norimu formatu. Galite nukopijuoti pasirinktus įrašus į iškarpinę nuspaudę %S klavišus arba nutempdami įrašus į teksto lauką kitoje programoje.
zotero.preferences.export.quickCopy.citationInstructions=Galite kopijuoti citavimus arba išnašas su bibliografijos stiliais spausdami %S arba laikydami Lyg2 (Shift) klavišą prieš tempdami įrašus.
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installationSuccess=Įdiegta sėkmingai.
zotero.preferences.wordProcessors.installationError=Įdiegti nepavyko. Pirma užverkite %1$S , tuomet iš naujo paleiskite %2$S.
@ -696,10 +696,10 @@ zotero.preferences.advanced.migrateDataDir.appMustBeRestarted=Norint užbaigti p
zotero.preferences.advanced.migrateDataDir.manualMigration=Galite užverti %1$S ir rankiniu būdu perkelti dabartinį duomenų katalogą į %2$S – taip gali būti greičiau turint didesnius duomenų katalogus. %3$S automatiškai aptiks naują vietą.
zotero.debugOutputLogging=Debug Output Logging
zotero.debugOutputLogging.linesLogged=%1$S line logged;%1$S lines logged
zotero.debugOutputLogging.dialog.title=Debug Output Submitted
zotero.debugOutputLogging.dialog.sent=Debug output has been sent to %S.\n\nThe Debug ID is D%S.
zotero.debugOutputLogging.dialog.error=An error occurred sending debug output.
zotero.debugOutputLogging.linesLogged=įrašyta linijų: %1$S
zotero.debugOutputLogging.dialog.title=Derinimo informacija nusiųsta
zotero.debugOutputLogging.dialog.sent=Derinimo informacija išsiųsta į %S.\n\nDerinimo ID yra D%S.
zotero.debugOutputLogging.dialog.error=Klaida bandant išsiųsti derinimo informaciją.
zotero.debugOutputLogging.enabledAfterRestart=Debug output logging will be enabled after %S restarts.
dragAndDrop.existingFiles=Išvardinti failai jau yra paskirties kataloge, tad nenukopijuoti:
@ -710,13 +710,13 @@ fileInterface.importComplete=Importavimas baigtas
fileInterface.itemsWereImported=Importuota įrašų: %1$S;Importuota įrašų: %1$S
fileInterface.itemsExported=Įrašų eksportavimas...
fileInterface.chooseAppDatabaseToImport=Choose the %S database to import
fileInterface.chooseAppDatabaseToImport=Pasirinkite importuotiną %S duombazę
fileInterface.exportedItems=Eksportuoti įrašai
fileInterface.unsupportedFormat=Pasirinkote nepalaikomo formato failą.
fileInterface.appDatabase=%S Database
fileInterface.appImportCollection=%S Import
fileInterface.appDatabase=%S duombazė
fileInterface.appImportCollection=%S importavimas
fileInterface.viewSupportedFormats=Rodyti palakomus formatus...
fileInterface.untitledBibliography=Nepavadinta bibliografija
@ -728,13 +728,13 @@ fileInterface.exportError=Klaida eksportuojant pasirinktą failą.
fileInterface.importOPML=Importuoti naujienų kanalą iš OPML
fileInterface.OPMLFeedFilter=OPML naujienų sąrašas
import.fileHandling.store=Copy files to the %S storage folder
import.fileHandling.link=Link to files in original location
import.fileHandling.description=Linked files cannot be synced by %S.
import.fileHandling.store=Kopijuoti rinkmenas į %S saugojimo aplanką
import.fileHandling.link=Sukurti nuorodas į esamas vietas
import.fileHandling.description=%S negali sinchronizuoti rinkmenų, į kurias sukurtos nuorodos.
quickCopy.copyAs=Kopijuoti kaip %S
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Antraštė, autoriai, metai
quickSearch.mode.titleCreatorYear=Pavadinimas, autoriai, metai
quickSearch.mode.fieldsAndTags=Visi laukai ir gairės
@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ searchConditions.annotation=Anotacija
fulltext.indexState.queued=Įtraukta į eilę
exportOptions.exportNotes=Pastabų eksportavimas
exportOptions.exportFileData=Failų eksportavimas
@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ integration.openInLibrary=Atverti „%S“
integration.error.incompatibleVersion=Šis Zotero tekstų rengyklės papildinys ($INTEGRATION_VERSION) nesuderinamas su dabar įdiegta Zotero versija (%1$S). Įsitikinkite, ar naudojate abiejų komponentų naujausias versijas.
integration.error.incompatibleVersion2=Zotero %1$S programai reikia %2$S %3$S arba naujesnės versijos. Naujausią %2$S versiją parsisiųskite iš zotero.org.
integration.error.title=Zotero integravimo klaida
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero could not load the component necessary to communicate with your word processor. Go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions in Zotero and make sure that the extension for your word processor is enabled.
integration.error.notInstalled=Zotero negali įkelti komponento, kuris reikalingas bendravimui su tekstų rengykle. Zotero programoje eikite per meniu Priemonės → Priedai → Plėtiniai ir įsitikinkite, kad atitinkamą priedą įgalinote savo tekstų rengyklei.
integration.error.generic=Zotero klaida atnaujinant jūsiškį dokumentą.
integration.error.mustInsertCitation=Prieš šį veiksmą, turite įterpti citavimą.
integration.error.mustInsertBibliography=Prieš šį veiksmą turite įterpti bibliografiją.
@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ integration.error.invalidStyle=Pasirinktas stilius nėra tinkamas. Jei pats suk
integration.error.fieldTypeMismatch=„Zotero“ negali atnaujinti šio dokumento, nes jis sukurtas kitoje tekstų rengyklėje pasirinkus nesuderinamą laukų kodavimą. Jei norite, kad dokumentas būtų suderinamas tiek su „Word“, tiek su „LibreOffice“, atverkite dokumentą toje tekstų rengyklėje, kurioje jis sukurtas, ir dokumento „Zotero“ parinktyse pasirinkite žymelių laukus.
integration.error.styleMissing=Nepavyksta rasti citavimo stiliaus, kurį naudojote šiame dokumente. Ar norėtumėte jį įdiegti iš %S?
integration.error.styleNotFound=Nepavyko rasti citavimo stiliaus %S.
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing.title=Missing Permission
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing.title=Trūksta leidimo
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing=Zotero does not have permission to control Word. To grant this permission:\n\n1) Open System Preferences\n2) Click on “Security & Privacy”\n3) Select the “Privacy” tab\n4) Find and select “Automation” on the left\n5) Check the checkbox for “Microsoft Word” under “Zotero”\n6) Restart Word
integration.error.macWordSBPermissionsMissing.pre2016=If “Microsoft Word” does not appear under “Automation”, make sure you are running Word 2011 version 14.7.7 or later.
integration.error.viewTroubleshootingInfo=Would you like to view troubleshooting instructions?
@ -895,22 +895,22 @@ integration.corruptBibliography.description=Visi šiame cituojami įrašai bus
integration.citationChanged=Nuo to laiko, kai Zotero sukūrę citavimą, Jūs jį pakeitėte. Ar norėtumėte išlaikyti savo pakeitimus ir apsaugoti nuo vėlesnių atnaujinimų?
integration.citationChanged.description=Spausdami „Taip“, neleisite Zotero programai atnaujinti šio citavimo pridedant papildomas citatas, keičiant stilius ir keičiant su juo susijusį įrašą. Spausdami „Ne“ prarasite savo pataisymus.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Nuo to laiko, kai Zotero sukūrę citavimą, Jūs jį pakeitėte. Redaguodami prarasite tuos tuos pakeitimus. Norite tęsti?
integration.citationChanged.original=Original: %S
integration.citationChanged.modified=Modified: %S
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Updating citations in this document is taking a long time. Would you like to disable automatic citation updates?
integration.citationChanged.original=Pradinis: %S
integration.citationChanged.modified=Pakeistas: %S
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Šio dokumento citavimų atnaujinimas gali ilgai užtrukti. Ar norėtumėte išjungti automatinį citavimų atnaujinimą?
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2.toolbar=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero toolbar when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text2.tab=You will need to click Refresh in the Zotero tab when you are done inserting citations.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=Šią parinktį vėliau galėsite pakeisti dokumento nuostatose.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography.toolbar=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero toolbar.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography.tab=Automatic citation updates are disabled. To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero tab.
integration.importDocument.title=Transferred Document
integration.importDocument.description=Would you like to restore the %S citations in this document for use in %S?
integration.importDocument.button=Restore Citations
integration.importDocument.notAvailable=Your version of %S does not support document transfer. Please update to a newer version.
integration.exportDocument.title=Prepare Citations for Transfer
integration.exportDocument.description1=Zotero will convert citations in the document to a format that can be safely transferred to another supported word processor.
integration.exportDocument.description2=You should make a backup of the document before proceeding.
integration.importInstructions=The Zotero citations in this document have been converted to a format that can be safely transferred between word processors. Open this document in a supported word processor and press Refresh in the Zotero plugin to continue working with the citations.
integration.importDocument.button=Atkurti citavimus
integration.importDocument.notAvailable=Jūsų turima %S versija nepalaiko dokumento perdavimo. Pirmiausia atnaujinkite %S.
integration.exportDocument.title=Paruošti citavimus perdavimui
integration.exportDocument.description1=Zotero konvertuos dokumente esančius citavimus į tokį formatą, kad būtų saugu dirbti kitoje tekstų rengyklėje.
integration.exportDocument.description2=Prieš tęsdami turėtumėte pasidaryti šio dokumento atsarginę kopiją.
integration.importInstructions=Zotero konvertavo dokumente esančius citavimus į tokį formatą, kad būtų saugu dirbti kitoje tekstų rengyklėje. Atverkite šį dokumentą kitoje tekstų rengyklėje ir, prieš tęsdami darbą su citavimais, tekstų rengyklės Zotero įrankinėje nuspauskite atnaujinimo mygtuką.
styles.install.title=Diegti stilių
styles.install.unexpectedError=Netikėta klaida diegiant „%1$S“.
@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ sync.error.checkConnection=Klaida jungiantis prie serverio. Patikrinkite interne
sync.error.emptyResponseServer=Serveris grąžino tuščią atsakymą.
sync.error.invalidCharsFilename=Failo varde „%S“ yra neleistinų rašmenų.\n\nPervadinkite tą failą ir bandykite iš naujo. Jei failą pervadinsite operacinėje sistemoje, jums reikės jį iš naujo susieti su Zotero.
sync.error.apiKeyInvalid=%S negali prisijungti prie paskyros. Iš naujo įveskite paskyros duomenis.
sync.error.collectionTooLong=The collection name “%S” is too long to sync. Shorten the name and sync again.
sync.error.collectionTooLong=Rinkinio vardas „%S“ yra per ilgas sinchronizavimui. Sutrumpinkite vardą ir sinchronizuokite iš naujo.
sync.error.fieldTooLong=The %1$S value “%2$S” in one of your items is too long to sync. Shorten the field and sync again.
sync.error.creatorTooLong=The creator name “%S” in one of your items is too long to sync. Shorten the field and sync again.
sync.error.noteEmbeddedImage=Notes with embedded images cannot currently be synced. Syncing of embedded images may be supported in a future version.
@ -1001,23 +1001,21 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Vietinis failas
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Nutolęs failas
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Likusiuose konfliktuose pasirinkti vietinę versiją
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Likusiuose konfliktuose pasirinkti nuotolinę versiją
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Likusiuose konfliktuose pasirinkti vietinius laukus
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Likusiuose konfliktuose pasirinkti nuotolinius laukus
sync.conflict.itemChanged=Žemiau pateiktas įrašas pakeistas įvairiose vietose. Pasirinkite versiją, kurią norėtumėte naudoti spręsdami laukų konfliktus, ir spauskite %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=Žemiau pateiktas failas pakeistas įvairiose vietose. Pasirinkite versiją, kurią norėtumėte išlaikyti, ir spauskite %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Pasirinkite šią versiją
sync.status.notYetSynced=Dar nesinchronizuota
sync.status.lastSync=Paskiausiai sinchronizuota:
sync.status.waiting=Waiting for other operations to finish
sync.status.preparing=Preparing sync
sync.status.waiting=Laukiama, kol pasibaigs kiti veiksmai
sync.status.preparing=Ruošiamasi sinchronizuoti
sync.status.loggingIn=Prisijungiama prie sinchronizavimo serverio
sync.status.gettingUpdatedData=Iš sinchronizavimo serverio parsiunčiami naujausi duomenys
sync.status.processingUpdatedData=Apdorojami naujausi sinchronizavimo serverio duomenys
sync.status.uploadingData=Failai įkeliami į sinchronizavimo serverį
sync.status.uploadAccepted=Įkėlimas priimtas — laukiama sinchronizavimo serverio
sync.status.syncingFiles=Failai sinchronizuojami
sync.status.syncingFilesInLibrary=Syncing files in %S
sync.status.syncingFilesInLibrary=Sinchronizuojamos %S rinkmenos
sync.status.syncingFilesInLibraryWithRemaining=Syncing files in %1$S (%2$S remaining);Syncing files in %1$S (%2$S remaining)
sync.status.syncingFullText=Visatekstinio turinio sinchronizavimas
@ -1097,17 +1095,17 @@ proxies.notification.settings.button=Įgaliotojo serverio nuostatos...
proxies.recognized.message=Pridėjus šį įgaliotąjį serverį, Zotero galės atpažinti įrašus pagal jų puslapius ir automatiškai nukreipti būsimas užklausas į %1$S per %2$S.
proxies.recognized.add=Įtraukti įgaliotąjį serverį
recognizePDF.title=PDF Metadata Retrieval
recognizePDF.title=PDF metaduomenų gavimas
recognizePDF.noOCR=PDF dokumente nėra optiškai atpažinto teksto
recognizePDF.couldNotRead=PDF dokumente nepavyksta perskaityti teksto
recognizePDF.noMatches=Atitinkančių nuorodų nerasta
recognizePDF.fileNotFound=Failo neradome
recognizePDF.error=Netikėta klaida
recognizePDF.recognizing.label=Retrieving Metadata…
recognizePDF.recognizing.label=Gaunami metaduomenys...
recognizePDF.complete.label=Meta duomenų parsiuntimas užbaigtas
recognizePDF.reportMetadata=Report Incorrect Metadata
recognizePDF.pdfName.label=PDF Name
recognizePDF.itemName.label=Item Name
recognizePDF.reportMetadata=Pranešti apie klaidingus metaduomenis
recognizePDF.pdfName.label=PDF vardas
recognizePDF.itemName.label=Įrašo pavadinimas
rtfScan.openTitle=Pasirinkite peržvelgtiną failą
rtfScan.scanning.label=Peržvelgiamas RTF dokumentas...
@ -1152,15 +1150,15 @@ locate.libraryLookup.label=Paieška bibliotekoje
locate.libraryLookup.tooltip=Įrašo ieškoti naudojantis pasirinktu OpenURL sprendikliu
locate.manageLocateEngines=Tvarkyti paieškos variklius...
standalone.corruptInstallation=Your Zotero installation appears to be corrupted due to a failed auto-update. While Zotero may continue to function, to avoid potential bugs, please download the latest version of Zotero from https://www.zotero.org/download as soon as possible.
standalone.corruptInstallation=Panašu, kad nesėkmingas automatinis atnaujinimas sugadino jūsų savarankiškąją Zotero programą. Nors Zotero gali veikti, bet norėdami išvengti nesklandumų, kuo greičiau įdiekite naujausią savarankiškąją Zotero versiją iš https://www.zotero.org/download .
standalone.addonInstallationFailed.title=Papildinio įdiegti nepavyko
standalone.addonInstallationFailed.body=The add-on "%S" could not be installed. It may be incompatible with this version of Zotero.
standalone.rootWarning=You appear to be running Zotero as root. This is insecure and may prevent Zotero from functioning when launched from your user account.\n\nIf you wish to install an automatic update, modify the Zotero program directory to be writable by your user account.
standalone.addonInstallationFailed.body=Papildinio „%S“ įdiegti nepavyko. Galbūt jis nesuderinamas su šia Zotero versija.
standalone.rootWarning=Panašu, kad Zotero paleidote administratoriaus root teisėmis. Taip daryti yra nesaugu. Be to, Zotero gali nebeveikti, kai ją paleis įprastas naudotojas.\n\nJei norite įgalinti automatinius atnaujinimus, suteikite savo naudotojui leidimą rašyti į Zotero programos katalogą.
standalone.updateMessage=Radome programos atnaujinimą, tačiau Jūs neturite leidimo jo įdiegti. Jei norite įgalinti automatinius atnaujinimus, suteikite savo naudotojui leidimą rašyti į Zotero programos katalogą.
connector.name=%S Connector
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firstRunGuidance.authorMenu=Zotero leidžia jums dar nurodyti sudarytojus (redaktorius) ir vertėjus. Šiame meniu žmogų, kuris šiuo metu nurodytas esąs autorius, galite nurodyti esant sudarytoju arba vertėju.
@ -1206,13 +1204,13 @@ licenses.cc-by-nc-sa=CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 tarptautinė licencija: priskyrimas, nekome
retraction.alert.single=An item in your database has been retracted.
retraction.alert.multiple=Items in your database have been retracted.
retraction.alert.view.single=View Item
retraction.alert.view.multiple=View Items
retraction.banner=This work has been retracted.
retraction.alert.view.single=Rodyti įrašą
retraction.alert.view.multiple=Rodyti įrašus
retraction.banner=Šis darbas atšauktas.
retraction.date=Retracted on %S
retraction.notice=Retraction Notice
retraction.details=More details:
retraction.credit=Data from %S
retraction.credit=Duomenys iš %S
retraction.replacedItem.hide=Hide warning for replaced work…
retraction.replacedItem.title=Retracted and Replaced Work
retraction.replacedItem.text1=This work has been retracted and replaced by its publisher, and this item may not represent the final version.
@ -1221,4 +1219,4 @@ retraction.replacedItem.button=Hide Retraction Warning
retraction.citeWarning.text1=The item you are citing has been retracted. Do you still want to add it to your document?
retraction.citeWarning.text2=You can view the item in your library for further details on the retraction.
retraction.citationWarning=A citation in your document has been retracted:
retraction.citationWarning.dontWarn=Don’t warn me about this item again
retraction.citationWarning.dontWarn=Neberodyti įspėjimų apie šį įrašą
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sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Local File
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sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Lokaal bestand
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Bestand van server
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
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sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=Het volgende bestand is veranderd op meerdere locaties. Kies de versie die u wilt behouden en klik op %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Kies deze versie
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Local File
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Remote File
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
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sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
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<!ENTITY zotero.integration.prefs.automaticCitationUpdates.description "Wyłączenie aktualizacji cytowań może przyspieszyć wstawianie cytowań w dużych dokumentach. Wciśnij Odśwież, aby ręcznie zaktualizować cytowania.">
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citation.hideEditor=Ukryj redaktora...
citation.showEditor=Wyświetl edytor...
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integration.corruptBibliography=Kod pola Zotero dla bibliografii jest uszkodzony. Czy chcesz usunąć ten kod pola i wygenerować nową bibliografię?
integration.corruptBibliography.description=Wszystkie pozycje cytowane w tekście będą obecne w nowej bibliografii, ale wszelkie zmiany dokonane za pośrednictwem okna "Edytuj bibliografię" zostaną utracone.
integration.citationChanged=Dokonano modyfikacji tego odnośnika, zanim Zotero je utworzył. Czy chcesz zachować swoje zmiany i zapobiec przyszłym aktualizacjom?
integration.citationChanged=Dokonano modyfikacji tego cytowania, zanim Zotero je utworzył. Czy chcesz zachować swoje zmiany i zapobiec przyszłym aktualizacjom?
integration.citationChanged.description=Wybranie "Tak" spowoduje, że Zotero nie zaktualizuje tego odnośnika jeśli dodasz dodatkowe źródła, zmienisz styl lub zmodyfikujesz pozycję, do której się on odnosi. Wybranie "Nie" usunie Twoje zmiany.
integration.citationChanged.edit=Dokonano modyfikacji tego odnośnika, zanim Zotero je utworzył. Edycja usunie twoje modyfikacje. Czy chcesz kontynuować?
integration.citationChanged.edit=Dokonano modyfikacji tego cytowania, zanim Zotero je utworzył. Edycja usunie twoje modyfikacje. Czy chcesz kontynuować?
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integration.citationChanged.modified=Zmodyfikowany: %S
integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text1=Aktualizacja cytowań w tym dokumencie trwa dość długo. Czy w związku z tym chcesz wyłączyć automatyczną aktualizację cytowań?
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sync.conflict.fileChanged=Następujący plik został zmieniony w wielu lokalizacjach. Wybierz wersję, którą chcesz zachować, a następnie kliknij %S.
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sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Escolha essa versão
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sync.conflict.fileChanged=O seguinte ficheiro foi alterado em múltiplas localizações. Escolha a versão que quer manter e depois clique %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Escolher esta versão
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pane.collections.removeLibrary.text=Sigur vrei să ștergi pentru totdeauna “%S” de pe acest calculator?
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integration.delayCitationUpdates.alert.text3=You can change this setting later in the document preferences.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography.toolbar=Actualizările automate ale citărilor sunt dezactivate. Pentru a vedea bibliografia, clic pe Reîmprospătare în bara de instrumente Zotero.
integration.delayCitationUpdates.bibliography.tab=Actualizările automate ale citărilor sunt dezactivate. Pentru a vedea bibliografia, clic pe Reîmprospătare în fila Zotero.
integration.importDocument.title=Transferred Document
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integration.importDocument.notAvailable=Your version of %S does not support document transfer. Please update to a newer version.
integration.exportDocument.title=Prepare Citations for Transfer
integration.exportDocument.description1=Zotero will convert citations in the document to a format that can be safely transferred to another supported word processor.
integration.importDocument.title=Document transferat
integration.importDocument.description=Doriți ca %S citări să fie restaurate în acest document pentru utilizarea în %S?
integration.importDocument.button=Restaurare citări
integration.importDocument.notAvailable=Versiunea dvs. de %S nu suportă transferul de documente. Vă rog să actualizați la o versiune mai nouă.
integration.exportDocument.title=Pregătirea citărilor pentru transfer
integration.exportDocument.description1=Zotero va converti citările în document într-un format care va fi transferat în siguranță către un alt procesor de text suportat.
integration.exportDocument.description2=Ar trebui să faci o copie de siguranță pentru document, înainte de a merge mai departe.
integration.importInstructions=The Zotero citations in this document have been converted to a format that can be safely transferred between word processors. Open this document in a supported word processor and press Refresh in the Zotero plugin to continue working with the citations.
integration.importInstructions=Citările Zotero din acest document au fost convertite într-un format care poate fi transferat în siguranță între procesoarele de text. Deschideți acest document într-un procesor de text compatibil și apăsați Reîmprospătare în pluginul Zotero pentru a continua să lucrați cu citările.
styles.install.title=Instalează stil
styles.install.unexpectedError=O eroare neașteptată a apărut la instalarea "%1$S"
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Fișier local
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Fișier la distanță
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Folosește versiunea locală pentru toate conflictele rămase
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Folosește versiunea la distanță pentru toate conflictele rămase
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Folosește câmpurile locale pentru toate conflictele rămase
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Folosește câmpurile la distanță pentru toate conflictele rămase
sync.conflict.itemChanged=Următoarea înregistrare a fost schimbată în mai multe locuri. Alegeți versiunea cu care doriți să rezolvați conflictele dintre câmpuri, apoi faceți clic pe %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=Următorul fișier a fost schimbat în mai multe locuri. Alegeți versiunea pe care doriți să o păstrați, apoi faceți clic pe %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Alege această versiune
@ -1213,12 +1211,12 @@ retraction.date=Retras(ă) din %S
retraction.notice=Notă de retragere
retraction.details=Mai multe detalii:
retraction.credit=Date de la %S
retraction.replacedItem.hide=Hide warning for replaced work…
retraction.replacedItem.title=Retracted and Replaced Work
retraction.replacedItem.text1=This work has been retracted and replaced by its publisher, and this item may not represent the final version.
retraction.replacedItem.text2=Unfortunately, some publishers incorrectly reuse the original DOI and/or PMID when replacing a work. If you’ve checked that this is the latest version, you can permanently hide the retraction warning for this item.
retraction.replacedItem.button=Hide Retraction Warning
retraction.replacedItem.hide=Ascunde avertismentele pentru lucrarea înlocuită…
retraction.replacedItem.title=Lucrare retrasă și înlocuită
retraction.replacedItem.text1=Această lucrare a fost retrasă și înlocuită de către editor și acest item ar putea să nu reprezinte versiunea finală.
retraction.replacedItem.text2=Din păcate, unii editori refolosesc incorect DOI-ul și/sau PMID-ul originale, atunci când înlocuiesc o lucrare. Dacă ați verificat ca versiunea să fie cea mai recentă, puteți să ascundeți pentru totdeauna avertismentul de retragere pentru acest item.
retraction.replacedItem.button=Ascunde avertismentul de retragere
retraction.citeWarning.text1=Itemul pe care-l citați a fost retras. Doriți totuși să-l adăugați în documentul dvs.?
retraction.citeWarning.text2=Puteți vedea itemul în biblioteca dvs. pentru mai multe detalii despre retragere.
retraction.citationWarning=A citation in your document has been retracted:
retraction.citationWarning.dontWarn=Don’t warn me about this item again
retraction.citationWarning=O citare din documentul dvs. a fost retrasă:
retraction.citationWarning.dontWarn=Nu mă mai avertiza în legătură cu acest item
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
<!ENTITY zotero.items.date_column "Дата">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.year_column "Год">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.publisher_column "Издатель">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.publication_column "Публикация">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.publication_column "Издание">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.journalAbbr_column "Сокращ. журнала">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.language_column "Язык">
<!ENTITY zotero.items.accessDate_column "Дата доступа">
@ -399,8 +399,8 @@ itemTypes.note=Заметка
itemTypes.bookSection=Раздел книги
itemTypes.journalArticle=Статья из периодики
itemTypes.magazineArticle=Статья из журнала
itemTypes.journalArticle=Статья из рецензируемого журнала
itemTypes.magazineArticle=Статья из прочей периодки
itemTypes.newspaperArticle=Газетная статья
@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ itemFields.place=Место
itemFields.publicationTitle=Заголовок публикации
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ itemFields.dictionaryTitle=Назв. словаря
itemFields.programmingLanguage=Язык програм.
itemFields.websiteTitle=Назв. веб-сайта
itemFields.reportNumber=Номер отчета
itemFields.billNumber=Номер законопр.
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Локальный файл
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Внешний файл
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Использовать локальные данные для разрешения конфликтов имен
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Использовать внешние данные для разрешения конфликтов имен
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Использовать локальные поля для разрешения конфликтов имен
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Использовать внешние поля для разрешения конфликтов имен
sync.conflict.itemChanged=Следующие записи были одновременно изменены в разных базах данных. Выберите версию, которую вы хотите использовать для разрешения конфликта и нажмите %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=Следующие файлы были одновременно изменены в разных базах данных. Выберите версию, которую вы хотите сохранить и нажмите %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Выбрать эту версию
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Lokálny súbor
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Vzdialený súbor
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Použite lokálnu verziu pre všetky ostatné konflikty
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Použite vzdialenú verziu pre všetky ostatné konflikty
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Použite lokálne polia pre všetky ostatné konflikty
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Použite vzdialené polia pre všetky ostatné konflikty
sync.conflict.itemChanged=Nasledovný záznam sa zmenil na viacerých miestach. Kliknite na verziu, ktorú chcete použiť na vyriešenie konfliktných polí a kliknite na %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=Nasledovný súbor sa zmenil na viacerých miestach. Zvoľte si verziu, ktorú chcete zachovať a kliknite na %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Zvoľte si túto verziu
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Krajevna datoteka
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Oddaljena datoteka
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Uporabi krajevno različico za vse preostale spore
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Uporabi oddaljeno različico za vse preostale spore
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Uporabi krajevna polja za vse preostale spore
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Uporabi oddaljena polja za vse preostale spore
sync.conflict.itemChanged=Naslednja datoteka je bila spremenjena na več mestih. Izberite različico, ki jo želite uporabiti za razreševanje spornih polj, nato kliknite %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=Naslednja datoteka je bila spremenjena na več mestih. Izberite različico, ki jo želite ohraniti, nato kliknite %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Izberite to različico
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Local File
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Remote File
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Lokal fil
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Använd den lokala versionen för alla kvarvarande konflikter
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Använd fjärrversionen för alla kvarvarande konflikter
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Använd lokala fält för alla kvarvarande konflikter
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Använd fjärrfälten för alla kvarvarande konflikter
sync.conflict.itemChanged=Denna källa har ändrats på flera platser. Välj den version du vill använda för att lösa konflikter, klicka sedan %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=Denna fil har ändrats på flera platser. Välj den version du vill behålla, klicka sedan %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Välj denna version
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Local File
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Remote File
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Yerel Dosya
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Uzak Dosya
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Kalan tüm uyuşmazlıklar için yerel versiyonu kullan
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Kalan tüm uyuşmazlıklar için uzaktaki versiyonu kullan
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Kalan tüm uyuşmazlıklar için yerel alanları kullan
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Kalan tüm uyuşmazlıklar için uzaktaki alanları kullan
sync.conflict.itemChanged=Şu eser birden çok yerde değiştirilmiştir. Tutmak istediğiniz versiyona tıklayın ve sonra %S üzerine tıklayın.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=Şu dosya birden çok yerde değiştirilmiştir. Tutmak istediğiniz versiyonu seçin, ve %S üzerine tıklayın.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Bu versiyonu seç
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Локальний файл
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Віддалений файл
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Вибрати цю версію
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=Local File
sync.conflict.remoteFile=Remote File
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocal=Use the local version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemote=Use the remote version for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllLocalFields=Use local fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.resolveAllRemoteFields=Use remote fields for all remaining conflicts
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.chooseThisVersion=Choose this version
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=采用本地文件
sync.conflict.itemChanged=下列项目已在多个位置更改。单击用来解决冲突域的版本,然后单击 %S。
sync.conflict.fileChanged=下面的文件已在多个位置更改。选择您想要保持的版本,然后单击 %S。
@ -1001,8 +1001,6 @@ sync.conflict.localFile=本機檔案
sync.conflict.itemChanged=The following item has been changed in multiple locations. Click the version to use for resolving conflicting fields, and then click %S.
sync.conflict.fileChanged=The following file has been changed in multiple locations. Choose the version you would like to keep, and then click %S.
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