Also: - New schema version 8 with video/image thumbnails, screenshots, sizes - Upgrade messages not at current schema version when loading messages to show in conversation - New MessageDetail react component - New ConversationHeader react component
1 KiB
1 KiB
const noop = () => {};
const messages = [
objectURL: 'https://placekitten.com/799/600',
attachments: [{ contentType: 'image/jpeg' }],
objectURL: 'https://placekitten.com/900/600',
attachments: [{ contentType: 'image/jpeg' }],
// Unsupported image type
objectURL: 'foo.tif',
attachments: [{ contentType: 'image/tiff' }],
// Video
objectURL: util.mp4ObjectUrl,
attachments: [{ contentType: 'video/mp4' }],
objectURL: 'https://placekitten.com/980/800',
attachments: [{ contentType: 'image/jpeg' }],
objectURL: 'https://placekitten.com/656/540',
attachments: [{ contentType: 'image/jpeg' }],
objectURL: 'https://placekitten.com/762/400',
attachments: [{ contentType: 'image/jpeg' }],
objectURL: 'https://placekitten.com/920/620',
attachments: [{ contentType: 'image/jpeg' }],
<div style={{ position: 'relative', width: '100%', height: 500 }}>
<LightboxGallery messages={messages} onSave={noop} i18n={util.i18n} />