Biggest changes forced by this: alt tags for all images, resulting in new strings added to messages.json, and a new i18n paramter/prop added in a plot of places. Another change of note is that there are two new tslint.json files under ts/test and ts/styleguide to relax our rules a bit there. This required a change to our package.json script, as manually specifying the config file there made it ignore our tslint.json files in subdirectories
2.1 KiB
2.1 KiB
Empty states for missing media and documents
<div style={{width: '100%', height: 300}}>
Media gallery with media and documents
const DAY_MS = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
const MONTH_MS = 30 * DAY_MS;
const YEAR_MS = 12 * MONTH_MS;
const tokens = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux', 'quux'];
const fileExtensions = ['docx', 'pdf', 'txt', 'mp3', 'wmv', 'tiff'];
const createRandomMessage = ({ startTime, timeWindow } = {}) => props => {
const now = Date.now();
const fileName = `${_.sample(tokens)}${_.sample(tokens)}.${_.sample(
return {
id: _.random(now).toString(),
received_at: _.random(startTime, startTime + timeWindow),
attachments: [
data: null,
size: _.random(1000, 1000 * 1000 * 50),
objectURL: `https://placekitten.com/${_.random(50, 150)}/${_.random(
const createRandomMessages = ({ startTime, timeWindow }) =>
_.range(_.random(5, 10)).map(createRandomMessage({ startTime, timeWindow }));
const startTime = Date.now();
const messages = _.sortBy(
timeWindow: DAY_MS,
startTime: startTime - DAY_MS,
timeWindow: DAY_MS,
startTime: startTime - 3 * DAY_MS,
timeWindow: 3 * DAY_MS,
startTime: startTime - 30 * DAY_MS,
timeWindow: 15 * DAY_MS,
startTime: startTime - 365 * DAY_MS,
timeWindow: 300 * DAY_MS,
message => -message.received_at
<MediaGallery i18n={util.i18n} media={messages} documents={messages} />;
Media gallery with one document
const messages = [
attachments: [{ fileName: 'foo.jpg', contentType: 'application/json' }],
<MediaGallery i18n={util.i18n} media={messages} documents={messages} />;