When indexing message attachment metadata using numeric indexes such as:
conversationId: '+12223334455',
received_at: 123,
attachments: […],
numAttachments: 2,
conversationId: '+12223334455',
received_at: 456,
attachments: [],
numAttachments: 0,
conversationId: '+12223334455',
received_at: 789,
attachments: [],
numAttachments: 1,
It creates an index as follows:
[conversationId, received_at, numAttachments]
['+12223334455', 123, 2]
['+12223334455', 456, 0]
['+12223334455', 789, 1]
This means a query such as…
lowerBound: ['+12223334455', 0, 1 ]
upperBound: ['+12223334455', Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE]
…will return all three original entries because they span the `received_at`
from `0` through `Number.MAX_VALUE`. One workaround is to index booleans using
`1 | undefined` where `1` is included in the index and `undefined` is not, but
that way we lose the ability to query for the `false` value. Instead, we flip
adjust the index to `[conversationId, hasAttachments, received_at]` and can
then query messages with attachments using
[conversationId, 1 /* hasAttachments */, 0 /* received_at */]
[conversationId, 1 /* hasAttachments */, Number.MAX_VALUE /* received_at */]
- messages.getQuoteObjectUrl: early return
- backup.js: explaining variables for long if statement
- types/messages.js: Log if thumbnail has neither data nor path
- sendmessage.js:
- remove extraneous logging
- fix indentation
- upload attachments and thumbnails in parallel
- preload: don't load fs for tests, just fse
- _conversation.scss: split two selectors into two lines, 0px -> 0
- backup_test.js: use fse.existsSync and comment twoSlashes regex
- network_tests_view_test.js: Comment duplicate assignment to window.getSocketStatus
- Remove extra padding at top of Android bubbles, via sibling selector
- Don't include .attachments, .quote-wrapper, .content in bubble unless
we actually need them. This allows for sibling selectors.
- This is a different technique for adding the ReactWrapperView for
quotes - it is now appended to the DOM instead of attaching to
something already in the DOM. This allows us to use .remove(), so it's
a bit cleaner.
- Users of ReactWrapperView can now specify tagName and className
But only if it doesn't have an error.
Also: reformatted message template in legacy_templates.js to match what
is in background.html for easier diffing.
1. MessageReceiver always pulls down thumbnails included in quotes
2. Message.upgradeSchema has a new schema that puts all thumbnails on
disk just like happens with full attachments.
3. handleDataMessage pipes quote from dataMessage into the final message
destined for the database
Separate linting from testing as follows:
- `yarn jscs`: Run JSCS.
- `yarn jshint`: Run JSHint.
- `yarn lint`: Run all linters, i.e. ESLint, TSLint, JSHint, and JSHint.
- `yarn test-node`: Run Mocha tests in Node.js environment.
- `yarn test-electron`: Run tests in Electron environment via Grunt.
- `yarn test`: Run all tests.
- Align Travis and AppVeyor scripts as much as possible.
- Run linting before tests to fail fast.
- Run Node.js (headless and fast) tests first.
- Run Electron tests last (Travis seems to require custom setup in `travis.sh`).