When importing from a special remote, support preferred content expressions that use terms that match on keys (eg "present", "copies=1"). Such terms are ignored when importing, since the key is not known yet. When "standard" or "groupwanted" is used, the terms in those expressions also get pruned accordingly. This does allow setting preferred content to "not (copies=1)" to make a special remote into a "source" type of repository. Importing from it will import all files. Then exporting to it will drop all files from it. In the case of setting preferred content to "present", it's pruned on import, so everything gets imported from it. Then on export, it's applied, and everything in it is left on it, and no new content is exported to it. Since the old behavior on these preferred content expressions was for importtree to error out, there's no backwards compatability to worry about. Except that sync/pull/etc will now import where before it errored out.
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278 lines
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{- git-annex file matching
- Copyright 2012-2023 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Annex.FileMatcher (
module Types.FileMatcher
) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Annex.Common
import Limit
import Utility.Matcher
import Types.Group
import Types.FileMatcher
import Types.GitConfig
import Config.GitConfig
import Annex.SpecialRemote.Config (preferreddirField)
import Git.FilePath
import Types.Remote (RemoteConfig)
import Types.ProposedAccepted
import Annex.CheckAttr
import qualified Git.Config
import Annex.Magic
import Data.Either
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Monad.Writer
type GetFileMatcher = RawFilePath -> Annex (FileMatcher Annex)
checkFileMatcher :: GetFileMatcher -> RawFilePath -> Annex Bool
checkFileMatcher getmatcher file =
checkFileMatcher' getmatcher file (return True)
-- | Allows running an action when no matcher is configured for the file.
checkFileMatcher' :: GetFileMatcher -> RawFilePath -> Annex Bool -> Annex Bool
checkFileMatcher' getmatcher file notconfigured = do
matcher <- getmatcher file
checkMatcher matcher Nothing afile S.empty notconfigured d
afile = AssociatedFile (Just file)
-- checkMatcher will never use this, because afile is provided.
d = return True
checkMatcher :: FileMatcher Annex -> Maybe Key -> AssociatedFile -> AssumeNotPresent -> Annex Bool -> Annex Bool -> Annex Bool
checkMatcher matcher mkey afile notpresent notconfigured d
| isEmpty (fst matcher) = notconfigured
| otherwise = case (mkey, afile) of
(_, AssociatedFile (Just file)) ->
go =<< fileMatchInfo file mkey
(Just key, AssociatedFile Nothing) ->
let i = ProvidedInfo
{ providedFilePath = Nothing
, providedKey = Just key
, providedFileSize = Nothing
, providedMimeType = Nothing
, providedMimeEncoding = Nothing
, providedLinkType = Nothing
in go (MatchingInfo i)
(Nothing, _) -> d
go mi = checkMatcher' matcher mi notpresent
checkMatcher' :: FileMatcher Annex -> MatchInfo -> AssumeNotPresent -> Annex Bool
checkMatcher' (matcher, (MatcherDesc matcherdesc)) mi notpresent = do
(matches, desc) <- runWriterT $ matchMrun' matcher $ \op ->
matchAction op notpresent mi
explain (mkActionItem mi) $ UnquotedString <$>
describeMatchResult matchDesc desc
((if matches then "matches " else "does not match ") ++ matcherdesc ++ ": ")
return matches
fileMatchInfo :: RawFilePath -> Maybe Key -> Annex MatchInfo
fileMatchInfo file mkey = do
matchfile <- getTopFilePath <$> inRepo (toTopFilePath file)
return $ MatchingFile FileInfo
{ matchFile = matchfile
, contentFile = file
, matchKey = mkey
matchAll :: Matcher (MatchFiles Annex)
matchAll = generate []
parsedToMatcher :: MatcherDesc -> [ParseResult (MatchFiles Annex)] -> Either String (FileMatcher Annex)
parsedToMatcher matcherdesc parsed = case partitionEithers parsed of
([], vs) -> Right (generate vs, matcherdesc)
(es, _) -> Left $ unwords $ map ("Parse failure: " ++) es
data ParseToken t
= SimpleToken String (ParseResult t)
| ValueToken String (String -> ParseResult t)
type ParseResult t = Either String (Token t)
parseToken :: [ParseToken t] -> String -> ParseResult t
parseToken l t = case syntaxToken t of
Right st -> Right st
Left _ -> go l
go [] = Left $ "near " ++ show t
go (SimpleToken s r : _) | s == t = r
go (ValueToken s mkr : _) | s == k = mkr v
go (_ : ps) = go ps
(k, v) = separate (== '=') t
{- This is really dumb tokenization; there's no support for quoted values.
- Open and close parens are always treated as standalone tokens;
- otherwise tokens must be separated by whitespace. -}
tokenizeMatcher :: String -> [String]
tokenizeMatcher = filter (not . null) . concatMap splitparens . words
splitparens = segmentDelim (`elem` "()")
commonTokens :: LimitBy -> [ParseToken (MatchFiles Annex)]
commonTokens lb =
[ SimpleToken "anything" (simply limitAnything)
, SimpleToken "nothing" (simply limitNothing)
, ValueToken "include" (usev limitInclude)
, ValueToken "exclude" (usev limitExclude)
, ValueToken "largerthan" (usev $ limitSize lb "largerthan" (>))
, ValueToken "smallerthan" (usev $ limitSize lb "smallerthan" (<))
, SimpleToken "unused" (simply limitUnused)
data PreferredContentData = PCD
{ matchStandard :: Either String (Matcher (MatchFiles Annex))
, matchGroupWanted :: Either String (Matcher (MatchFiles Annex))
, getGroupMap :: Annex GroupMap
, configMap :: M.Map UUID RemoteConfig
, repoUUID :: Maybe UUID
preferredContentTokens :: PreferredContentData -> [ParseToken (MatchFiles Annex)]
preferredContentTokens pcd =
[ SimpleToken "standard" (call "standard" $ matchStandard pcd)
, SimpleToken "groupwanted" (call "groupwanted" $ matchGroupWanted pcd)
, SimpleToken "inpreferreddir" (simply $ limitInDir preferreddir "inpreferreddir")
, SimpleToken "present" (simply $ limitPresent $ repoUUID pcd)
, SimpleToken "securehash" (simply limitSecureHash)
, ValueToken "copies" (usev limitCopies)
, ValueToken "lackingcopies" (usev $ limitLackingCopies "lackingcopies" False)
, ValueToken "approxlackingcopies" (usev $ limitLackingCopies "approxlackingcopies" True)
, ValueToken "inbackend" (usev limitInBackend)
, ValueToken "metadata" (usev limitMetaData)
, ValueToken "inallgroup" (usev $ limitInAllGroup $ getGroupMap pcd)
, ValueToken "onlyingroup" (usev $ limitOnlyInGroup $ getGroupMap pcd)
] ++ commonTokens LimitAnnexFiles
preferreddir = maybe "public" fromProposedAccepted $
M.lookup preferreddirField =<< (`M.lookup` configMap pcd) =<< repoUUID pcd
preferredContentParser :: [ParseToken (MatchFiles Annex)] -> String -> [ParseResult (MatchFiles Annex)]
preferredContentParser tokens = map (parseToken tokens) . tokenizeMatcher
mkMatchExpressionParser :: Annex (String -> [ParseResult (MatchFiles Annex)])
mkMatchExpressionParser = do
magicmime <- liftIO initMagicMime
let mimer n f = ValueToken n (usev $ f magicmime)
let mimer n = ValueToken n $
const $ Left $ "\""++n++"\" not supported; not built with MagicMime support"
let parse = parseToken $
commonTokens LimitDiskFiles ++
[ mimer "mimetype" $
matchMagic "mimetype" getMagicMimeType providedMimeType userProvidedMimeType
, mimer "mimeencoding" $
matchMagic "mimeencoding" getMagicMimeEncoding providedMimeEncoding userProvidedMimeEncoding
[ mimer "mimetype"
, mimer "mimeencoding"
return $ map parse . tokenizeMatcher
{- Generates a matcher for files large enough (or meeting other criteria)
- to be added to the annex, rather than directly to git.
- annex.largefiles is configured in git config, or git attributes,
- or global git-annex config, in that order.
largeFilesMatcher :: Annex GetFileMatcher
largeFilesMatcher = go =<< getGitConfigVal' annexLargeFiles
matcherdesc = MatcherDesc "annex.largefiles"
go (HasGitConfig (Just expr)) = do
matcher <- mkmatcher expr "git config"
return $ const $ return matcher
go v = return $ \file -> do
expr <- checkAttr "annex.largefiles" file
if null expr
then case v of
HasGlobalConfig (Just expr') ->
mkmatcher expr' "git-annex config"
_ -> return (matchAll, matcherdesc)
else mkmatcher expr "gitattributes"
mkmatcher expr cfgfrom = do
parser <- mkMatchExpressionParser
either (badexpr cfgfrom) return $ parsedToMatcher matcherdesc $ parser expr
badexpr cfgfrom e = giveup $ "bad annex.largefiles configuration in " ++ cfgfrom ++ ": " ++ e
newtype AddUnlockedMatcher = AddUnlockedMatcher (FileMatcher Annex)
addUnlockedMatcher :: Annex AddUnlockedMatcher
addUnlockedMatcher = AddUnlockedMatcher <$>
(go =<< getGitConfigVal' annexAddUnlocked)
go (HasGitConfig (Just expr)) = mkmatcher expr "git config"
go (HasGlobalConfig (Just expr)) = mkmatcher expr "git annex config"
go _ = matchalways False
matcherdesc = MatcherDesc "annex.addunlocked"
mkmatcher :: String -> String -> Annex (FileMatcher Annex)
mkmatcher expr cfgfrom = case Git.Config.isTrueFalse expr of
Just b -> matchalways b
Nothing -> do
parser <- mkMatchExpressionParser
either (badexpr cfgfrom) return $ parsedToMatcher matcherdesc $ parser expr
badexpr cfgfrom e = giveup $ "bad annex.addunlocked configuration in " ++ cfgfrom ++ ": " ++ e
matchalways True = return (MOp limitAnything, matcherdesc)
matchalways False = return (MOp limitNothing, matcherdesc)
checkAddUnlockedMatcher :: AddUnlockedMatcher -> MatchInfo -> Annex Bool
checkAddUnlockedMatcher (AddUnlockedMatcher matcher) mi =
checkMatcher' matcher mi S.empty
simply :: MatchFiles Annex -> ParseResult (MatchFiles Annex)
simply = Right . Operation
usev :: MkLimit Annex -> String -> ParseResult (MatchFiles Annex)
usev a v = Operation <$> a v
call :: String -> Either String (Matcher (MatchFiles Annex)) -> ParseResult (MatchFiles Annex)
call desc (Right sub) = Right $ Operation $ MatchFiles
{ matchAction = \notpresent mi ->
matchMrun sub $ \o -> matchAction o notpresent mi
, matchNeedsFileName = any matchNeedsFileName sub
, matchNeedsFileContent = any matchNeedsFileContent sub
, matchNeedsKey = any matchNeedsKey sub
, matchNeedsLocationLog = any matchNeedsLocationLog sub
, matchDesc = matchDescSimple desc
call _ (Left err) = Left err