importtree: support preferred content expressions needing keys
When importing from a special remote, support preferred content expressions that use terms that match on keys (eg "present", "copies=1"). Such terms are ignored when importing, since the key is not known yet. When "standard" or "groupwanted" is used, the terms in those expressions also get pruned accordingly. This does allow setting preferred content to "not (copies=1)" to make a special remote into a "source" type of repository. Importing from it will import all files. Then exporting to it will drop all files from it. In the case of setting preferred content to "present", it's pruned on import, so everything gets imported from it. Then on export, it's applied, and everything in it is left on it, and no new content is exported to it. Since the old behavior on these preferred content expressions was for importtree to error out, there's no backwards compatability to worry about. Except that sync/pull/etc will now import where before it errored out.
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 94 additions and 54 deletions
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ module Annex.FileMatcher (
@ -139,19 +138,15 @@ tokenizeMatcher = filter (not . null) . concatMap splitparens . words
splitparens = segmentDelim (`elem` "()")
commonKeylessTokens :: LimitBy -> [ParseToken (MatchFiles Annex)]
commonKeylessTokens lb =
commonTokens :: LimitBy -> [ParseToken (MatchFiles Annex)]
commonTokens lb =
[ SimpleToken "anything" (simply limitAnything)
, SimpleToken "nothing" (simply limitNothing)
, ValueToken "include" (usev limitInclude)
, ValueToken "exclude" (usev limitExclude)
, ValueToken "largerthan" (usev $ limitSize lb "largerthan" (>))
, ValueToken "smallerthan" (usev $ limitSize lb "smallerthan" (<))
commonKeyedTokens :: [ParseToken (MatchFiles Annex)]
commonKeyedTokens =
[ SimpleToken "unused" (simply limitUnused)
, SimpleToken "unused" (simply limitUnused)
data PreferredContentData = PCD
@ -162,25 +157,12 @@ data PreferredContentData = PCD
, repoUUID :: Maybe UUID
-- Tokens of preferred content expressions that do not need a Key to be
-- known.
-- When importing from a special remote, this is used to match
-- some preferred content expressions before the content is downloaded,
-- so the Key is not known.
preferredContentKeylessTokens :: PreferredContentData -> [ParseToken (MatchFiles Annex)]
preferredContentKeylessTokens pcd =
preferredContentTokens :: PreferredContentData -> [ParseToken (MatchFiles Annex)]
preferredContentTokens pcd =
[ SimpleToken "standard" (call "standard" $ matchStandard pcd)
, SimpleToken "groupwanted" (call "groupwanted" $ matchGroupWanted pcd)
, SimpleToken "inpreferreddir" (simply $ limitInDir preferreddir "inpreferreddir")
] ++ commonKeylessTokens LimitAnnexFiles
preferreddir = maybe "public" fromProposedAccepted $
M.lookup preferreddirField =<< (`M.lookup` configMap pcd) =<< repoUUID pcd
preferredContentKeyedTokens :: PreferredContentData -> [ParseToken (MatchFiles Annex)]
preferredContentKeyedTokens pcd =
[ SimpleToken "present" (simply $ limitPresent $ repoUUID pcd)
, SimpleToken "present" (simply $ limitPresent $ repoUUID pcd)
, SimpleToken "securehash" (simply limitSecureHash)
, ValueToken "copies" (usev limitCopies)
, ValueToken "lackingcopies" (usev $ limitLackingCopies "lackingcopies" False)
@ -189,13 +171,10 @@ preferredContentKeyedTokens pcd =
, ValueToken "metadata" (usev limitMetaData)
, ValueToken "inallgroup" (usev $ limitInAllGroup $ getGroupMap pcd)
, ValueToken "onlyingroup" (usev $ limitOnlyInGroup $ getGroupMap pcd)
] ++ commonKeyedTokens
preferredContentTokens :: PreferredContentData -> [ParseToken (MatchFiles Annex)]
preferredContentTokens pcd = concat
[ preferredContentKeylessTokens pcd
, preferredContentKeyedTokens pcd
] ++ commonTokens LimitAnnexFiles
preferreddir = maybe "public" fromProposedAccepted $
M.lookup preferreddirField =<< (`M.lookup` configMap pcd) =<< repoUUID pcd
preferredContentParser :: [ParseToken (MatchFiles Annex)] -> String -> [ParseResult (MatchFiles Annex)]
preferredContentParser tokens = map (parseToken tokens) . tokenizeMatcher
@ -210,8 +189,7 @@ mkMatchExpressionParser = do
const $ Left $ "\""++n++"\" not supported; not built with MagicMime support"
let parse = parseToken $
commonKeyedTokens ++
commonKeylessTokens LimitDiskFiles ++
commonTokens LimitDiskFiles ++
[ mimer "mimetype" $
matchMagic "mimetype" getMagicMimeType providedMimeType userProvidedMimeType
@ -990,20 +990,22 @@ addBackExportExcluded remote importtree =
- Only keyless tokens are supported, because the keys are not known
- until an imported file is downloaded, which is too late to bother
- excluding it from an import.
- excluding it from an import. So prunes any tokens in the preferred
- content expression that need keys.
makeImportMatcher :: Remote -> Annex (Either String (FileMatcher Annex))
makeImportMatcher r = load preferredContentKeylessTokens >>= \case
makeImportMatcher r = load preferredContentTokens >>= \case
Nothing -> return $ Right (matchAll, matcherdesc)
Just (Right v) -> return $ Right (v, matcherdesc)
Just (Left err) -> load preferredContentTokens >>= \case
Just (Left err') -> return $ Left err'
_ -> return $ Left $
"The preferred content expression contains terms that cannot be checked when importing: " ++ err
Just (Left err) -> return $ Left err
load t = M.lookup (Remote.uuid r) . fst <$> preferredRequiredMapsLoad' t
load t = M.lookup (Remote.uuid r) . fst
<$> preferredRequiredMapsLoad' pruneImportMatcher t
matcherdesc = MatcherDesc "preferred content"
pruneImportMatcher :: Utility.Matcher.Matcher (MatchFiles a) -> Utility.Matcher.Matcher (MatchFiles a)
pruneImportMatcher = Utility.Matcher.pruneMatcher matchNeedsKey
{- Gets the ImportableContents from the remote.
- Filters out any paths that include a ".git" component, because git does
@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ git-annex (10.20231130) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
filesystems that have problems with such filenames.
* Lower precision of timestamps in git-annex branch, which can reduce the
size of the branch by up to 8%.
* When importing from a special remote, support preferred content
expressions that use terms that match on keys (eg "present", "copies=1").
Such terms are ignored when importing, since the key is not known yet.
Before, such expressions caused the import to fail.
-- Joey Hess <> Thu, 30 Nov 2023 14:48:12 -0400
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ requiredContentMap = maybe (snd <$> preferredRequiredMapsLoad preferredContentTo
preferredRequiredMapsLoad :: (PreferredContentData -> [ParseToken (MatchFiles Annex)]) -> Annex (FileMatcherMap Annex, FileMatcherMap Annex)
preferredRequiredMapsLoad mktokens = do
(pc, rc) <- preferredRequiredMapsLoad' mktokens
(pc, rc) <- preferredRequiredMapsLoad' id mktokens
let pc' = handleunknown (MatcherDesc "preferred content") pc
let rc' = handleunknown (MatcherDesc "required content") rc
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s
@ -94,12 +94,12 @@ preferredRequiredMapsLoad mktokens = do
handleunknown matcherdesc = M.mapWithKey $ \u v ->
(either (const $ unknownMatcher u) id v, matcherdesc)
preferredRequiredMapsLoad' :: (PreferredContentData -> [ParseToken (MatchFiles Annex)]) -> Annex (M.Map UUID (Either String (Matcher (MatchFiles Annex))), M.Map UUID (Either String (Matcher (MatchFiles Annex))))
preferredRequiredMapsLoad' mktokens = do
preferredRequiredMapsLoad' :: (Matcher (MatchFiles Annex) -> Matcher (MatchFiles Annex)) -> (PreferredContentData -> [ParseToken (MatchFiles Annex)]) -> Annex (M.Map UUID (Either String (Matcher (MatchFiles Annex))), M.Map UUID (Either String (Matcher (MatchFiles Annex))))
preferredRequiredMapsLoad' matcherf mktokens = do
groupmap <- groupMap
configmap <- remoteConfigMap
let genmap l gm =
let mk u = makeMatcher groupmap configmap gm u mktokens
let mk u = makeMatcher groupmap configmap gm u matcherf mktokens
in simpleMap
. parseLogOldWithUUID (\u -> mk u . decodeBS <$> A.takeByteString)
<$> Annex.Branch.get l
@ -123,13 +123,14 @@ makeMatcher
-> M.Map UUID RemoteConfig
-> M.Map Group PreferredContentExpression
-> (Matcher (MatchFiles Annex) -> Matcher (MatchFiles Annex))
-> (PreferredContentData -> [ParseToken (MatchFiles Annex)])
-> PreferredContentExpression
-> Either String (Matcher (MatchFiles Annex))
makeMatcher groupmap configmap groupwantedmap u mktokens = go True True
makeMatcher groupmap configmap groupwantedmap u matcherf mktokens = go True True
go expandstandard expandgroupwanted expr
| null (lefts tokens) = Right $ generate $ rights tokens
| null (lefts tokens) = Right $ matcherf $ generate $ rights tokens
| otherwise = Left $ unwords $ lefts tokens
tokens = preferredContentParser (mktokens pcd) expr
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ module Utility.Matcher (
@ -99,6 +100,28 @@ generate = simplify . process MAny . implicitAnd . tokenGroups
simplify (MNot x) = MNot (simplify x)
simplify x = x
{- Prunes selected ops from the Matcher. -}
pruneMatcher :: (op -> Bool) -> Matcher op -> Matcher op
pruneMatcher f = fst . go
go MAny = (MAny, False)
go (MAnd a b) = case (go a, go b) of
((_, True), (_, True)) -> (MAny, True)
((a', False), (b', False)) -> (MAnd a' b', False)
((_, True), (b', False)) -> (b', False)
((a', False), (_, True)) -> (a', False)
go (MOr a b) = case (go a, go b) of
((_, True), (_, True)) -> (MAny, True)
((a', False), (b', False)) -> (MOr a' b', False)
((_, True), (b', False)) -> (b', False)
((a', False), (_, True)) -> (a', False)
go (MNot a) = case go a of
(_, True) -> (MAny, True)
(a', False) -> (MNot a', False)
go (MOp op)
| f op = (MAny, True)
| otherwise = (MOp op, False)
data TokenGroup op = One (Token op) | Group [TokenGroup op]
deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -74,16 +74,17 @@ Any files that are gitignored will not be included in the import,
but will be left on the remote.
When the special remote has a preferred content expression set by
[[git-annex-wanted]](1), it will be honored when importing from it.
Files that are not preferred content of the remote will not be
[[git-annex-wanted]](1), that is used to pick which files to import from
it. Files that are not preferred content of the remote will not be
imported from it, but will be left on the remote.
However, preferred content expressions that relate to the key
can't be matched when importing, because the content of the file is not
known. Importing will fail when such a preferred content expression is
set. This includes expressions containing "copies=", "metadata=", and other
things that depend on the key. Preferred content expressions containing
"include=", "exclude=" "smallerthan=", "largerthan=" will work.
So for example, a preferred content expression like
`"include=*.jpeg or largerthan=100mb"` will make only jpegs and
large files be imported.
Parts of a preferred content expression that relate to the key,
such as "copies=" are ignored when importing, because the key
is not known before importing.
Things in the expression like "include=" match relative to the top of
the tree of files on the remote, even when importing into a subdirectory.
@ -13,3 +13,5 @@ key evaluate to true. Then it would import all files
turn out that the special remote doesn't want to contain particular content
that was imported from it, and it would make sense that an export to the
special remote would remove those files. --[[Joey]]
> [[done]] --[[Joey]]
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 1"""
Hmm, consider for example a camera. If the user wants to import all jpeg
files from it, and not export to it jpeg files that have a copy in an
archive, they might use:
not copies=archive:1 and include=*.jpeg
But on import, if "copies=archive:1" were made to evaluate to true
as suggested here, then this expression would not match, and so
nothing would be imported.
Seems that the approach needs to be instead to traverse the expression
and prune terms that operate on keys. So convert the example
above to "include=*.jpeg".
How to prune in some other cases:
not (copies=archive:1 and copies=backup:1) => anything
not (copies=archive:1 and include=*.jpeg) => not (include=*.jpeg)
not (copies=archive:1 or include=*.jpeg) => not (include=*.jpeg)
not ((not copies=archive:1) or include=*.jpeg) => not (include=*.jpeg)
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