giveup changed to filter out control characters. (It is too low level to make it use StringContainingQuotedPath.) error still does not, but it should only be used for internal errors, where the message is not attacker-controlled. Changed a lot of existing error to giveup when it is not strictly an internal error. Of course, other exceptions can still be thrown, either by code in git-annex, or a library, that include some attacker-controlled value. This does not guard against those. Sponsored-by: Noam Kremen on Patreon
154 lines
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154 lines
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{- git pkt-line communication format
- As documented in git's Documentation/technical/protocol-common.txt
- Copyright 2021 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Git.PktLine (
) where
import System.IO
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A8
import Text.Printf
import Utility.PartialPrelude
import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
import Utility.Exception
{- This is a variable length binary string, but its size is limited to
- maxPktLineLength. Its serialization includes a 4 byte hexadecimal
- prefix giving its total length, including that prefix. -}
newtype PktLine = PktLine B.ByteString
deriving (Show)
{- Maximum allowed length of the string encoded in PktLine
- is slightly shorter than the absolute maximum possible length.
- Git does not accept anything longer than this. -}
maxPktLineLength :: Int
maxPktLineLength = 65520 - pktLineHeaderLength
pktLineHeaderLength :: Int
pktLineHeaderLength = 4
pktLineToByteString :: PktLine -> B.ByteString
pktLineToByteString (PktLine b) = b
{- When the pkt-line contains non-binary data, its serialization
- may include a terminating newline. This removes that newline, if it was
- present.
- Note that the pkt-line has no defined encoding, and could still
- contain something non-ascii, eg a filename. -}
pktLineToString :: PktLine -> String
pktLineToString (PktLine b) =
let s = decodeBS b
in case lastMaybe s of
Just '\n' -> beginning s
_ -> s
{- Reads the next PktLine from a Handle. Returns Nothing on EOF or when
- there is a protocol error. -}
readPktLine :: Handle -> IO (Maybe PktLine)
readPktLine h = do
lenb <- B.hGet h pktLineHeaderLength
if B.length lenb < pktLineHeaderLength
then return Nothing
else case A8.parseOnly (A8.hexadecimal <* A8.endOfInput) lenb of
Right len -> go (len - pktLineHeaderLength) mempty
_ -> return Nothing
go n b
| n <= 0 = return (Just (PktLine b))
| otherwise = do
b' <- B.hGet h n
if B.length b' == 0
then return Nothing -- EOF
else go (n - B.length b') (b <> b')
{- Encodes the ByteString as a PktLine. But if the ByteString is too
- long to fit in a single PktLine, returns the remainder of it. -}
encodePktLine :: B.ByteString -> (PktLine, Maybe B.ByteString)
encodePktLine b
| B.length b > maxPktLineLength =
let (b', rest) = B.splitAt maxPktLineLength b
in (PktLine b', Just rest)
| otherwise = (PktLine b, Nothing)
{- If the String is too long to fit in a single PktLine,
- will throw an error. -}
stringPktLine :: String -> PktLine
stringPktLine s
| length s > maxPktLineLength =
giveup "textPktLine called with too-long value"
| otherwise = PktLine (encodeBS s <> "\n")
{- Sends a PktLine to a Handle, and flushes it so that it will be
- visible to the Handle's reader. -}
writePktLine :: Handle -> PktLine -> IO ()
writePktLine h (PktLine b)
-- Special case for empty string; avoid encoding as "0004".
| B.null b = do
B.hPut h "0000"
hFlush h
| otherwise = do
hPutStr h $ printf "%04x" (B.length b + pktLineHeaderLength)
B.hPut h b
hFlush h
flushPkt :: PktLine
flushPkt = PktLine mempty
isFlushPkt :: PktLine -> Bool
isFlushPkt (PktLine b) = b == mempty
{- Reads PktLines until a flushPkt (or EOF),
- and returns all except the flushPkt -}
readUntilFlushPkt :: IO [PktLine]
readUntilFlushPkt = go []
go l = readPktLine stdin >>= \case
Just pktline | not (isFlushPkt pktline) -> go (pktline:l)
_ -> return (reverse l)
{- Reads PktLines until at least the specified number of bytes have been
- read, or until a flushPkt (or EOF). Returns Right if it did read a
- flushPkt/EOF, and Left if there is still content leftover that needs to
- be read. -}
readUntilFlushPktOrSize :: Int -> IO (Either [PktLine] [PktLine])
readUntilFlushPktOrSize = go []
go l n = readPktLine stdin >>= \case
Just pktline
| isFlushPkt pktline -> return (Right (reverse l))
| otherwise ->
let len = B.length (pktLineToByteString pktline)
n' = n - len
in if n' <= 0
then return (Left (reverse (pktline:l)))
else go (pktline:l) n'
Nothing -> return (Right (reverse l))
{- Reads PktLines until a flushPkt (or EOF), and throws them away. -}
discardUntilFlushPkt :: IO ()
discardUntilFlushPkt = readPktLine stdin >>= \case
Just pktline | isFlushPkt pktline -> return ()
Nothing -> return ()
_ -> discardUntilFlushPkt