This fixes all instances of " \t" in the code base. Most common case seems to be after a "where" line; probably vim copied the two space layout of that line. Done as a background task while listening to episode 2 of the Type Theory podcast.
148 lines
4.3 KiB
148 lines
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{- querying quvi (import qualified)
- Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- License: BSD-2-clause
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Utility.Quvi where
import Common
import Utility.Url
import Data.Aeson
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 (fromString)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Network.URI (uriAuthority, uriRegName)
import Data.Char
data QuviVersion
= Quvi04
| Quvi09
| NoQuvi
data Page = Page
{ pageTitle :: String
, pageLinks :: [Link]
} deriving (Show)
data Link = Link
{ linkSuffix :: String
, linkUrl :: URLString
} deriving (Show)
{- JSON instances for quvi 0.4. -}
instance FromJSON Page where
parseJSON (Object v) = Page
<$> v .: "page_title"
<*> v .: "link"
parseJSON _ = mzero
instance FromJSON Link where
parseJSON (Object v) = Link
<$> v .: "file_suffix"
<*> v .: "url"
parseJSON _ = mzero
{- "enum" format used by quvi 0.9 -}
parseEnum :: String -> Maybe Page
parseEnum s = Page
<*> ((:[]) <$>
( Link
get = flip M.lookup m
m = M.fromList $ map (separate (== '=')) $ lines s
probeVersion :: IO QuviVersion
probeVersion = examine <$> processTranscript "quvi" ["--version"] Nothing
examine (s, True)
| "quvi v0.4" `isInfixOf` s = Quvi04
| otherwise = Quvi09
examine _ = NoQuvi
type Query a = QuviVersion -> [CommandParam] -> URLString -> IO a
{- Throws an error when quvi is not installed. -}
forceQuery :: Query (Maybe Page)
forceQuery v ps url = query' v ps url `catchNonAsync` onerr
onerr _ = ifM (inPath "quvi")
( error "quvi failed"
, error "quvi is not installed"
{- Returns Nothing if the page is not a video page, or quvi is not
- installed. -}
query :: Query (Maybe Page)
query v ps url = flip catchNonAsync (const $ return Nothing) (query' v ps url)
query' :: Query (Maybe Page)
query' Quvi09 ps url = parseEnum
<$> readProcess "quvi" (toCommand $ [Param "dump", Param "-p", Param "enum"] ++ ps ++ [Param url])
query' Quvi04 ps url = decode . fromString
<$> readProcess "quvi" (toCommand $ ps ++ [Param url])
query' NoQuvi _ _ = return Nothing
queryLinks :: Query [URLString]
queryLinks v ps url = maybe [] (map linkUrl . pageLinks) <$> query v ps url
{- Checks if quvi can still find a download link for an url.
- If quvi is not installed, returns False. -}
check :: Query Bool
check v ps url = maybe False (not . null . pageLinks) <$> query v ps url
{- Checks if an url is supported by quvi, as quickly as possible
- (without hitting it if possible), and without outputting
- anything. Also returns False if quvi is not installed. -}
supported :: QuviVersion -> URLString -> IO Bool
supported NoQuvi _ = return False
supported Quvi04 url = boolSystem "quvi"
[ Params "--verbosity mute --support"
, Param url
{- Use quvi-info to see if the url's domain is supported.
- If so, have to do a online verification of the url. -}
supported Quvi09 url = (firstlevel <&&> secondlevel)
`catchNonAsync` (\_ -> return False)
firstlevel = case uriAuthority =<< parseURIRelaxed url of
Nothing -> return False
Just auth -> do
let domain = map toLower $ uriRegName auth
let basedomain = intercalate "." $ reverse $ take 2 $ reverse $ split "." domain
any (\h -> domain `isSuffixOf` h || basedomain `isSuffixOf` h)
. map (map toLower) <$> listdomains Quvi09
secondlevel = snd <$> processTranscript "quvi"
(toCommand [Param "dump", Param "-o", Param url]) Nothing
listdomains :: QuviVersion -> IO [String]
listdomains Quvi09 = concatMap (split ",")
. concatMap (drop 1 . words)
. filter ("domains: " `isPrefixOf`) . lines
<$> readProcess "quvi"
(toCommand [Param "info", Param "-p", Param "domains"])
listdomains _ = return []
type QuviParam = QuviVersion -> CommandParam
{- Disables progress, but not information output. -}
quiet :: QuviParam
-- Cannot use quiet as it now disables informational output.
-- No way to disable progress.
quiet Quvi09 = Params "--verbosity verbose"
quiet Quvi04 = Params "--verbosity quiet"
quiet NoQuvi = Params ""
{- Only return http results, not streaming protocols. -}
httponly :: QuviParam
-- No way to do it with 0.9?
httponly Quvi04 = Params "-c http"
httponly _ = Params "" -- No way to do it with 0.9?