File matching options like --include will be rejected in situations where there is no filename to match against. (Or where there is a filename but it's not relative to the cwd, or otherwise seemed too bothersome to match against.) The addition of listKeys' was necessary to avoid using more memory in the common case of "git-annex info". Adding a filterM would have caused the list to buffer in memory and not stream. This is an ugly hack, but listKeys had previously run Annex operations inside unafeInterleaveIO (for direct mode). And matching against a matcher should hopefully not change any Annex state. This does allow for eg `git-annex info somefile --include=*.ext` although why someone would want to do that I don't really know. But it seems to make sense to allow it. But, consider: `git-annex info ./somefile --include=somefile` This does not match, so will not display info about somefile. If the user really wants to, they can `--include=./somefile`. Using matching options like --copies or --in=remote seems likely to be slower than git-annex find with those options, because unlike such commands, info does not have optimised streaming through the matcher. Note that `git-annex info remote` is not the same as `git-annex info --in remote`. The former shows info about all files in the remote. The latter shows local keys that are also in that remote. The output should make that clear, but this still seems like a point where users could get confused. Sponsored-by: Jochen Bartl on Patreon
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{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2010-2016 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Command.Unused where
import Command
import Logs.Unused
import Annex.Content
import Logs.Location
import qualified Annex
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Command
import qualified Git.Ref
import qualified Git.Branch
import qualified Git.RefLog
import qualified Git.LsFiles as LsFiles
import qualified Git.DiffTree as DiffTree
import qualified Remote
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Annex.CatFile
import Annex.WorkTree
import Types.RefSpec
import Git.Types
import Git.Sha
import Git.FilePath
import Config
import Logs.View (is_branchView)
import Annex.BloomFilter
import qualified Database.Keys
import Annex.InodeSentinal
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
import Data.Char
cmd :: Command
cmd = command "unused" SectionMaintenance "look for unused file content"
paramNothing (seek <$$> optParser)
data UnusedOptions = UnusedOptions
{ fromRemote :: Maybe RemoteName
, refSpecOption :: Maybe RefSpec
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser UnusedOptions
optParser _ = UnusedOptions
<$> optional (strOption
( long "from" <> short 'f' <> metavar paramRemote
<> help "remote to check for unused content"
<*> optional (option (eitherReader parseRefSpec)
( long "used-refspec" <> metavar paramRefSpec
<> help "refs to consider used (default: all branches)"
seek :: UnusedOptions -> CommandSeek
seek = commandAction . start
start :: UnusedOptions -> CommandStart
start o = do
cfgrefspec <- fromMaybe allRefSpec . annexUsedRefSpec
<$> Annex.getGitConfig
let refspec = fromMaybe cfgrefspec (refSpecOption o)
let (name, perform) = case fromRemote o of
Nothing -> (".", checkUnused refspec)
Just "." -> (".", checkUnused refspec)
Just "here" -> (".", checkUnused refspec)
Just n -> (n, checkRemoteUnused n refspec)
starting "unused" (ActionItemOther (Just name)) (SeekInput []) perform
checkUnused :: RefSpec -> CommandPerform
checkUnused refspec = chain 0
[ check "" unusedMsg $ findunused =<< Annex.getState Annex.fast
, check "bad" staleBadMsg $ staleKeysPrune gitAnnexBadDir False
, check "tmp" staleTmpMsg $ staleKeysPrune gitAnnexTmpObjectDir True
findunused True = do
showNote "fast mode enabled; only finding stale files"
return []
findunused False = do
showAction "checking for unused data"
excludeReferenced refspec =<< listKeys InAnnex
chain _ [] = next $ return True
chain v (a:as) = do
v' <- a v
chain v' as
checkRemoteUnused :: RemoteName -> RefSpec -> CommandPerform
checkRemoteUnused remotename refspec = go =<< Remote.nameToUUID remotename
go u = do
showAction "checking for unused data"
r <- Remote.byUUID u
_ <- check "" (remoteUnusedMsg r remotename) (remoteunused u) 0
next $ return True
remoteunused u = loggedKeysFor u >>= \case
Just ks -> excludeReferenced refspec ks
Nothing -> giveup "This repository is read-only."
check :: FilePath -> ([(Int, Key)] -> String) -> Annex [Key] -> Int -> Annex Int
check file msg a c = do
l <- a
let unusedlist = number c l
unless (null l) $ showLongNote $ msg unusedlist
updateUnusedLog (toRawFilePath file) (M.fromList unusedlist)
return $ c + length l
number :: Int -> [a] -> [(Int, a)]
number _ [] = []
number n (x:xs) = (n+1, x) : number (n+1) xs
table :: [(Int, Key)] -> [String]
table l = " NUMBER KEY" : map cols l
cols (n,k) = " " ++ pad 6 (show n) ++ " " ++ serializeKey k
pad n s = s ++ replicate (n - length s) ' '
staleTmpMsg :: [(Int, Key)] -> String
staleTmpMsg t = unlines $
["Some partially transferred data exists in temporary files:"]
++ table t ++ [dropMsg Nothing]
staleBadMsg :: [(Int, Key)] -> String
staleBadMsg t = unlines $
["Some corrupted files have been preserved by fsck, just in case:"]
++ table t ++ [dropMsg Nothing]
unusedMsg :: [(Int, Key)] -> String
unusedMsg u = unusedMsg' u
["Some annexed data is no longer used by any files:"]
[dropMsg Nothing]
unusedMsg' :: [(Int, Key)] -> [String] -> [String] -> String
unusedMsg' u mheader mtrailer = unlines $
mheader ++
table u ++
["(To see where this data was previously used, run: git annex whereused --historical --unused"] ++
remoteUnusedMsg :: Maybe Remote -> RemoteName -> [(Int, Key)] -> String
remoteUnusedMsg mr remotename u = unusedMsg' u
["Some annexed data on " ++ remotename ++ " is not used by any files:"]
(if isJust mr then [dropMsg (Just remotename)] else [])
dropMsg :: Maybe RemoteName -> String
dropMsg Nothing = dropMsg' ""
dropMsg (Just remotename) = dropMsg' $ " --from " ++ remotename
dropMsg' :: String -> String
dropMsg' s = "\nTo remove unwanted data: git-annex dropunused" ++ s ++ " NUMBER\n"
{- Finds keys in the list that are not referenced in the git repository.
- Strategy:
- Pass keys through these filters in order, only creating each bloom
- filter on demand if the previous one didn't filter out all keys.
- 1. Bloom filter containing all keys referenced by files in the work tree.
- This is the fastest one to build and will filter out most keys.
- 2. Bloom filter containing all keys in the diff from the work tree to
- the index.
- 3. Associated files filter. An unlocked file may have had its content
- added to the annex (by eg, git diff running the smudge filter),
- but the new key is not yet staged in the index. But if so, it will
- have an associated file.
- 4. Bloom filter containing all keys in the diffs between the index and
- branches matching the RefSpec. (This can take quite a while to build).
excludeReferenced :: RefSpec -> [Key] -> Annex [Key]
excludeReferenced refspec ks = runbloomfilter withKeysReferencedM ks
>>= runbloomfilter withKeysReferencedDiffIndex
>>= runfilter associatedFilesFilter
>>= runbloomfilter (withKeysReferencedDiffGitRefs refspec)
runfilter _ [] = return [] -- optimisation
runfilter a l = a l
runbloomfilter a = runfilter $ \l -> bloomFilter l <$> genBloomFilter a
{- Given an initial value, accumulates the value over each key
- referenced by files in the working tree. -}
withKeysReferenced :: v -> (Key -> RawFilePath -> v -> Annex v) -> Annex v
withKeysReferenced initial = withKeysReferenced' Nothing initial
{- Runs an action on each referenced key in the working tree. -}
withKeysReferencedM :: (Key -> Annex ()) -> Annex ()
withKeysReferencedM a = withKeysReferenced' Nothing () calla
calla k _ _ = a k
{- Folds an action over keys and files referenced in a particular directory. -}
withKeysFilesReferencedIn :: FilePath -> v -> (Key -> RawFilePath -> v -> Annex v) -> Annex v
withKeysFilesReferencedIn = withKeysReferenced' . Just
withKeysReferenced' :: Maybe FilePath -> v -> (Key -> RawFilePath -> v -> Annex v) -> Annex v
withKeysReferenced' mdir initial a = do
(files, clean) <- getfiles
r <- go initial files
liftIO $ void clean
return r
getfiles = case mdir of
Nothing -> ifM isBareRepo
( return ([], return True)
, do
top <- fromRepo Git.repoPath
inRepo $ LsFiles.allFiles [] [top]
Just dir -> inRepo $ LsFiles.inRepo [] [toRawFilePath dir]
go v [] = return v
go v (f:fs) = do
mk <- lookupKey f
case mk of
Nothing -> go v fs
Just k -> do
!v' <- a k f v
go v' fs
withKeysReferencedDiffGitRefs :: RefSpec -> (Key -> Annex ()) -> Annex ()
withKeysReferencedDiffGitRefs refspec a = do
rs <- relevantrefs <$> inRepo (Git.Command.pipeReadStrict [Param "show-ref"])
shaHead <- maybe (return Nothing) (inRepo . Git.Ref.sha)
=<< inRepo Git.Branch.currentUnsafe
let haveHead = any (\(shaRef, _) -> Just shaRef == shaHead) rs
let rs' = map snd (nubRefs rs)
usedrefs <- applyRefSpec refspec rs' (getreflog rs')
forM_ (if haveHead then usedrefs else Git.Ref.headRef : usedrefs) $
withKeysReferencedDiffGitRef a
relevantrefs = map (\(r, h) -> (Git.Ref r, Git.Ref h)) .
filter ourbranches .
map (separate' (== (fromIntegral (ord ' ')))) .
nubRefs = nubBy (\(x, _) (y, _) -> x == y)
ourbranchend = S.cons (fromIntegral (ord '/')) (Git.fromRef' Annex.Branch.name)
ourbranches (_, b) = not (ourbranchend `S.isSuffixOf` b)
&& not ("refs/synced/" `S.isPrefixOf` b)
&& not ("refs/annex/" `S.isPrefixOf` b)
&& not (is_branchView (Git.Ref b))
getreflog rs = inRepo $ Git.RefLog.getMulti rs
{- Runs an action on keys referenced in the given Git reference which
- differ from those referenced in the index. -}
withKeysReferencedDiffGitRef :: (Key -> Annex ()) -> Git.Ref -> Annex ()
withKeysReferencedDiffGitRef a ref = do
showAction $ "checking " ++ Git.Ref.describe ref
withKeysReferencedDiff a
(inRepo $ DiffTree.diffIndex ref)
{- Runs an action on keys referenced in the index which differ from the
- work tree. -}
withKeysReferencedDiffIndex :: (Key -> Annex ()) -> Annex ()
withKeysReferencedDiffIndex a = unlessM (isBareRepo) $
withKeysReferencedDiff a
(inRepo $ DiffTree.diffFiles [])
withKeysReferencedDiff :: (Key -> Annex ()) -> (Annex ([DiffTree.DiffTreeItem], IO Bool)) -> (DiffTree.DiffTreeItem -> Sha) -> Annex ()
withKeysReferencedDiff a getdiff extractsha = do
(ds, clean) <- getdiff
forM_ ds go
liftIO $ void clean
go d = do
let sha = extractsha d
unless (sha `elem` nullShas) $
catKey sha >>= maybe noop a
{- Filters out keys that have an associated file that's not modified. -}
associatedFilesFilter :: [Key] -> Annex [Key]
associatedFilesFilter = filterM go
go k = do
cs <- Database.Keys.getInodeCaches k
if null cs
then return True
else checkunmodified cs
=<< Database.Keys.getAssociatedFiles k
checkunmodified _ [] = return True
checkunmodified cs (f:fs) = do
relf <- fromRepo $ fromTopFilePath f
ifM (sameInodeCache relf cs)
( return False
, checkunmodified cs fs
data UnusedMaps = UnusedMaps
{ unusedMap :: UnusedMap
, unusedBadMap :: UnusedMap
, unusedTmpMap :: UnusedMap
withUnusedMaps :: (UnusedMaps -> Int -> CommandStart) -> CmdParams -> CommandSeek
withUnusedMaps a params = do
unused <- readUnusedMap ""
unusedbad <- readUnusedMap "bad"
unusedtmp <- readUnusedMap "tmp"
let m = unused `M.union` unusedbad `M.union` unusedtmp
let unusedmaps = UnusedMaps unused unusedbad unusedtmp
commandActions $ map (a unusedmaps) $ concatMap (unusedSpec m) params
unusedSpec :: UnusedMap -> String -> [Int]
unusedSpec m spec
| spec == "all" = if M.null m
then []
else [fst (M.findMin m)..fst (M.findMax m)]
| "-" `isInfixOf` spec = range $ separate (== '-') spec
| otherwise = maybe badspec (: []) (readish spec)
range (a, b) = case (readish a, readish b) of
(Just x, Just y) -> [x..y]
_ -> badspec
badspec = giveup $ "Expected number or range, not \"" ++ spec ++ "\""
{- Seek action for unused content. Finds the number in the maps, and
- calls one of 3 actions, depending on the type of unused file. -}
startUnused :: String
-> (Key -> CommandPerform)
-> (Key -> CommandPerform)
-> (Key -> CommandPerform)
-> UnusedMaps -> Int -> CommandStart
startUnused message unused badunused tmpunused maps n = search
[ (unusedMap maps, unused)
, (unusedBadMap maps, badunused)
, (unusedTmpMap maps, tmpunused)
search [] = giveup $ show n ++ " not valid (run git annex unused for list)"
search ((m, a):rest) =
case M.lookup n m of
Nothing -> search rest
Just key -> starting message
(ActionItemOther $ Just $ show n)
(SeekInput [])
(a key)