info: Allow using matching options in more situations
File matching options like --include will be rejected in situations where there is no filename to match against. (Or where there is a filename but it's not relative to the cwd, or otherwise seemed too bothersome to match against.) The addition of listKeys' was necessary to avoid using more memory in the common case of "git-annex info". Adding a filterM would have caused the list to buffer in memory and not stream. This is an ugly hack, but listKeys had previously run Annex operations inside unafeInterleaveIO (for direct mode). And matching against a matcher should hopefully not change any Annex state. This does allow for eg `git-annex info somefile --include=*.ext` although why someone would want to do that I don't really know. But it seems to make sense to allow it. But, consider: `git-annex info ./somefile --include=somefile` This does not match, so will not display info about somefile. If the user really wants to, they can `--include=./somefile`. Using matching options like --copies or --in=remote seems likely to be slower than git-annex find with those options, because unlike such commands, info does not have optimised streaming through the matcher. Note that `git-annex info remote` is not the same as `git-annex info --in remote`. The former shows info about all files in the remote. The latter shows local keys that are also in that remote. The output should make that clear, but this still seems like a point where users could get confused. Sponsored-by: Jochen Bartl on Patreon
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 97 additions and 58 deletions
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ module Annex.Content (
@ -653,22 +654,26 @@ data KeyLocation = InAnnex | InAnywhere
- .git/annex/objects, whether or not the content is present.
listKeys :: KeyLocation -> Annex [Key]
listKeys keyloc = do
listKeys keyloc = listKeys' keyloc (const (pure True))
{- Due to use of unsafeInterleaveIO, the passed filter action
- will be run in a copy of the Annex state, so any changes it
- makes to the state will not be preserved. -}
listKeys' :: KeyLocation -> (Key -> Annex Bool) -> Annex [Key]
listKeys' keyloc want = do
dir <- fromRepo gitAnnexObjectDir
{- In order to run Annex monad actions within unsafeInterleaveIO,
- the current state is taken and reused. No changes made to this
- state will be preserved.
s <- Annex.getState id
r <- Annex.getRead id
depth <- gitAnnexLocationDepth <$> Annex.getGitConfig
liftIO $ walk s depth (fromRawFilePath dir)
liftIO $ walk (s, r) depth (fromRawFilePath dir)
walk s depth dir = do
contents <- catchDefaultIO [] (dirContents dir)
if depth < 2
then do
contents' <- filterM (present s) contents
let keys = mapMaybe (fileKey . P.takeFileName . toRawFilePath) contents'
contents' <- filterM present contents
keys <- filterM (Annex.eval s . want) $
mapMaybe (fileKey . P.takeFileName . toRawFilePath) contents'
continue keys []
else do
let deeper = walk s (depth - 1)
@ -683,8 +688,8 @@ listKeys keyloc = do
InAnywhere -> True
_ -> False
present _ _ | inanywhere = pure True
present _ d = presentInAnnex d
present _ | inanywhere = pure True
present d = presentInAnnex d
presentInAnnex = doesFileExist . contentfile
contentfile d = d </> takeFileName d
@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ git-annex (10.20220128) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
to be more like other batch commands.
* registerurl, unregisterurl: Added --json and --json-error-messages options.
* Avoid git status taking a long time after git-annex unlock of many files.
* info: Allow using matching options in more situations. File matching
options like --include will be rejected in situations where there is
no filename to match against.
-- Joey Hess <> Mon, 31 Jan 2022 13:14:42 -0400
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2011-2021 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2011-2022 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
@ -132,7 +132,6 @@ start o ps = do
globalInfo :: InfoOptions -> Annex ()
globalInfo o = do
u <- getUUID
whenM ((==) DeadTrusted <$> lookupTrust u) $
earlyWarning "Warning: This repository is currently marked as dead."
@ -145,7 +144,6 @@ itemInfo :: InfoOptions -> (SeekInput, String) -> Annex ()
itemInfo o (si, p) = ifM (isdir p)
( dirInfo o p si
, do
v <- Remote.byName' p
case v of
Right r -> remoteInfo o r si
@ -168,10 +166,6 @@ noInfo s si = do
showNote $ "not a directory or an annexed file or a treeish or a remote or a uuid"
disallowMatchingOptions :: Annex ()
disallowMatchingOptions = whenM $
giveup "File matching options can only be used when getting info on a directory."
dirInfo :: InfoOptions -> FilePath -> SeekInput -> Annex ()
dirInfo o dir si = showCustom (unwords ["info", dir]) si $ do
stats <- selStats
@ -197,9 +191,13 @@ treeishInfo o t si = do
tostats = map (\s -> s t)
fileInfo :: InfoOptions -> FilePath -> SeekInput -> Key -> Annex ()
fileInfo o file si k = showCustom (unwords ["info", file]) si $ do
evalStateT (mapM_ showStat (file_stats file k)) (emptyStatInfo o)
return True
fileInfo o file si k = do
matcher <- Limit.getMatcher
let file' = toRawFilePath file
whenM (matcher $ MatchingFile $ FileInfo file' file' (Just k)) $
showCustom (unwords ["info", file]) si $ do
evalStateT (mapM_ showStat (file_stats file k)) (emptyStatInfo o)
return True
remoteInfo :: InfoOptions -> Remote -> SeekInput -> Annex ()
remoteInfo o r si = showCustom (unwords ["info", r]) si $ do
@ -404,7 +402,7 @@ bad_data_size :: Stat
bad_data_size = staleSize "bad keys size" gitAnnexBadDir
key_size :: Key -> Stat
key_size k = simpleStat "size" $ showSizeKeys $ foldKeys [k]
key_size k = simpleStat "size" $ showSizeKeys $ addKey k emptyKeyInfo
key_name :: Key -> Stat
key_name k = simpleStat "key" $ pure $ serializeKey k
@ -525,7 +523,9 @@ cachedPresentData = do
case presentData s of
Just v -> return v
Nothing -> do
v <- foldKeys <$> lift (listKeys InAnnex)
matcher <- lift getKeyOnlyMatcher
v <- foldl' (flip addKey) emptyKeyInfo
<$> lift (listKeys' InAnnex (matchOnKey matcher))
put s { presentData = Just v }
return v
@ -535,9 +535,13 @@ cachedRemoteData u = do
case M.lookup u (repoData s) of
Just v -> return (Right v)
Nothing -> do
matcher <- lift getKeyOnlyMatcher
let combinedata d uk = finishCheck uk >>= \case
Nothing -> return d
Just k -> return $ addKey k d
Just k -> ifM (matchOnKey matcher k)
( return (addKey k d)
, return d
lift (loggedKeysFor' u) >>= \case
Just (ks, cleanup) -> do
v <- lift $ foldM combinedata emptyKeyInfo ks
@ -552,8 +556,13 @@ cachedReferencedData = do
case referencedData s of
Just v -> return v
Nothing -> do
matcher <- lift getKeyOnlyMatcher
let combinedata k _f d = ifM (matchOnKey matcher k)
( return (addKey k d)
, return d
!v <- lift $ Command.Unused.withKeysReferenced
emptyKeyInfo addKey
emptyKeyInfo combinedata
put s { referencedData = Just v }
return v
@ -596,11 +605,16 @@ getDirStatInfo o dir = do
getTreeStatInfo :: InfoOptions -> Git.Ref -> Annex (Maybe StatInfo)
getTreeStatInfo o r = do
fast <- Annex.getState
-- git lstree filenames start with a leading "./" that prevents
-- matching, and also things like --include are supposed to
-- match relative to the current directory, which does not make
-- sense when matching against files in some arbitrary tree.
matcher <- getKeyOnlyMatcher
(ls, cleanup) <- inRepo $ LsTree.lsTree
(LsTree.LsTreeLong False)
(presentdata, referenceddata, repodata) <- go fast ls initial
(presentdata, referenceddata, repodata) <- go fast matcher ls initial
ifM (liftIO cleanup)
( return $ Just $
StatInfo (Just presentdata) (Just referenceddata) repodata Nothing o
@ -608,23 +622,25 @@ getTreeStatInfo o r = do
initial = (emptyKeyInfo, emptyKeyInfo, M.empty)
go _ [] vs = return vs
go fast (l:ls) vs@(presentdata, referenceddata, repodata) = do
mk <- catKey (LsTree.sha l)
case mk of
Nothing -> go fast ls vs
Just key -> do
!presentdata' <- ifM (inAnnex key)
( return $ addKey key presentdata
, return presentdata
let !referenceddata' = addKey key referenceddata
!repodata' <- if fast
then return repodata
else do
locs <- Remote.keyLocations key
return (updateRepoData key locs repodata)
go fast ls $! (presentdata', referenceddata', repodata')
go _ _ [] vs = return vs
go fast matcher (l:ls) vs@(presentdata, referenceddata, repodata) =
catKey (LsTree.sha l) >>= \case
Nothing -> go fast matcher ls vs
Just key -> ifM (matchOnKey matcher key)
( do
!presentdata' <- ifM (inAnnex key)
( return $ addKey key presentdata
, return presentdata
let !referenceddata' = addKey key referenceddata
!repodata' <- if fast
then return repodata
else do
locs <- Remote.keyLocations key
return (updateRepoData key locs repodata)
go fast matcher ls $! (presentdata', referenceddata', repodata')
, go fast matcher ls vs
emptyKeyInfo :: KeyInfo
emptyKeyInfo = KeyInfo 0 0 0 M.empty
@ -632,9 +648,6 @@ emptyKeyInfo = KeyInfo 0 0 0 M.empty
emptyNumCopiesStats :: NumCopiesStats
emptyNumCopiesStats = NumCopiesStats M.empty
foldKeys :: [Key] -> KeyInfo
foldKeys = foldl' (flip addKey) emptyKeyInfo
addKey :: Key -> KeyInfo -> KeyInfo
addKey key (KeyInfo count size unknownsize backends) =
KeyInfo count' size' unknownsize' backends'
@ -700,3 +713,20 @@ mkSizer = ifM (bytesOption . infoOptions <$> get)
( return (const $ const show)
, return roughSize
getKeyOnlyMatcher :: Annex (MatchInfo -> Annex Bool)
getKeyOnlyMatcher = do
whenM (Limit.introspect matchNeedsFileName) $ do
warning "File matching options cannot be applied when getting this info."
giveup "Unable to continue."
matchOnKey :: (MatchInfo -> Annex Bool) -> Key -> Annex Bool
matchOnKey matcher k = matcher $ MatchingInfo $ ProvidedInfo
{ providedFilePath = Nothing
, providedKey = Just k
, providedFileSize = Nothing
, providedMimeType = Nothing
, providedMimeEncoding = Nothing
, providedLinkType = Nothing
@ -183,12 +183,10 @@ excludeReferenced refspec ks = runbloomfilter withKeysReferencedM ks
runfilter a l = a l
runbloomfilter a = runfilter $ \l -> bloomFilter l <$> genBloomFilter a
{- Given an initial value, folds it with each key referenced by
- files in the working tree. -}
withKeysReferenced :: v -> (Key -> v -> v) -> Annex v
withKeysReferenced initial a = withKeysReferenced' Nothing initial folda
folda k _ v = return $ a k v
{- Given an initial value, accumulates the value over each key
- referenced by files in the working tree. -}
withKeysReferenced :: v -> (Key -> RawFilePath -> v -> Annex v) -> Annex v
withKeysReferenced initial = withKeysReferenced' Nothing initial
{- Runs an action on each referenced key in the working tree. -}
withKeysReferencedM :: (Key -> Annex ()) -> Annex ()
@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ git annex info `[directory|file|treeish|remote|description|uuid ...]`
Displays statistics and other information for the specified item,
which can be a directory, or a file, or a treeish, or a remote,
or the description or uuid of a repository.
When no item is specified, displays statistics and information
for the local repository and all known annexed files.
for the local repository and all annexed content.
@ -45,11 +45,10 @@ for the local repository and all known annexed files.
Makes the `--batch` input be delimited by nulls instead of the usual
* file matching options
* matching options
When a directory is specified, the [[git-annex-matching-options]](1)
can be used to select the files in the directory that are included
in the statistics.
The [[git-annex-matching-options]](1) can be used to select what
to include in the statistics.
* Also the [[git-annex-common-options]](1) can be used.
@ -9,3 +9,5 @@ git-annex: File matching options can only be used when getting info on a directo
There should be a way to use `info` to query aggregate information properties of all keys instead of directories.
I have used `git annex info .` in the repos I used up until now because every key was in the tree. Though I also have a feeling that operating on all keys could be significantly faster than filtering them to match some directory.
> [[done]] --[[Joey]]
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ where used, but now `matchNeedsFileName` is available and it could only
reject those.
So this can be implemented by making cachedPresentData
and cachedRemoteData get the matcher, check if it's
and cachedRemoteData (etc) get the matcher, check if it's
the right kind and apply it to the keys.
Add table
Reference in a new issue