This allows eg, putting .git/annex/tmp on a ram disk, if the disk IO
of temp object files is too annoying (and if you don't want to keep
partially transferred objects across reboots).
.git/annex/misctmp must be on the same filesystem as the git work tree,
since files are moved to there in a way that will not work cross-device,
as well as symlinked into there.
I first wanted to put the tmp objects in .git/annex/objects/tmp, but
that would pose transition problems on upgrade when partially transferred
objects existed.
git annex info does not currently show the size of .git/annex/misctemp,
since it should stay small. It would also be ok to make something clean it
out, periodically.
Performance impact: When adding a large tree of new files, this needs
to do some git cat-file queries to check if any of the files already
existed and might need a metadata copy. I tried a benchmark in a copy
of my sound repository (so there was already a significant git tree
to check against.
Adding 10000 small files, with a cold cache:
before: 1m48.539s
after: 1m52.791s
So, impact is 0.0004 seconds per file added. Which seems acceptable, so did
not add some kind of configuration to enable/disable this.
This commit was sponsored by Lisa Feilen.
When constructing views, metadata is available about the location of the
file in the view's reference branch. Allows incorporating parts of the
directory hierarchy in a view.
For example `git annex view tag=* podcasts/=*` makes a view in the form
Performance impact: I benchmarked git annex view tag=* in the conference
proceedings repo to take 6.459s before this change, and 6.544s after.
FWIW, I considered making the syntax for this be podcasts/*, which might
be easier for the user to learn. However, I think it's not as good:
* The user has to then juggle two different syntaxes, and podcasts/* will
be expanded by the shell so they also need to quote it, while podcasts/=*
is unlikely to be expanded by the shell.
* It would allow for things like podcasts/*/* and *.mp3 which do not
map well into views.
This commit was sponsored by Aurélien Pinceaux.
While writing this documentation, I realized that there needed to be a way
to stay in a view like tag=* while adding a filter like tag=work that
applies to the same field.
So, there are really two ways a view can be refined. It can have a new
"field=explicitvalue" filter added to it, which does not change the
"shape" of the view, but narrows the files it shows.
Or, it can have a new view added, which adds another level of
So, added a vfilter command, which takes explicit values to add to the
filter, and rejects changes that would change the shape of the view.
And, made vadd only accept changes that change the shape of the view.
And, changed the View data type slightly; now components that can match
multiple metadata values can be visible, or not visible.
This commit was sponsored by Stelian Iancu.
So the user can now switch to a view and then move files around within it
to manage metadata. For example, moving a file into a new directory
when in the tags=* view adds a tag to it.
Implementation is fairly efficient. One diff-index, which is no more
expensive than the first stage of a git commit, followed by possibly
some cat-file --batch traffic to find the key (when deleting a file).
Very similar to what's done in direct mode when committing. And like
direct mode when updating the WC after a merge, it has to buffer the
diff-tree values in order to make 2 passes over them.
When not in a view, pre-commit now does one extra git symbolic-ref,
which is tiny overhead.
This commit was sponsored by Andrew Eskridge.
I was careful to write the code so its clear how laziness memoizes it,
although it's likely that much less explicit currying would have had
the same effect. Verified that the memoization works using a Debug.Trace.
Removed instance, got it all to build using fromRef. (With a few things
that really need to show something using a ref for debugging stubbed out.)
Then added back Read instance, and made Logs.View use it for serialization.
This changes the view log format.
(And a vpop command, which is still a bit buggy.)
Still need to do vadd and vrm, though this also adds their documentation.
Currently not very happy with the view log data serialization. I had to
lose the TDFA regexps temporarily, so I can have Read/Show instances of
View. I expect the view log format will change in some incompatable way
later, probably adding last known refs for the parent branch to View
or something like that.
Anyway, it basically works, although it's a bit slow looking up the
metadata. The actual git branch construction is about as fast as it can be
using the current git plumbing.
This commit was sponsored by Peter Hogg.
Promosing work toward metadata driven filter branches. A few methods
to construct them are stubbed out; all the data types and pure code
seems good.
This commit was sponsored by Walter Somerville.
Adds metadata log, and command.
Note that unsetting field values seems to currently be broken.
And in general this has had all of 2 minutes worth of testing.
This commit was sponsored by Julien Lefrique.
ef24751922 described a bug moving between
remotes in direct mode; I can no longer reproduce it with this strange
workaround removed. Also test suite still passes. Hope the broken code just
got fixed in the meantime.
Potentially fixes some FD leak if an action on an opened file handle fails
for some reason. There have been some hard to reproduce reports of
git-annex leaking FDs, and this may solve them.
Seems that locking of annexed objects when they're being dropped was broken
in direct mode:
* When taking the lock before dropping, it created the .git/annex/objects
file, as an empty file. It seems that the dropping code deleted that,
but that is not right, and for all I know could in some situation cause
a corrupted object to leak out.
* When the lock was checked, it actually tried to open each direct mode
file, and checked if it was locked. Not the same lock used above, and
could also fail if some consumer of the file locked it.
Fixed this, and added windows support by switching direct mode to lock a
.lck file.
Several places assumed this would not happen, and when the AssociatedFile
was Nothing, did nothing.
As part of this, preferred content checks pass the Key around.
Note that checkMatcher is sometimes now called with Just Key and Just File.
It currently constructs a FileMatcher, ignoring the Key. However, if it
constructed a FileKeyMatcher, which contained both, then it might be
possible to speed up parts of Limit, which currently call the somewhat
expensive lookupFileKey to get the Key.
I have not made this optimisation yet, because I am not sure if the key is
always the same. Will need some significant checking to satisfy myself
that's the case..
Checking .gitattributes adds a full minute to a git annex find looking for
files that don't have enough copies. 2:25 increasts to 3:27. I feel this is
too much of a slowdown to justify making it the default. So, exposed two
versions of the preferred content expression, a slow one and a fast but
approximate one.
I'm using the approximate one in the default preferred content expressions
to avoid slowing down the assistant.