better data types
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 33 additions and 24 deletions
@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ data ViewChange = Unchanged | Narrowing | Widening
refineView :: View -> MetaField -> String -> (View, ViewChange)
refineView view field wanted
| field `elem` (map fst view) =
| field `elem` (map viewField view) =
let (view', viewchanges) = runWriter $ mapM updatefield view
in (view', maximum viewchanges)
| otherwise = ((field, viewfilter) : view, Narrowing)
| otherwise = (ViewComponent field viewfilter : view, Narrowing)
| any (`elem` wanted) "*?" =
@ -61,12 +61,12 @@ refineView view field wanted
FilterGlob (Glob wanted)
| otherwise = FilterValues $ S.singleton $ toMetaValue wanted
updatefield :: (MetaField, ViewFilter) -> Writer [ViewChange] (MetaField, ViewFilter)
updatefield v@(f, vf)
| f == field = do
let (newvf, viewchange) = combineViewFilter vf viewfilter
updatefield :: ViewComponent -> Writer [ViewChange] ViewComponent
updatefield v
| viewField v == field = do
let (newvf, viewchange) = combineViewFilter (viewFilter v) viewfilter
tell [viewchange]
return (f, newvf)
return $ v { viewFilter = newvf }
| otherwise = return v
{- Combine old and new ViewFilters, yielding a results that matches
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ combineViewFilter old@(FilterValues olds) (FilterValues news)
| otherwise = (combined, Widening)
combined = FilterValues (S.union olds news)
combineViewFilter (FilterValues old) newglob@(FilterGlob _) =
combineViewFilter (FilterValues _) newglob@(FilterGlob _) =
(newglob, Widening)
combineViewFilter (FilterGlob oldglob) new@(FilterValues s)
| all (matchGlob oldglob . fromMetaValue) (S.toList s) = (new, Narrowing)
@ -113,14 +113,14 @@ multiValue (FilterGlob _) = True
- through 5+ levels of subdirectories to find anything?
viewTooLarge :: View -> Bool
viewTooLarge view = length (filter (multiValue . snd) view) > 5
viewTooLarge view = length (filter (multiValue . viewFilter) view) > 5
{- Checks if metadata matches a filter, and if so returns the value,
- or values that match. -}
matchFilter :: MetaData -> MetaField -> ViewFilter -> Maybe [MetaValue]
matchFilter metadata metafield (FilterValues s) = nonEmptyList $
matchFilter :: MetaData -> ViewComponent -> Maybe [MetaValue]
matchFilter metadata (ViewComponent metafield (FilterValues s)) = nonEmptyList $
S.intersection s (currentMetaDataValues metafield metadata)
matchFilter metadata metafield (FilterGlob glob) = nonEmptyList $
matchFilter metadata (ViewComponent metafield (FilterGlob glob)) = nonEmptyList $
S.filter (matchGlob glob . fromMetaValue) (currentMetaDataValues metafield metadata)
nonEmptyList :: S.Set a -> Maybe [a]
@ -170,11 +170,11 @@ fileViews view mkfileview file metadata
map (map toViewPath) (visible matches)
matches :: [Maybe [MetaValue]]
matches = map (uncurry $ matchFilter metadata) view
matches = map (matchFilter metadata) view
visible :: [Maybe [MetaValue]] -> [[MetaValue]]
visible = map (fromJust . snd) .
filter (multiValue . fst) .
zip (map snd view)
zip (map viewFilter view)
toViewPath :: MetaValue -> FilePath
toViewPath = concatMap escapeslash . fromMetaValue
@ -218,8 +218,8 @@ pathProduct (l:ls) = foldl combinel l ls
fromView :: View -> FileView -> MetaData
fromView view f = foldr (uncurry updateMetaData) newMetaData (zip fields values)
visible = filter (multiValue . snd) view
fields = map fst visible
visible = filter (multiValue . viewFilter) view
fields = map viewField visible
paths = splitDirectories $ dropFileName f
values = map fromViewPath paths
@ -231,9 +231,9 @@ prop_view_roundtrips :: FilePath -> MetaData -> Bool
prop_view_roundtrips f metadata = null f || viewTooLarge view ||
all hasfields (fileViews view fileViewFromReference f metadata)
view = map (\(mf, mv) -> (mf, FilterValues $ S.filter (not . null . fromMetaValue) mv))
view = map (\(mf, mv) -> ViewComponent mf (FilterValues $ S.filter (not . null . fromMetaValue) mv))
(fromMetaData metadata)
visiblefields = sort (map fst $ filter (multiValue . snd) view)
visiblefields = sort (map viewField $ filter (multiValue . viewFilter) view)
hasfields fv = sort (map fst (fromMetaData (fromView view fv))) == visiblefields
{- Generates a git branch name for a View.
@ -246,11 +246,11 @@ branchView view
| null name = Git.Ref "refs/views"
| otherwise = Git.Ref $ "refs/views/" ++ name
name = intercalate "/" $ map branchbit view
branchbit b@(_metafield, viewfilter)
| multiValue viewfilter = branchbit' b
| otherwise = "(" ++ branchbit' b ++ ")"
branchbit' (metafield, viewfilter)
name = intercalate "/" $ map branchcomp view
branchcomp c
| multiValue (viewFilter c) = branchcomp' c
| otherwise = "(" ++ branchcomp' c ++ ")"
branchcomp' (ViewComponent metafield viewfilter)
| metafield == tagMetaField = branchvals viewfilter
| otherwise = concat
[ forcelegal (fromMetaField metafield)
@ -21,7 +21,16 @@ import Text.Regex.TDFA
{- A view is a list of fields with filters on their allowed values. -}
type View = [(MetaField, ViewFilter)]
type View = [ViewComponent]
data ViewComponent = ViewComponent
{ viewField :: MetaField
, viewFilter :: ViewFilter
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Arbitrary ViewComponent where
arbitrary = ViewComponent <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
{- Only files with metadata matching the view are displayed. -}
type FileView = FilePath
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