Straightforward, except for the issue of how to reverse LockAdjustment.
With --unlock, a commit that modifies/adds unlocked files gets reverse
adjusted to use locked files. That's fairly reasonable, I think.
But reversing --lock by unlocking all modified files feels wrong. Maybe
that's just because repositories typically seem to still have mostly
locked files in them (unless one is in an adjusted unlocked branch of
It may be that eventually how to reverse both will need to be configurable,
I don't know.
Can be set to false to prevent any automatic repository upgrades.
Also, removed direct mode specific upgrade code in Annex.Init, and made
needsUpgrade always include the name/path of the repo, so if
there's a problem it's clear what repo has the problem.
And, made needsUpgrade catch any exceptions that might occur during the
upgrade, so it can display a more useful error message than just the
Prompted by the test suite on windows failing to with "export foo failed"
and no information about what went wrong.
Note that only storeExportWithContentIdentifier has been converted.
storeExport still returns a Bool and so exceptions may be hidden.
However, storeExportWithContentIdentifier has many more failure modes,
since it needs to avoid overwriting modified files. So it's more
important it have better error display.
This is a special remote and a git remote at the same time; git can pull
and push to it and git-annex can use it as a special remote.
Remote.Git has to check if it's configured as a git-lfs special remote
and sets it up as one if so.
Object methods not implemented yet.
using a blake2 variant optimised for 4-way CPUs
This had been deferred because the Debian package of cryptonite, and
possibly other builds, was broken for blake2bp, but I've confirmed #892855
is fixed.
This commit was sponsored by Brett Eisenberg on Patreon.
Drop support for building with ghc older than 8.4.4, and with older
versions of serveral haskell libraries than will be included in Debian 10.
The only remaining version ifdefs in the entire code base are now a couple
for aws!
This commit should only be merged after the Debian 10 release.
And perhaps it will need to wait longer than that; it would make
backporting new versions of git-annex to Debian 9 (stretch) which
has been actively happening as recently as this year.
This commit was sponsored by Ilya Shlyakhter.
No behavior changes, but this shows everywhere that a progress meter
could be displayed when hashing a file to add to the annex.
Many of the places don't make sense to display a progress meter though,
eg when importing the copy of the file probably swamps the hashing of
the file.
When all worker threads are running and enteringStage is called,
it waits for an idle slot. If all off the other threads then call it in
turn, a deadlock occurrs.
This is the same problem I didn't actually fix in
Fixed by doing two separate STM transactions, the first replaces its
active thread with an idle thread, and the second waits for another idle
thread. That guarantees there will eventually be an idle thread to find.
The changes to WorkerPool were necessary because it can't add an idle
thread containing the Annex state and go on to run an action using that
same state, so I had to remove the Annex state from IdleWorker.
Rather than limiting it to PerformStage and CleanupStage, this opens it
up so any number of stages can be added as needed by commands.
Each concurrent command has a set of stages that it uses, and only
transitions between those can block waiting for a free slot in the
worker pool. Calling enteringStage for some other stage does not block,
and has very little overhead.
Note that while before the Annex state was duplicated on the first call
to commandAction, this now happens earlier, in startConcurrency.
That means that seek stage actions should that use startConcurrency
and then modify Annex state won't modify the state of worker threads
they then start. I audited all of them, and only Command.Seek
did so; prepMerge changes the working directory and so has to come
before startConcurrency.
Also, the remote list is built before duplicating the state, which means
that it gets built earlier now than it used to. This would only have an
effect of making commands that end up not needing to perform any actions
unncessary build the remote list (only when they're run with concurrency
enable), but that's a minor overhead compared to commands seeking
through the work tree and determining they don't need to do anything.
get, move, copy, sync: When -J or has enabled concurrency,
checksum verification uses a separate job pool than is used for
downloads, to keep bandwidth saturated.
Not yet done for upload checksum verification, but that only affects
remotes on local disks.
Fixes the last wart in the StartMessage transition. A few commands
include other CommandStart actions that generate output, and
do not themselves need to display a start/end message.
Oh joyous day, this is probably git-annex's oldest implementation wart,
source of much unncessary bother.
Now that we have a StartMessage, showEndResult' can look at it to know
if it needs to display an end message or not.
This is also going to be faster, because it avoids an uncessary state
lookup for each file processed.
The hoped for optimisation of CommandStart with -J did not materialize.
In fact, not runnign CommandStart in parallel is slower than -J3.
So, CommandStart are still run in parallel.
(The actual bad performance I've been seeing with -J in my big repo
has to do with building the remoteList.)
But, this is still progress toward making -J faster, because it gets rid
of the onlyActionOn roadblock in the way of making CommandCleanup jobs
run separate from CommandPerform jobs.
Added OnlyActionOn constructor for ActionItem which fixes the
onlyActionOn breakage in the last commit.
Made CustomOutput include an ActionItem, so even things using it can
specify OnlyActionOn.
In Command.Move and Command.Sync, there were CommandStarts that used
includeCommandAction, so output messages, which is no longer allowed.
Fixed by using startingCustomOutput, but that's still not quite right,
since it prevents message display for the includeCommandAction run
inside it too.
The goal is to be able to run CommandStart in the main thread when -J is
used, rather than unncessarily passing it off to a worker thread, which
incurs overhead that is signficant when the CommandStart is going to
quickly decide to stop.
To do that, the message it displays needs to be displayed in the worker
thread, after the CommandStart has run.
Also, the change will mean that CommandStart will no longer necessarily
run with the same Annex state as CommandPerform. While its docs already
said it should avoid modifying Annex state, I audited all the
CommandStart code as part of the conversion. (Note that CommandSeek
already sometimes runs with a different Annex state, and that has not been
a source of any problems, so I am not too worried that this change will
lead to breakage going forward.)
The only modification of Annex state I found was it calling
allowMessages in some Commands that default to noMessages. Dealt with
that by adding a startCustomOutput and a startingUsualMessages.
This lets a command start with noMessages and then select the output it
wants for each CommandStart.
One bit of breakage: onlyActionOn has been removed from commands that used it.
The plan is that, since a StartMessage contains an ActionItem,
when a Key can be extracted from that, the parallel job runner can
run onlyActionOn' automatically. Then commands won't need to worry about
this detail. Future work.
Otherwise, this was a fairly straightforward process of making each
CommandStart compile again. Hopefully other behavior changes were mostly
In a few cases, a command had a CommandStart that called a CommandPerform
that then called showStart multiple times. I have collapsed those
down to a single start action. The main command to perhaps suffer from it
is Command.Direct, which used to show a start for each file, and no
longer does.
Another minor behavior change is that some commands used showStart
before, but had an associated file and a Key available, so were changed
to ShowStart with an ActionItemAssociatedFile. That will not change the
normal output or behavior, but --json output will now include the key.
This should not break it for anyone using a real json parser.
659640e224 was buggy, it had a STM
deadlock because two actions both wanted to takeTMVar the WorkerPool
and so blocked one-another.
Fixed by completely reworking how the pool is maintained. Maintenace
threads now wait for the Async actions and update the WorkerPool. This
means twice as many threads as before, but green threads so will only
use a few extra bytes ram per thread.
When running multiple concurrent actions, the cleanup phase is run in a
separate queue than the main action queue. This can make some commands
faster, because less time is spent on bookkeeping in between each file
But as far as I can see, nothing will be sped up much by this yet, because
all the existing cleanup actions are very light-weight. This is just groundwork
for deferring checksum verification to cleanup time.
This change does mean that if the user expects -J2 will mean that they see no
more than 2 jobs running at a time, they may be surprised to see 4 in some
cases (if the cleanup actions are slow enough to notice).
It might also make sense to enable background cleanup without the -J,
for at least one cleanup action. Indeed, that's the behavior that -J1
has now. At some point in the future, it make make sense to make the
behavior with no -J the same as -J1. The only reason it's not currently
is that git-annex can build w/o concurrent-output, and also any bugs
in concurrent-output (such as perhaps misbehaving on non-VT100 compatible
terminals) are avoided by default by only using it when -J is used.
Renamed to because it is not really specific to
the http protocol, also limiting eg, git-annex's use of ftp and via
youtube-dl, several other protocols.
The old name for the config will still work.
If both old and new name are set, the new name will win.
Importing from a special remote honors its preferred content too; unwanted
files are not imported. But, some preferred content expressions can't be
checked before files are imported, and trying to import with such an
expression will fail.
Tested this with scenarios including changing the preferred content
expression and making sure merging the import didn't delete files that were
no longer wanted.
There was one minor inefficiency mentioned in the todo that I punted on.
Added the ability to run one job per CPU (core), by setting,
or using option --jobs=cpus or -Jcpus.
Built with future expansion in mind, including not defaulting matching on
Concurrency so more constructors can later be added, and using "cpu"
instead of "0".
* Added mimeencoding= term to annex.largefiles expressions.
This is probably mostly useful to match non-text files with eg
* git-annex matchexpression: Added --mimeencoding option.
This does not change the overall license of the git-annex program, which
was already AGPL due to a number of sources files being AGPL already.
Legally speaking, I'm adding a new license under which these files are
now available; I already released their current contents under the GPL
license. Now they're dual licensed GPL and AGPL. However, I intend
for all my future changes to these files to only be released under the
AGPL license, and I won't be tracking the dual licensing status, so I'm
simply changing the license statement to say it's AGPL.
(In some cases, others wrote parts of the code of a file and released it
under the GPL; but in all cases I have contributed a significant portion
of the code in each file and it's that code that is getting the AGPL
license; the GPL license of other contributors allows combining with
AGPL code.)
Avoid a warning message when renameExport is not supported, and just
fallback to deleting with a subsequent re-upload. Especially needed for
importtree remotes, where renameExport needs to be disabled.
This changes the external special remote protocol, but in a
backwards-compatible way. A reply of UNSUPPORTED-REQUEST to an older
version of git-annex will cause it to make renameExport return False.
Had to add two more API calls to override export APIs that are not safe
for use in combination with import.
It's unfortunate that removeExportDirectory is documented to be allowed
to remove non-empty directories. I'm not entirely sure why it's that
way, my best guess is it was intended to make it easy to implement with
just rm -rf.
For now, it's only allowed when exporttree=yes is also set.
That simplified the implementation, but could later be changed if
there's a remote that makes sense to be an import but not an export.
However, it may work just as well to make a remote be readonly to
prevent export to it while still allowing import.
Not sure if my reasoning about the races really holds.
It would certianly be possible to better guard against races by using
Linux-specific renameat2 with RENAME_EXCHANGE or RENAME_NOREPLACE.
Or by using link and relying on it not overwriting existing files -- but
that would need a filesystem that supports hard links and directory can
be used in filesystems that don't.
Made some api changes.
listImportableContents needs to provide the size
of the data, so the downloader can check disk free space.
retrieveExportWithContentIdentifier is passed the filepath to write to
Use temporary "CID" key during download of a ContentIdentifier from a
remote, so withTmp can be used and then move the content to the real key
once it's known.
Added graftTree but it's buggy.
Should use graftTree in Annex.Branch.graftTreeish; it will be faster
than the current implementation there.
Started Annex.Import, but untested and it doesn't yet handle tree
This fixes a reversion in the ByteString conversion. The old code used
isSpace to decide when the metadata value needs to be base64 encoded,
and that incorrectly changed to only checking if it contained ' '.
Note that only '\n' and '\r' were added and not other sorts of
whitespace that isSpace matches, like '\t' and '\v'. Only the former
would cause problems.