make WorkerStage an open type
Rather than limiting it to PerformStage and CleanupStage, this opens it up so any number of stages can be added as needed by commands. Each concurrent command has a set of stages that it uses, and only transitions between those can block waiting for a free slot in the worker pool. Calling enteringStage for some other stage does not block, and has very little overhead. Note that while before the Annex state was duplicated on the first call to commandAction, this now happens earlier, in startConcurrency. That means that seek stage actions should that use startConcurrency and then modify Annex state won't modify the state of worker threads they then start. I audited all of them, and only Command.Seek did so; prepMerge changes the working directory and so has to come before startConcurrency. Also, the remote list is built before duplicating the state, which means that it gets built earlier now than it used to. This would only have an effect of making commands that end up not needing to perform any actions unncessary build the remote list (only when they're run with concurrency enable), but that's a minor overhead compared to commands seeking through the work tree and determining they don't need to do anything.
This commit is contained in:
17 changed files with 230 additions and 147 deletions
@ -7,7 +7,12 @@
module Annex.Action where
module Annex.Action (
) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
@ -18,10 +23,7 @@ import Utility.Exception
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
import Annex.Content
import Annex.CatFile
import Annex.CheckAttr
import Annex.HashObject
import Annex.CheckIgnore
import Annex.Concurrent
{- Actions to perform each time ran. -}
startup :: Annex ()
@ -35,14 +37,6 @@ shutdown nocommit = do
liftIO reapZombies -- zombies from long-running git processes
{- Stops all long-running git query processes. -}
stopCoProcesses :: Annex ()
stopCoProcesses = do
{- Reaps any zombie processes that may be hanging around.
- Warning: Not thread safe. Anything that was expecting to wait
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- git-annex concurrent state
- Copyright 2015 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2015-2019 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
@ -9,9 +9,15 @@ module Annex.Concurrent where
import Annex
import Annex.Common
import Annex.Action
import qualified Annex.Queue
import Annex.CatFile
import Annex.CheckAttr
import Annex.HashObject
import Annex.CheckIgnore
import Types.WorkerPool
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Data.Map as M
{- Allows forking off a thread that uses a copy of the current AnnexState
@ -59,3 +65,83 @@ mergeState st = do
uncurry addCleanup
Annex.Queue.mergeFrom st'
changeState $ \s -> s { errcounter = errcounter s + errcounter st' }
{- Stops all long-running git query processes. -}
stopCoProcesses :: Annex ()
stopCoProcesses = do
{- Runs an action and makes the current thread have the specified stage
- while doing so. If too many other threads are running in the specified
- stage, waits for one of them to become idle.
- Noop if the current thread already has the requested stage, or if the
- current thread is not in the worker pool, or if concurrency is not
- enabled.
- Also a noop if the stage is not one of the stages that the worker pool
- uses.
- The pool needs to continue to contain the same number of worker threads
- for each stage. So, an idle worker with the desired stage is found in
- the pool (waiting if necessary for one to become idle), and the stages
- of it and the current thread are swapped.
enteringStage :: WorkerStage -> Annex a -> Annex a
enteringStage newstage a = do
mytid <- liftIO myThreadId
tv <- Annex.getState Annex.workers
let setup = changeStageTo mytid tv newstage
let cleanup Nothing = noop
let cleanup (Just oldstage) = changeStageTo mytid tv oldstage
bracket setup cleanup (const a)
changeStageTo :: ThreadId -> TMVar (WorkerPool AnnexState) -> WorkerStage -> Annex (Maybe WorkerStage)
changeStageTo mytid tv newstage = liftIO $ atomically $ do
pool <- takeTMVar tv
case pool of
WorkerPool usedstages _
| memberStage newstage usedstages ->
case removeThreadIdWorkerPool mytid pool of
Just ((myaid, oldstage), WorkerPool usedstages' l)
| oldstage /= newstage -> do
(idlest, restpool) <- waitWorkerSlot usedstages' newstage l
let pool' = addWorkerPool (IdleWorker idlest oldstage) $
addWorkerPool (ActiveWorker myaid newstage) restpool
putTMVar tv pool'
return (Just oldstage)
_ -> do
putTMVar tv pool
return Nothing
_ -> do
putTMVar tv pool
return Nothing
-- | Waits until there's an idle worker in the worker pool
-- for its initial stage, removes it from the pool, and returns its state.
-- If the worker pool is not already allocated, returns Nothing.
waitInitialWorkerSlot :: TMVar (WorkerPool Annex.AnnexState) -> STM (Maybe (Annex.AnnexState, WorkerStage))
waitInitialWorkerSlot tv =
takeTMVar tv >>= \case
UnallocatedWorkerPool -> do
putTMVar tv UnallocatedWorkerPool
return Nothing
WorkerPool usedstages l -> do
let stage = initialStage usedstages
(st, pool') <- waitWorkerSlot usedstages stage l
putTMVar tv pool'
return $ Just (st, stage)
-- | Waits until there's an idle worker for the specified stage, and returns
-- its state and a WorkerPool containing all the other workers.
waitWorkerSlot :: UsedStages -> WorkerStage -> [Worker Annex.AnnexState] -> STM (Annex.AnnexState, WorkerPool Annex.AnnexState)
waitWorkerSlot usedstages wantstage = findidle []
findidle _ [] = retry
findidle c ((IdleWorker st stage):rest)
| stage == wantstage = return (st, WorkerPool usedstages (c ++ rest))
findidle c (w:rest) = findidle (w:c) rest
@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ import Annex.InodeSentinal
import Utility.InodeCache
import Annex.Content.LowLevel
import Annex.Content.PointerFile
import Annex.Concurrent
{- Checks if a given key's content is currently present. -}
inAnnex :: Key -> Annex Bool
@ -55,18 +55,21 @@ commandActions = mapM_ commandAction
commandAction :: CommandStart -> Annex ()
commandAction start = Annex.getState Annex.concurrency >>= \case
NonConcurrent -> void $ includeCommandAction start
Concurrent n -> runconcurrent n
ConcurrentPerCpu -> runconcurrent =<< liftIO getNumProcessors
NonConcurrent -> runnonconcurrent
Concurrent _ -> runconcurrent
ConcurrentPerCpu -> runconcurrent
runconcurrent n = do
runnonconcurrent = void $ includeCommandAction start
runconcurrent = do
tv <- Annex.getState Annex.workers
workerst <- waitWorkerSlot n PerformStage tv
liftIO (atomically (waitInitialWorkerSlot tv)) >>=
maybe runnonconcurrent (runconcurrent' tv)
runconcurrent' tv (workerst, workerstage) = do
aid <- liftIO $ async $ snd <$> workerst
(concurrentjob workerst)
liftIO $ atomically $ do
pool <- takeTMVar tv
let !pool' = addWorkerPool (ActiveWorker aid PerformStage) pool
let !pool' = addWorkerPool (ActiveWorker aid workerstage) pool
putTMVar tv pool'
void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ debugLocks $ do
-- accountCommandAction will usually catch
@ -109,8 +112,7 @@ commandAction start = Annex.getState Annex.concurrency >>= \case
performconcurrent startmsg perform = do
showStartMessage startmsg
perform >>= \case
Just cleanup -> do
changeStageTo CleanupStage
Just cleanup -> enteringStage CleanupStage $ do
r <- cleanup
showEndMessage startmsg r
return r
@ -118,56 +120,6 @@ commandAction start = Annex.getState Annex.concurrency >>= \case
showEndMessage startmsg False
return False
-- | Wait until there's an idle worker in the pool, remove it from the
-- pool, and return its state.
-- If the pool is unallocated, it will be allocated to the specified size.
waitWorkerSlot :: Int -> WorkerStage -> TMVar (WorkerPool Annex.AnnexState) -> Annex Annex.AnnexState
waitWorkerSlot n wantstage tv = debugLocks $
join $ liftIO $ atomically $ waitWorkerSlot' wantstage tv >>= \case
Nothing -> return $ do
-- Generate the remote list now, to avoid
-- each thread generating it, which would
-- be more expensive and could cause
-- threads to contend over eg, calls to
-- setConfig.
_ <- remoteList
st <- dupState
liftIO $ atomically $ do
let (WorkerPool l) = allocateWorkerPool st (max n 1)
let (st', pool) = findidle st [] l
void $ swapTMVar tv pool
return st'
Just st -> return $ return st
findidle st _ [] = (st, WorkerPool [])
findidle _ c ((IdleWorker st stage):rest)
| stage == wantstage = (st, WorkerPool (c ++ rest))
findidle st c (w:rest) = findidle st (w:c) rest
-- | STM action that waits until there's an idle worker in the worker pool,
-- removes it from the pool, and returns its state.
-- If the worker pool is not already allocated, returns Nothing.
waitWorkerSlot' :: WorkerStage -> TMVar (WorkerPool Annex.AnnexState) -> STM (Maybe (Annex.AnnexState))
waitWorkerSlot' wantstage tv =
takeTMVar tv >>= \case
UnallocatedWorkerPool -> do
putTMVar tv UnallocatedWorkerPool
return Nothing
WorkerPool l -> do
(st, pool') <- waitWorkerSlot'' wantstage l
putTMVar tv pool'
return $ Just st
waitWorkerSlot'' :: WorkerStage -> [Worker Annex.AnnexState] -> STM (Annex.AnnexState, WorkerPool Annex.AnnexState)
waitWorkerSlot'' wantstage = findidle []
findidle _ [] = retry
findidle c ((IdleWorker st stage):rest)
| stage == wantstage = return (st, WorkerPool (c ++ rest))
findidle c (w:rest) = findidle (w:c) rest
{- Waits for all worker threads to finish and merges their AnnexStates
- back into the current Annex's state.
@ -178,37 +130,11 @@ finishCommandActions = do
swapTMVar tv UnallocatedWorkerPool
case pool of
UnallocatedWorkerPool -> noop
WorkerPool l -> forM_ (mapMaybe workerAsync l) $ \aid ->
WorkerPool _ l -> forM_ (mapMaybe workerAsync l) $ \aid ->
liftIO (waitCatch aid) >>= \case
Left _ -> noop
Right st -> mergeState st
{- Changes the current thread's stage in the worker pool.
- The pool needs to continue to contain the same number of worker threads
- for each stage. So, an idle worker with the desired stage is found in
- the pool (waiting if necessary for one to become idle), and the stages
- of it and the current thread are swapped.
- Noop if the current thread already has the requested stage, or if the
- current thread is not in the worker pool, or if concurrency is not
- enabled.
changeStageTo :: WorkerStage -> Annex ()
changeStageTo newstage = debugLocks $ do
mytid <- liftIO myThreadId
tv <- Annex.getState Annex.workers
liftIO $ atomically $ do
pool <- takeTMVar tv
case removeThreadIdWorkerPool mytid pool of
Just ((myaid, oldstage), WorkerPool l)
| oldstage /= newstage -> do
(idlest, restpool) <- waitWorkerSlot'' newstage l
let pool' = addWorkerPool (IdleWorker idlest oldstage) $
addWorkerPool (ActiveWorker myaid newstage) restpool
putTMVar tv pool'
_ -> putTMVar tv pool
{- Like commandAction, but without the concurrency. -}
includeCommandAction :: CommandStart -> CommandCleanup
includeCommandAction start =
@ -261,28 +187,35 @@ performCommandAction' startmsg perform =
showEndMessage startmsg r
return r
{- Do concurrent output when that has been requested. -}
allowConcurrentOutput :: Annex a -> Annex a
allowConcurrentOutput a = do
{- Start concurrency when that has been requested.
- Should be run wrapping the seek stage of a command.
- Note that a duplicate of the Annex state is made here, and worker
- threads use that state. While the worker threads are not actually
- started here, that has the same effect.
startConcurrency :: UsedStages -> Annex a -> Annex a
startConcurrency usedstages a = do
fromcmdline <- Annex.getState Annex.concurrency
fromgitcfg <- annexJobs <$> Annex.getGitConfig
let usegitcfg = Annex.changeState $
\c -> c { Annex.concurrency = fromgitcfg }
case (fromcmdline, fromgitcfg) of
(NonConcurrent, NonConcurrent) -> a
(Concurrent n, _) -> do
raisecapabilitiesto n
(ConcurrentPerCpu, _) -> goconcurrent
(Concurrent n, _) ->
goconcurrent n
(ConcurrentPerCpu, _) ->
(NonConcurrent, Concurrent n) -> do
raisecapabilitiesto n
goconcurrent n
(NonConcurrent, ConcurrentPerCpu) -> do
goconcurrent = do
goconcurrent n = do
raisecapabilitiesto n
initworkerpool n
withMessageState $ \s -> case outputType s of
NormalOutput -> ifM (liftIO concurrentOutputSupported)
( Regions.displayConsoleRegions $
@ -292,6 +225,8 @@ allowConcurrentOutput a = do
_ -> goconcurrent' False
goconcurrent' b = bracket_ (setup b) cleanup a
goconcurrentpercpu = goconcurrent =<< liftIO getNumProcessors
setup = setconcurrentoutputenabled
cleanup = do
@ -305,6 +240,17 @@ allowConcurrentOutput a = do
c <- liftIO getNumCapabilities
when (n > c) $
liftIO $ setNumCapabilities n
initworkerpool n = do
-- Generate the remote list now, to avoid each thread
-- generating it, which would be more expensive and
-- could cause threads to contend over eg, calls to
-- setConfig.
_ <- remoteList
st <- dupState
tv <- Annex.getState Annex.workers
liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar tv $
allocateWorkerPool st (max n 1) usedstages
{- Ensures that only one thread processes a key at a time.
- Other threads will block until it's done.
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import Config
import Utility.Daemon
import Types.Transfer
import Types.ActionItem
import Types.WorkerPool
import Types.WorkerPool as ReExported
{- Generates a normal Command -}
command :: String -> CommandSection -> String -> CmdParamsDesc -> (CmdParamsDesc -> CommandParser) -> Command
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ optParser desc = AddOptions
seek :: AddOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = allowConcurrentOutput $ do
seek o = startConcurrency commandStages $ do
matcher <- largeFilesMatcher
let gofile file = ifM (checkFileMatcher matcher file <||> Annex.getState Annex.force)
( start file
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ parseDownloadOptions withfileoption = DownloadOptions
else pure Nothing
seek :: AddUrlOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = allowConcurrentOutput $ do
seek o = startConcurrency commandStages $ do
forM_ (addUrls o) (\u -> go (o, u))
case batchOption o of
Batch fmt -> batchInput fmt (parseBatchInput o) go
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ instance DeferredParseClass CopyOptions where
<*> pure (batchOption v)
seek :: CopyOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = allowConcurrentOutput $ do
seek o = startConcurrency commandStages $ do
let go = whenAnnexed $ start o
case batchOption o of
Batch fmt -> batchFilesMatching fmt go
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ parseDropFromOption = parseRemoteOption <$> strOption
seek :: DropOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = allowConcurrentOutput $
seek o = startConcurrency commandStages $
case batchOption o of
Batch fmt -> batchFilesMatching fmt go
NoBatch -> withKeyOptions (keyOptions o) (autoMode o)
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ optParser desc = FsckOptions
seek :: FsckOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = allowConcurrentOutput $ do
seek o = startConcurrency commandStages $ do
from <- maybe (pure Nothing) (Just <$$> getParsed) (fsckFromOption o)
u <- maybe getUUID (pure . Remote.uuid) from
checkDeadRepo u
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ optParser desc = GetOptions
<*> parseBatchOption
seek :: GetOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = allowConcurrentOutput $ do
seek o = startConcurrency commandStages $ do
from <- maybe (pure Nothing) (Just <$$> getParsed) (getFrom o)
let go = whenAnnexed $ start o from
case batchOption o of
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ duplicateModeParser =
seek :: ImportOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o@(LocalImportOptions {}) = allowConcurrentOutput $ do
seek o@(LocalImportOptions {}) = startConcurrency commandStages $ do
repopath <- liftIO . absPath =<< fromRepo Git.repoPath
inrepops <- liftIO $ filter (dirContains repopath) <$> mapM absPath (importFiles o)
unless (null inrepops) $ do
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ seek o@(LocalImportOptions {}) = allowConcurrentOutput $ do
largematcher <- largeFilesMatcher
(commandAction . startLocal largematcher (duplicateMode o))
`withPathContents` importFiles o
seek o@(RemoteImportOptions {}) = allowConcurrentOutput $ do
seek o@(RemoteImportOptions {}) = startConcurrency commandStages $ do
r <- getParsed (importFromRemote o)
unlessM (Remote.isImportSupported r) $
giveup "That remote does not support imports."
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ instance DeferredParseClass MirrorOptions where
<*> pure (keyOptions v)
seek :: MirrorOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = allowConcurrentOutput $
seek o = startConcurrency commandStages $
withKeyOptions (keyOptions o) False
(commandAction . startKey o (AssociatedFile Nothing))
(withFilesInGit (commandAction . (whenAnnexed $ start o)))
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ data RemoveWhen = RemoveSafe | RemoveNever
deriving (Show, Eq)
seek :: MoveOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = allowConcurrentOutput $ do
seek o = startConcurrency commandStages $ do
let go = whenAnnexed $ start (fromToOptions o) (removeWhen o)
case batchOption o of
Batch fmt -> batchFilesMatching fmt go
@ -162,9 +162,12 @@ instance DeferredParseClass SyncOptions where
<*> pure (resolveMergeOverride v)
seek :: SyncOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = allowConcurrentOutput $ do
seek o = do
startConcurrency commandStages (seek' o)
seek' :: SyncOptions -> CommandSeek
seek' o = do
let withbranch a = a =<< getCurrentBranch
remotes <- syncRemotes (syncWith o)
@ -63,16 +63,24 @@ instance MkActionItem StartMessage where
{- A command is defined by specifying these things. -}
data Command = Command
{ cmdcheck :: [CommandCheck] -- check stage
, cmdnocommit :: Bool -- don't commit journalled state changes
, cmdnomessages :: Bool -- don't output normal messages
{ cmdcheck :: [CommandCheck]
-- ^ check stage
, cmdnocommit :: Bool
-- ^ don't commit journalled state changes
, cmdnomessages :: Bool
-- ^ don't output normal messages
, cmdname :: String
, cmdparamdesc :: CmdParamsDesc -- description of params for usage
, cmdparamdesc :: CmdParamsDesc
-- ^ description of params for usage
, cmdsection :: CommandSection
, cmddesc :: String -- description of command for usage
, cmdparser :: CommandParser -- command line parser
, cmdglobaloptions :: [GlobalOption] -- additional global options
, cmdnorepo :: Maybe (Parser (IO ())) -- used when not in a repo
, cmddesc :: String
-- ^ description of command for usage
, cmdparser :: CommandParser
-- ^ command line parser
, cmdglobaloptions :: [GlobalOption]
-- ^ additional global options
, cmdnorepo :: Maybe (Parser (IO ()))
-- ^used when not in a repo
{- Command-line parameters, after the command is selected and options
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{- Command worker pool.
{- Worker thread pool.
- Copyright 2019 Joey Hess <>
@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ module Types.WorkerPool where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import qualified Data.Set as S
-- | Pool of worker threads.
data WorkerPool t
= UnallocatedWorkerPool
| WorkerPool [Worker t]
| WorkerPool UsedStages [Worker t]
deriving (Show)
-- | A worker can either be idle or running an Async action.
@ -26,9 +27,53 @@ instance Show (Worker t) where
show (IdleWorker _ s) = "IdleWorker " ++ show s
show (ActiveWorker _ s) = "ActiveWorker " ++ show s
-- | These correspond to CommandPerform and CommandCleanup.
data WorkerStage = PerformStage | CleanupStage
deriving (Show, Eq)
data WorkerStage
= PerformStage
-- ^ Running a CommandPerform action.
| CleanupStage
-- ^ Running a CommandCleanup action.
| TransferStage
-- ^ Transferring content to or from a remote.
| VerifyStage
-- ^ Verifying content, eg by calculating a checksum.
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | Set of stages that make sense to be used while performing an action,
-- and the stage to use initially.
-- Transitions between these stages will block as needed until there's a
-- free Worker in the pool for the new stage.
-- Actions that indicate they are in some other stage won't change the
-- stage, and so there will be no blocking before starting them.
data UsedStages = UsedStages
{ initialStage :: WorkerStage
, usedStages :: S.Set WorkerStage
deriving (Show)
memberStage :: WorkerStage -> UsedStages -> Bool
memberStage s u = S.member s (usedStages u)
-- | The default is to use only the CommandPerform and CommandCleanup
-- stages. Since cleanup actions often don't contend much with
-- perform actions, this prevents blocking starting the next perform action
-- on finishing the previous cleanup action.
commandStages :: UsedStages
commandStages = UsedStages
{ initialStage = PerformStage
, usedStages = S.fromList [PerformStage, CleanupStage]
-- | When a command is transferring content, it can use this instead.
-- Transfers are often bottlenecked on the network another disk than the one
-- containing the repository, while verification bottlenecks on
-- the disk containing the repository or on the CPU.
transferStages :: UsedStages
transferStages = UsedStages
{ initialStage = TransferStage
, usedStages = S.fromList [TransferStage, VerifyStage]
workerStage :: Worker t -> WorkerStage
workerStage (IdleWorker _ s) = s
@ -42,19 +87,19 @@ workerAsync (ActiveWorker aid _) = Just aid
-- in it, of each stage.
-- The stages are distributed evenly throughout.
allocateWorkerPool :: t -> Int -> WorkerPool t
allocateWorkerPool t n = WorkerPool $ take (n+n) $
allocateWorkerPool :: t -> Int -> UsedStages -> WorkerPool t
allocateWorkerPool t n u = WorkerPool u $ take (n+n) $
map (uncurry IdleWorker) $ zip (repeat t) stages
stages = concat $ repeat [PerformStage, CleanupStage]
stages = concat $ repeat $ S.toList $ usedStages u
addWorkerPool :: Worker t -> WorkerPool t -> WorkerPool t
addWorkerPool w (WorkerPool l) = WorkerPool (w:l)
addWorkerPool w UnallocatedWorkerPool = WorkerPool [w]
addWorkerPool w (WorkerPool u l) = WorkerPool u (w:l)
addWorkerPool _ UnallocatedWorkerPool = UnallocatedWorkerPool
idleWorkers :: WorkerPool t -> [t]
idleWorkers UnallocatedWorkerPool = []
idleWorkers (WorkerPool l) = go l
idleWorkers (WorkerPool _ l) = go l
go [] = []
go (IdleWorker t _ : rest) = t : go rest
@ -65,17 +110,17 @@ idleWorkers (WorkerPool l) = go l
-- Each Async has its own ThreadId, so this stops once it finds
-- a match.
removeThreadIdWorkerPool :: ThreadId -> WorkerPool t -> Maybe ((Async t, WorkerStage), WorkerPool t)
removeThreadIdWorkerPool _ UnallocatedWorkerPool = Nothing
removeThreadIdWorkerPool tid (WorkerPool l) = go [] l
removeThreadIdWorkerPool _ UnallocatedWorkerPool = Nothing
removeThreadIdWorkerPool tid (WorkerPool u l) = go [] l
go _ [] = Nothing
go c (ActiveWorker a stage : rest)
| asyncThreadId a == tid = Just ((a, stage), WorkerPool (c++rest))
| asyncThreadId a == tid = Just ((a, stage), WorkerPool u (c++rest))
go c (v : rest) = go (v:c) rest
deactivateWorker :: WorkerPool t -> Async t -> t -> WorkerPool t
deactivateWorker UnallocatedWorkerPool _ _ = UnallocatedWorkerPool
deactivateWorker (WorkerPool l) aid t = WorkerPool $ go l
deactivateWorker (WorkerPool u l) aid t = WorkerPool u $ go l
go [] = []
go (w@(IdleWorker _ _) : rest) = w : go rest
Add table
Reference in a new issue