Refactored some common code into initDb.
This only deals with the problem when creating new databases. If a repo
got bad permissions into it, it's up to the user to deal with it.
This commit was sponsored by Ole-Morten Duesund on Patreon.
... to control the default behavior in all clones of a repository.
This includes a new Configurable data type, so the GitConfig type indicates
which values can be configured this way.
The implementation should be quite efficient; the config log is only read
once, and only when a Configurable value has not already been set by
Indeed, it would be nice in the future to extend this, so that git-config
is itself only read on demand. Some commands may not need to look at the
git configuration at all.
This commit was sponsored by Trenton Cronholm on Patreon.
This interacts with it using stdio, which is surprisingly hard.
sendFile does not currently work, due to
Parsing the output to find the magic code is done as robustly as
possible, and should continue to work unless wormhole radically changes
the format of its codes. Presumably it will never output something that
looks like a wormhole code before the actual wormhole code; that would
also break this. It would be better if there was a way to make
wormhole not mix the code with other output, as requested in
Only exchange of files/directories is supported. To exchange messages, would need to be resolved.
I don't need message exchange however.
Added to change notification to P2P protocol.
Switched to a TBChan so that a single long-running thread can be
started, and serve perhaps intermittent requests for change
notifications, without buffering all changes in memory.
The P2P runner currently starts up a new thread each times it waits
for a change, but that should allow later reusing a thread. Although
each connection from a peer will still need a new watcher thread to run.
The dependency on stm-chans is more or less free; some stuff in yesod
uses it, so it was already indirectly pulled in when building with the
This commit was sponsored by Francois Marier on Patreon.
Similar to GCrypt remotes, P2P remotes have an url, so Remote.Git has to
separate them out and handle them, passing off to Remote.P2P.
This commit was sponsored by Ignacio on Patreon.
Each worker thread needs to run in the Annex monad, but the
remote-daemon's liftAnnex can only run 1 action at a time. Used
Annex.Concurrent to deal with that.
P2P.Annex is incomplete as of yet.
Almost working, but there's a bug in the relaying.
Also, made tor hidden service setup pick a random port, to make it harder
to port scan.
This commit was sponsored by Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. on Patreon.
This is most of the way to having the p2p protocol working over tor
hidden services, at least enough to do git push/pull.
The free monad was split into two, one for network operations and the
other for local (Annex) operations. This will allow git-remote-tor-annex
to run only an IO action, not needing the Annex monad.
This commit was sponsored by Remy van Elst on Patreon.
For use with tor hidden services, and perhaps other transports later.
Based on Utility.SimpleProtocol, it's a line-based protocol,
interspersed with transfers of bytestrings of a specified size.
Implementation of the local and remote sides of the protocol is done
using a free monad. This lets monadic code be included here, without
tying it to any particular way to get bytes peer-to-peer.
This adds a dependency on the haskell package "free", although that
was probably pulled in transitively from other dependencies already.
This commit was sponsored by Jeff Goeke-Smith on Patreon.
git-annex.cabal: Loosen bounds on persistent to allow 2.5, which on Debian
has been patched to work with esqueleto. This may break cabal's resolver on
non-Debian systems; if so, either use stack to build, or run cabal with
--constraint='persistent ==' Hopefully this mess with esqueleto will
be resolved soon.
I've long considered the XMPP support in git-annex a wart.
It's nice to remove it.
(This also removes the NetMessager, which was only used for XMPP, and the
daemonstatus's desynced list (likewise).)
Existing XMPP remotes should be ignored by git-annex.
This commit was sponsored by Brock Spratlen on Patreon.
Tor unfortunately does not come out of the box configured to let hidden
services register themselves on the fly via the ControlPort.
And, changing the config to enable the ControlPort and a particular type
of auth for it may break something already using the ControlPort, or
lessen the security of the system.
So, this leaves only one option to us: Add a hidden service to the
torrc. git-annex enable-tor does so, and picks an unused high port for
tor to listen on for connections to the hidden service.
It's up to the caller to somehow pick a local port to listen on
that won't be used by something else. That may be difficult to do..
This commit was sponsored by Jochen Bartl on Patreon.
This gets rid of quite a lot of ugly hacks around json generation.
I doubt that any real-world json parsers can parse incomplete objects, so
while it's not as nice to need to wait for the complete object, especially
for commands like `git annex info` that take a while, it doesn't seem worth
the added complexity.
This also causes the order of fields within the json objects to be
reordered. Since any real json parser shouldn't care, the only possible
problem would be with ad-hoc parsers of the old json output.
This makes -Jn work with --json and --quiet, where before
setting -Jn disabled those options.
Concurrent json output is currently a mess though since threads output
chunks over top of one-another.
Simplify Solver's task by requesting version of the persistent
package instead of just providing the persistent < 2.5 constraint.
With only the persistent < 2.5 constraint, and with --flags=s3\ webapp
and --max-backjumps=10000, CI timed out after two hours with Solver
still trying to find a solution.
This is a follow-up to 18e458db, since there's been a regression in the
situation between 6.20160619 and 6.20160808, probably simply because
Hackage is a moving target.
Use nextRandom to generate the random UUID, rather than using randomIO.
This gets fixes for the following two bugs in the uuid library.
However, this did not impact git-annex much, so a hard depedency has
not been added on uuid-1.3.12.
"v4 UUIDs are not that random"
This doesn't greatly affect git-annex, because even with only
2^64 possible UUIDs, the chance that two git-annex repositories
that are clones of the same git repo get the same UUID is miniscule.
And, git-annex generates only one UUID per run, so preducting
subsequent UUIDs is not a problem.
"Remove Random instance for UUID, or mark it as deprecated"
git-annex was using that instance; let's stop before it gets
deprecated or removed.
metadata --json output format has changed, adding a inner json object
named "fields" which contains only the fields and their values.
This should be easier to parse than the old format, which mixed up
metadata fields with other keys in the json object.
Any consumers of the old format will need to be updated.
This adds a dependency on unordered-containers for parsing MetaData
from JSON, but it's a free dependency; aeson pulls in that library.