This is much easier and less failure-prone than having the user run
git update-index --refresh themselves.
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When pointer files need to be restaged, they're first written to the
log, and then when the restage operation runs, it reads the log. This
way, if the git-annex process is interrupted before it can do the
restaging, a later git-annex process can do it.
Currently, this lets a git-annex get/drop command be interrupted and
then re-ran, and as long as it gets/drops additional files, it will
clean up after the interrupted command. But more changes are
needed to make it easier to restage after an interrupted process.
Kept using the git queue to run the restage action, even though the
list of files that it builds up for that action is not actually used by
the action. This could perhaps be simplified to make restaging a cleanup
action that gets registered, rather than using the git queue for it. But
I wasn't sure if that would cause visible behavior changes, when eg
dropping a large number of files, currently the git queue flushes
periodically, and so it restages incrementally, rather than all at the
In restagePointerFiles, it reads the restage log twice, once to get
the number of files and size, and a second time to process it.
This seemed better than reading the whole file into memory, since
potentially a huge number of files could be in there. Probably the OS
will cache the file in memory and there will not be much performance
impact. It might be better to keep running tallies in another file
though. But updating that atomically with the log seems hard.
Also note that it's possible for calcRestageLog to see a different file
than streamRestageLog does. More files may be added to the log in
between. That is ok, it will only cause the filterprocessfaster heuristic to
operate with slightly out of date information, so it may make the wrong
choice for the files that got added and be a little slower than ideal.
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Like the comment says, this works without locking. It looks like I
originally copied another function and forgot to remove the locking.
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Fixes updating git index file after getting an unlocked file when
annex.stalldetection is set.
The transferrer may want to send additional protocol messages when it's
shut down. Closing the read handle prevented it from doing that, and caused
it to crash rather than cleanly shutting down.
Draining the handle without processing the protocol seemed ok to do,
because anything it outputs is going to be some side message displayed
at shutdown. Displaying those once per transferrer process that is running
seems unncessary.
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When concurrency is enabled, there can be worker threads still running
when the time limit is checked. Exiting right there does not
give those threads time to finish what they're doing. Instead, the seeking
is wrapped up, and git-annex then shuts down cleanly.
The whole point of --time-limit existing, rather than using timeout(1)
when running git-annex is to let git-annex finish the action(s) it is
working on when the time limit is reached, and shut down cleanly.
I noticed this problem when investigating why restagePointerFile might
not have run after get/drop of an unlocked file. With --time-limit -J,
a worker thread may have finished updating a work tree file, and be killed
by the time limit check before it can run restagePointerFile. So despite
--time-limit running the shutdown actions, the work tree file didn't get
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It's hard to know what's a good default for this. But 1 mb seems way too
small, because it's very easy for a git pull or some similar operation
that we don't think of as using much space to use up 1 mb of space.
Most people would want to free up some space if a filesystem only had 100
mb free. But on a small VPS, it's probably not uncommon to have only 1 gb
free. So 1 gb is too large for annex.diskreserve.
While old 1 gb USB keys are around, it's unlikely that anyone is
relying on them to shuttle annex data around; it would be worth anyone's
time to upgrade to a 32 gb or larger cheap modern USB key ($5).
Sponsored-by: Kevin Mueller on Patreon
Fix a reversion that prevented git-annex from working in a repository when
--git-dir or GIT_DIR is specified to relocate the git directory to
somewhere else. (Introduced in version 10.20220525)
checkRepoConfigInaccessible could still run git config --list, just passing
--git-dir. It seems not necessary, because I know that passing --git-dir
bypasses git's check for repo ownership. I suppose it might be that git
eventually changes to check something about the ownership of the working
tree, so passing --git-dir without --work-tree would still be worth doing.
But for now this is the simple fix.
Sponsored-by: Nicholas Golder-Manning on Patreon