Added v2-v0 endpoints. These are tedious, but will be needed in order to
use the HTTP protocol to proxy to repositories with older git-annex,
where git-annex-shell will be speaking an older version of the protocol.
Changed GET to use 422 when the content is not present. 404 is needed to
detect when a protocol version is not supported.
Managed to avoid netstrings. Actually, using netstrings while streaming
lazy ByteString turns out to be very difficult. So instead, have a
header that specifies the expected amount of data, and then it can just
arrange to send a different amount of data if it needs to indicate
Also improved the interface for GET of a key.
This will be easy to implement with servant. It's also very efficient,
and fairly future-proof. Eg, could add another frame with other data.
This does make it a bit harder to use this protocol, but netstrings
probably take about 5 minutes to implement? Let's see...
import Text.Read
import Data.List
toNetString :: String -> String
toNetString s = show (length s) ++ ":" ++ s ++ ","
nextNetString :: String -> Maybe (String, String)
nextNetString s = case break (== ':') s of
([], _) -> Nothing
(sn, rest) -> do
n <- readMaybe sn
let (v, rest') = splitAt n (drop 1 rest)
return (v, drop 1 rest')
Ok, well, that took about 10 minutes ;-)
For clusters, the timestamps have to be translated, since each node can
have its own idea about what time it is. To translate a timestamp, the
proxy remembers what time it asked the node for a timestamp in
GETTIMESTAMP, and applies the delta as an offset in REMOVE-BEFORE.
This does mean that a remove from a cluster has to call GETTIMESTAMP on
every node before dropping from nodes. Not very efficient. Although
currently it tries to drop from every single node anyway, which is also
not very efficient.
I thought about caching the GETTIMESTAMP from the nodes on the first
call. That would improve efficiency. But, since monotonic clocks on
!Linux don't advance when the computer is suspended, consider what might
happen if one node was suspended for a while, then came back. Its
monotonic timestamp would end up behind where the proxying expects it to
be. Would that result in removing when it shouldn't, or refusing to
remove when it should? Have not thought it through. Either way, a
cluster behaving strangly for an extended period of time because one
of its nodes was briefly asleep doesn't seem like good behavior.
Added Maybe POSIXTime to SafeDropProof, which gets set when the proof is
based on a LockedCopy. If there are several LockedCopies, it uses the
closest expiry time. That is not optimal, it may be that the proof
expires based on one LockedCopy but another one has not expired. But
that seems unlikely to really happen, and anyway the user can just
re-run a drop if it fails due to expiry.
Pass the SafeDropProof to removeKey, which is responsible for checking
it for expiry in situations where that could be a problem. Which really
only means in Remote.Git.
Made Remote.Git check expiry when dropping from a local remote.
Checking expiry when dropping from a P2P remote is not yet implemented.
P2P.Protocol.remove has SafeDropProof plumbed through to it for that
Fixing the remaining 2 build warnings should complete this work.
Note that the use of a POSIXTime here means that if the clock gets set
forward while git-annex is in the middle of a drop, it may say that
dropping took too long. That seems ok. Less ok is that if the clock gets
turned back a sufficient amount (eg 5 minutes), proof expiry won't be
noticed. It might be better to use the Monotonic clock, but that doesn't
advance when a laptop is suspended, and while there is the linux
Boottime clock, that is not available on other systems. Perhaps a
combination of POSIXTime and the Monotonic clock could detect laptop
suspension and also detect clock being turned back?
There is a potential future flag day where
p2pDefaultLockContentRetentionDuration is not assumed, but is probed
using the P2P protocol, and peers that don't support it can no longer
produce a LockedCopy. Until that happens, when git-annex is
communicating with older peers there is a risk of data loss when
a ssh connection closes during LOCKCONTENT.
Only implemented server side, not used client side yet.
And not yet implemented for proxies/clusters, for which there's a build
warning about unhandled cases.
This is P2P protocol version 3. Probably will be the only change in that
Added a dependency on clock to access a monotonic clock.
On i386-ancient, that is at version
This allows lockContentShared to lock content for eg, 10 minutes and
if the process then gets terminated before it can unlock, the content
will remain locked for that amount of time.
The Windows implementation is not yet tested.
In P2P.Annex, a duration of 10 minutes is used. This way, when p2pstdio
or remotedaemon is serving the P2P protocol, and is asked to
LOCKCONTENT, and that process gets killed, the content will not be
subject to deletion. This is not a perfect solution to
doc/todo/P2P_locking_connection_drop_safety.mdwn yet, but it gets most
of the way there, without needing any P2P protocol changes.
This is only done in v10 and higher repositories (or on Windows). It
might be possible to backport it to v8 or earlier, but it would
complicate locking even further, and without a separate lock file, might
be hard. I think that by the time this fix reaches a given user, they
will probably have been running git-annex 10.x long enough that their v8
repositories will have upgraded to v10 after the 1 year wait. And it's
not as if git-annex hasn't already been subject to this problem (though
I have not heard of any data loss caused by it) for 6 years already, so
waiting another fraction of a year on top of however long it takes this
fix to reach users is unlikely to be a problem.
This was caused by commit fb8ab2469d putting
an isPointerFile check in the wrong place. So if the file was not a pointer
file at that point, but got replaced by one before the file got locked
down, the pointer file would be ingested into the annex.
The fix is simply to move the isPointerFile check to after safeToAdd locks
down the file. Now if the file changes to a pointer file after the
isPointerFile check, ingestion will see that it changed after lockdown,
and will refuse to add it to the annex.
Sponsored-by: the NIH-funded NICEMAN (ReproNim TR&D3) project
The error message is not displayed to the use, but this mirrors the
behavior when a regular get from a special remote fails. At least now
there is not a protocol error.