Only implemented server side, not used client side yet. And not yet implemented for proxies/clusters, for which there's a build warning about unhandled cases. This is P2P protocol version 3. Probably will be the only change in that version.. Added a dependency on clock to access a monotonic clock. On i386-ancient, that is at version
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 159 additions and 27 deletions
@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ git-annex (10.20240702) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* assistant: Fix a race condition that could cause a pointer file to
get ingested into the annex.
* Avoid potential data loss in situations where git-annex-shell or
git-annex remotedaemon is killed while locking a key to prevent its
* Added a dependency on clock.
-- Joey Hess <> Tue, 02 Jul 2024 12:14:53 -0400
@ -110,15 +110,24 @@ runLocal runst runner a = case a of
case v of
Left e -> return $ Left $ ProtoFailureException e
Right result -> runner (next result)
RemoveContent k next -> do
RemoveContent k mts next -> do
let cleanup = do
logStatus k InfoMissing
return True
let checkts = case mts of
Nothing -> return True
Just ts -> do
now <- liftIO getMonotonicTimestampIO
return (now < ts)
v <- tryNonAsync $
ifM (Annex.Content.inAnnex k)
( lockContentForRemoval k cleanup $ \contentlock -> do
removeAnnex contentlock
( lockContentForRemoval k cleanup $ \contentlock ->
ifM checkts
( do
removeAnnex contentlock
, return False
, return True
case v of
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ module P2P.IO
, describeProtoFailure
, runNetProto
, runNet
, getMonotonicTimestampIO
) where
import Common
@ -53,6 +54,11 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Network.Socket as S
import System.PosixCompat.Files (groupReadMode, groupWriteMode, otherReadMode, otherWriteMode)
#if MIN_VERSION_clock(0,3,0)
import qualified System.Clock as Clock
import qualified System.Posix.Clock as Clock
-- Type of interpreters of the Proto free monad.
type RunProto m = forall a. Proto a -> m (Either ProtoFailure a)
@ -282,6 +288,8 @@ runNet runst conn runner f = case f of
runner next
GetProtocolVersion next ->
liftIO (readTVarIO versiontvar) >>= runner . next
GetMonotonicTimestamp next ->
liftIO getMonotonicTimestampIO >>= runner . next
-- This is only used for running Net actions when relaying,
-- so it's ok to use runNetProto, despite it not supporting
@ -452,3 +460,7 @@ relayReader v hout = loop
else getsome (b:bs)
chunk = 65536
getMonotonicTimestampIO :: IO MonotonicTimestamp
getMonotonicTimestampIO = (MonotonicTimestamp . fromIntegral . Clock.sec)
<$> Clock.getTime Clock.Monotonic
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ defaultProtocolVersion :: ProtocolVersion
defaultProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion 0
maxProtocolVersion :: ProtocolVersion
maxProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion 2
maxProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion 3
newtype ProtoAssociatedFile = ProtoAssociatedFile AssociatedFile
deriving (Show)
@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ data Validity = Valid | Invalid
newtype Bypass = Bypass (S.Set UUID)
deriving (Show, Monoid, Semigroup)
newtype MonotonicTimestamp = MonotonicTimestamp Integer
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | Messages in the protocol. The peer that makes the connection
-- always initiates requests, and the other peer makes responses to them.
data Message
@ -86,6 +89,8 @@ data Message
| REMOVE_BEFORE MonotonicTimestamp Key
| GET Offset ProtoAssociatedFile Key
| PUT ProtoAssociatedFile Key
| PUT_FROM Offset
@ -98,6 +103,7 @@ data Message
| BYPASS Bypass
| DATA Len -- followed by bytes of data
| VALIDITY Validity
| TIMESTAMP MonotonicTimestamp
| ERROR String
deriving (Show)
@ -114,6 +120,8 @@ instance Proto.Sendable Message where
formatMessage (LOCKCONTENT key) = ["LOCKCONTENT", Proto.serialize key]
formatMessage (REMOVE key) = ["REMOVE", Proto.serialize key]
formatMessage (REMOVE_BEFORE ts key) = ["REMOVE-BEFORE", Proto.serialize ts, Proto.serialize key]
formatMessage (GET offset af key) = ["GET", Proto.serialize offset, Proto.serialize af, Proto.serialize key]
formatMessage (PUT af key) = ["PUT", Proto.serialize af, Proto.serialize key]
formatMessage (PUT_FROM offset) = ["PUT-FROM", Proto.serialize offset]
@ -124,9 +132,10 @@ instance Proto.Sendable Message where
formatMessage FAILURE = ["FAILURE"]
formatMessage (FAILURE_PLUS uuids) = ("FAILURE-PLUS":map Proto.serialize uuids)
formatMessage (BYPASS (Bypass uuids)) = ("BYPASS":map Proto.serialize (S.toList uuids))
formatMessage (DATA len) = ["DATA", Proto.serialize len]
formatMessage (VALIDITY Valid) = ["VALID"]
formatMessage (VALIDITY Invalid) = ["INVALID"]
formatMessage (DATA len) = ["DATA", Proto.serialize len]
formatMessage (TIMESTAMP ts) = ["TIMESTAMP", Proto.serialize ts]
formatMessage (ERROR err) = ["ERROR", Proto.serialize err]
instance Proto.Receivable Message where
@ -142,6 +151,8 @@ instance Proto.Receivable Message where
parseCommand "LOCKCONTENT" = Proto.parse1 LOCKCONTENT
parseCommand "UNLOCKCONTENT" = Proto.parse0 UNLOCKCONTENT
parseCommand "REMOVE" = Proto.parse1 REMOVE
parseCommand "REMOVE-BEFORE" = Proto.parse2 REMOVE_BEFORE
parseCommand "GETTIMESTAMP" = Proto.parse0 GETTIMESTAMP
parseCommand "GET" = Proto.parse3 GET
parseCommand "PUT" = Proto.parse2 PUT
parseCommand "PUT-FROM" = Proto.parse1 PUT_FROM
@ -153,9 +164,10 @@ instance Proto.Receivable Message where
parseCommand "FAILURE-PLUS" = Proto.parseList FAILURE_PLUS
parseCommand "BYPASS" = Proto.parseList (BYPASS . Bypass . S.fromList)
parseCommand "DATA" = Proto.parse1 DATA
parseCommand "ERROR" = Proto.parse1 ERROR
parseCommand "VALID" = Proto.parse0 (VALIDITY Valid)
parseCommand "INVALID" = Proto.parse0 (VALIDITY Invalid)
parseCommand "TIMESTAMP" = Proto.parse1 TIMESTAMP
parseCommand "ERROR" = Proto.parse1 ERROR
parseCommand _ = Proto.parseFail
instance Proto.Serializable ProtocolVersion where
@ -170,6 +182,10 @@ instance Proto.Serializable Len where
serialize (Len n) = show n
deserialize = Len <$$> readish
instance Proto.Serializable MonotonicTimestamp where
serialize (MonotonicTimestamp n) = show n
deserialize = MonotonicTimestamp <$$> readish
instance Proto.Serializable Service where
serialize UploadPack = "git-upload-pack"
serialize ReceivePack = "git-receive-pack"
@ -249,6 +265,7 @@ data NetF c
| SetProtocolVersion ProtocolVersion c
--- ^ Called when a new protocol version has been negotiated.
| GetProtocolVersion (ProtocolVersion -> c)
| GetMonotonicTimestamp (MonotonicTimestamp -> c)
deriving (Functor)
type Net = Free NetF
@ -294,9 +311,11 @@ data LocalF c
| SetPresent Key UUID c
| CheckContentPresent Key (Bool -> c)
-- ^ Checks if the whole content of the key is locally present.
| RemoveContent Key (Bool -> c)
| RemoveContent Key (Maybe MonotonicTimestamp) (Bool -> c)
-- ^ If the content is not present, still succeeds.
-- May fail if not enough copies to safely drop, etc.
-- After locking the content for removal, checks if it's later
-- than the MonotonicTimestamp, and fails.
| TryLockContent Key (Bool -> Proto ()) c
-- ^ Try to lock the content of a key, preventing it
-- from being deleted, while running the provided protocol
@ -488,13 +507,13 @@ serveAuthed servermode myuuid = void $ serverLoop handler
sendSuccess =<< local (checkContentPresent key)
return ServerContinue
handler (REMOVE key) =
checkREMOVEServerMode servermode $ \case
Nothing -> do
sendSuccess =<< local (removeContent key)
return ServerContinue
Just notallowed -> do
return ServerContinue
handleremove key Nothing
handler (REMOVE_BEFORE ts key) =
handleremove key (Just ts)
handler GETTIMESTAMP = do
ts <- net getMonotonicTimestamp
net $ sendMessage $ TIMESTAMP ts
return ServerContinue
handler (PUT (ProtoAssociatedFile af) key) =
checkPUTServerMode servermode $ \case
Nothing -> handleput af key
@ -536,6 +555,15 @@ serveAuthed servermode myuuid = void $ serverLoop handler
when (observeBool v) $
local $ setPresent key myuuid
return ServerContinue
handleremove key mts =
checkREMOVEServerMode servermode $ \case
Nothing -> do
sendSuccess =<< local (removeContent key mts)
return ServerContinue
Just notallowed -> do
return ServerContinue
sendReadOnlyError :: Proto ()
sendReadOnlyError = net $ sendMessage $
@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ Build-Depends:
libghc-git-lfs-dev (>= 1.2.0),
lsof [linux-any],
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ any authentication.
The client sends the highest protocol version it supports:
The server responds with the highest protocol version it supports
that is less than or equal to the version the client sent:
@ -134,6 +134,32 @@ In protocol version 2, the server can optionally reply with SUCCESS-PLUS
or FAILURE-PLUS. Each has a subsequent list of UUIDs of repositories
that the content was removed from.
## Removing content before a specified time
This is only available in protocol version 3 and above.
To remove a key's content from the server, but only before a specified time,
the client sends:
The server responds to the message in the same way as to REMOVE.
If the server receives the message at a time after the specified timestamp,
the remove must fail. This is used to avoid removing content after a point
in time where it is no longer locked in other repostitories.
## Getting a timestamp
This is only available in protocol version 3 and above.
To get the current timestamp from the server, the client sends:
The server responds with TIMESTAMP followed by its current time, as a
number of seconds. Note that this uses a monotonic clock.
## Storing content on the server
To store content on the server, the client sends:
@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ may want git-annex to use HTTP in eg a LAN.
Each request in the protocol is versioned. The versions correspond
to P2P protocol versions, but for simplicity, the minimum version supported
over HTTP is version 2. Every implementation of the HTTP protocol must
support version 2.
over HTTP is version 3. Every implementation of the HTTP protocol must
support version 3.
The protocol version comes before the request. Eg: `/git-annex/v2/put`
The protocol version comes before the request. Eg: `/git-annex/v3/put`
If the server does not support a particular protocol version, the
request will fail with a 404, and the client should fall back to an earlier
protocol version, eg version 2.
protocol version.
## common request parameters
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Checks if a key is currently present on the server.
> POST /git-annex/v2/checkpresent?key=SHA1--foo&clientuuid=79a5a1f4-07e8-11ef-873d-97f93ca91925&serveruuid=ecf6d4ca-07e8-11ef-8990-9b8c1f696bf6 HTTP/1.1
> POST /git-annex/v3/checkpresent?key=SHA1--foo&clientuuid=79a5a1f4-07e8-11ef-873d-97f93ca91925&serveruuid=ecf6d4ca-07e8-11ef-8990-9b8c1f696bf6 HTTP/1.1
There is one required additional parameter, `key`.
@ -99,13 +99,32 @@ or closes the websocket, the server unlocks the content.
XXX What happens if the connection times out? Will the client notice that
in time? How does this work with P2P over ssh?
### limit-remove
Limit the next requested removal of a key to occur within a specified
number of seconds.
> POST /git-annex/v3/limit-remove?seconds=600&key=SHA1--foo&clientuuid=79a5a1f4-07e8-11ef-873d-97f93ca91925&serveruuid=ecf6d4ca-07e8-11ef-8990-9b8c1f696bf6 HTTP/1.1
There are two required additional parameters, `key` and `seconds`.
The body of the request is empty.
The server responds with "SUCCESS".
The server will check the next `remove` request, and if it's for the same key,
and more time has elapsed, it will refuse to remove the key's content.
### remove
Remove a key's content from the server.
> POST /git-annex/v2/remove?key=SHA1--foo&clientuuid=79a5a1f4-07e8-11ef-873d-97f93ca91925&serveruuid=ecf6d4ca-07e8-11ef-8990-9b8c1f696bf6 HTTP/1.1
> POST /git-annex/v3/remove?key=SHA1--foo&clientuuid=79a5a1f4-07e8-11ef-873d-97f93ca91925&serveruuid=ecf6d4ca-07e8-11ef-8990-9b8c1f696bf6 HTTP/1.1
There is one required additional parameter, `key`.
@ -125,13 +144,46 @@ If the server was prevented from trying to remove the key due to a policy
(eg due to being read-only or append-only, it will respond with "ERROR",
followed by a space and an error message.
## remove-before
Remove a key's content from the server, but only before a specified time.
> POST /git-annex/v3/remove-before?timestamp=4949292929&key=SHA1--foo&clientuuid=79a5a1f4-07e8-11ef-873d-97f93ca91925&serveruuid=ecf6d4ca-07e8-11ef-8990-9b8c1f696bf6 HTTP/1.1
This is the same as the `remove` request, but with an additional parameter,
If the server's clock is past the specified timestamp, the removal will
fail. This is used to avoid removing content after a point in time where it
is no longer locked in other repostitories.
## gettimestamp
Gets the current timestamp from the server.
> POST /git-annex/v3/gettimestamp?clientuuid=79a5a1f4-07e8-11ef-873d-97f93ca91925&serveruuid=ecf6d4ca-07e8-11ef-8990-9b8c1f696bf6 HTTP/1.1
< TIMESTAMP 59459392
The body of the request is empty.
The server responds with "TIMESTAMP" followed by a space and the current
value of its monotonic clock, as a number of seconds.
Important: If multiple servers are serving this protocol for the same
repository, they MUST all use the same monotonic clock.
### put
Store content on the server.
> POST /git-annex/v2/put?key=SHA1--foo&associatedfile=bar&clientuuid=79a5a1f4-07e8-11ef-873d-97f93ca91925&serveruuid=ecf6d4ca-07e8-11ef-8990-9b8c1f696bf6 HTTP/1.1
> POST /git-annex/v3/put?key=SHA1--foo&associatedfile=bar&clientuuid=79a5a1f4-07e8-11ef-873d-97f93ca91925&serveruuid=ecf6d4ca-07e8-11ef-8990-9b8c1f696bf6 HTTP/1.1
> Content-Type: application/octet-stream
> Content-Length: 4
> foo1
@ -186,7 +238,7 @@ the `put` request failing.
> POST /git-annex/v2/putoffset?key=SHA1--foo&clientuuid=79a5a1f4-07e8-11ef-873d-97f93ca91925&serveruuid=ecf6d4ca-07e8-11ef-8990-9b8c1f696bf6 HTTP/1.1
> POST /git-annex/v3/putoffset?key=SHA1--foo&clientuuid=79a5a1f4-07e8-11ef-873d-97f93ca91925&serveruuid=ecf6d4ca-07e8-11ef-8990-9b8c1f696bf6 HTTP/1.1
< 10
There is one required additional parameter, `key`.
@ -211,7 +263,7 @@ Get content from the server.
> POST /git-annex/v2/get?key=SHA1--foo&associatedfile=bar&clientuuid=79a5a1f4-07e8-11ef-873d-97f93ca91925&serveruuid=ecf6d4ca-07e8-11ef-8990-9b8c1f696bf6 HTTP/1.1
> POST /git-annex/v3/get?key=SHA1--foo&associatedfile=bar&clientuuid=79a5a1f4-07e8-11ef-873d-97f93ca91925&serveruuid=ecf6d4ca-07e8-11ef-8990-9b8c1f696bf6 HTTP/1.1
< Content-Type: application/octet-stream
< Content-Length: 4
< foo1
@ -111,4 +111,3 @@ out to each client, by calling GETTIMESTAMP again and applying the offsets
between the cluster's clock and each node's clock.
This approach would need to use a monotonic clock!
>>>>>>> master
@ -278,7 +278,8 @@ Executable git-annex
DAV (>= 1.0),
network (>=,
git-lfs (>= 1.2.0)
git-lfs (>= 1.2.0),
clock (>=
CC-Options: -Wall
GHC-Options: -Wall -fno-warn-tabs -Wincomplete-uni-patterns
Default-Language: Haskell2010
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