Not the first time this kind of test suite breakage has happened..
It would be good to avoid somehow it looking up from .t and finding a git
repo. But just running the test suite from time to time outside of
git-annex would also let me notice these before the distribution packagers
This commit was sponsored by mo on Patreon.
That can leave other imported files not checked into git, because the git
command queue is not flushed when git-annex errors out. And since it only
happens once git-annex has concluded a feed is broken, it's an intermittent
bug, worst kind. Been seeing it for a while, only tracked down today.
Instead, by returning False, git-annex importfeed will cleanly shutdown and
still exit nonzero.
This commit was sponsored by Denis Dzyubenko on Patreon.
When readContent got Nothing from prepSendAnnex, it did not run its
callback, and the callback is what sends the DATA reply.
sendContent checks with contentSize that the object file is present, but
that doesn't really guarantee that prepSendAnnex won't return Nothing.
So, it was possible for a P2P protocol GET to not receive a response,
and appear to hang. When what it's really doing is waiting for the next
protocol command.
This seems most likely to happen when the annex is in direct mode, and the
file being requested has been modified. It could also happen in an indirect
mode repository if genInodeCache somehow failed. Perhaps due to a race
with a drop of the content file.
Fixed by making readContent behave the way its spec said it should,
and run the callback with L.empty in this case.
Note that, it's finee for readContent to send any amount of data
to the callback, including L.empty. sendBytes deals with that
by making sure it sends exactly the specified number of bytes,
aborting the protocol if it's too short. So, when L.empty is sent,
the protocol will end up aborting.
This work is supported by the NIH-funded NICEMAN (ReproNim TR&D3) project.
Instead remove enough data from it that this regression test tests what
it needs to.
Moving the database was the last thing that made the test suite
unstable, including sometimes hanging completely. It seems that, despite
closeDb being called before the move, sqlite was not quite done with it,
and somehow this causes other sqlite handles to become unstable. Not
With this change, the test suite has successfully run 100+ times without
any issues.