wrote parser

This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2012-10-03 19:13:21 -04:00
parent 7a7f63182c
commit dda953bcce

View file

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Common.Annex
import Command
@ -31,23 +32,24 @@ seek = [withNothing start]
start :: CommandStart
start = do
f <- fromRepo gitAnnexTmpCfgFile
createAnnexDirectory (parentDir f)
liftIO . writeFile f =<< genCfg <$> getCfg
vicfg f
createAnnexDirectory $ parentDir f
cfg <- getCfg
liftIO $ writeFile f $ genCfg cfg
vicfg cfg f
vicfg :: FilePath -> Annex ()
vicfg f = do
vicfg :: Cfg -> FilePath -> Annex ()
vicfg curcfg f = do
vi <- liftIO $ catchDefaultIO "vi" $ getEnv "EDITOR"
-- Allow EDITOR to be processed by the shell, so it can contain options.
unlessM (liftIO $ boolSystem "sh" [Param "-c", Param $ unwords [vi, f]]) $
error $ vi ++ " exited nonzero; aborting"
r <- parseCfg <$> liftIO (readFileStrict f)
r <- parseCfg curcfg <$> liftIO (readFileStrict f)
liftIO $ nukeFile f
case r of
Left s -> do
liftIO $ writeFile f s
vicfg f
vicfg curcfg f
Right c -> setCfg c
data Cfg = Cfg
@ -62,6 +64,9 @@ getCfg = Cfg
<*> (groupsByUUID <$> groupMap)
<*> uuidDescriptions
emptyCfg :: Cfg
emptyCfg = Cfg M.empty M.empty M.empty
setCfg :: Cfg -> Annex ()
setCfg = error "TODO setCfg"
@ -97,13 +102,13 @@ genCfg cfg = unlines $ concat
sort $ map swap $ M.toList $ cfgGroupMap cfg
defaultgroups = map (\u -> pcom $ line "group" u "") $
missing cfgGroupMap
line setting u value = unwords
[ setting
, showu u
, "="
, value
com s = "# " ++ s
pcom s = "#" ++ s
showu u = fromMaybe (fromUUID u) $
M.lookup u (cfgDescriptions cfg)
@ -111,5 +116,60 @@ genCfg cfg = unlines $ concat
{- If there's a parse error, returns a new version of the file,
- with the problem lines noted. -}
parseCfg :: String -> Either String Cfg
parseCfg = undefined
parseCfg :: Cfg -> String -> Either String Cfg
parseCfg curcfg = go [] curcfg . lines
go c cfg []
| null (catMaybes $ map fst c) = Right cfg
| otherwise = Left $ unlines $
badheader ++ concatMap showerr (reverse c)
go c cfg (l:ls) = case parse (dropWhile isSpace l) cfg of
Left msg -> go ((Just msg, l):c) cfg ls
Right cfg' -> go ((Nothing, l):c) cfg' ls
parse l cfg
| null l = Right cfg
| "#" `isPrefixOf` l = Right cfg
| null setting || null repo' = Left "missing repository name"
| otherwise = case M.lookup repo' name2uuid of
Nothing -> badval "repository" repo'
Just u -> handle cfg u setting value'
(setting, rest) = separate isSpace l
(repo, value) = separate (== '=') rest
value' = dropWhile isSpace value
repo' = reverse $ dropWhile isSpace $
reverse $ dropWhile isSpace repo
handle cfg u setting value
| setting == "trust" = case readTrustLevel value of
Nothing -> badval "trust value" value
Just t ->
let m = M.insert u t (cfgTrustMap cfg)
in Right $ cfg { cfgTrustMap = m }
| setting == "group" =
let m = M.insert u (S.fromList $ words value) (cfgGroupMap cfg)
in Right $ cfg { cfgGroupMap = m }
| otherwise = badval "setting" setting
name2uuid = M.fromList $ map swap $
M.toList $ cfgDescriptions curcfg
showerr (Just msg, l) = [parseerr ++ msg, l]
showerr (Nothing, l)
-- filter out the header and parse error lines
-- from any previous parse failure
| any (`isPrefixOf` l) (parseerr:badheader) = []
| otherwise = [l]
badval desc val = Left $ "unknown " ++ desc ++ " \"" ++ val ++ "\""
badheader =
[ com "There was a problem parsing your input."
, com "Search for \"Parse error\" to find the bad lines."
, com "Either fix the bad lines, or delete them (to discard your changes)."
parseerr = com "Parse error in next line: "
com :: String -> String
com s = "# " ++ s