reuse old imported commits
This avoids proliferation of different import commits for the same trees, and makes the resulting git history nice.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 51 additions and 22 deletions
@ -166,30 +166,30 @@ buildImportCommit' importcommitconfig mtrackingcommit imported@(History ti _) =
Nothing -> Just <$> mkcommits imported
Just trackingcommit -> do
-- Get history of tracking branch to at most
-- one more level deep, so sametodepth will
-- always have enough history to compare,
-- but unncessary history won't be loaded.
-- one more level deep than what was imported,
-- so we'll have enough history to compare,
-- but not spend too much time getting it.
let maxdepth = succ (historyDepth imported)
inRepo (getHistoryToDepth maxdepth trackingcommit)
>>= go trackingcommit
go _ Nothing = Just <$> mkcommits imported
go trackingcommit (Just h)
-- If the tracking branch matches the history,
-- nothing new needs to be committed.
| sametodepth imported h' = return Nothing
-- If the tracking branch head is a merge commit
-- with a tree that matches the head of the history,
-- and one side of the merge matches the history,
-- nothing new needs to be committed.
| t == ti && any (sametodepth imported) (S.toList s) = return Nothing
-- Make a merge commit, with one side being the import, and
-- the other being the trackingcommit. This way the history
-- as imported is preserved, even when it differs from the
-- history as exported, and git merge will understand that
-- the history is connected.
-- If the tracking branch matches the history,
-- nothing new needs to be committed.
-- (This is unlikely to happen.)
| sametodepth imported h' = return Nothing
| otherwise = do
importedcommit <- mkcommits imported
importedcommit <- case getRemoteTrackingBranchImportHistory h of
Nothing ->
mkcommits imported
Just oldimported ->
mknewcommits oldimported imported
Just <$> makeRemoteTrackingBranchMergeCommit'
trackingcommit importedcommit ti
@ -197,15 +197,30 @@ buildImportCommit' importcommitconfig mtrackingcommit imported@(History ti _) =
sametodepth a b = a == truncateHistoryToDepth (historyDepth a) b
mkcommits (History importedtree hs) = do
parents <- mapM mkcommits (S.toList hs)
mkcommit parents importedtree
mkcommit parents tree = inRepo $ Git.Branch.commitTree
(importCommitMode importcommitconfig)
(importCommitMessage importcommitconfig)
mkcommits (History importedtree hs) = do
parents <- mapM mkcommits (S.toList hs)
mkcommit parents importedtree
-- Reuse the commits from the oldimported History when possible.
mknewcommits old@(History oldhc _) new@(History importedtree hs)
| sameasold old new = return $ historyCommit oldhc
| otherwise = do
parents <- mapM (mknewcommits old) (S.toList hs)
mkcommit parents importedtree
-- Are the trees in the old History the same as the newly imported
-- trees, all the way down?
sameasold (History oldhc olds) (History importedtree hs)
| historyCommitTree oldhc /= importedtree = False
| otherwise = all (sameasold' olds) (S.toList hs)
sameasold' olds h = any (\old -> sameasold old h) (S.toList olds)
{- Builds a history of git trees reflecting the ImportableContents.
- When a subdir is provided, imported tree is grafted into the basetree at
@ -12,15 +12,18 @@ module Annex.RemoteTrackingBranch
, setRemoteTrackingBranch
, makeRemoteTrackingBranchMergeCommit
, makeRemoteTrackingBranchMergeCommit'
, getRemoteTrackingBranchImportHistory
) where
import Annex.Common
import Git.Types
import qualified Git.Ref
import qualified Git.Branch
import qualified Git.History
import Git.History
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
import qualified Data.Set as S
newtype RemoteTrackingBranch = RemoteTrackingBranch
{ fromRemoteTrackingBranch :: Ref }
deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -54,9 +57,9 @@ makeRemoteTrackingBranchMergeCommit tb commitsha treesha =
-- Check if the tracking branch exists.
inRepo (Git.Ref.sha (fromRemoteTrackingBranch tb)) >>= \case
Nothing -> return commitsha
Just _ -> inRepo (Git.History.getHistoryToDepth 1 (fromRemoteTrackingBranch tb)) >>= \case
Just _ -> inRepo (getHistoryToDepth 1 (fromRemoteTrackingBranch tb)) >>= \case
Nothing -> return commitsha
Just (Git.History.History hc _) -> case Git.History.historyCommitParents hc of
Just (History hc _) -> case historyCommitParents hc of
[_, importhistory] ->
makeRemoteTrackingBranchMergeCommit' commitsha importhistory treesha
-- Earlier versions of git-annex did not
@ -72,3 +75,17 @@ makeRemoteTrackingBranchMergeCommit' commitsha importedhistory treesha =
"remote tracking branch"
[commitsha, importedhistory]
{- When makeRemoteTrackingBranchMergeCommit was used, this finds the
- import history, starting from the second parent of the merge commit.
getRemoteTrackingBranchImportHistory :: History HistoryCommit -> Maybe (History HistoryCommit)
getRemoteTrackingBranchImportHistory (History hc s) =
case historyCommitParents hc of
[_, importhistory] -> go importhistory (S.toList s)
_ -> Nothing
go _ [] = Nothing
go i (h@(History hc' _):hs)
| historyCommit hc' == i = Just h
| otherwise = go i hs
@ -13,14 +13,11 @@ and `git annex sync --content` can be configured to use it.
## remaining todo
* When generating commits for an imported history, provide a stable author,
committer, and date, so the same commit sha1 is always generated.
* When the imported history has only one level and matches the last export,
there is no need to generate a merge commit, can just add a new commit on
top of the last export. A simple fast-forward.
* Detect more complex fast-forwards from the import? This may be hard..
May not be needed?
* S3 buckets can be set up to allow reads and listing by an anonymous user.
That should allow importing from such a bucket, but the S3 remote
Add table
Reference in a new issue