don't empty historyCommitParents
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 17 additions and 15 deletions
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ getHistoryToDepth n commit r = do
void $ waitForProcess pid
return h
build h [] = h
build h [] = fmap (mapHistory fst) h
build _ (Nothing:_) = Nothing
build Nothing (Just v:rest) =
build (Just (History v S.empty)) rest
@ -72,17 +72,16 @@ getHistoryToDepth n commit r = do
-- history.
if parentsfound h' then [] else rest
traverseadd hc (History hc' s)
| historyCommit hc `elem` historyCommitParents hc' =
let otherps = filter (/= historyCommit hc) (historyCommitParents hc')
hc'' = hc' { historyCommitParents = otherps }
in History hc'' (S.insert (History hc S.empty) s)
| otherwise = History hc' ( (traverseadd hc) s)
traverseadd v@(hc, _ps) (History v'@(hc', ps') s)
| historyCommit hc `elem` ps' =
let ps'' = filter (/= historyCommit hc) ps'
in History (hc', ps'') (S.insert (History v S.empty) s)
| otherwise = History v' ( (traverseadd v) s)
parentsfound = parentsfound' 1
parentsfound' depth (History hc s)
| not (null (historyCommitParents hc)) = False
| null (historyCommitParents hc) && depth == n = True
parentsfound' depth (History (_hc, ps) s)
| not (null ps) = False
| null ps && depth == n = True
| depth >= n = True
| otherwise = all (parentsfound' (succ depth)) (S.toList s)
@ -95,9 +94,12 @@ getHistoryToDepth n commit r = do
parsehistorycommit l = case map extractSha (splitc ' ' l) of
(Just t:Just c:ps) -> Just $ HistoryCommit
{ historyCommit = c
, historyCommitTree = t
, historyCommitParents = catMaybes ps
(Just t:Just c:ps) -> Just $
( HistoryCommit
{ historyCommit = c
, historyCommitTree = t
, historyCommitParents = catMaybes ps
, catMaybes ps
_ -> Nothing
Add table
Reference in a new issue