factored out a generic MapLog from uuid-based logs

UUIDBased is just a MapLog with a UUID for the field.
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2014-03-15 13:44:31 -04:00
parent 0760086f27
commit 431d805a96
5 changed files with 117 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ getLogVariety :: FilePath -> Maybe LogVariety
getLogVariety f
| f `elem` topLevelUUIDBasedLogs = Just UUIDBasedLog
| isRemoteStateLog f = Just NewUUIDBasedLog
| isMetaDataLog f || f == numcopiesLog = Just OtherLog
| isMetaDataLog f || f `elem` otherLogs = Just OtherLog
| otherwise = PresenceLog <$> firstJust (presenceLogs f)
{- All the uuid-based logs stored in the top of the git-annex branch. -}
@ -45,6 +45,13 @@ presenceLogs f =
, locationLogFileKey f
{- Logs that are neither UUID based nor presence logs. -}
otherLogs :: [FilePath]
otherLogs =
[ numcopiesLog
, groupPreferredContentLog
uuidLog :: FilePath
uuidLog = "uuid.log"
@ -63,6 +70,9 @@ groupLog = "group.log"
preferredContentLog :: FilePath
preferredContentLog = "preferred-content.log"
groupPreferredContentLog :: FilePath
groupPreferredContentLog = "group-preferred-content.log"
scheduleLog :: FilePath
scheduleLog = "schedule.log"

Logs/MapLog.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
{- git-annex Map log
- This is used to store a Map, in a way that can be union merged.
- A line of the log will look like: "timestamp field value"
- Copyright 2014 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Logs.MapLog where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Time
import System.Locale
import Common
data TimeStamp = Unknown | Date POSIXTime
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data LogEntry v = LogEntry
{ changed :: TimeStamp
, value :: v
} deriving (Eq, Show)
type MapLog f v = M.Map f (LogEntry v)
showMapLog :: (f -> String) -> (v -> String) -> MapLog f v -> String
showMapLog fieldshower valueshower = unlines . map showpair . M.toList
showpair (f, LogEntry (Date p) v) =
unwords [show p, fieldshower f, valueshower v]
showpair (f, LogEntry Unknown v) =
unwords ["0", fieldshower f, valueshower v]
parseMapLog :: Ord f => (String -> Maybe f) -> (String -> Maybe v) -> String -> MapLog f v
parseMapLog fieldparser valueparser = M.fromListWith best . mapMaybe parse . lines
parse line = do
let (ts, rest) = splitword line
(sf, sv) = splitword rest
date <- Date . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds <$> parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%s%Qs" ts
f <- fieldparser sf
v <- valueparser sv
Just (f, LogEntry date v)
splitword = separate (== ' ')
changeMapLog :: Ord f => POSIXTime -> f -> v -> MapLog f v -> MapLog f v
changeMapLog t f v = M.insert f $ LogEntry (Date t) v
{- Only add an LogEntry if it's newer (or at least as new as) than any
- existing LogEntry for a field. -}
addMapLog :: Ord f => f -> LogEntry v -> MapLog f v -> MapLog f v
addMapLog = M.insertWith' best
{- Converts a MapLog into a simple Map without the timestamp information.
- This is a one-way trip, but useful for code that never needs to change
- the log. -}
simpleMap :: MapLog f v -> M.Map f v
simpleMap = M.map value
best :: LogEntry v -> LogEntry v -> LogEntry v
best new old
| changed old > changed new = old
| otherwise = new
-- Unknown is oldest.
prop_TimeStamp_sane :: Bool
prop_TimeStamp_sane = Unknown < Date 1
prop_addMapLog_sane :: Bool
prop_addMapLog_sane = newWins && newestWins
newWins = addMapLog ("foo") (LogEntry (Date 1) "new") l == l2
newestWins = addMapLog ("foo") (LogEntry (Date 1) "newest") l2 /= l2
l = M.fromList [("foo", LogEntry (Date 0) "old")]
l2 = M.fromList [("foo", LogEntry (Date 1) "new")]

View file

@ -26,9 +26,6 @@ module Logs.UUIDBased (
) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -38,21 +35,11 @@ import System.Locale
import Common
import Types.UUID
import Logs.MapLog
data TimeStamp = Unknown | Date POSIXTime
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type Log v = MapLog UUID v
data LogEntry a = LogEntry
{ changed :: TimeStamp
, value :: a
} deriving (Eq, Show)
type Log a = M.Map UUID (LogEntry a)
tskey :: String
tskey = "timestamp="
showLog :: (a -> String) -> Log a -> String
showLog :: (v -> String) -> Log v -> String
showLog shower = unlines . map showpair . M.toList
showpair (k, LogEntry (Date p) v) =
@ -60,14 +47,6 @@ showLog shower = unlines . map showpair . M.toList
showpair (k, LogEntry Unknown v) =
unwords [fromUUID k, shower v]
showLogNew :: (a -> String) -> Log a -> String
showLogNew shower = unlines . map showpair . M.toList
showpair (k, LogEntry (Date p) v) =
unwords [show p, fromUUID k, shower v]
showpair (k, LogEntry Unknown v) =
unwords ["0", fromUUID k, shower v]
parseLog :: (String -> Maybe a) -> String -> Log a
parseLog = parseLogWithUUID . const
@ -98,45 +77,17 @@ parseLogWithUUID parser = M.fromListWith best . mapMaybe parse . lines
Nothing -> Unknown
Just d -> Date $ utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds d
parseLogNew :: (String -> Maybe a) -> String -> Log a
parseLogNew parser = M.fromListWith best . mapMaybe parse . lines
parse line = do
let (ts, rest) = splitword line
(u, v) = splitword rest
date <- Date . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds <$> parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%s%Qs" ts
val <- parser v
Just (toUUID u, LogEntry date val)
splitword = separate (== ' ')
showLogNew :: (v -> String) -> Log v -> String
showLogNew = showMapLog fromUUID
changeLog :: POSIXTime -> UUID -> a -> Log a -> Log a
changeLog t u v = M.insert u $ LogEntry (Date t) v
parseLogNew :: (String -> Maybe v) -> String -> Log v
parseLogNew = parseMapLog (Just . toUUID)
{- Only add an LogEntry if it's newer (or at least as new as) than any
- existing LogEntry for a UUID. -}
addLog :: UUID -> LogEntry a -> Log a -> Log a
addLog = M.insertWith' best
changeLog :: POSIXTime -> UUID -> v -> Log v -> Log v
changeLog = changeMapLog
{- Converts a Log into a simple Map without the timestamp information.
- This is a one-way trip, but useful for code that never needs to change
- the log. -}
simpleMap :: Log a -> M.Map UUID a
simpleMap = M.map value
addLog :: UUID -> LogEntry v -> Log v -> Log v
addLog = addMapLog
best :: LogEntry a -> LogEntry a -> LogEntry a
best new old
| changed old > changed new = old
| otherwise = new
-- Unknown is oldest.
prop_TimeStamp_sane :: Bool
prop_TimeStamp_sane = Unknown < Date 1
prop_addLog_sane :: Bool
prop_addLog_sane = newWins && newestWins
newWins = addLog (UUID "foo") (LogEntry (Date 1) "new") l == l2
newestWins = addLog (UUID "foo") (LogEntry (Date 1) "newest") l2 /= l2
l = M.fromList [(UUID "foo", LogEntry (Date 0) "old")]
l2 = M.fromList [(UUID "foo", LogEntry (Date 1) "new")]
tskey :: String
tskey = "timestamp="

View file

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ import qualified Types.Backend
import qualified Types.TrustLevel
import qualified Types
import qualified Logs
import qualified Logs.UUIDBased
import qualified Logs.MapLog
import qualified Logs.Trust
import qualified Logs.Remote
import qualified Logs.Unused
@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ properties = localOption (QuickCheckTests 1000) $ testGroup "QuickCheck"
, testProperty "prop_cost_sane" Config.Cost.prop_cost_sane
, testProperty "prop_matcher_sane" Utility.Matcher.prop_matcher_sane
, testProperty "prop_HmacSha1WithCipher_sane" Crypto.prop_HmacSha1WithCipher_sane
, testProperty "prop_TimeStamp_sane" Logs.UUIDBased.prop_TimeStamp_sane
, testProperty "prop_addLog_sane" Logs.UUIDBased.prop_addLog_sane
, testProperty "prop_TimeStamp_sane" Logs.MapLog.prop_TimeStamp_sane
, testProperty "prop_addMapLog_sane" Logs.MapLog.prop_addMapLog_sane
, testProperty "prop_verifiable_sane" Utility.Verifiable.prop_verifiable_sane
, testProperty "prop_segment_regressionTest" Utility.Misc.prop_segment_regressionTest
, testProperty "prop_read_write_transferinfo" Logs.Transfer.prop_read_write_transferinfo

View file

@ -150,6 +150,15 @@ Files matching the expression are preferred to be retained in the
repository, while files not matching it are preferred to be stored
somewhere else.
## `group-preferred-content.log`
Contains standard preferred content settings for groups. (Overriding or
supplimenting the ones built into git-annex.)
The file format is one line per group, staring with a timestamp, then a
space, then the group name followed by a space and then the preferred
content expression.
## `aaa/bbb/*.log`
These log files record [[location_tracking]] information