set up handles for p2phttp
Now it fully works.. for the first request. But then it gets stuck waiting for the P2P protocol runner to shut down.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 15 additions and 5 deletions
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ testCheckPresent = do
burl <- liftIO $ parseBaseUrl "http://localhost:8080/"
res <- liftIO $ clientCheckPresent (mkClientEnv mgr burl)
(P2P.ProtocolVersion 3)
(B64Key (fromJust $ deserializeKey ("WORM--foo" :: String)))
(B64Key (fromJust $ deserializeKey ("WORM-s30-m1720547401--foo" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("cu" :: String)))
(B64UUID (toUUID ("f11773f0-11e1-45b2-9805-06db16768efe" :: String)))
@ -118,21 +118,31 @@ withLocalP2PConnections a = do
resp <- if connectionServerUUID connparams /= myuuid
then return $ Left $ ConnectionFailed "unknown uuid"
else do
hdl1 <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
hdl2 <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
waitv1 <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
waitv2 <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
let h1 = P2PHandleTMVar hdl1 waitv1
let h2 = P2PHandleTMVar hdl2 waitv2
let serverconn = P2PConnection Nothing
(const True) h1 h2
(ConnIdent (Just "http server"))
let clientconn = P2PConnection Nothing
(const True) h2 h1
(ConnIdent (Just "http client"))
runst <- liftIO $ mkrunst connparams
-- TODO not this, need one with MVars.
let conn = stdioP2PConnection Nothing
-- TODO is this right? It needs to exit
-- when the client stops sending messages.
let server = P2P.serveAuthed
(connectionServerMode connparams)
(connectionServerUUID connparams)
let protorunner = void $
runFullProto runst conn server
runFullProto runst serverconn server
asyncworker <- liftIO . async
=<< forkState protorunner
let releaseconn = atomically $ putTMVar relv $
join (liftIO (wait asyncworker))
return $ Right (runst, conn, releaseconn)
return $ Right (runst, clientconn, releaseconn)
liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar respvar resp
mkrunst connparams = do
Reference in a new issue