finish implementation of Remote.P2P (untested)
Not tested at all, but it just might work. Only known problem is that progress is not updated when storing to a P2P remote. This commit was sponsored by Nick Daly on Patreon.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 116 additions and 24 deletions
@ -11,14 +11,23 @@ module Remote.P2P (
) where
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
import qualified P2P.Protocol as P2P
import P2P.Address
import P2P.Annex
import Types.Remote
import Types.GitConfig
import qualified Git
import Config
import Config.Cost
import Remote.Helper.Git
import Remote.Helper.Special
import Remote.Helper.Tor
import Utility.Tor
import Utility.Metered
import Types.NumCopies
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
remote :: RemoteType
remote = RemoteType {
@ -32,18 +41,18 @@ remote = RemoteType {
chainGen :: P2PAddress -> Git.Repo -> UUID -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
chainGen addr r u c gc = do
workerpool <- mkWorkerPool addr
connpool <- mkConnectionPool
cst <- remoteCost gc expensiveRemoteCost
let this = Remote
{ uuid = u
, cost = cst
, name = Git.repoDescribe r
, storeKey = storeKeyDummy
, retrieveKeyFile = retreiveKeyFileDummy
, storeKey = store addr connpool
, retrieveKeyFile = retrieve addr connpool
, retrieveKeyFileCheap = \_ _ _ -> return False
, removeKey = removeKeyDummy
, lockContent = Nothing -- TODO use p2p protocol locking
, checkPresent = checkPresentDummy
, removeKey = remove addr connpool
, lockContent = Just (lock u addr connpool)
, checkPresent = checkpresent addr connpool
, checkPresentCheap = False
, whereisKey = Nothing
, remoteFsck = Nothing
@ -60,26 +69,109 @@ chainGen addr r u c gc = do
, claimUrl = Nothing
, checkUrl = Nothing
return $ Just $ specialRemote' (specialRemoteCfg c) c
(simplyPrepare $ store this workerpool)
(simplyPrepare $ retrieve this workerpool)
(simplyPrepare $ remove this workerpool)
(simplyPrepare $ checkKey this workerpool)
return (Just this)
data WorkerPool = WorkerPool
-- TODO update progress
store :: P2PAddress -> ConnectionPool -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
store addr connpool k af p = fromMaybe False
<$> runProto addr connpool (P2P.put k af)
mkWorkerPool :: P2PAddress -> Annex WorkerPool
mkWorkerPool addr = undefined
retrieve :: P2PAddress -> ConnectionPool -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex (Bool, Verification)
retrieve addr connpool k af dest _p = unVerified $ fromMaybe False
<$> runProto addr connpool (P2P.get dest k af)
store :: Remote -> WorkerPool -> Storer
store r workerpool = undefined
remove :: P2PAddress -> ConnectionPool -> Key -> Annex Bool
remove addr connpool k = fromMaybe False
<$> runProto addr connpool (P2P.remove k)
retrieve :: Remote -> WorkerPool -> Retriever
retrieve r workerpool = undefined
checkpresent :: P2PAddress -> ConnectionPool -> Key -> Annex Bool
checkpresent addr connpool k = maybe unavail return
=<< runProto addr connpool (P2P.checkPresent k)
unavail = giveup "can't connect to peer"
remove :: Remote -> WorkerPool -> Remover
remove r workerpool k = undefined
lock :: UUID -> P2PAddress -> ConnectionPool -> Key -> (VerifiedCopy -> Annex r) -> Annex r
lock theiruuid addr connpool k callback =
withConnection addr connpool $ \conn -> do
connv <- liftIO $ newMVar conn
let runproto d p = do
c <- liftIO $ takeMVar connv
(c', mr) <- runProto' p c
liftIO $ putMVar connv c'
return (fromMaybe d mr)
r <- P2P.lockContentWhile runproto k go
conn' <- liftIO $ takeMVar connv
return (conn', r)
go False = giveup "can't lock content"
go True = withVerifiedCopy LockedCopy theiruuid (return True) callback
checkKey :: Remote -> WorkerPool -> CheckPresent
checkKey r workerpool k = undefined
-- | A connection to the peer.
data Connection
= TorAnnexConnection RunEnv
| ClosedConnection
type ConnectionPool = TVar [Connection]
mkConnectionPool :: Annex ConnectionPool
mkConnectionPool = liftIO $ newTVarIO []
-- Runs the Proto action.
runProto :: P2PAddress -> ConnectionPool -> P2P.Proto a -> Annex (Maybe a)
runProto addr connpool a = withConnection addr connpool (runProto' a)
runProto' :: P2P.Proto a -> Connection -> Annex (Connection, Maybe a)
runProto' _ ClosedConnection = return (ClosedConnection, Nothing)
runProto' a conn@(TorAnnexConnection runenv) = do
r <- runFullProto Client runenv a
-- When runFullProto fails, the connection is no longer usable,
-- so close it.
if isJust r
then return (conn, r)
else do
liftIO $ hClose (runIhdl runenv)
return (ClosedConnection, r)
-- Uses an open connection if one is available in the ConnectionPool;
-- otherwise opens a new connection.
-- Once the action is done, the connection is added back to the
-- ConnectionPool, unless it's no longer open.
withConnection :: P2PAddress -> ConnectionPool -> (Connection -> Annex (Connection, a)) -> Annex a
withConnection addr connpool a = bracketOnError get cache go
get = do
mc <- liftIO $ atomically $ do
l <- readTVar connpool
case l of
[] -> do
writeTVar connpool []
return Nothing
(c:cs) -> do
writeTVar connpool cs
return (Just c)
maybe (openConnection addr) return mc
cache ClosedConnection = return ()
cache conn = liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' connpool (conn:)
go conn = do
(conn', r) <- a conn
cache conn'
return r
openConnection :: P2PAddress -> Annex Connection
openConnection (TorAnnex onionaddress onionport) = do
v <- liftIO $ tryNonAsync $
torHandle =<< connectHiddenService onionaddress onionport
case v of
Right h -> do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
let runenv = RunEnv
{ runRepo = g
, runCheckAuth = const False
, runIhdl = h
, runOhdl = h
return (TorAnnexConnection runenv)
Left _e -> return ClosedConnection
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