added StoreContentTo
This is needed in addition to StoreContent, because retrieveKeyFile can be used to retrieve to different destination files, not only the tmp file for a key. This commit was sponsored by Ole-Morten Duesund on Patreon.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 49 additions and 27 deletions
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ module P2P.Annex
import Annex.Common
import Annex.Content
import Annex.Transfer
import Annex.Notification
import P2P.Protocol
import P2P.IO
import Logs.Location
@ -46,6 +45,9 @@ runLocal runmode runner a = case a of
tmp <- fromRepo $ gitAnnexTmpObjectLocation k
size <- liftIO $ catchDefaultIO 0 $ getFileSize tmp
runner (next (Len size))
FileSize f next -> do
size <- liftIO $ catchDefaultIO 0 $ getFileSize f
runner (next (Len size))
ContentSize k next -> do
let getsize = liftIO . catchMaybeIO . getFileSize
size <- inAnnex' isJust Nothing getsize k
@ -69,16 +71,15 @@ runLocal runmode runner a = case a of
Left _ -> return Nothing
Right b -> runner (next b)
_ -> return Nothing
WriteContent k af (Offset o) (Len l) b next -> do
StoreContent k af o l b next -> do
ok <- flip catchNonAsync (const $ return False) $
transfer download k af $
getViaTmp AlwaysVerify k $ \tmp -> liftIO $ do
withBinaryFile tmp WriteMode $ \h -> do
when (o /= 0) $
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek o
L.hPut h b
sz <- getFileSize tmp
return (toInteger sz == l, UnVerified)
getViaTmp AlwaysVerify k $ \tmp ->
unVerified $ storefile tmp o l b
runner (next ok)
StoreContentTo dest o l b next -> do
ok <- flip catchNonAsync (const $ return False) $
storefile dest o l b
runner (next ok)
SetPresent k u next -> do
v <- tryNonAsync $ logChange k u InfoPresent
@ -111,10 +112,17 @@ runLocal runmode runner a = case a of
Right _ -> runner next
transfer mk k af a = case runmode of
transfer mk k af ta = case runmode of
-- Update transfer logs when serving.
Serving theiruuid ->
mk theiruuid k af noRetry (const a) noNotification
mk theiruuid k af noRetry (const ta) noNotification
-- Transfer logs are updated higher in the stack when
-- a client.
Client -> a
Client -> ta
storefile dest (Offset o) (Len l) b = liftIO $ do
withBinaryFile dest WriteMode $ \h -> do
when (o /= 0) $
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek o
L.hPut h b
sz <- getFileSize dest
return (toInteger sz == l)
@ -189,16 +189,25 @@ data LocalF c
= TmpContentSize Key (Len -> c)
-- ^ Gets size of the temp file where received content may have
-- been stored. If not present, returns 0.
| FileSize FilePath (Len -> c)
-- ^ Gets size of the content of a file. If not present, returns 0.
| ContentSize Key (Maybe Len -> c)
-- ^ Gets size of the content of a key, when the full content is
-- present.
| ReadContent Key AssociatedFile Offset (L.ByteString -> c)
-- ^ Lazily reads the content of a key. Note that the content
-- may change while it's being sent.
| WriteContent Key AssociatedFile Offset Len L.ByteString (Bool -> c)
-- ^ Writes content to temp file starting at an offset.
| StoreContent Key AssociatedFile Offset Len L.ByteString (Bool -> c)
-- ^ Stores content to the key's temp file starting at an offset.
-- Once the whole content of the key has been stored, moves the
-- temp file into place and returns True.
-- temp file into place as the content of the key, and returns True.
-- Note: The ByteString may not contain the entire remaining content
-- of the key. Only once the temp file size == Len has the whole
-- content been transferred.
| StoreContentTo FilePath Offset Len L.ByteString (Bool -> c)
-- ^ Stores the content to a temp file starting at an offset.
-- Once the whole content of the key has been stored, returns True.
-- Note: The ByteString may not contain the entire remaining content
-- of the key. Only once the temp file size == Len has the whole
@ -246,16 +255,16 @@ checkPresent key = do
:: MonadMask m
=> (forall r. Proto r -> m r)
=> (forall r. r -> Proto r -> m r)
-> Key
-> (Bool -> m ())
-> m ()
-> (Bool -> m a)
-> m a
lockContentWhile runproto key a = bracket setup cleanup a
setup = runproto $ do
setup = runproto False $ do
net $ sendMessage (LOCKCONTENT key)
cleanup True = runproto $ net $ sendMessage UNLOCKCONTENT
cleanup True = runproto () $ net $ sendMessage UNLOCKCONTENT
cleanup False = return ()
remove :: Key -> Proto Bool
@ -263,8 +272,11 @@ remove key = do
net $ sendMessage (REMOVE key)
get :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> Proto Bool
get key af = receiveContent key af (\offset -> GET offset af key)
get :: FilePath -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Proto Bool
get dest key af = receiveContent sizer storer (\offset -> GET offset af key)
sizer = fileSize dest
storer = storeContentTo dest
put :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> Proto Bool
put key af = do
@ -349,7 +361,9 @@ serveAuthed myuuid = void $ serverLoop handler
if have
then net $ sendMessage ALREADY_HAVE
else do
ok <- receiveContent key af PUT_FROM
let sizer = tmpContentSize key
let storer = storeContent key af
ok <- receiveContent sizer storer PUT_FROM
when ok $
local $ setPresent key myuuid
return ServerContinue
@ -370,15 +384,15 @@ sendContent key af offset = do
net $ sendBytes len content
receiveContent :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> (Offset -> Message) -> Proto Bool
receiveContent key af mkmsg = do
Len n <- local $ tmpContentSize key
receiveContent :: Local Len -> (Offset -> Len -> L.ByteString -> Local Bool) -> (Offset -> Message) -> Proto Bool
receiveContent sizer storer mkmsg = do
Len n <- local sizer
let offset = Offset n
net $ sendMessage (mkmsg offset)
r <- net receiveMessage
case r of
DATA len -> do
ok <- local . writeContent key af offset len
ok <- local . storer offset len
=<< net (receiveBytes len)
sendSuccess ok
return ok
Add table
Reference in a new issue