use --literal-pathspecs globally, as a better way to avoid globbing
This might be overkill; I only know I need it in ls-files, but other git commands can also do their own globbing, it turns out, and I am pretty sure I never want them too when git-annex is using them as plumbing. Test suite still passes and it looks ok.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 14 additions and 34 deletions
@ -27,10 +27,11 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
fixupRepo :: Repo -> GitConfig -> IO Repo
fixupRepo r c = do
r' <- fixupSubmodule r c
let r' = r { gitGlobalOpts = gitGlobalOpts r ++ [Param "--literal-pathspecs"] }
r'' <- fixupSubmodule r' c
if annexDirect c
then fixupDirect r'
else return r'
then fixupDirect r''
else return r''
{- Direct mode repos have core.bare=true, but are not really bare.
- Fix up the Repo to be a non-bare repo, and arrange for git commands
@ -32,38 +32,17 @@ import Git.Sha
import Numeric
import System.Posix.Types
import Data.Char
{- Somewhat unexpectedly, git-ls-files does its own wildcard expansion
- of files passed to it. To avoid that, and only get back exactly the
- files we asked for, slash-escape wildcards in the filename.
- This should also slash-escape [], since character classes are expanded
- too. However, git refuses to recurse into directories containing
- slash-escaped characters (apparently a bug). Since it's rare
- for a user-supplied "[foo]" to match multiple files, and it's not too
- uncommon to use [] in directory names, we compromise by not escaping
- them.
- Complained to the git developers about this behavior on 30 Mar 2016.
mkFile :: FilePath -> CommandParam
mkFile = File . concatMap go
go c
| c `elem` "*?" = ['\\', c]
| otherwise = [c]
{- Scans for files that are checked into git at the specified locations. -}
inRepo :: [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)
inRepo l = pipeNullSplit $ Params "ls-files --cached -z --" : map mkFile l
inRepo l = pipeNullSplit $ Params "ls-files --cached -z --" : map File l
{- Scans for files at the specified locations that are not checked into git. -}
notInRepo :: Bool -> [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)
notInRepo include_ignored l repo = pipeNullSplit params repo
params = [Params "ls-files --others"] ++ exclude ++
[Params "-z --"] ++ map mkFile l
[Params "-z --"] ++ map File l
| include_ignored = []
| otherwise = [Param "--exclude-standard"]
@ -71,28 +50,28 @@ notInRepo include_ignored l repo = pipeNullSplit params repo
{- Finds all files in the specified locations, whether checked into git or
- not. -}
allFiles :: [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)
allFiles l = pipeNullSplit $ Params "ls-files --cached --others -z --" : map mkFile l
allFiles l = pipeNullSplit $ Params "ls-files --cached --others -z --" : map File l
{- Returns a list of files in the specified locations that have been
- deleted. -}
deleted :: [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)
deleted l repo = pipeNullSplit params repo
params = [Params "ls-files --deleted -z --"] ++ map mkFile l
params = [Params "ls-files --deleted -z --"] ++ map File l
{- Returns a list of files in the specified locations that have been
- modified. -}
modified :: [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)
modified l repo = pipeNullSplit params repo
params = [Params "ls-files --modified -z --"] ++ map mkFile l
params = [Params "ls-files --modified -z --"] ++ map File l
{- Files that have been modified or are not checked into git (and are not
- ignored). -}
modifiedOthers :: [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)
modifiedOthers l repo = pipeNullSplit params repo
params = [Params "ls-files --modified --others --exclude-standard -z --"] ++ map mkFile l
params = [Params "ls-files --modified --others --exclude-standard -z --"] ++ map File l
{- Returns a list of all files that are staged for commit. -}
staged :: [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)
@ -107,7 +86,7 @@ staged' :: [CommandParam] -> [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)
staged' ps l = pipeNullSplit $ prefix ++ ps ++ suffix
prefix = [Params "diff --cached --name-only -z"]
suffix = Param "--" : map mkFile l
suffix = Param "--" : map File l
type StagedDetails = (FilePath, Maybe Sha, Maybe FileMode)
@ -128,7 +107,7 @@ stagedDetails' ps l repo = do
return (map parse ls, cleanup)
params = Params "ls-files --stage -z" : ps ++
Param "--" : map mkFile l
Param "--" : map File l
parse s
| null file = (s, Nothing, Nothing)
| otherwise = (file, extractSha $ take shaSize rest, readmode mode)
@ -157,7 +136,7 @@ typeChanged' ps l repo = do
return (map (\f -> relPathDirToFileAbs currdir $ top </> f) fs, cleanup)
prefix = [Params "diff --name-only --diff-filter=T -z"]
suffix = Param "--" : (if null l then [File "."] else map mkFile l)
suffix = Param "--" : (if null l then [File "."] else map File l)
{- A item in conflict has two possible values.
- Either can be Nothing, when that side deleted the file. -}
@ -187,7 +166,7 @@ unmerged l repo = do
(fs, cleanup) <- pipeNullSplit params repo
return (reduceUnmerged [] $ catMaybes $ map parseUnmerged fs, cleanup)
params = Params "ls-files --unmerged -z --" : map mkFile l
params = Params "ls-files --unmerged -z --" : map File l
data InternalUnmerged = InternalUnmerged
{ isus :: Bool
Add table
Reference in a new issue