Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2015-03-30 19:03:53 -04:00
commit f4ad6ad872
25 changed files with 556 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="Similar issue here"
Im on the LG F60 (ms395) not rooted. I downloaded a cracked.apk of KBOX and it kept failing to start due to not having Busybox in its file path. So I got the Busybox .apk and copied it into KBOX's path. Now k box is stoped at 'In mgmain JNI_OnLoad'. As soon as I try to ENTER anything, it force closes. Also, I'm not sure if it's related, but my phone is not and does not get recognized by my car stereo via usb. I managed to get around not having permission to look at the 'usbautorun.iso' file. No luck though, it's coded. Any ideas?

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="RE: It's dangerous ignore a folder with same level folder of a .git directory"
Exemple of my project directories:
+ /tmp/git-annex
+ .git (git-annex git)
+ project_folder_with_git_folder/.git (garbage git project)
+ project_folder_with_git_folder/folder1
+ file1
+ project_folder_with_git_folder/folder2
+ file2
You can reproduce it
mkdir -p /tmp/git-annex && cd /tmp/git-annex
git init
git annex init test
cp -R project_folder_with_git_folder .
git annex add project_folder_with_git_folder
No files are added

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 2"
laptop A has 5.20150205 while B has 5.20150219-g7751a05 ... they are fairly close. Could this cause a problem?

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
### Please describe the problem.
### What steps will reproduce the problem?
Run with a custom external remote which provides CHECKURL-CONTENTS response with filename, and then run
annex addurl --file=existing_file URL expecting to get that URL assigned to existing_file
Alternatively, there is a small test repo
with .git/bin/git-annex-remote-dl+archive under /tmp/tmpSqa8CH having what was supposed to be a replayable protocol (if you do
cd /tmp/tmplVoa6C; PATH=/tmp/tmplVoa6C/.git/bin:$PATH git annex --debug addurl --file test2.dat --relaxed dl+archive:SHA256E-s163--e424b6fef10c18b9aaa5bc773ef62a2632eaf1448ff3372d43557be4adca6419.tar.gz/a/d/test.dat
But for this one, I guess since addurl command actually succeeds, it is no longer replayable (protocol of interactions diverges) but you will see all the interactions between my remote and annex in that file recorded for you. And you will see the test.dat uncommitted and with somewhat obscured URL-based key, although originally the call was
git annex --debug addurl --file test2.dat --relaxed dl+archive:SHA256E-s163--1f86ca26e1ca3cad3e8c8f1684d558b5e5f48d5928e0db45ab2e7d3be3d35307.tar.gz/a/d/test.dat
from which I expected test2.dat get a new URL and that Filename remote spit out being ignored
### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?

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@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
Suppose I want to have following repositories syncronized on my windows pc:
D:\Annex (NTFS hard drive)
R:\Annex (FAT32 usb flash drive)
What I'm experiencing is that I simply can't do this. Everything ok if both repositories located on the same drive, for example:
I'm new to git annex, tell me if I'm doing something completely wrong.
### System information:
* windows 8.1
* git 1.9.4.msysgit.0
* git-annex 5.20150327-g22c9bbd (official build)
### Short steps for reproduction:
* init repo A on drive C
* commit some file
* clone repo A to repo B on drive D
* add remote to repo B, pointing to repo A
* add remote to repo A, pointing to repo B
* execute sync on repo B
### Verbose step by step reproduction:
C:\>mkdir Annex
C:\>cd Annex
C:\Annex>git init
Initialized empty Git repository in C:/Annex/.git/
C:\Annex>git-annex init c
init c
Detected a filesystem without fifo support.
Disabling ssh connection caching.
Detected a crippled filesystem.
Enabling direct mode.
(recording state in git...)
C:\Annex>echo "Hello" > README.txt
C:\Annex>git-annex add README.txt
add README.txt ok
(recording state in git...)
C:\Annex>git-annex sync
commit ok
D:\>mkdir Annex
D:\>cd Annex
D:\Annex>cd ..
D:\>git clone C:\Annex
Cloning into 'Annex'...
D:\>cd Annex
D:\Annex>git-annex init d
init d
Detected a filesystem without fifo support.
Disabling ssh connection caching.
Detected a crippled filesystem.
(merging origin/git-annex into git-annex...)
(recording state in git...)
Enabling direct mode.
(recording state in git...)
D:\Annex>git remote add c C:\Annex
D:\Annex>cd ..
C:\>cd Annex
C:\Annex>git remote add d D:\Annex
C:\Annex>cd ..
D:\>cd Annex
D:\Annex>git-annex sync
commit ok
D:\Annex>git-annex get README.txt
get README.txt (not available)
Try making some of these repositories available:
98a6384c-ede4-4c97-b20d-9e1895e415cd -- c
git-annex: get: 1 failed
### Notices
Latest sync command should inject annex-uuid to .config file, but it does not. For some reason repository on other drive is unavailable. If I do all of this on the same drive everything works ok. I've also checked case with one bare repository, result is the same.
### Resulting .config files
#### Repo on drive C
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = false
bare = true
logallrefupdates = true
symlinks = false
ignorecase = true
hideDotFiles = dotGitOnly
uuid = 98a6384c-ede4-4c97-b20d-9e1895e415cd
sshcaching = false
crippledfilesystem = true
version = 5
direct = true
[remote "d"]
url = D:\\Annex
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/d/*
#### Repo on drive D
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = false
bare = true
logallrefupdates = true
symlinks = false
ignorecase = true
hideDotFiles = dotGitOnly
[remote "origin"]
url = C:\\Annex
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "annex/direct/master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/annex/direct/master
uuid = 74b81547-ef4b-4bd6-bc6c-38578029ac96
sshcaching = false
crippledfilesystem = true
version = 5
direct = true
[remote "c"]
url = C:\\Annex
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/c/*

View file

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
### Please describe the problem.
Rebooted my laptop recently (after dunno how long of uptime) and annex assistant was shut off in previous uptime, but this time decided to leave it running. spotted that laptop is hot today to see that git-annex is busy. And I am not sure what it is really doing: top says
3087 yoh 30 10 520700 21084 14748 S 100.0 0.1 80:50.60 /usr/bin/git-annex remotedaemon
[[!format sh """
$> tail -20 /proc/3087/cwd/.git/annex/daemon.log
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
[2015-03-28 20:27:53 EDT] main: Syncing with debandy_Vault
hostname: Name or service not known
hostname: Name or service not known
To ssh://yoh@git-annex-andy-yoh_.2Fmedia.2FVault.2Fannex/media/Vault/annex/
8c181af..a0b0bd6 git-annex -> synced/git-annex
8352761..537d4a6 master -> synced/master
in webapp I saw it struggling to connect to vagus which is offline, I turned it off, then reanabled syncing to above yoh@git-annex-andy-yoh_.2Fmedia.2FVault.2Fannex . I don't know if annex was busier or not before, but it is 100% busy now, but nothing seems to be done -- no traffic, no changing fd's for that annex process
strace shows busy reading from fd 24:
[[!format sh """
[pid 3110] read(24, "", 8096) = 0
[pid 3110] read(24, "", 8096) = 0
[pid 3110] read(24, "", 8096) = 0
[pid 3110] read(24, "", 8096) = 0
$> ls -l /proc/3087/fd/24
lr-x------ 1 yoh yoh 64 Mar 28 20:31 /proc/3087/fd/24 -> pipe:[794930]
so what could it be doing?
[[!format sh """
2807 yoh 20 0 693M 110M 36948 S 1.4 0.7 11:15.32 ├─ /usr/bin/git-annex assistant --startdelay=5s
3359 yoh 39 19 20996 3412 3096 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 │ ├─ git --git-dir=.git --work-tree=. check-attr -z --stdin annex.backend annex.numcopies --
3140 yoh 20 0 21128 3504 3188 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 │ ├─ git --git-dir=.git --work-tree=. check-ignore -z --stdin --verbose --non-matching
3117 yoh 20 0 693M 110M 36948 S 0.0 0.7 0:00.00 │ ├─ /usr/bin/git-annex assistant --startdelay=5s
3108 yoh 20 0 693M 110M 36948 S 0.0 0.7 0:00.15 │ ├─ /usr/bin/git-annex assistant --startdelay=5s
3087 yoh 30 10 508M 21084 14748 S 97.9 0.1 1h29:16 │ ├─ /usr/bin/git-annex remotedaemon
24361 yoh 30 10 508M 21084 14748 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.00 │ │ ├─ /usr/bin/git-annex remotedaemon
19799 yoh 30 10 0 0 0 Z 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 │ │ ├─ ssh
19440 yoh 30 10 508M 21084 14748 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.00 │ │ ├─ /usr/bin/git-annex remotedaemon
3222 yoh 30 10 27368 5796 3456 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 │ │ ├─ git --git-dir=.git --work-tree=. cat-file --batch
3110 yoh 30 10 508M 21084 14748 R 97.5 0.1 1h29:10 │ │ ├─ /usr/bin/git-annex remotedaemon
3090 yoh 30 10 508M 21084 14748 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.98 │ │ ├─ /usr/bin/git-annex remotedaemon
3089 yoh 30 10 508M 21084 14748 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.03 │ │ └─ /usr/bin/git-annex remotedaemon
how could I figure out what is doing??? meanwhile I have just sent STOP signal to 3087
### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?
### Please provide any additional information below.
[[!format sh """
# If you can, paste a complete transcript of the problem occurring here.
# If the problem is with the git-annex assistant, paste in .git/annex/daemon.log
# End of transcript or log.

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
### Feature request
It is not possible to put encrypted content in place on remotes with just a public GPG key. You always need the private key, even for encryption. I guess this is because how the cipher HMAC is used for replacing file names with their hashes. However, if that requirement (having secret file names) was dropped, I assume a pubkey-only mode could be implemented?
My specific use case is backup archiving. I have my backups packed in archive files and want to use git-annex to copy the archives to offsite remotes (S3). In that case, I don't care much about hiding file names, but would appreciate the increased security of not having the secret key on the backup server. It would only be needed if I wanted to verify or restore backups.

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
### Please describe the problem.
When I import files that include ignored files, it seems to confuse git-annex (see below).
This chunk repeats over and over, it looks like import gets stuck until I delete the ignored files.
Can't the ignored files just be ignored?
### What steps will reproduce the problem?
`git annex import ../some-tree-with-ignored-files`
### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?
$ git annex version
git-annex version: 5.20140412ubuntu1
build flags: Assistant Webapp Webapp-secure Pairing Testsuite S3 WebDAV Inotify DBus DesktopNotify XMPP DNS Feeds Quvi TDFA CryptoHash
key/value backends: SHA256E SHA1E SHA512E SHA224E SHA384E SKEIN256E SKEIN512E SHA256 SHA1 SHA512 SHA224 SHA384 SKEIN256 SKEIN512 WORM URL
remote types: git gcrypt S3 bup directory rsync web webdav tahoe glacier hook external
local repository version: 5
supported repository version: 5
upgrade supported from repository versions: 0 1 2 4
### Please provide any additional information below.
[[!format sh """
git-annex: user error (xargs ["-0","git","--git-dir=/media/jean/Elements/annex/.git","--work-tree=/media/jean/Elements/annex","add","--"] exited 123)
(Recording state in git...)
The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files:
Use -f if you really want to add them.
fatal: no files added
# End of transcript or log.

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="Not only ignored names"
During a large import, I observed the above repeatedly, not only on ignored names. When I ctrl-c and restart import, it picks up again apparently without issues.

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 1"
\" and de-prioritizing bug reports that don't have either a working reproduction recipe or multiple independent confirmations that it's a real bug.\"
This seems quite reasonable. Hope you get a little downtime to relax.

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="You should take a break"
By all means, take a break Joey!

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="take care and ideas"
we not careful enough with ourselves and with each other... i can only send my warmest support for your self-imposed break, i should probably have done that myself a few times, and never had the lucidity to do it soon enough... so yeah, break time, and enjoy spring! :)
git-annex has grown in leaps and bounds in the last year, and it looks like it's getting more and more the traction it deserves. that means a lot more support requests and yes, a lot more noise in the forums and issue queues. in my experience, having the core devs step away from the support forums isn't necessarily a bad thing: it will leave some room for other people to step up and start cooking up their own answers. i did a very quick analysis of the `doc` subdirectory of the current git repo, and at least a third of the data is injected in the forum:
$ ncdu doc/
13,0MiB 3 270 [##########] /forum
10,4MiB 2 243 [######## ] /bugs
4,4MiB 964 [### ] /design
2,2MiB 550 [# ] /todo
1,6MiB 398 [# ] /devblog
1,5MiB 348 [# ] /tips
Total disk usage: 38,3MiB Apparent size: 15,4MiB Items: 8711
I wonder if moving this out of the wiki (to, say, a mailing list or Stack-exchange like Q&A site) would be helpful? It seems there is a significant amount of FAQ and divergence from topic on the forum posts... trying another tool may be helpful here (but I know how annoying and crazy this sounds at first...).

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="Same problem here"
**Here's the log right from the first start up after creating a repo, and also the warning I get when I open the webapp:**
[2015-03-29 10:18:01 JST] main: starting assistant version 5.20150327-ge414f2d [2015-03-29 10:18:01 JST]
Cronner: You should enable consistency checking to protect your data. (scanning...)
[2015-03-29 10:18:02 JST] Watcher: Performing startup scan (started...)
Detected a filesystem without fifo support.
Disabling ssh connection caching.
Detected a crippled filesystem. (recording state in git...) error: cannot run git-upload-pack '/storage/extSdCard/annex-sync': No such file or directory fatal: unable to fork
**Each time I start the webapp, I get this warning:**
Transfer scanner crashed: /storage/sdcard0/annex/.git/index: copyFile does not exist (No such file or directory)

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 2"
I feel stupid for not thinking of that. Thank you.

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 1"
I'd take a look. I just downloaded ncdu prompted by your comment, and that would be helpful to get sane output regarding my annexed files.

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="Sounds nice !"
I would be very glad if you would release it!

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 2"
No, there is no adequate package. Maybe it has been removed..

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
When I run `git annex info`, it stops to ask me for "local annex keys":
$ git annex info
repository mode: indirect
trusted repositories: 0
semitrusted repositories: 3
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 -- web
1xxxxxx7-6xx1-4xx1-8xx8-5xxxxxxxxxx1 -- here (usbdisk)
bxxxxxx6-bxxe-4xx2-bxxe-fxxxxxxxxxxf -- origin (local)
untrusted repositories: 0
transfers in progress: none
available local disk space: 36.25 gigabytes (+1 megabyte reserved)
local annex keys:
What are these "local annex keys"?
*Edit*: Ah! it wasn't asking me anything, just echoing my keystrokes. It was counting keys stored in the annex, and taking a while. Sorry for the noise!
local annex keys: 19586
local annex size: 33.96 gigabytes
annexed files in working tree: 19814
size of annexed files in working tree: 35.12 gigabytes
bloom filter size: 16 mebibytes (3.9% full)
backend usage:
SHA256E: 39400

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
`git annex map` generates a diagram roughly like this:
+------+ +-------+
|laptop| -> |usbdisk|
| | <- | |
| | <- | |
+------+ +-------+
Why are there *two* lines back from the disk to the laptop?

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="look at all your remotes"
Have a look at all your remotes, you can reference the same repo with more than one remote name.

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@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ git-annex, but it does not include the assistant or webapp.
Inside the source tree, run:
cabal configure -f"-assistant -webapp -webdav -pairing -xmpp -dns"
cabal install --only-dependencies
cabal build
cabal install -j -f"-assistant -webapp -webdav -pairing -xmpp -dns" --only-dependencies
cabal build -j
cabal install --bindir=$HOME/bin
@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ your OS is beyond the scope of this page.
Once the C libraries are installed, run inside the source tree:
cabal configure
cabal install --only-dependencies
cabal build
cabal install -j --only-dependencies
cabal build -j
cabal install --bindir=$HOME/bin

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="Amazon Cloud Drive support"
Is there a special remote implementation for Amazon Cloud Drive?
It's just became unlimited for a fair price: $60/year ( ).

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
When using
git annex import --deduplicate -- ~/directory/to/import
would it be possible to output the keys for duplicate files? This would allow people to find where in the annex the files already exist.
import ~/directory/to/import/001.txt ok
import ~/directory/to/import/002.txt ok
import ~/directory/to/import/002_d.txt (duplicate SHA256E-s261--fb1230987ac123098...) ok
import ~/directory/to/import/003.txt ok
Then you could use
git log -S SHA256E-s261--fb1230987ac123098...
to find out where it is already.
Not sure if that is the nicest layout.. (or what it might break).

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 2"
Okie dokie, thank you for considering it :)

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 3"
I completely disagree with the last surprise argument. I'm regularly in this situation, and each time I'm surprised when `git annex fix` do not fix the symlinks, even when I'm explicitly listing the list I want to fix.