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{- Persistent sqlite database handles.
- Copyright 2015-2019 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Database.Handle (
) where
import Utility.Exception
import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
allow for concurrent incremental fsck processes again (sorta) Sqlite doesn't support multiple concurrent writers at all. One of them will fail to write. It's not even possible to have two processes building up separate transactions at the same time. Before using sqlite, incremental fsck could work perfectly well with multiple fsck processes running concurrently. I'd like to keep that working. My partial solution, so far, is to make git-annex buffer writes, and every so often send them all to sqlite at once, in a transaction. So most of the time, nothing is writing to the database. (And if it gets unlucky and a write fails due to a collision with another writer, it can just wait and retry the write later.) This lets multiple processes write to the database successfully. But, for the purposes of concurrent, incremental fsck, it's not ideal. Each process doesn't immediately learn of files that another process has checked. So they'll tend to do redundant work. Only way I can see to improve this is to use some other mechanism for short-term IPC between the fsck processes. Not yet done. ---- Also, make addDb check if an item is in the database already, and not try to re-add it. That fixes an intermittent crash with "SQLite3 returned ErrorConstraint while attempting to perform step." I am not 100% sure why; it only started happening when I moved write buffering into the queue. It seemed to generally happen on the same file each time, so could just be due to multiple files having the same key. However, I doubt my sound repo has many duplicate keys, and I suspect something else is going on. ---- Updated benchmark, with the 1000 item queue: 6m33.808s
2015-02-17 16:39:35 -04:00
import Database.Persist.Sqlite
import qualified Database.Sqlite as Sqlite
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift (MonadUnliftIO, withRunInIO)
import Control.Monad.Logger (MonadLoggerIO, askLoggerIO)
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Exception (throwIO, BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar(..))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT)
import Control.Monad.Logger (runNoLoggingT)
2015-12-09 14:55:47 -04:00
import System.IO
{- A DbHandle is a reference to a worker thread that communicates with
- the database. It has a MVar which Jobs are submitted to. -}
data DbHandle = DbHandle (Async ()) (MVar Job)
{- Name of a table that should exist once the database is initialized. -}
type TableName = String
{- Opens the database, but does not perform any migrations. Only use
- once the database is known to exist and have the right tables. -}
openDb :: RawFilePath -> TableName -> IO DbHandle
openDb db tablename = do
jobs <- newEmptyMVar
worker <- async (workerThread (T.pack (fromRawFilePath db)) tablename jobs)
-- work around
liftIO $ fileEncoding stderr
return $ DbHandle worker jobs
{- This is optional; when the DbHandle gets garbage collected it will
- auto-close. -}
closeDb :: DbHandle -> IO ()
closeDb (DbHandle worker jobs) = do
putMVar jobs CloseJob
wait worker
{- Makes a query using the DbHandle. This should not be used to make
- changes to the database!
- Note that the action is not run by the calling thread, but by a
- worker thread. Exceptions are propigated to the calling thread.
- Only one action can be run at a time against a given DbHandle.
- If called concurrently in the same process, this will block until
- it is able to run.
queryDb :: DbHandle -> SqlPersistM a -> IO a
queryDb (DbHandle _ jobs) a = do
res <- newEmptyMVar
putMVar jobs $ QueryJob $
liftIO . putMVar res =<< tryNonAsync a
(either throwIO return =<< takeMVar res)
`catchNonAsync` (\e -> error $ "sqlite query crashed: " ++ show e)
{- Writes a change to the database.
- Writes can fail if another write is happening concurrently.
- So write failures are caught and retried repeatedly for up to 10
- seconds, which should avoid all but the most exceptional problems.
commitDb :: DbHandle -> SqlPersistM () -> IO ()
commitDb h wa = robustly Nothing 100 (commitDb' h wa)
robustly :: Maybe SomeException -> Int -> IO (Either SomeException ()) -> IO ()
robustly e 0 _ = error $ "failed to commit changes to sqlite database: " ++ show e
robustly _ n a = do
r <- a
case r of
Right _ -> return ()
Left e -> do
threadDelay 100000 -- 1/10th second
robustly (Just e) (n-1) a
commitDb' :: DbHandle -> SqlPersistM () -> IO (Either SomeException ())
commitDb' (DbHandle _ jobs) a = do
res <- newEmptyMVar
putMVar jobs $ ChangeJob $
liftIO . putMVar res =<< tryNonAsync a
takeMVar res
data Job
= QueryJob (SqlPersistM ())
| ChangeJob (SqlPersistM ())
| CloseJob
workerThread :: T.Text -> TableName -> MVar Job -> IO ()
workerThread db tablename jobs = newconn
newconn = do
v <- tryNonAsync (runSqliteRobustly tablename db loop)
case v of
Left e -> hPutStrLn stderr $
"sqlite worker thread crashed: " ++ show e
Right cont -> cont
loop = do
job <- liftIO getjob
case job of
-- Exception is thrown when the MVar is garbage
-- collected, which means the whole DbHandle
-- is not used any longer. Shutdown cleanly.
Left BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar -> return (return ())
Right CloseJob -> return (return ())
Right (QueryJob a) -> a >> loop
Right (ChangeJob a) -> do
-- Exit the sqlite connection so the
-- database gets updated on disk.
return newconn
getjob :: IO (Either BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar Job)
getjob = try $ takeMVar jobs
-- Like runSqlite, but more robust.
-- New database connections can sometimes take a while to become usable.
-- This may be due to WAL mode recovering after a crash, or perhaps a bug
-- like described in blob 500f777a6ab6c45ca5f9790e0a63575f8e3cb88f.
-- So, loop until a select succeeds; once one succeeds the connection will
-- stay usable.
-- And sqlite sometimes throws ErrorIO when there's not really an IO problem,
-- but perhaps just a short read(). That's caught and retried several times.
runSqliteRobustly :: TableName -> T.Text -> (SqlPersistM a) -> IO a
runSqliteRobustly tablename db a = do
conn <- opensettle maxretries
go conn maxretries
maxretries = 100 :: Int
rethrow msg e = throwIO $ userError $ show e ++ "(" ++ msg ++ ")"
go conn retries = do
r <- try $ runResourceT $ runNoLoggingT $
withSqlConnRobustly (wrapConnection conn) $
runSqlConn a
case r of
Right v -> return v
Left ex@(Sqlite.SqliteException { Sqlite.seError = e })
| e == Sqlite.ErrorIO ->
let retries' = retries - 1
in if retries' < 1
then rethrow "after successful open" ex
else go conn retries'
| otherwise -> rethrow "after successful open" ex
opensettle retries = do
conn <- db
settle conn retries
settle conn retries = do
r <- try $ do
stmt <- Sqlite.prepare conn nullselect
void $ Sqlite.step stmt
void $ Sqlite.finalize stmt
case r of
Right _ -> return conn
Left ex@(Sqlite.SqliteException { Sqlite.seError = e })
| e == Sqlite.ErrorBusy -> do
-- Wait and retry any number of times; it
-- will stop being busy eventually.
settle conn retries
| e == Sqlite.ErrorIO -> do
-- Could be a real IO error,
-- so don't retry indefinitely.
Sqlite.close conn
let retries' = retries - 1
if retries' < 1
then rethrow "while opening database connection" ex
else opensettle retries'
| otherwise -> rethrow "while opening database connection" ex
-- This should succeed for any table.
nullselect = T.pack $ "SELECT null from " ++ tablename ++ " limit 1"
briefdelay = threadDelay 1000 -- 1/1000th second
-- Like withSqlConn, but more robust.
:: (MonadUnliftIO m
, MonadLoggerIO m
, IsPersistBackend backend
, BaseBackend backend ~ SqlBackend
, BackendCompatible SqlBackend backend
=> (LogFunc -> IO backend)
-> (backend -> m a)
-> m a
withSqlConnRobustly open f = do
logFunc <- askLoggerIO
withRunInIO $ \run -> bracket
(open logFunc)
(run . f)
-- Sqlite can throw ErrorBusy while closing a database; this catches
-- the exception and retries.
:: (IsPersistBackend backend
, BaseBackend backend ~ SqlBackend
, BackendCompatible SqlBackend backend
=> backend
-> IO ()
closeRobustly conn = go maxretries briefdelay
briefdelay = 1000 -- 1/1000th second
-- Try up to 14 times; with the delay doubling each time,
-- the maximum delay before giving up is 16 seconds.
maxretries = 14 :: Int
go retries delay = do
r <- try $ close' conn
case r of
Right () -> return ()
Left ex@(Sqlite.SqliteException { Sqlite.seError = e })
| e == Sqlite.ErrorBusy -> do
threadDelay delay
let delay' = delay * 2
let retries' = retries - 1
if retries' < 1
then rethrow "while closing database connection" ex
else go retries' delay'
| otherwise -> rethrow "while closing database connection" ex
rethrow msg e = throwIO $ userError $ show e ++ "(" ++ msg ++ ")"