complete work around for sqlite SELECT ErrorBusy on new connection bug
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 63 additions and 36 deletions
@ -72,16 +72,15 @@ openDb u = do
let tmpdb = tmpdbdir </> "db"
liftIO $ do
createDirectoryIfMissing True tmpdbdir
h <- H.initDb tmpdb $ void $
H.initDb tmpdb $ void $
runMigrationSilent migrateFsck
H.closeDb h
setAnnexDirPerm tmpdbdir
setAnnexFilePerm tmpdb
liftIO $ do
void $ tryIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive dbdir
rename tmpdbdir dbdir
lockFileShared =<< fromRepo (gitAnnexFsckDbLock u)
h <- liftIO $ H.openDb db
h <- liftIO $ H.openDb db "fscked"
return $ FsckHandle h u
closeDb :: FsckHandle -> Annex ()
@ -90,14 +89,13 @@ closeDb (FsckHandle h u) = do
unlockFile =<< fromRepo (gitAnnexFsckDbLock u)
addDb :: FsckHandle -> Key -> IO ()
addDb (FsckHandle h _) k = H.queueDb h 1000 $
unlessM (inDb' sk) $
insert_ $ Fscked sk
addDb (FsckHandle h _) k = H.queueDb h 1000 $
void $ insertUnique $ Fscked sk
sk = toSKey k
inDb :: FsckHandle -> Key -> IO Bool
inDb (FsckHandle h _) = H.queryDb h False . inDb' . toSKey
inDb (FsckHandle h _) = H.queryDb h . inDb' . toSKey
inDb' :: SKey -> SqlPersistM Bool
inDb' sk = do
@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT)
import Control.Monad.Logger (runNoLoggingT)
import Data.List
{- A DbHandle is a reference to a worker thread that communicates with
- the database. It has a MVar which Jobs are submitted to. -}
@ -41,16 +44,15 @@ data DbHandle = DbHandle (Async ()) (MVar Job) (MVar DbQueue)
- The database is put into WAL mode, to prevent readers from blocking
- writers, and prevent a writer from blocking readers.
initDb :: FilePath -> SqlPersistM () -> IO DbHandle
initDb db migration = do
initDb :: FilePath -> SqlPersistM () -> IO ()
initDb f migration = do
let db = T.pack f
enableWAL db
h <- openDb db
either throwIO (const $ return ()) =<< commitDb h migration
return h
enableWAL :: FilePath -> IO ()
runSqlite db migration
enableWAL :: T.Text -> IO ()
enableWAL db = do
conn <- (T.pack db)
conn <- db
stmt <- Sqlite.prepare conn (T.pack "PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;")
void $ Sqlite.step stmt
void $ Sqlite.finalize stmt
@ -58,10 +60,10 @@ enableWAL db = do
{- Opens the database, but does not perform any migrations. Only use
- if the database is known to exist and have the right tables. -}
openDb :: FilePath -> IO DbHandle
openDb db = do
openDb :: FilePath -> TableName -> IO DbHandle
openDb db tablename = do
jobs <- newEmptyMVar
worker <- async (workerThread (T.pack db) jobs)
worker <- async (workerThread (T.pack db) tablename jobs)
q <- newMVar emptyDbQueue
return $ DbHandle worker jobs q
@ -70,12 +72,14 @@ data Job
| ChangeJob ((SqlPersistM () -> IO ()) -> IO ())
| CloseJob
workerThread :: T.Text -> MVar Job -> IO ()
workerThread db jobs = catchNonAsync loop showerr
type TableName = String
workerThread :: T.Text -> TableName -> MVar Job -> IO ()
workerThread db tablename jobs = catchNonAsync loop showerr
showerr e = liftIO $ warningIO $
"sqlite worker thread crashed: " ++ show e
run = runSqlite db
loop = do
r <- run queryloop
case r of
@ -85,11 +89,42 @@ workerThread db jobs = catchNonAsync loop showerr
-- time, and it may crash the database connection
ChangeJob a -> a run >> loop
CloseJob -> return ()
queryloop = do
job <- liftIO $ takeMVar jobs
case job of
QueryJob a -> a >> queryloop
_ -> return job
-- like runSqlite, but calls settle on the raw sql Connection.
run a = do
conn <- db
settle conn
runResourceT $ runNoLoggingT $
withSqlConn (wrapConnection conn) $
runSqlConn a
-- Work around a bug in sqlite: New database connections can
-- sometimes take a while to become usable; select statements will
-- fail with ErrorBusy for some time. So, loop until a select
-- succeeds; once one succeeds the connection will stay usable.
-- <>
settle conn = do
r <- tryNonAsync $ do
stmt <- Sqlite.prepare conn nullselect
void $ Sqlite.step stmt
void $ Sqlite.finalize stmt
case r of
Right _ -> return ()
Left e -> do
if "ErrorBusy" `isInfixOf` show e
then do
threadDelay 1000 -- 1/1000th second
settle conn
else throwIO e
-- This should succeed for any table.
nullselect = T.pack $ "SELECT null from " ++ tablename ++ " limit 1"
{- Makes a query using the DbHandle. This should not be used to make
- changes to the database!
@ -100,20 +135,13 @@ workerThread db jobs = catchNonAsync loop showerr
- Only one action can be run at a time against a given DbHandle.
- If called concurrently in the same process, this will block until
- it is able to run.
- Warning: Under heavy traffic, this can fail with an exception
- that contains "ErrorBusy". WAL mode does not entirely prevent this.
- The fallback value is returned in this case.
queryDb :: DbHandle -> a -> SqlPersistM a -> IO a
queryDb (DbHandle _ jobs _) fallback a =
catchNonAsync go (\e -> print e >> return fallback )
go = do
res <- newEmptyMVar
putMVar jobs $ QueryJob $
liftIO . putMVar res =<< tryNonAsync a
either throwIO return =<< takeMVar res
queryDb :: DbHandle -> SqlPersistM a -> IO a
queryDb (DbHandle _ jobs _) a = do
res <- newEmptyMVar
putMVar jobs $ QueryJob $
liftIO . putMVar res =<< tryNonAsync a
either throwIO return =<< takeMVar res
closeDb :: DbHandle -> IO ()
closeDb h@(DbHandle worker jobs _) = do
@ -152,7 +180,7 @@ queueDb h@(DbHandle _ _ qvar) maxsz a = do
then do
r <- commitDb h qa'
case r of
Left e -> enqueue 0
Left _ -> enqueue 0
Right _ -> putMVar qvar emptyDbQueue
else enqueue sz'
@ -111,7 +111,8 @@ Executable git-annex
SafeSemaphore, uuid, random, dlist, unix-compat, async, stm (>= 2.3),
data-default, case-insensitive, http-conduit, http-types,
cryptohash (>= 0.10.0),
esqueleto, persistent-sqlite (>=, persistent, persistent-template
esqueleto, persistent-sqlite, persistent, persistent-template,
CC-Options: -Wall
GHC-Options: -Wall
Extensions: PackageImports
Add table
Reference in a new issue