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{- STM implementation of lock pools.
- Copyright 2015-2020 Joey Hess <>
- License: BSD-2-clause
module Utility.LockPool.STM (
) where
import Utility.Monad
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
2015-05-31 16:54:07 -04:00
import Control.Applicative
import Prelude
type LockFile = FilePath
data LockMode = LockExclusive | LockShared
deriving (Eq)
-- This TMVar is full when the handle is open, and is emptied when it's
-- closed.
type LockHandle = TMVar (LockPool, LockFile, CloseLockFile)
type LockCount = Integer
data LockStatus = LockStatus LockMode LockCount
type CloseLockFile = IO ()
-- This TMVar is normally kept full.
type LockPool = TMVar (M.Map LockFile LockStatus)
-- A shared global variable for the lockPool. Avoids callers needing to
-- maintain state for this implementation detail.
{-# NOINLINE lockPool #-}
lockPool :: LockPool
lockPool = unsafePerformIO (newTMVarIO M.empty)
-- Updates the LockPool, blocking as necessary if another thread is holding
-- a conflicting lock.
-- Note that when a shared lock is held, an exclusive lock will block.
-- While that blocking is happening, another call to this function to take
-- the same shared lock should not be blocked on the exclusive lock.
-- Keeping the whole Map in a TMVar accomplishes this, at the expense of
-- sometimes retrying after unrelated changes in the map.
waitTakeLock :: LockPool -> LockFile -> LockMode -> STM LockHandle
waitTakeLock pool file mode = maybe retry return =<< tryTakeLock pool file mode
-- Avoids blocking if another thread is holding a conflicting lock.
tryTakeLock :: LockPool -> LockFile -> LockMode -> STM (Maybe LockHandle)
tryTakeLock pool file mode = do
m <- takeTMVar pool
let success v = do
putTMVar pool (M.insert file v m)
Just <$> newTMVar (pool, file, noop)
case M.lookup file m of
Just (LockStatus mode' n)
| mode == LockShared && mode' == LockShared ->
success $ LockStatus mode (succ n)
| n > 0 -> do
putTMVar pool m
return Nothing
_ -> success $ LockStatus mode 1
-- Call after waitTakeLock or tryTakeLock, to register a CloseLockFile
-- action to run when releasing the lock.
registerCloseLockFile :: LockHandle -> CloseLockFile -> STM ()
registerCloseLockFile h closelockfile = do
(p, f, c) <- takeTMVar h
putTMVar h (p, f, c >> closelockfile)
-- Checks if a lock is being held. If it's held by the current process,
-- runs the getdefault action; otherwise runs the checker action.
-- Note that the lock pool is left empty while the checker action is run.
-- This allows checker actions that open/close files, and so would be in
-- danger of conflicting with locks created at the same time this is
-- running. With the lock pool empty, anything that attempts
-- to take a lock will block, avoiding that race.
getLockStatus :: LockPool -> LockFile -> IO v -> IO v -> IO v
getLockStatus pool file getdefault checker = do
v <- atomically $ do
m <- takeTMVar pool
let threadlocked = case M.lookup file m of
Just (LockStatus _ n) | n > 0 -> True
_ -> False
if threadlocked
then do
putTMVar pool m
return Nothing
else return $ Just $ atomically $ putTMVar pool m
case v of
Nothing -> getdefault
Just restore -> bracket_ (return ()) restore checker
-- Only runs action to close underlying lock file when this is the last
-- user of the lock, and when the lock has not already been closed.
-- Note that the lock pool is left empty while the CloseLockFile action
-- is run, to avoid race with another thread trying to open the same lock
-- file.
releaseLock :: LockHandle -> IO ()
releaseLock h = go =<< atomically (tryTakeTMVar h)
go (Just (pool, file, closelockfile)) = do
m <- atomically $ do
m <- takeTMVar pool
return $ case M.lookup file m of
Just (LockStatus mode n)
| n == 1 -> (M.delete file m)
| otherwise ->
(M.insert file (LockStatus mode (pred n)) m)
Nothing -> m
() <- closelockfile
atomically $ putTMVar pool m
-- The LockHandle was already closed.
go Nothing = return ()