Fix shared lock file FD leak.
This fixes behavior in this situation: l1 <- lockShared Nothing "lck" l2 <- lockShared Nothing "lck" dropLock l1 dropLock l2 Before, the lock was dropped upon the second dropLock call, but the fd remained open, and would never be closed while the program was running. Fixed by a rather round-about method, but it should work well enough. It would have been simpler to open open the shared lock once, and not open it again in the second call to lockShared. But, that's difficult to do atomically. This also affects Windows and PID locks, not just posix locks. In the case of pid locks, multiple calls to waitLock within the same process are allowed because the side lock is locked using a posix lock, and so multiple exclusive locks can be taken in the same process. So, this change fixes a similar problem with pid locks. l1 <- waitLock (Seconds 1) "lck" l2 <- waitLock (Seconds 1) "lck" dropLock l1 dropLock l2 Here the l2 side lock fd remained open but not locked, although the pid lock file was removed. After this change, the second dropLock will close both fds to the side lock, and delete the pidlock.
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 88 additions and 64 deletions
@ -7,15 +7,13 @@
- the lock will be released, despite the first thread still having the
- lockfile open.
- Or, if a process is already holding an exclusive lock on a file, an
- Or, if a process is already holding an exclusive lock on a file, and
- re-opens it and tries to take another exclusive lock, it won't block
- on the first lock.
- To avoid these problems, this implements a lock pool. This keeps track
- of which lock files are being used by the process, and avoids
- re-opening them. Instead, if a lockfile is in use by the current
- process, STM is used to handle further concurrent uses of that lock
- file.
- of which lock files are being used by the process, using STM to handle
- inter-process locking.
- Note that, like Utility.LockFile, this does *not* attempt to be a
- portability shim; the native locking of the OS is used.
@ -7,7 +7,16 @@
module Utility.LockPool.LockHandle where
module Utility.LockPool.LockHandle (
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
) where
import qualified Utility.LockPool.STM as P
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
@ -17,10 +26,7 @@ import Utility.LockPool.STM (LockFile)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
data LockHandle = LockHandle
{ poolHandle :: P.LockHandle
, fileLockOps :: FileLockOps
data LockHandle = LockHandle P.LockHandle FileLockOps
data FileLockOps = FileLockOps
{ fDropLock :: IO ()
@ -30,7 +36,7 @@ data FileLockOps = FileLockOps
dropLock :: LockHandle -> IO ()
dropLock h = P.releaseLock (poolHandle h) (fDropLock (fileLockOps h))
dropLock (LockHandle ph _) = P.releaseLock ph
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
checkSaneLock :: LockFile -> LockHandle -> IO Bool
@ -40,26 +46,30 @@ checkSaneLock lockfile (LockHandle _ flo) = fCheckSaneLock flo lockfile
-- Take a lock, by first updating the lock pool, and then taking the file
-- lock. If taking the file lock fails for any reason, take care to
-- release the lock in the lock pool.
makeLockHandle :: STM P.LockHandle -> IO FileLockOps -> IO LockHandle
makeLockHandle pa fa = bracketOnError setup cleanup go
makeLockHandle :: P.LockPool -> LockFile -> (P.LockPool -> LockFile -> STM P.LockHandle) -> (LockFile -> IO FileLockOps) -> IO LockHandle
makeLockHandle pool file pa fa = bracketOnError setup cleanup go
setup = atomically pa
cleanup ph = P.releaseLock ph (return ())
go ph = do
fo <- fa
return $ LockHandle ph fo
setup = atomically (pa pool file)
cleanup ph = P.releaseLock ph
go ph = mkLockHandle pool file ph =<< fa file
tryMakeLockHandle :: STM (Maybe P.LockHandle) -> IO (Maybe FileLockOps) -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
tryMakeLockHandle pa fa = bracketOnError setup cleanup go
tryMakeLockHandle :: P.LockPool -> LockFile -> (P.LockPool -> LockFile -> STM (Maybe P.LockHandle)) -> (LockFile -> IO (Maybe FileLockOps)) -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
tryMakeLockHandle pool file pa fa = bracketOnError setup cleanup go
setup = atomically pa
setup = atomically (pa pool file)
cleanup Nothing = return ()
cleanup (Just ph) = P.releaseLock ph (return ())
cleanup (Just ph) = P.releaseLock ph
go Nothing = return Nothing
go (Just ph) = do
mfo <- fa
mfo <- fa file
case mfo of
Nothing -> do
cleanup (Just ph)
return Nothing
Just fo -> return $ Just $ LockHandle ph fo
Just fo -> Just <$> mkLockHandle pool file ph fo
mkLockHandle :: P.LockPool -> LockFile -> P.LockHandle -> FileLockOps -> IO LockHandle
mkLockHandle pool file ph fo = do
atomically $ P.registerCloseLockFile pool file (fDropLock fo)
return $ LockHandle ph fo
@ -32,17 +32,17 @@ import Prelude
-- Takes a pid lock, blocking until the lock is available or the timeout.
waitLock :: Seconds -> LockFile -> IO LockHandle
waitLock timeout file = makeLockHandle
waitLock timeout file = makeLockHandle P.lockPool file
-- LockShared for STM lock, because a pid lock can be the top-level
-- lock with various other STM level locks gated behind it.
(P.waitTakeLock P.lockPool file LockShared)
(mk <$> F.waitLock timeout file)
(\p f -> P.waitTakeLock p f LockShared)
(\f -> mk <$> F.waitLock timeout f)
-- Tries to take a pid lock, but does not block.
tryLock :: LockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
tryLock file = tryMakeLockHandle
(P.tryTakeLock P.lockPool file LockShared)
(fmap mk <$> F.tryLock file)
tryLock file = tryMakeLockHandle P.lockPool file
(\p f -> P.tryTakeLock p f LockShared)
(\f -> fmap mk <$> F.tryLock f)
checkLocked :: LockFile -> IO (Maybe Bool)
checkLocked file = P.getLockStatus P.lockPool file
@ -33,27 +33,27 @@ import Prelude
-- Takes a shared lock, blocking until the lock is available.
lockShared :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> IO LockHandle
lockShared mode file = makeLockHandle
(P.waitTakeLock P.lockPool file LockShared)
(mk <$> F.lockShared mode file)
lockShared mode file = makeLockHandle P.lockPool file
(\p f -> P.waitTakeLock p f LockShared)
(\f -> mk <$> F.lockShared mode f)
-- Takes an exclusive lock, blocking until the lock is available.
lockExclusive :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> IO LockHandle
lockExclusive mode file = makeLockHandle
(P.waitTakeLock P.lockPool file LockExclusive)
(mk <$> F.lockExclusive mode file)
lockExclusive mode file = makeLockHandle P.lockPool file
(\p f -> P.waitTakeLock p f LockExclusive)
(\f -> mk <$> F.lockExclusive mode f)
-- Tries to take a shared lock, but does not block.
tryLockShared :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
tryLockShared mode file = tryMakeLockHandle
(P.tryTakeLock P.lockPool file LockShared)
(fmap mk <$> F.tryLockShared mode file)
tryLockShared mode file = tryMakeLockHandle P.lockPool file
(\p f -> P.tryTakeLock p f LockShared)
(\f -> fmap mk <$> F.tryLockShared mode f)
-- Tries to take an exclusive lock, but does not block.
tryLockExclusive :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
tryLockExclusive mode file = tryMakeLockHandle
(P.tryTakeLock P.lockPool file LockExclusive)
(fmap mk <$> F.tryLockExclusive mode file)
tryLockExclusive mode file = tryMakeLockHandle P.lockPool file
(\p f -> P.tryTakeLock p f LockExclusive)
(\f -> fmap mk <$> F.tryLockExclusive mode f)
-- Returns Nothing when the file doesn't exist, for cases where
-- that is different from it not being locked.
@ -15,8 +15,12 @@ module Utility.LockPool.STM (
) where
import Utility.Monad
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Control.Concurrent.STM
@ -36,7 +40,9 @@ type LockHandle = TMVar (LockPool, LockFile)
type LockCount = Integer
data LockStatus = LockStatus LockMode LockCount
data LockStatus = LockStatus LockMode LockCount CloseLockFile
type CloseLockFile = IO ()
-- This TMVar is normally kept full.
type LockPool = TMVar (M.Map LockFile LockStatus)
@ -59,11 +65,11 @@ waitTakeLock :: LockPool -> LockFile -> LockMode -> STM LockHandle
waitTakeLock pool file mode = do
m <- takeTMVar pool
v <- case M.lookup file m of
Just (LockStatus mode' n)
Just (LockStatus mode' n closelockfile)
| mode == LockShared && mode' == LockShared ->
return $ LockStatus mode (succ n)
return $ LockStatus mode (succ n) closelockfile
| n > 0 -> retry -- wait for lock
_ -> return $ LockStatus mode 1
_ -> return $ LockStatus mode 1 noop
putTMVar pool (M.insert file v m)
newTMVar (pool, file)
@ -74,6 +80,16 @@ tryTakeLock pool file mode =
return Nothing
-- Call after waitTakeLock or tryTakeLock, to register a CloseLockFile
-- action to run when releasing the lock.
registerCloseLockFile :: LockPool -> LockFile -> CloseLockFile -> STM ()
registerCloseLockFile pool file closelockfile = do
m <- takeTMVar pool
putTMVar pool (M.update go file m)
go (LockStatus mode n closelockfile') = Just $
LockStatus mode n (closelockfile' >> closelockfile)
-- Checks if a lock is being held. If it's held by the current process,
-- runs the getdefault action; otherwise runs the checker action.
@ -87,7 +103,7 @@ getLockStatus pool file getdefault checker = do
v <- atomically $ do
m <- takeTMVar pool
let threadlocked = case M.lookup file m of
Just (LockStatus _ n) | n > 0 -> True
Just (LockStatus _ n _) | n > 0 -> True
_ -> False
if threadlocked
then do
@ -99,25 +115,24 @@ getLockStatus pool file getdefault checker = do
Just restore -> bracket_ (return ()) restore checker
-- Only runs action to close underlying lock file when this is the last
-- user of the lock, and when the handle has not already been closed.
-- user of the lock, and when the lock has not already been closed.
-- Note that the lock pool is left empty while the closelockfile action
-- Note that the lock pool is left empty while the CloseLockFile action
-- is run, to avoid race with another thread trying to open the same lock
-- file.
releaseLock :: LockHandle -> IO () -> IO ()
releaseLock h closelockfile = go =<< atomically (tryTakeTMVar h)
releaseLock :: LockHandle -> IO ()
releaseLock h = go =<< atomically (tryTakeTMVar h)
go (Just (pool, file)) = do
(m, unused) <- atomically $ do
(m, closelockfile) <- atomically $ do
m <- takeTMVar pool
return $ case M.lookup file m of
Just (LockStatus mode n)
| n == 1 -> (M.delete file m, True)
Just (LockStatus mode n closelockfile)
| n == 1 -> (M.delete file m, closelockfile)
| otherwise ->
(M.insert file (LockStatus mode (pred n)) m, False)
Nothing -> (m, True)
when unused
(M.insert file (LockStatus mode (pred n) closelockfile) m, noop)
Nothing -> (m, noop)
atomically $ putTMVar pool m
-- The LockHandle was already closed.
go Nothing = return ()
@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ import Utility.LockPool.STM (LockFile, LockMode(..))
{- Tries to lock a file with a shared lock, which allows other processes to
- also lock it shared. Fails if the file is exclusively locked. -}
lockShared :: LockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
lockShared file = tryMakeLockHandle
(P.tryTakeLock P.lockPool file LockShared)
(fmap mk <$> F.lockShared file)
lockShared file = tryMakeLockHandle P.lockPool file
(\p f -> P.tryTakeLock p f LockShared)
(\f -> fmap mk <$> F.lockShared f)
{- Tries to take an exclusive lock on a file. Fails if another process has
- a shared or exclusive lock.
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ lockShared file = tryMakeLockHandle
- read or write by any other process. So for advisory locking of a file's
- content, a separate LockFile should be used. -}
lockExclusive :: LockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
lockExclusive file = tryMakeLockHandle
(P.tryTakeLock P.lockPool file LockExclusive)
(fmap mk <$> F.lockExclusive file)
lockExclusive file = tryMakeLockHandle P.lockPool file
(\p -> P.tryTakeLock f LockExclusive)
(\f -> fmap mk <$> F.lockExclusive f)
{- If the initial lock fails, this is a BUSY wait, and does not
- guarentee FIFO order of waiters. In other news, Windows is a POS. -}
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ git-annex (6.20160230) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* metadata: Added -r to remove all current values of a field.
* Fix data loss that can occur when annex.pidlock is set in a repository.
* Fix bug preventing moving files to/from a repository with annex.pidlock set.
* Fix shared lock file FD leak.
-- Joey Hess <> Mon, 29 Feb 2016 13:00:30 -0400
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