2016-12-02 13:50:56 -04:00
{- P2P protocol, Annex implementation
- Copyright 2016 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
2018-03-06 15:14:53 -04:00
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, FlexibleContexts #-}
2016-12-02 13:50:56 -04:00
module P2P.Annex
2016-12-02 15:34:15 -04:00
( RunMode(..)
2016-12-06 15:40:31 -04:00
, P2PConnection(..)
2016-12-02 13:50:56 -04:00
, runFullProto
) where
import Annex.Common
import Annex.Content
2016-12-02 16:39:01 -04:00
import Annex.Transfer
2016-12-09 14:52:38 -04:00
import Annex.ChangedRefs
2016-12-02 13:50:56 -04:00
import P2P.Protocol
import P2P.IO
2016-12-02 14:49:22 -04:00
import Logs.Location
import Types.NumCopies
2016-12-08 19:56:02 -04:00
import Utility.Metered
2016-12-02 13:50:56 -04:00
import Control.Monad.Free
2016-12-02 15:34:15 -04:00
data RunMode
2016-12-09 16:27:20 -04:00
= Serving UUID (Maybe ChangedRefsHandle)
2016-12-02 15:34:15 -04:00
| Client
2016-12-02 13:50:56 -04:00
-- Full interpreter for Proto, that can receive and send objects.
2016-12-08 15:47:49 -04:00
runFullProto :: RunMode -> P2PConnection -> Proto a -> Annex (Either String a)
2016-12-06 15:40:31 -04:00
runFullProto runmode conn = go
2016-12-02 13:50:56 -04:00
go :: RunProto Annex
2016-12-10 11:12:18 -04:00
go (Pure v) = return (Right v)
2016-12-06 15:40:31 -04:00
go (Free (Net n)) = runNet conn go n
2016-12-02 15:34:15 -04:00
go (Free (Local l)) = runLocal runmode go l
2016-12-02 13:50:56 -04:00
2016-12-08 15:47:49 -04:00
runLocal :: RunMode -> RunProto Annex -> LocalF (Proto a) -> Annex (Either String a)
2016-12-02 15:34:15 -04:00
runLocal runmode runner a = case a of
2016-12-02 13:50:56 -04:00
TmpContentSize k next -> do
tmp <- fromRepo $ gitAnnexTmpObjectLocation k
size <- liftIO $ catchDefaultIO 0 $ getFileSize tmp
runner (next (Len size))
2016-12-06 15:05:44 -04:00
FileSize f next -> do
size <- liftIO $ catchDefaultIO 0 $ getFileSize f
runner (next (Len size))
2016-12-02 14:49:22 -04:00
ContentSize k next -> do
let getsize = liftIO . catchMaybeIO . getFileSize
size <- inAnnex' isJust Nothing getsize k
runner (next (Len <$> size))
2016-12-08 19:56:02 -04:00
ReadContent k af o sender next -> do
2016-12-02 14:49:22 -04:00
v <- tryNonAsync $ prepSendAnnex k
case v of
2016-12-08 19:56:02 -04:00
-- The check can detect if the file
-- changed while it was transferred, but we don't
-- use it. Instead, the receiving peer must
-- AlwaysVerify the content it receives.
2016-12-02 14:49:22 -04:00
Right (Just (f, _check)) -> do
2016-12-08 19:56:02 -04:00
v' <- tryNonAsync $
transfer upload k af $
sinkfile f o sender
2016-12-02 14:49:22 -04:00
case v' of
2016-12-08 15:47:49 -04:00
Left e -> return (Left (show e))
2016-12-08 19:56:02 -04:00
Right (Left e) -> return (Left (show e))
Right (Right ok) -> runner (next ok)
-- content not available
Right Nothing -> runner (next False)
2016-12-08 15:47:49 -04:00
Left e -> return (Left (show e))
2016-12-08 18:26:03 -04:00
StoreContent k af o l getb next -> do
2016-12-02 14:49:22 -04:00
ok <- flip catchNonAsync (const $ return False) $
2016-12-08 19:56:02 -04:00
transfer download k af $ \p ->
2016-12-06 15:05:44 -04:00
getViaTmp AlwaysVerify k $ \tmp ->
2016-12-08 19:56:02 -04:00
unVerified $ storefile tmp o l getb p
2016-12-06 15:05:44 -04:00
runner (next ok)
2016-12-08 18:26:03 -04:00
StoreContentTo dest o l getb next -> do
2016-12-06 15:05:44 -04:00
ok <- flip catchNonAsync (const $ return False) $
2016-12-08 19:56:02 -04:00
storefile dest o l getb nullMeterUpdate
2016-12-02 14:49:22 -04:00
runner (next ok)
SetPresent k u next -> do
v <- tryNonAsync $ logChange k u InfoPresent
case v of
2016-12-08 15:47:49 -04:00
Left e -> return (Left (show e))
2016-12-02 14:49:22 -04:00
Right () -> runner next
CheckContentPresent k next -> do
v <- tryNonAsync $ inAnnex k
case v of
2016-12-08 15:47:49 -04:00
Left e -> return (Left (show e))
2016-12-02 14:49:22 -04:00
Right result -> runner (next result)
RemoveContent k next -> do
2016-12-09 12:47:57 -04:00
v <- tryNonAsync $
2016-12-09 12:54:12 -04:00
ifM (Annex.Content.inAnnex k)
2016-12-09 12:47:57 -04:00
( lockContentForRemoval k $ \contentlock -> do
removeAnnex contentlock
logStatus k InfoMissing
return True
, return True
2016-12-02 14:49:22 -04:00
case v of
2016-12-08 15:47:49 -04:00
Left e -> return (Left (show e))
2016-12-02 14:49:22 -04:00
Right result -> runner (next result)
TryLockContent k protoaction next -> do
v <- tryNonAsync $ lockContentShared k $ \verifiedcopy ->
case verifiedcopy of
LockedCopy _ -> runner (protoaction True)
_ -> runner (protoaction False)
-- If locking fails, lockContentShared throws an exception.
-- Let the peer know it failed.
case v of
Left _ -> runner $ do
protoaction False
Right _ -> runner next
2016-12-09 15:08:54 -04:00
WaitRefChange next -> case runmode of
2016-12-09 16:27:20 -04:00
Serving _ (Just h) -> do
2016-12-09 15:08:54 -04:00
v <- tryNonAsync $ liftIO $ waitChangedRefs h
case v of
Left e -> return (Left (show e))
Right changedrefs -> runner (next changedrefs)
2016-12-09 16:27:20 -04:00
_ -> return $ Left "change notification not available"
2016-12-02 16:39:01 -04:00
2016-12-06 15:05:44 -04:00
transfer mk k af ta = case runmode of
2016-12-02 16:39:01 -04:00
-- Update transfer logs when serving.
2016-12-09 15:08:54 -04:00
Serving theiruuid _ ->
2016-12-08 19:56:02 -04:00
mk theiruuid k af noRetry ta noNotification
2016-12-02 16:39:01 -04:00
-- Transfer logs are updated higher in the stack when
-- a client.
2016-12-08 19:56:02 -04:00
Client -> ta nullMeterUpdate
storefile dest (Offset o) (Len l) getb p = do
let p' = offsetMeterUpdate p (toBytesProcessed o)
2016-12-08 18:26:03 -04:00
v <- runner getb
case v of
Right b -> liftIO $ do
withBinaryFile dest ReadWriteMode $ \h -> do
when (o /= 0) $
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek o
2016-12-08 19:56:02 -04:00
meteredWrite p' h b
sz <- getFileSize dest
2016-12-08 18:26:03 -04:00
return (toInteger sz == l + o)
Left e -> error e
2016-12-08 19:56:02 -04:00
sinkfile f (Offset o) sender p = bracket setup cleanup go
setup = liftIO $ openBinaryFile f ReadMode
cleanup = liftIO . hClose
go h = do
let p' = offsetMeterUpdate p (toBytesProcessed o)
when (o /= 0) $
liftIO $ hSeek h AbsoluteSeek o
b <- liftIO $ hGetContentsMetered h p'
runner (sender b)