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{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2017-2019 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, BangPatterns #-}
module Command.Export where
import Command
import qualified Annex
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.DiffTree
import qualified Git.LsTree
import qualified Git.Ref
import Git.Types
import Git.FilePath
import Git.Sha
import Types.Remote
2017-09-15 20:34:45 +00:00
import Types.Export
import Annex.Export
import Annex.Content
import Annex.Transfer
import Annex.CatFile
import Annex.RemoteTrackingBranch
import Logs.Location
import Logs.Export
import Database.Export
import Config
import Utility.Tmp
import Utility.Metered
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Concurrent
cmd :: Command
cmd = command "export" SectionCommon
"export content to a remote"
paramTreeish (seek <$$> optParser)
data ExportOptions = ExportOptions
{ exportTreeish :: Git.Ref
-- ^ can be a tree, a branch, a commit, or a tag
, exportRemote :: DeferredParse Remote
, exportTracking :: Bool
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser ExportOptions
optParser _ = ExportOptions
<$> (Git.Ref <$> parsetreeish)
<*> (parseRemoteOption <$> parseToOption)
<*> parsetracking
parsetreeish = argument str
( metavar paramTreeish
parsetracking = switch
( long "tracking"
<> help ("track changes to the " ++ paramTreeish ++ " (deprecated)")
-- To handle renames which swap files, the exported file is first renamed
-- to a stable temporary name based on the key.
exportTempName :: ExportKey -> ExportLocation
exportTempName ek = mkExportLocation $
".git-annex-tmp-content-" ++ serializeKey (asKey (ek))
seek :: ExportOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = do
r <- getParsed (exportRemote o)
unlessM (isExportSupported r) $
2017-09-04 17:55:49 +00:00
giveup "That remote does not support exports."
-- handle deprecated option
when (exportTracking o) $
setConfig (remoteConfig r "annex-tracking-branch")
(fromRef $ exportTreeish o)
tree <- fromMaybe (giveup "unknown tree") <$>
inRepo (Git.Ref.tree (exportTreeish o))
mtbcommitsha <- getExportCommit r (exportTreeish o)
2019-03-07 19:59:44 +00:00
db <- openDb (uuid r)
writeLockDbWhile db $ do
changeExport r db tree
unlessM (Annex.getState $ do
void $ fillExport r db tree mtbcommitsha
2019-03-07 19:59:44 +00:00
closeDb db
-- | When the treeish is a branch like master or refs/heads/master
-- (but not refs/remotes/...), find the commit it points to
-- and the corresponding remote tracking branch.
-- The treeish may also be a subdir within a branch, like master:subdir,
-- that results in this returning the same thing it does for the master
-- branch.
getExportCommit :: Remote -> Git.Ref -> Annex (Maybe (RemoteTrackingBranch, Sha))
getExportCommit r treeish
| '/' `notElem` fromRef baseref = do
let tb = mkRemoteTrackingBranch r baseref
commitsha <- inRepo $ Git.Ref.sha $ Git.Ref.underBase refsheads baseref
return (fmap (tb, ) commitsha)
| otherwise = return Nothing
baseref = Ref $ takeWhile (/= ':') $ fromRef $
Git.Ref.removeBase refsheads treeish
refsheads = "refs/heads"
-- | Changes what's exported to the remote. Does not upload any new
-- files, but does delete and rename files already exported to the remote.
changeExport :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> Git.Ref -> CommandSeek
changeExport r db new = do
old <- getExport (uuid r)
recordExportBeginning (uuid r) new
-- Clean up after incomplete export of a tree, in which
-- the next block of code below may have renamed some files to
-- temp files. Diff from the incomplete tree to the new tree,
-- and delete any temp files that the new tree can't use.
let recover diff = commandAction $
startRecoverIncomplete r db
(Git.DiffTree.srcsha diff)
(Git.DiffTree.file diff)
forM_ (incompleteExportedTreeishes old) $ \incomplete ->
mapdiff recover incomplete new
-- Diff the old and new trees, and delete or rename to new name all
-- changed files in the export. After this, every file that remains
-- in the export will have the content from the new treeish.
-- When there was an export conflict, this resolves it.
-- The ExportTree is also updated here to reflect the new tree.
case exportedTreeishes old of
[] -> updateExportTree db emptyTree new
[oldtreesha] -> do
diffmap <- mkDiffMap oldtreesha new db
let seekdiffmap a = commandActions $
map a (M.toList diffmap)
-- Rename old files to temp, or delete.
seekdiffmap $ \(ek, (moldf, mnewf)) -> do
case (moldf, mnewf) of
(Just oldf, Just _newf) ->
startMoveToTempName r db oldf ek
(Just oldf, Nothing) ->
startUnexport' r db oldf ek
_ -> stop
-- Rename from temp to new files.
seekdiffmap $ \(ek, (moldf, mnewf)) ->
case (moldf, mnewf) of
(Just _oldf, Just newf) ->
startMoveFromTempName r db ek newf
_ -> stop
ts -> do
warning "Resolving export conflict.."
forM_ ts $ \oldtreesha -> do
-- Unexport both the srcsha and the dstsha,
-- because the wrong content may have
-- been renamed to the dstsha due to the
-- export conflict.
let unexportboth d =
[ Git.DiffTree.srcsha d
, Git.DiffTree.dstsha d
-- Don't rename to temp, because the
-- content is unknown; delete instead.
(\diff -> commandAction $ startUnexport r db (Git.DiffTree.file diff) (unexportboth diff))
oldtreesha new
updateExportTree db emptyTree new
liftIO $ recordExportTreeCurrent db new
-- Waiting until now to record the export guarantees that,
-- if this export is interrupted, there are no files left over
-- from a previous export, that are not part of this export.
c <- Annex.getState Annex.errcounter
when (c == 0) $ do
recordExport (uuid r) $ ExportChange
{ oldTreeish = exportedTreeishes old
, newTreeish = new
mapdiff a oldtreesha newtreesha = do
(diff, cleanup) <- inRepo $
Git.DiffTree.diffTreeRecursive oldtreesha newtreesha
seekActions $ pure $ map a diff
void $ liftIO cleanup
-- Map of old and new filenames for each changed ExportKey in a diff.
type DiffMap = M.Map ExportKey (Maybe TopFilePath, Maybe TopFilePath)
mkDiffMap :: Git.Ref -> Git.Ref -> ExportHandle -> Annex DiffMap
mkDiffMap old new db = do
(diff, cleanup) <- inRepo $ Git.DiffTree.diffTreeRecursive old new
diffmap <- M.fromListWith combinedm . concat <$> forM diff mkdm
void $ liftIO cleanup
return diffmap
combinedm (srca, dsta) (srcb, dstb) = (srca <|> srcb, dsta <|> dstb)
mkdm i = do
srcek <- getek (Git.DiffTree.srcsha i)
dstek <- getek (Git.DiffTree.dstsha i)
updateExportTree' db srcek dstek i
return $ catMaybes
[ (, (Just (Git.DiffTree.file i), Nothing)) <$> srcek
, (, (Nothing, Just (Git.DiffTree.file i))) <$> dstek
getek sha
| sha == nullSha = return Nothing
| otherwise = Just <$> exportKey sha
newtype FileUploaded = FileUploaded { fromFileUploaded :: Bool }
newtype AllFilled = AllFilled { fromAllFilled :: Bool }
-- | Upload all exported files that are not yet in the remote.
-- Returns True when some files were uploaded (perhaps not all of them).
-- Once all exported files have reached the remote, updates the
-- remote tracking branch.
fillExport :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> Git.Ref -> Maybe (RemoteTrackingBranch, Sha) -> Annex Bool
fillExport r db newtree mtbcommitsha = do
(l, cleanup) <- inRepo $ Git.LsTree.lsTree Git.LsTree.LsTreeRecursive newtree
cvar <- liftIO $ newMVar (FileUploaded False)
allfilledvar <- liftIO $ newMVar (AllFilled True)
commandActions $ map (startExport r db cvar allfilledvar) l
void $ liftIO $ cleanup
case mtbcommitsha of
Nothing -> noop
Just (tb, commitsha) ->
whenM (liftIO $ fromAllFilled <$> takeMVar allfilledvar) $
makeRemoteTrackingBranchMergeCommit tb commitsha newtree
>>= setRemoteTrackingBranch tb
liftIO $ fromFileUploaded <$> takeMVar cvar
startExport :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> MVar FileUploaded -> MVar AllFilled -> Git.LsTree.TreeItem -> CommandStart
startExport r db cvar allfilledvar ti = do
ek <- exportKey (Git.LsTree.sha ti)
stopUnless (notrecordedpresent ek) $ do
showStart ("export " ++ name r) f
ifM (either (const False) id <$> tryNonAsync (checkPresentExport (exportActions r) (asKey ek) loc))
( next $ next $ cleanupExport r db ek loc False
, do
liftIO $ modifyMVar_ cvar (pure . const (FileUploaded True))
next $ performExport r db ek af (Git.LsTree.sha ti) loc allfilledvar
loc = mkExportLocation f
f = getTopFilePath (Git.LsTree.file ti)
af = AssociatedFile (Just f)
notrecordedpresent ek = (||)
<$> liftIO (notElem loc <$> getExportedLocation db (asKey ek))
-- If content was removed from the remote, the export db
-- will still list it, so also check location tracking.
<*> (notElem (uuid r) <$> loggedLocations (asKey ek))
performExport :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> ExportKey -> AssociatedFile -> Sha -> ExportLocation -> MVar AllFilled -> CommandPerform
performExport r db ek af contentsha loc allfilledvar = do
let storer = storeExport (exportActions r)
sent <- tryNonAsync $ case ek of
AnnexKey k -> ifM (inAnnex k)
( notifyTransfer Upload af $
-- Using noRetry here because interrupted
-- exports cannot be resumed.
upload (uuid r) k af noRetry $ \pm -> do
let rollback = void $
performUnexport r db [ek] loc
sendAnnex k rollback $ \f ->
storer f k loc pm
, do
showNote "not available"
return False
-- Sending a non-annexed file.
GitKey sha1k ->
withTmpFile "export" $ \tmp h -> do
b <- catObject contentsha
liftIO $ L.hPut h b
liftIO $ hClose h
storer tmp sha1k loc nullMeterUpdate
let failedsend = liftIO $ modifyMVar_ allfilledvar (pure . const (AllFilled False))
case sent of
Right True -> next $ cleanupExport r db ek loc True
Right False -> do
Left err -> do
throwM err
cleanupExport :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> ExportKey -> ExportLocation -> Bool -> CommandCleanup
cleanupExport r db ek loc sent = do
liftIO $ addExportedLocation db (asKey ek) loc
when sent $
logChange (asKey ek) (uuid r) InfoPresent
return True
startUnexport :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> TopFilePath -> [Git.Sha] -> CommandStart
startUnexport r db f shas = do
eks <- forM (filter (/= nullSha) shas) exportKey
if null eks
then stop
else do
showStart ("unexport " ++ name r) f'
next $ performUnexport r db eks loc
loc = mkExportLocation f'
f' = getTopFilePath f
startUnexport' :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> TopFilePath -> ExportKey -> CommandStart
startUnexport' r db f ek = do
showStart ("unexport " ++ name r) f'
next $ performUnexport r db [ek] loc
loc = mkExportLocation f'
f' = getTopFilePath f
-- Unlike a usual drop from a repository, this does not check that
-- numcopies is satisfied before removing the content. Typically an export
-- remote is untrusted, so would not count as a copy anyway.
-- Or, an export may be appendonly, and removing a file from it does
-- not really remove the content, which must be accessible later on.
performUnexport :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> [ExportKey] -> ExportLocation -> CommandPerform
performUnexport r db eks loc = do
ifM (allM (\ek -> removeExport (exportActions r) (asKey ek) loc) eks)
( next $ cleanupUnexport r db eks loc
, stop
cleanupUnexport :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> [ExportKey] -> ExportLocation -> CommandCleanup
cleanupUnexport r db eks loc = do
liftIO $ do
forM_ eks $ \ek ->
removeExportedLocation db (asKey ek) loc
flushDbQueue db
-- An appendonly remote can support removeExportLocation to remove
-- the file from the exported tree, but still retain the content
-- and allow retrieving it.
unless (appendonly r) $ do
remaininglocs <- liftIO $
concat <$> forM eks (\ek -> getExportedLocation db (asKey ek))
when (null remaininglocs) $
forM_ eks $ \ek ->
logChange (asKey ek) (uuid r) InfoMissing
removeEmptyDirectories r db loc (map asKey eks)
startRecoverIncomplete :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> Git.Sha -> TopFilePath -> CommandStart
startRecoverIncomplete r db sha oldf
| sha == nullSha = stop
| otherwise = do
ek <- exportKey sha
let loc = exportTempName ek
showStart ("unexport " ++ name r) (fromExportLocation loc)
liftIO $ removeExportedLocation db (asKey ek) oldloc
next $ performUnexport r db [ek] loc
oldloc = mkExportLocation oldf'
oldf' = getTopFilePath oldf
startMoveToTempName :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> TopFilePath -> ExportKey -> CommandStart
startMoveToTempName r db f ek = do
showStart ("rename " ++ name r) (f' ++ " -> " ++ fromExportLocation tmploc)
next $ performRename r db ek loc tmploc
loc = mkExportLocation f'
f' = getTopFilePath f
tmploc = exportTempName ek
startMoveFromTempName :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> ExportKey -> TopFilePath -> CommandStart
startMoveFromTempName r db ek f = do
let tmploc = exportTempName ek
stopUnless (liftIO $ elem tmploc <$> getExportedLocation db (asKey ek)) $ do
showStart ("rename " ++ name r) (fromExportLocation tmploc ++ " -> " ++ f')
next $ performRename r db ek tmploc loc
loc = mkExportLocation f'
f' = getTopFilePath f
performRename :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> ExportKey -> ExportLocation -> ExportLocation -> CommandPerform
performRename r db ek src dest =
renameExport (exportActions r) (asKey ek) src dest >>= \case
Just True -> next $ cleanupRename r db ek src dest
Just False -> do
warning "rename failed; deleting instead"
-- Remote does not support renaming, so don't warn about it.
Nothing -> fallbackdelete
fallbackdelete = performUnexport r db [ek] src
cleanupRename :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> ExportKey -> ExportLocation -> ExportLocation -> CommandCleanup
cleanupRename r db ek src dest = do
liftIO $ do
removeExportedLocation db (asKey ek) src
addExportedLocation db (asKey ek) dest
flushDbQueue db
2017-09-15 20:34:45 +00:00
if exportDirectories src /= exportDirectories dest
then removeEmptyDirectories r db src [asKey ek]
else return True
-- | Remove empty directories from the export. Call after removing an
-- exported file, and after calling removeExportLocation and flushing the
-- database.
removeEmptyDirectories :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> ExportLocation -> [Key] -> Annex Bool
removeEmptyDirectories r db loc ks
| null (exportDirectories loc) = return True
| otherwise = case removeExportDirectory (exportActions r) of
Nothing -> return True
Just removeexportdirectory -> do
ok <- allM (go removeexportdirectory)
(reverse (exportDirectories loc))
unless ok $ liftIO $ do
-- Add location back to export database,
-- so this is tried again next time.
forM_ ks $ \k ->
addExportedLocation db k loc
flushDbQueue db
return ok
go removeexportdirectory d =
ifM (liftIO $ isExportDirectoryEmpty db d)
( removeexportdirectory d
, return True