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2024-06-18 10:51:37 -04:00
{- proxying
- Copyright 2024 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Annex.Proxy where
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
import qualified Remote
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
import qualified Remote.Git
import P2P.Proxy
import P2P.Protocol
import P2P.IO
2024-06-18 10:51:37 -04:00
import Remote.Helper.Ssh (openP2PShellConnection', closeP2PShellConnection)
import Annex.Concurrent
import Annex.Tmp
import Annex.Verify
import Logs.Proxy
import Logs.Cluster
import Logs.UUID
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import Logs.Location
import Utility.Tmp.Dir
import Utility.Metered
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import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
proxyRemoteSide :: ProtocolVersion -> Bypass -> Remote -> Annex RemoteSide
proxyRemoteSide clientmaxversion bypass r
| Remote.remotetype r == Remote.Git.remote =
proxyGitRemoteSide clientmaxversion bypass r
| otherwise =
proxySpecialRemoteSide clientmaxversion r
proxyGitRemoteSide :: ProtocolVersion -> Bypass -> Remote -> Annex RemoteSide
proxyGitRemoteSide clientmaxversion bypass r = mkRemoteSide r $
openP2PShellConnection' r clientmaxversion bypass >>= \case
Just conn@(OpenConnection (remoterunst, remoteconn, _)) ->
return $ Just
( remoterunst
, remoteconn
, void $ liftIO $ closeP2PShellConnection conn
_ -> return Nothing
proxySpecialRemoteSide :: ProtocolVersion -> Remote -> Annex RemoteSide
proxySpecialRemoteSide clientmaxversion r = mkRemoteSide r $ do
let protoversion = min clientmaxversion maxProtocolVersion
remoterunst <- Serving (Remote.uuid r) Nothing <$>
liftIO (newTVarIO protoversion)
ihdl <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
ohdl <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
iwaitv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
owaitv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
iclosedv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
oclosedv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
worker <- liftIO . async =<< forkState
(proxySpecialRemote protoversion r ihdl ohdl owaitv oclosedv)
let remoteconn = P2PConnection
{ connRepo = Nothing
, connCheckAuth = const False
, connIhdl = P2PHandleTMVar ihdl (Just iwaitv) iclosedv
, connOhdl = P2PHandleTMVar ohdl (Just owaitv) oclosedv
, connIdent = ConnIdent (Just ( r))
let closeremoteconn = do
liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar oclosedv ()
join $ liftIO (wait worker)
return $ Just
( remoterunst
, remoteconn
, closeremoteconn
-- Proxy for the special remote, speaking the P2P protocol.
:: ProtocolVersion
-> Remote
-> TMVar (Either L.ByteString Message)
-> TMVar (Either L.ByteString Message)
-> TMVar ()
-> TMVar ()
-> Annex ()
proxySpecialRemote protoversion r ihdl ohdl owaitv oclosedv = go
go :: Annex ()
go = liftIO receivemessage >>= \case
Just (CHECKPRESENT k) -> do
tryNonAsync (Remote.checkPresent r k) >>= \case
Right True -> liftIO $ sendmessage SUCCESS
Right False -> liftIO $ sendmessage FAILURE
Left err -> liftIO $ propagateerror err
Just (LOCKCONTENT _) -> do
-- Special remotes do not support locking content.
liftIO $ sendmessage FAILURE
Just (REMOVE k) -> do
toward SafeDropProof expiry checking Added Maybe POSIXTime to SafeDropProof, which gets set when the proof is based on a LockedCopy. If there are several LockedCopies, it uses the closest expiry time. That is not optimal, it may be that the proof expires based on one LockedCopy but another one has not expired. But that seems unlikely to really happen, and anyway the user can just re-run a drop if it fails due to expiry. Pass the SafeDropProof to removeKey, which is responsible for checking it for expiry in situations where that could be a problem. Which really only means in Remote.Git. Made Remote.Git check expiry when dropping from a local remote. Checking expiry when dropping from a P2P remote is not yet implemented. P2P.Protocol.remove has SafeDropProof plumbed through to it for that purpose. Fixing the remaining 2 build warnings should complete this work. Note that the use of a POSIXTime here means that if the clock gets set forward while git-annex is in the middle of a drop, it may say that dropping took too long. That seems ok. Less ok is that if the clock gets turned back a sufficient amount (eg 5 minutes), proof expiry won't be noticed. It might be better to use the Monotonic clock, but that doesn't advance when a laptop is suspended, and while there is the linux Boottime clock, that is not available on other systems. Perhaps a combination of POSIXTime and the Monotonic clock could detect laptop suspension and also detect clock being turned back? There is a potential future flag day where p2pDefaultLockContentRetentionDuration is not assumed, but is probed using the P2P protocol, and peers that don't support it can no longer produce a LockedCopy. Until that happens, when git-annex is communicating with older peers there is a risk of data loss when a ssh connection closes during LOCKCONTENT.
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tryNonAsync (Remote.removeKey r Nothing k) >>= \case
Right () -> liftIO $ sendmessage SUCCESS
Left err -> liftIO $ propagateerror err
Just (PUT (ProtoAssociatedFile af) k) -> do
proxyput af k
Just (GET offset (ProtoAssociatedFile af) k) -> do
proxyget offset af k
Just (BYPASS _) -> go
Just (CONNECT _) ->
-- Not supported and the protocol ends here.
liftIO $ sendmessage $ CONNECTDONE (ExitFailure 1)
liftIO $ sendmessage $
ERROR "NOTIFYCHANGE unsupported for a special remote"
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Just _ -> giveup "protocol error"
Nothing -> return ()
receivemessage = liftIO (atomically recv) >>= \case
Right (Right m) -> return (Just m)
Right (Left _b) -> giveup "unexpected ByteString received from P2P MVar"
Left () -> return Nothing
recv =
(Right <$> takeTMVar ohdl)
(Left <$> readTMVar oclosedv)
receivebytestring = atomically recv >>= \case
Right (Left b) -> return (Just b)
Right (Right _m) -> giveup "did not receive ByteString from P2P MVar"
Left () -> return Nothing
recv =
(Right <$> takeTMVar ohdl)
(Left <$> readTMVar oclosedv)
sendmessage m = atomically $ putTMVar ihdl (Right m)
sendbytestring b = atomically $ putTMVar ihdl (Left b)
propagateerror err = sendmessage $ ERROR $
"proxied special remote reports: " ++ show err
-- Not using gitAnnexTmpObjectLocation because there might be
-- several concurrent GET and PUTs of the same key being proxied
-- from this special remote or others, and each needs to happen
-- independently. Also, this key is not getting added into the
-- local annex objects.
withproxytmpfile k a = withOtherTmp $ \othertmpdir ->
withTmpDirIn (fromRawFilePath othertmpdir) "proxy" $ \tmpdir ->
a (toRawFilePath tmpdir P.</> keyFile k)
-- Verify the content received from the client, to avoid bad content
-- being stored in the special remote.
proxyput af k = do
liftIO $ sendmessage $ PUT_FROM (Offset 0)
withproxytmpfile k $ \tmpfile -> do
let store = tryNonAsync (Remote.storeKey r k af (Just (decodeBS tmpfile)) nullMeterUpdate) >>= \case
Right () -> liftIO $ sendmessage SUCCESS
Left err -> liftIO $ propagateerror err
liftIO receivemessage >>= \case
Just (DATA (Len len)) -> do
iv <- startVerifyKeyContentIncrementally Remote.AlwaysVerify k
h <- liftIO $ openFile (fromRawFilePath tmpfile) WriteMode
gotall <- liftIO $ receivetofile iv h len
liftIO $ hClose h
verified <- if gotall
then fst <$> finishVerifyKeyContentIncrementally' True iv
else pure False
if protoversion > ProtocolVersion 1
then liftIO receivemessage >>= \case
Just (VALIDITY Valid)
| verified -> store
| otherwise -> liftIO $ sendmessage FAILURE
Just (VALIDITY Invalid) ->
liftIO $ sendmessage FAILURE
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_ -> giveup "protocol error"
else store
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_ -> giveup "protocol error"
liftIO $ removeWhenExistsWith removeFile (fromRawFilePath tmpfile)
receivetofile iv h n = liftIO receivebytestring >>= \case
Just b -> do
liftIO $ atomically $
putTMVar owaitv ()
readTMVar oclosedv
n' <- storetofile iv h n (L.toChunks b)
-- Normally all the data is sent in a single
-- lazy bytestring. However, when the special
-- remote is a node in a cluster, a PUT is
-- streamed to it in multiple chunks.
if n' == 0
then return True
else receivetofile iv h n'
Nothing -> return False
storetofile _ _ n [] = pure n
storetofile iv h n (b:bs) = do
writeVerifyChunk iv h b
B.hPut h b
storetofile iv h (n - fromIntegral (B.length b)) bs
proxyget offset af k = withproxytmpfile k $ \tmpfile -> do
-- Don't verify the content from the remote,
-- because the client will do its own verification.
let vc = Remote.NoVerify
tryNonAsync (Remote.retrieveKeyFile r k af (fromRawFilePath tmpfile) nullMeterUpdate vc) >>= \case
Right _ -> liftIO $ senddata offset tmpfile
Left err -> liftIO $ propagateerror err
senddata (Offset offset) f = do
size <- fromIntegral <$> getFileSize f
let n = max 0 (size - offset)
sendmessage $ DATA (Len n)
withBinaryFile (fromRawFilePath f) ReadMode $ \h -> do
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek offset
sendbs =<< L.hGetContents h
-- Important to keep the handle open until
-- the client responds. The bytestring
-- could still be lazily streaming out to
-- the client.
sendbs bs = do
sendbytestring bs
when (protoversion > ProtocolVersion 0) $
sendmessage (VALIDITY Valid)
waitclientresponse =
receivemessage >>= \case
Just SUCCESS -> return ()
Just FAILURE -> return ()
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Just _ -> giveup "protocol error"
Nothing -> return ()
{- Check if this repository can proxy for a specified remote uuid,
- and if so enable proxying for it. -}
checkCanProxy :: UUID -> UUID -> Annex Bool
2024-07-28 16:04:20 -04:00
checkCanProxy remoteuuid ouruuid = do
ourproxies <- M.lookup ouruuid <$> getProxies
checkCanProxy' ourproxies remoteuuid >>= \case
Right v -> do
Annex.changeState $ \st -> st { Annex.proxyremote = Just v }
return True
Left Nothing -> return False
Left (Just err) -> giveup err
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checkCanProxy' :: Maybe (S.Set Proxy) -> UUID -> Annex (Either (Maybe String) (Either ClusterUUID Remote))
checkCanProxy' Nothing _ = return (Left Nothing)
checkCanProxy' (Just proxies) remoteuuid =
case filter (\p -> proxyRemoteUUID p == remoteuuid) (S.toList proxies) of
[] -> notconfigured
ps -> case mkClusterUUID remoteuuid of
Just cu -> proxyforcluster cu
Nothing -> proxyfor ps
-- This repository may have multiple remotes that access the same
-- repository. Proxy for the lowest cost one that is configured to
-- be used as a proxy.
proxyfor ps = do
rs <- concat . Remote.byCost <$> Remote.remoteList
myclusters <- annexClusters <$> Annex.getGitConfig
let sameuuid r = Remote.uuid r == remoteuuid
let samename r p = r == proxyRemoteName p
case headMaybe (filter (\r -> sameuuid r && proxyisconfigured rs myclusters r && any (samename r) ps) rs) of
Nothing -> notconfigured
Just r -> return (Right (Right r))
-- Only proxy for a remote when the git configuration
-- allows it. This is important to prevent changes to
-- the git-annex branch causing unexpected proxying for remotes.
proxyisconfigured rs myclusters r
| remoteAnnexProxy (Remote.gitconfig r) = True
-- Proxy for remotes that are configured as cluster nodes.
| any (`M.member` myclusters) (fromMaybe [] $ remoteAnnexClusterNode $ Remote.gitconfig r) = True
-- Proxy for a remote when it is proxied by another remote
-- which is itself configured as a cluster gateway.
| otherwise = case remoteAnnexProxiedBy (Remote.gitconfig r) of
Just proxyuuid -> not $ null $
concatMap (remoteAnnexClusterGateway . Remote.gitconfig) $
filter (\p -> Remote.uuid p == proxyuuid) rs
Nothing -> False
proxyforcluster cu = do
clusters <- getClusters
if M.member cu (clusterUUIDs clusters)
then return (Right (Left cu))
else notconfigured
notconfigured = M.lookup remoteuuid <$> uuidDescMap >>= \case
Just desc -> return $ Left $ Just $
"not configured to proxy for repository " ++ fromUUIDDesc desc
Nothing -> return $ Left Nothing
2024-07-26 10:24:23 -04:00
mkProxyMethods :: ProxyMethods
mkProxyMethods = ProxyMethods
{ removedContent = \u k -> logChange k u InfoMissing
, addedContent = \u k -> logChange k u InfoPresent