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# shell
The `shell` module provides functions related to desktop integration.
An example of opening a URL in the user's default browser:
const shell = require('electron').shell;
## Methods
The `shell` module has the following methods:
### `shell.showItemInFolder(fullPath)`
* `fullPath` String
Show the given file in a file manager. If possible, select the file.
### `shell.openItem(fullPath)`
* `fullPath` String
Open the given file in the desktop's default manner.
### `shell.openExternal(url[, options])`
* `url` String
Open the given external protocol URL in the desktop's default manner. (For
example, mailto: URLs in the user's default mail agent.) Returns true if an
application was available to open the URL, false otherwise.
On Mac OS X, you can pass additional options to openExternal:
- withoutActivation: Pass true to open the URL without bringing the
application into the foreground.
### `shell.moveItemToTrash(fullPath)`
* `fullPath` String
Move the given file to trash and returns a boolean status for the operation.
### `shell.beep()`
Play the beep sound.