renamed a few occurances of "web page" to "renderer" renamed a few files that had "browser" in their name to "main-process" note that there are still many occurances of web page.
4.7 KiB
This module has only been implemented for OS X.
Check out atom/grunt-atom-shell-installer for building a Windows installer for your app.
The auto-updater
module is a simple wrap around the
Squirrel.Mac framework.
Squirrel.Mac requires that your .app
folder is signed using the
utility for updates to be installed.
Squirrel is an OS X framework focused on making application updates as safe and transparent as updates to a website.
Instead of publishing a feed of versions from which your app must select, Squirrel updates to the version your server tells it to. This allows you to intelligently update your clients based on the request you give to Squirrel.
Your request can include authentication details, custom headers or a request body so that your server has the context it needs in order to supply the most suitable update.
The update JSON Squirrel requests should be dynamically generated based on criteria in the request, and whether an update is required. Squirrel relies on server side support for determining whether an update is required, see Server Support.
Squirrel's installer is also designed to be fault tolerant, and ensure that any updates installed are valid.
Update Requests
Squirrel is indifferent to the request the client application provides for
update checking. Accept: application/json
is added to the request headers
because Squirrel is responsible for parsing the response.
For the requirements imposed on the responses and the body format of an update response see Server Support.
Your update request must at least include a version identifier so that the server can determine whether an update for this specific version is required. It may also include other identifying criteria such as operating system version or username, to allow the server to deliver as fine grained an update as you would like.
How you include the version identifier or other criteria is specific to the server that you are requesting updates from. A common approach is to use query parameters, like this:
// On the main process
var app = require('app');
var autoUpdater = require('auto-updater');
autoUpdater.setFeedUrl('http://mycompany.com/myapp/latest?version=' + app.getVersion());
Server Support
Your server should determine whether an update is required based on the Update Request your client issues.
If an update is required your server should respond with a status code of 200 OK and include the update JSON in the body. Squirrel will download and install this update, even if the version of the update is the same as the currently running version. To save redundantly downloading the same version multiple times your server must not inform the client to update.
If no update is required your server must respond with a status code of 204 No Content. Squirrel will check for an update again at the interval you specify.
Update JSON Format
When an update is available, Squirrel expects the following schema in response to the update request provided:
"url": "http://mycompany.com/myapp/releases/myrelease",
"name": "My Release Name",
"notes": "Theses are some release notes innit",
"pub_date": "2013-09-18T12:29:53+01:00",
The only required key is "url", the others are optional.
Squirrel will request "url" with Accept: application/zip
and only supports
installing ZIP updates. If future update formats are supported their MIME type
will be added to the Accept
header so that your server can return the
appropriate format.
if present must be formatted according to ISO 8601.
Event: checking-for-update
Emitted when checking for update has started.
Event: update-available
Emitted when there is an available update, the update would be downloaded automatically.
Event: update-not-available
Emitted when there is no available update.
Event: update-downloaded
Emitted when update has been downloaded, calling quitAndUpdate()
would restart
the application and install the update.
Set the url
and initialize the auto updater. The url
could not be changed
once it is set.
Ask the server whether there is an update, you have to call setFeedUrl
using this API.