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Debugging the Main Process
The browser window DevTools can only debug the renderer process scripts (i.e.
the web pages). In order to provide a way to debug the scripts from the main
process, Electron has provided the --debug
and --debug-brk
Command Line Switches
Use the following command line switches to debug Electron's main process:
When this switch is used Electron will listen for V8 debugger protocol
messages on port
. The default port
is 5858
Like --debug
but pauses the script on the first line.
Use node-inspector for Debugging
Note: Electron doesn't currently work very well
with node-inspector, and the main process will crash if you inspect the
object under node-inspector's console.
1. Make sure you have node-gyp required tools installed
2. Install node-inspector
$ npm i node-inspector
3. Install a patched version of node-pre-gyp
$ npm i git+https://git@github.com/enlight/node-pre-gyp.git#detect-electron-runtime-in-find
4. Recompile the node-inspector
modules for electron (change the target to your electron version number)
$ node_modules/.bin/node-pre-gyp --target=0.36.2 --runtime=electron --fallback-to-build --directory node_modules/v8-debug/ --dist-url=https://atom.io/download/atom-shell reinstall
$ node_modules/.bin/node-pre-gyp --target=0.36.2 --runtime=electron --fallback-to-build --directory node_modules/v8-profiler/ --dist-url=https://atom.io/download/atom-shell reinstall
See also How to install native modules.
5. Enable debug mode for Electron
You can either start Electron with a debug flag like:
$ electron --debug=5858 your/app
or, to pause your script on the first line:
$ electron --debug-brk=5858 your/app
5. Start the node-inspector server using electron
$ ATOM_SHELL_INTERNAL_RUN_AS_NODE=1 path/to/electron.exe node_modules/node-inspector/bin/inspector.js
6. Load the debugger UI
Open in the Chrome browser. You may have to click pause if starting with debug-brk to see the entry line.