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2017-07-26 13:02:40 -07:00
## Class: Menu
2016-04-21 15:39:12 -07:00
> Create native application menus and context menus.
2016-11-23 11:20:56 -08:00
Process: [Main](../glossary.md#main-process)
2016-11-03 10:26:00 -07:00
### `new Menu()`
Creates a new menu.
### Static Methods
The `menu` class has the following static methods:
#### `Menu.setApplicationMenu(menu)`
* `menu` Menu | null
Sets `menu` as the application menu on macOS. On Windows and Linux, the
`menu` will be set as each window's top menu.
Passing `null` will remove the menu bar on Windows and Linux but has no
effect on macOS.
**Note:** This API has to be called after the `ready` event of `app` module.
#### `Menu.getApplicationMenu()`
Returns `Menu | null` - The application menu, if set, or `null`, if not set.
**Note:** The returned `Menu` instance doesn't support dynamic addition or
removal of menu items. [Instance properties](#instance-properties) can still
be dynamically modified.
#### `Menu.sendActionToFirstResponder(action)` _macOS_
* `action` String
Sends the `action` to the first responder of application. This is used for
2017-03-30 11:08:12 -07:00
emulating default macOS menu behaviors. Usually you would just use the
[`role`](menu-item.md#roles) property of a [`MenuItem`](menu-item.md).
See the [macOS Cocoa Event Handling Guide](https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/EventOverview/EventArchitecture/EventArchitecture.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/10000060i-CH3-SW7)
for more information on macOS' native actions.
#### `Menu.buildFromTemplate(template)`
* `template` MenuItemConstructorOptions[]
Returns `Menu`
Generally, the `template` is just an array of `options` for constructing a
[MenuItem](menu-item.md). The usage can be referenced above.
You can also attach other fields to the element of the `template` and they
will become properties of the constructed menu items.
### Instance Methods
The `menu` object has the following instance methods:
#### `menu.popup([browserWindow, options])`
2017-02-16 11:18:13 -08:00
* `browserWindow` BrowserWindow (optional) - Default is the focused window.
* `options` Object (optional)
* `x` Number (optional) - Default is the current mouse cursor position.
2017-06-05 08:55:42 -07:00
Must be declared if `y` is declared.
2017-06-03 14:50:10 +10:00
* `y` Number (optional) - Default is the current mouse cursor position.
2017-06-05 08:55:42 -07:00
Must be declared if `x` is declared.
* `positioningItem` Number (optional) _macOS_ - The index of the menu item to
be positioned under the mouse cursor at the specified coordinates. Default
is -1.
Pops up this menu as a context menu in the `browserWindow`.
2017-02-16 11:18:13 -08:00
#### `menu.closePopup([browserWindow])`
* `browserWindow` BrowserWindow (optional) - Default is the focused window.
Closes the context menu in the `browserWindow`.
#### `menu.append(menuItem)`
* `menuItem` MenuItem
Appends the `menuItem` to the menu.
2017-09-26 21:14:16 -04:00
#### `menu.getMenuItemById(id)`
* `id` String
2017-09-26 21:30:27 -04:00
Returns `MenuItem` the item with the specified `id`
2017-09-26 21:14:16 -04:00
#### `menu.insert(pos, menuItem)`
* `pos` Integer
* `menuItem` MenuItem
Inserts the `menuItem` to the `pos` position of the menu.
### Instance Properties
`menu` objects also have the following properties:
#### `menu.items`
2017-07-24 10:29:03 +02:00
A `MenuItem[]` array containing the menu's items.
Each `Menu` consists of multiple [`MenuItem`](menu-item.md)s and each `MenuItem`
can have a submenu.
2013-08-14 15:43:35 -07:00
## Examples
2013-08-14 15:43:35 -07:00
The `Menu` class is only available in the main process, but you can also use it
in the render process via the [`remote`](remote.md) module.
### Main process
2013-08-14 15:43:35 -07:00
An example of creating the application menu in the main process with the
2015-08-28 16:19:28 -07:00
simple template API:
2013-08-14 15:43:35 -07:00
2015-09-02 09:19:18 +08:00
2016-10-10 23:01:35 -07:00
const {app, Menu} = require('electron')
const template = [
2013-08-14 15:43:35 -07:00
label: 'Edit',
submenu: [
2017-03-30 11:07:59 -07:00
{role: 'undo'},
{role: 'redo'},
{type: 'separator'},
{role: 'cut'},
{role: 'copy'},
{role: 'paste'},
{role: 'pasteandmatchstyle'},
{role: 'delete'},
{role: 'selectall'}
2013-08-14 15:43:35 -07:00
label: 'View',
submenu: [
2017-03-30 11:07:59 -07:00
{role: 'reload'},
{role: 'forcereload'},
{role: 'toggledevtools'},
{type: 'separator'},
{role: 'resetzoom'},
{role: 'zoomin'},
{role: 'zoomout'},
{type: 'separator'},
{role: 'togglefullscreen'}
2013-08-14 15:43:35 -07:00
2015-09-02 09:19:18 +08:00
role: 'window',
2013-08-14 15:43:35 -07:00
submenu: [
2017-03-30 11:07:59 -07:00
{role: 'minimize'},
{role: 'close'}
2013-08-14 15:43:35 -07:00
2015-09-02 09:19:18 +08:00
role: 'help',
submenu: [
label: 'Learn More',
click () { require('electron').shell.openExternal('https://electronjs.org') }
2015-09-02 09:19:18 +08:00
2013-08-14 15:43:35 -07:00
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
2015-09-02 09:19:18 +08:00
2016-10-10 23:01:35 -07:00
label: app.getName(),
2015-09-02 09:19:18 +08:00
submenu: [
2017-03-30 11:07:59 -07:00
{role: 'about'},
{type: 'separator'},
{role: 'services', submenu: []},
{type: 'separator'},
{role: 'hide'},
{role: 'hideothers'},
{role: 'unhide'},
{type: 'separator'},
{role: 'quit'}
2015-09-02 09:19:18 +08:00
2017-03-30 11:07:59 -07:00
// Edit menu
2017-03-30 11:07:59 -07:00
{type: 'separator'},
label: 'Speech',
submenu: [
2017-03-30 11:07:59 -07:00
{role: 'startspeaking'},
{role: 'stopspeaking'}
2017-03-30 11:07:59 -07:00
// Window menu
template[3].submenu = [
2017-03-30 11:07:59 -07:00
{role: 'close'},
{role: 'minimize'},
{role: 'zoom'},
{type: 'separator'},
{role: 'front'}
2015-09-02 09:19:18 +08:00
const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template)
2013-08-14 15:43:35 -07:00
### Render process
Below is an example of creating a menu dynamically in a web page
(render process) by using the [`remote`](remote.md) module, and showing it when
the user right clicks the page:
<!-- index.html -->
const {remote} = require('electron')
const {Menu, MenuItem} = remote
const menu = new Menu()
menu.append(new MenuItem({label: 'MenuItem1', click() { console.log('item 1 clicked') }}))
menu.append(new MenuItem({type: 'separator'}))
menu.append(new MenuItem({label: 'MenuItem2', type: 'checkbox', checked: true}))
window.addEventListener('contextmenu', (e) => {
}, false)
2016-06-18 15:26:26 +02:00
## Notes on macOS Application Menu
2016-06-18 15:26:26 +02:00
macOS has a completely different style of application menu from Windows and
2016-07-12 21:50:43 -07:00
Linux. Here are some notes on making your app's menu more native-like.
2015-08-28 16:19:28 -07:00
### Standard Menus
2016-07-12 21:50:43 -07:00
On macOS there are many system-defined standard menus, like the `Services` and
2015-09-02 09:19:18 +08:00
`Windows` menus. To make your menu a standard menu, you should set your menu's
2017-05-02 09:05:07 -07:00
`role` to one of the following and Electron will recognize them and make them
become standard menus:
2015-09-02 09:19:18 +08:00
* `window`
* `help`
* `services`
2015-08-28 16:19:28 -07:00
### Standard Menu Item Actions
2016-06-18 15:26:26 +02:00
macOS has provided standard actions for some menu items, like `About xxx`,
2015-09-02 09:19:18 +08:00
`Hide xxx`, and `Hide Others`. To set the action of a menu item to a standard
action, you should set the `role` attribute of the menu item.
2015-08-28 16:19:28 -07:00
### Main Menu's Name
2016-07-12 21:50:43 -07:00
On macOS the label of the application menu's first item is always your app's
name, no matter what label you set. To change it, modify your app bundle's
`Info.plist` file. See
[About Information Property List Files][AboutInformationPropertyListFiles]
for more information.
2016-02-01 00:28:44 +08:00
## Setting Menu for Specific Browser Window (*Linux* *Windows*)
The [`setMenu` method][setMenu] of browser windows can set the menu of certain
2016-07-12 21:50:43 -07:00
browser windows.
2016-02-01 00:28:44 +08:00
2015-08-28 16:19:28 -07:00
## Menu Item Position
2015-08-28 16:19:28 -07:00
You can make use of `position` and `id` to control how the item will be placed
when building a menu with `Menu.buildFromTemplate`.
2015-08-28 16:19:28 -07:00
The `position` attribute of `MenuItem` has the form `[placement]=[id]`, where
`placement` is one of `before`, `after`, or `endof` and `id` is the unique ID of
an existing item in the menu:
* `before` - Inserts this item before the id referenced item. If the
referenced item doesn't exist the item will be inserted at the end of
the menu.
* `after` - Inserts this item after id referenced item. If the referenced
item doesn't exist the item will be inserted at the end of the menu.
* `endof` - Inserts this item at the end of the logical group containing
2015-08-28 16:19:28 -07:00
the id referenced item (groups are created by separator items). If
the referenced item doesn't exist, a new separator group is created with
the given id and this item is inserted after that separator.
2015-08-28 16:19:28 -07:00
When an item is positioned, all un-positioned items are inserted after
it until a new item is positioned. So if you want to position a group of
menu items in the same location you only need to specify a position for
the first item.
### Examples
2016-08-16 14:50:21 -07:00
2015-06-09 18:08:27 +02:00
{label: '4', id: '4'},
{label: '5', id: '5'},
{label: '1', id: '1', position: 'before=4'},
{label: '2', id: '2'},
{label: '3', id: '3'}
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
2016-08-16 14:50:21 -07:00
2015-06-09 18:08:27 +02:00
{label: 'a', position: 'endof=letters'},
{label: '1', position: 'endof=numbers'},
{label: 'b', position: 'endof=letters'},
{label: '2', position: 'endof=numbers'},
{label: 'c', position: 'endof=letters'},
{label: '3', position: 'endof=numbers'}
- ---
- a
- b
- c
- ---
- 1
- 2
- 3
2015-09-02 09:19:18 +08:00
[AboutInformationPropertyListFiles]: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/general/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Articles/AboutInformationPropertyListFiles.html
2016-03-31 16:49:59 -07:00
[setMenu]: https://github.com/electron/electron/blob/master/docs/api/browser-window.md#winsetmenumenu-linux-windows