*`accelerometerSupport` string - Can be `available`, `unavailable`, `unknown`.
*`bounds` [Rectangle](rectangle.md) - the bounds of the display in DIP points.
*`colorDepth` number - The number of bits per pixel.
*`colorSpace` string - represent a color space (three-dimensional object which contains all realizable color combinations) for the purpose of color conversions.
*`depthPerComponent` number - The number of bits per color component.
*`detected` boolean - `true`` if the display is detected by the system.
*`displayFrequency` number - The display refresh rate.
*`id` number - Unique identifier associated with the display. A value of of -1 means the display is invalid or the correct `id` is not yet known, and a value of -10 means the display is a virtual display assigned to a unified desktop.
*`internal` boolean - `true` for an internal display and `false` for an external display.
*`maximumCursorSize` [Size](size.md) - Maximum cursor size in native pixels.
*`nativeOrigin` [Point](point.md) - Returns the display's origin in pixel coordinates. Only available on windowing systems like X11 that position displays in pixel coordinates.