Replacing the smart quotes in the translation with `"` to fix a test failure.
This is the only translation for the `DotnetCliHomeUsed` key containing the
smart quotes.
Unfortunately, a change went in after the loc deadline that reverted a previous
change to `src/dotnet/commands/dotnet-publish/LocalizableStrings.resx`. The
change was to put back the `SelfContainedOptionDescription` key.
Because translation occurred without this key in the resx file, so simply running
the `UpdateXlf` target would cause `SelfContainedOptionDescription` to show up
as "new" without any translations.
I've manually fixed the translations for this key to restore the previous
translation state, which was "needs review" because of small changes that were
made to the string much earlier in 2.1.4xx development. This way at least the
old translations which are only slightly out of date are restored, rather than
having no translations at all.
* release/2.1.4xx:
Add XSLT Transform for apphost (#9609)
Update date test according to MicrosoftNETSdkPackageVersion update
Update MicrosoftNETCoreAppPackageVersion
Update SDK to 2.1.400-preview-63110-09
Revert implementation of the --mode option for the publish command.
Updating the WebSdk from aspnet/websdk/2.1.4xx
Removing 'Locked-file' test; CLI:release/2.1.3xx (#9604)
Log a verbose message when DOTNET_CLI_HOME is being used.
To avoid sign check whitelist apphost.exe name changes very build. Sign check uses File Id in MSI as whitelist name. Template apphost.exe get a new "File Id" in msi different every time (since File Id is generated according to file path, and file path has version number). Use XSLT tranform to match the file path contains "AppHostTemplate\apphost.exe" and give it the same ID all the time.
This commit reverts the implementation of the `--mode` option for the `dotnet
publish` command. A bug in the apphost prevents this feature from working
properly in some cases and there currently is not a mechanism to service it
with this feature.
The team has decided to move this feature to 2.2.1xx for the .NET Core SDK.
This commit logs a diagnostic message when the `DOTNET_CLI_HOME` variable is
used. This enables users to determine where first-run-experience and global
tool files are being written to.