Replace the base image with an updated one that now contains
clang 3.9 with PGO support and also the new git. So we don't
need to build it here anymore.
"IsLinuxDistroSpecific" was used only to decide whether to publish zip/tar files - changes to "PublishArchives" & includes RedHat 6 per 'DerivedHostMachineInfo.props'
"IslinuxPortable" was used to decide, among other things, whether to publish the installer packages - changes to "PublishNativeInstallers" & excludes RedHat 6 per 'DerivedHostMachineInfo.props'
* dotnet/release/2.0.0: (29 commits)
Updating the CLI branding to 2.0.3
Fixing merges.
Removing the trailing '\r' for bash shells; commit hash.
Removing the trailing '\r' for bash shells.
Changing ItAddsFxVersionAsAParamWhenTheToolHasThePrefercliruntimeFile to expect 2.0.0 as the runtime version.
Fixing 'librarypath'
Update the installation scripts in release/2.0.0 branch.
Insert SDK 2.0.2-vspre-20170921-5
Insert SDK 2.0.2-vspre-20170915-1
MSBuild 15.4.7
Updating the websdk version to 2.0.0-rel-20170908-653
Insert NuGet Build 4.4.0-preview3-4475 into cli
Remove out of support ubuntu1610
Removing extra line feeds...
Turning on the NuPkg publishing from Win x86
The enumeration of the nupkg packages depends on that the creation of packages has already occurred.
Trivial change to start a VSO build
Push the 'VS.Redist.Common.Net.Core.SDK*.nupkg' packages to blob storage.
Remove EOL openSuSE 42.1
Trigger build
* release/2.0-vs: (22 commits)
Insert SDK 2.0.2-vspre-20170921-5
Insert SDK 2.0.2-vspre-20170915-1
MSBuild 15.4.7
Updating the websdk version to 2.0.0-rel-20170908-653
Insert NuGet Build 4.4.0-preview3-4475 into cli
Remove out of support ubuntu1610
Removing extra line feeds...
Turning on the NuPkg publishing from Win x86
The enumeration of the nupkg packages depends on that the creation of packages has already occurred.
Trivial change to start a VSO build
Push the 'VS.Redist.Common.Net.Core.SDK*.nupkg' packages to blob storage.
Remove EOL openSuSE 42.1
Trigger build
Trigger build
Sign additional files
Update CLI_NETSDK_Version SDK to 2.0.2-vspre-20170825-1
Dummy commit to trigger CI due to 20170824.1 publish nuget time out 20170824.1
Insert NuGet Build 4.4.0-preview1-4434 into cli
Update to SDK build which includes NuGet 4.4.0-preview1-4365
Insert NuGet Build 4.4.0-preview1-4365 into cli
There were two issues. One was that additional arguments that are not
recognized by the script were incorrectly passed as a single
argument in single-quotes to msbuild.
The second issue was that when LD_LIBRARY_PATH was not set, the script was failing due to its using of the "set -u"
option that prevents usage of unset variables.