The shared framework packages will want to install to the same root
directory as the "dotnet" package itself. Augment the package_tool
script to look for a json key named `install_root` and use that if
specificed, falling back to `/usr/share/$PACKAGE_NAME` when it is not
Update .exe's project.json Target Framework from dnxcore50 to netstandardapp1.5.
Update .dll's project.json Target Framework from dnxcore50 to netstandard1.3.
Adding workaround for DataContractSerialization to src\dotnet\project.json to fix crossgen issue.
Build 23901 has a dependency issue that doesn't allow the runtime.any.System.Private.DataContractSerialization
package to be restored. When we move to a new build of CoreFX we should take this workaround out.
CentOS tests were blocked due to issue
It has been fixed with the latest NetStandardLibrary, hence upgrading from 1.0.0-rc2-23616 to 1.0.0-rc2-23704.
With this fix the native shims are correctly restored by dnx for RID centos.7-x64.
A tool which searches recursively for project.json files,
runs a set of analyses and reports on the result.
For CLI we have only one rule currently, that Dependencies
between projects must be equivalent to avoid stomping.